Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 38

09 Church of the God of Light

“Yumiera, are there any plans for today?”

“Isn’t there anything special, don’t you return to your territory?”

At breakfast, Patrick and I were discussing today’s schedule. I have nothing to do in the royal capital, so I want to return home quickly.

“I think a messenger will be coming from the Royal Castle soon. It’s necessary to go to the Royal Castle and it’s necessary to work from here.”

“Since your Majesty is busy, there is no business for one of the local nobles.”

I thought I had to go to the Royal Castle and say hello to the King or Queen, but I don’t want to go if possible. You will know that I am in the royal city, and I will not move unless there is contact from the other side.

Patrick says in a stunned voice.

“One of the noble local aristocrats does not drive off the army alone”

“You just ran away, didn’t you? I also did Patrick and Liu, not just me.”

“Well, visually, Liu might be the best.”

“Visually? You’re cute and lost your will to fight?”

Liu’s cuteness will make everyone love peace. But weird, the neighboring army withdrew with fear of us. After all I am the cause? Liu should not be scared.

Patrick freezes for a moment and sighs.

“Oh, I know there are places where Liu is cute.”

“Is there only a cute place?”

“… Whether you go to the castle or not. Give up because the messenger will come around today.”

“If you say that, it’s really coming, so quit.”

They come because I think they will come. I pray with all my might that no messenger from the Royal Castle will come.

Then, Rita in a hurry entered the room without knocking. It seems like a hurry.

“I see you”

“Hello, are you a guest from Ojo?”

“No, not-

Alright, I thought I couldn’t, but my prayer passed. Thank God.

So who came? I tried to ask Rita, but the customer in the example entered the dining room without permission. The door is quickly opened.

“I came to play! I thought that there was Mr. Yumiera in the early hours! I was truly a big hit!”

Ellenora Hillrose, had completely forgotten her presence. It might be better to go to the castle.

Good Patrick, turn back. He glanced for help, and he told Eleanor.

“Miss Eleanor, I promised to go out with Yumiera today.

“Well, I wish I could tell you if Yumiera-san was on a date!”

Please let me know if you have the right time. Well, you could repel the troublesome lady. After all Patrick can rely on it.

“Elenora, that’s what it’s like, so come and take it again.”

“Of course I won’t disturb you in love! Where are you two? Well, just for reference …

Eleanor blushes and says, I don’t hesitate to say I usually get married to the prince, but blush on a date. This is getting embarrassing.

I have not decided where to go, so I will answer appropriately.

“Um … with the royal capital as appropriate.”

“Walk for two? Isn’t it a good carriage, but it’s good to walk alone. The area with the church is quiet and nice.”

“Is it a church? I’ve never been.”


Ellenora was really surprised. Speaking of which, the church has never been. There should have been a small church in the city of Dorknes, but of course I haven’t.

The most popular religion in this country is Sanonism, a religion that worships the god of light. There are other indigenous religions that worship the four major deities, such as water and fire.

It’s not a strict monotheism, so even if you have unbelief,

“I can never have been to church …”

Eleanor covers her mouth with her hand. Even if there is no shock …

Patrick, like me, should not be as religious. Looking at him, he was as appalling as Eleanora.

“Maybe Yumiela has never been to church?”

“Yes, yeah.

“There’s no good reason, but it’s too …”

No, there is no chance to go. What do you do when you go to church? Pray? Unfortunately, I prayed to God … God, sorry.

I do not expect to be pulled so far, so I will excuse.

“No, no, I didn’t have the opportunity to go when I was little, and nobody went with me.”

Oh, I’m getting sad to say it myself.

Patrick held my right hand with both hands. Eleanor shook my left hand.

“I’ll go with you!”

“Oh, let’s go with three people”

I’m happy because everyone cares. I just don’t want to go to the Church of the God of Light.

◆ ◆ ◆

The three of us were traveling in the carriage on which Eleanor was riding. I sigh the sigh I was about to leave without noticing them.

Sanonism, the Church of the God of Light, only a bad feeling. I am confident about being disliked by light attributes. Light attributes are my weakness and demon.

“Is it okay? I suppose it will be purified and disappear.”

“It’s okay to be relieved. If there’s light, darkness … what? Well, because the great priest was talking about that kind of feeling.”

I have no idea what I’m trying to say. Or rather a great priest? Is she acquainted with such a great person?

“Does Eleanor go to church often?”

“I’m going every week. I know you already.”

It is surprising that Eleanor was a devout person. He said he turned to Patrick.

“I’ve only been to the church of the royal city once, often in the territory.”

“Why didn’t you go?”

“The royal capital has only the headquarters of Sanonism, and it’s brilliant … I don’t like the atmosphere that is hard to reach except for nobles.”

Are you going there right now? Sometimes my stomach is getting hurt.

Eleanor looks out the window and says:

“I’ll be there soon, Patrick says, but anyone can enter the church.”

I also go outside through the small window of the carriage. The majestic architecture there was so huge that it could not fit in the small windows. Oh, I’ve seen it from afar. Was that a church?

It’s impossible for ordinary people to enter there. Incidentally I don’t want to enter either.

When we get off the carriage, Eleanor heads off to the church entrance.

“Let’s go!”

Walk at least as late as possible with resistance. Watching them go inside, I might just go home.

But Patrick was walking alongside me. Stop it, how is it to be a gentleman to slow down the pace of a slow girl? If you are a caring man, shouldn’t you just go ahead?

“What do you hate, Yumiera?”

“Another … Patrick will open the door anyway, right?”

“I can always open the door, but …”

He pulls a chair and puts his jacket on when it’s a bit chilly. Yes, Patrick doesn’t know the woman. It’s not just good to be kind. Like.

I went to church with my fiance … Maybe this is a wedding?

It would be better to go in separately from Patrick to still show something different.

I went to church fast



Banged forehead to something. It hurts quite strangely. Even if you accidentally bump into an object, the object is usually broken and I shouldn’t hurt or itch.

If you stick your hand forward, you will be blocked by an invisible wall.

Patrick sticks his hand out like me, but doesn’t seem to touch invisible walls. My hands are moving curiously.

Eleanor, who has been numb, has returned because we are not coming at all.

“How long will you keep me waiting … Yumiera is amazing! @ Pantomime is good”


Eleanor reaches for the wall, but is not hindered by anything.

Is it a wall that only I cannot pass through, rejected by the God of Light? Okay, stand up to the challenge.

“A wall that only Yumiela can’t pass, a magical tool or something about the barrier …. Hey, what are you going to do?”

“Because I just hit a little.”

I don’t know what this is, but touching means being physical, that is, being beaten, and more specifically, being breakable.

I can’t lose Yumiera Dorknes like an invisible wall. This is a matter of pride.

Hold your right hand firmly.

Ask the young priest to jump out of the church and shout.

“Wait, wait! I’m stopping the Barrier Magic!”

It’s too late. I thrust my fist with all my might.

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