Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 37

08-Bard and Chu-Nichi disease

The day after Prince Edwin and Eleanora came to the mansion, I was wandering around the capital city.

It was easy to imagine that Eleanora would hit the house today. And there’s also Rita when you’re in the mansion.

Well, I don’t hate strolling without deciding the destination. It’s my hobby to find suspicious stores that sell weird things. Oh, I wonder if the items that can open the level upper limit have dropped.

“I wish Patrick had been brought.”

Words leaked from my mouth unconsciously.

He had gone alone, saying he would come to the Ashburton mansion in the royal city. I regret that I should have followed it. If you go somewhere on the way home, it looks like a date. No, is it a date? Isn’t dating a dungeon?

When I was walking in the back alley as I was about to go, when I noticed I was on a familiar boulevard.

What I went to today was a back alley, where nothing happened.

I don’t really like the main street, so I walk while watching the shops that line the eaves on the left and right. I was very prominent today because I don’t have a hat on.

The bread smells good and stops unexpectedly. Speaking of which, it’s about time for lunch.

Today, Patrick was out of the house and told Rita that he didn’t need lunch. I’m not hungry to that point, maybe I should eat some bread.

I follow the smell and arrive at a fancy bakery facing the main street.

When I opened the door of the shop, the sound of Karan Koron and a spicy bell sounded.

The shopkeeper was a girl who looked a few years younger than me. Is this the daughter here?

“Welcome … Welcome!”

She greeted with a conditional reflex and looked up at me, but she rephrased immediately.

Yes, that’s the usual guy. You’re scared.

Finish shopping and withdraw. I grab one sandwich wrapped in paper and place some copper coins on the counter with my free hand.

“Is this enough? I’ll do it now.”

“Oh, please wait!”

I had already put my hand on the door, and I was stopped by a girl and turned around. that? Did you run out of money? I was going to give you a little more.

The girl opens her mouth, staring at my face.

“That’s Yumiela Dorknes, right? Thank you for defeating the Demon King!”

“Oh, no, how are you?”

You suddenly get tired of it. I never thought I would be thankful in such a place.

The girl leaned at me and offered her hand. e? what? Isn’t money enough after all?

“Is it okay to have a handshake! Oh, no, I’m sorry to the Earl. Forget now.”

“I wish it was just a handshake …”

I know that people in the kingdom know that I was involved in the defeat. However, the popular citizen is Prince Edwin, and my presence is weak. That is also what I wanted.

So it’s a mystery that she looks like my fan.

Somehow embarrassing, but gives out one hand. She holds my hand with both hands and moves up and down.

“I yearn for Yumiera-sama. It’s charming to follow a dragon, and it’s nice to use the magic of darkness. Do you have the real power that is sealed? ”

Oh, I’m just prying on this guy. I don’t need the popularity of middle two diseases.

“No, I don’t have that kind of thing.”

If I flatly deny, she will openly look disappointed. Don’t be so depressed.

“… I’m sorry to hear something strange”

“No, I’m sorry.”

What am I apologizing for? The bakery girl still says something. What next time?

“What’s wrong?”

“Um, your bill is not enough. Can you give me one more copper coin?”

“… I’m sorry. I’ll come again.”

I leave her handing a copper coin to her.

……not high? Is it about twice the market price? I told you to come again, but I don’t want to go again, so I hate fashionable shops. You are paid for the stylish interior, not the product, that is absolutely strange! …… What am I fighting?

Suddenly, I walked in search of a place to eat a sandwich. You can eat while walking separately, but this is still noble.

After a short walk with lunch, I found a good place. The intersection of the main streets of the royal city is like a square. I sat down on a bench in one corner.

Sip a sandwich while listening to the bard singing in the center of the square.

“What a terrific thing.”

A mutter leaked from my mouth. At first glance it is a normal mixed sand but it is really delicious. If you compare it, well, a beam comes out of your mouth. Well, I don’t. I made a mistake, but I can’t give it.

I’m sorry I’m sorry that I’m a sick girl.

As soon as I finished lunch, I heard the bard singing while carving the bakery firmly on my head. It is a story of a prince confronting the Demon King.

For some time, a black-haired dragon was used as a supporting role … The song ended without coming out. that?

Looking at the center of the square, the people listening to the song were sparse. After the song, there is almost no twist.

I stand up and walk in front of the bard man. The people around me who noticed me hurriedly leave him.

The man was depressed and turned down, staring at a slight twist. Throw gold coins into his sight.

He is surprised and stares to bite the gold coins.

“Eh !? Coin !?”

“Yes, I wish you could play the song now at my house.”

He thought he was a noble lady calling a bard at home, and he looked up at me with his face shining.

“Oh, are you nobles? By all means …”

He looked at my face and exclaimed. He talks gently to his face.

“The prince, the saint, and two of your friends … it was a song of four people, right? I’ve never heard of that, so I thought I’d love to hear it in detail.”

“Hi, Hii”

The man turns his face blue and his teeth rattle. Are you too scared? I just tried to surprise you a little.

“No, I don’t do anything. I just really want to listen.”

“The real thing …?”

What is real?

It took some time for the bard man to settle down. People are returning to the deserted open space.

“I don’t know what you say, but I’m definitely Yumiera Dorknes. It’s real.”

“Yes, sorry.”

“No, I don’t want you to apologize … I wanted to hear why I didn’t appear in your song.”

I have no intention of promoting the achievements of the defeat. But it’s a bit of a chore to be told I wasn’t in the battle a year ago.

I wanted as many people as possible to know that I, the black-haired, fought the Demon King in order to eliminate one of the goals that I might not be able to achieve, one that hates black hair.

It is important that Mr. Yumiera confronted the Demon King, and she may feel more scared with Yumiera who is stronger than the Demon King. It is difficult to find salt plums around.

The man opened his mouth with a shudder.

“Um … I don’t know how to make the Count appear. I have a similar feeling to my colleagues …”

“Is it difficult to put out?-What is it?”

“The Earl looks and attributes …

The man stopped, but he knew roughly what he wanted to say. I’m just a villain.

In this world, especially the creations of this country, black-haired people frequently appear as villains. The demons and the witches use the dark magic to get to the protagonist.

Treating me as an ally may be a bit uncomfortable as if there is a demon in Momotaro’s servant.

I may not be able to do so because I am not amiable. But next to me, a mascot-like being, a charming and pretty being.

“I understand why it’s hard to tell the story. How about I’m Liu … not a dragon bonus?”

“Ah, dragons are more like enemies. I’ve seen black dragons, but that’s exactly …”

Oh? What exactly? Such a lovely dragon will have been decided to be an ally.

First of all, let’s leave Liu alone and think about ways to dispel the bad image of darkness and the like.

Aside from that, there is nothing dangerous about darkness. It doesn’t spread like fire, and it doesn’t get so wet like water.

When the subject is restrained, melted, skewered, or extinguished without question and answer, there is little adverse effect on the surroundings.

There is no point in talking about it. Until now, there was only one person who said that the dark attribute was cool. I just met. She is a bakery girl with a sickness.

But, I don’t want the dark attribute to seem like a medium.

Originally, let’s just make a suggestion to a bard man.

“Ah, it’s only half the story, but how about thinking about black hair and darkness being cool?”

“vice versa?”

“They are swallowed by the power of darkness, or they have set up their hands against the abominable power to defeat the nemesis …”

I’m getting embarrassed to say it myself. He tries to forget, but he opens his mouth with bright eyes.

“It’s good! Very good! The dragon messenger in front of the Demon King is likely to be swallowed by his own power. The power of his fellows has saved it!

Is the deviation from the fact too great? Ignoring me pulling him, he keeps talking.

“Evil power is sealed in my arm, and I will break the seal to save my friends from crisis. It is a hot development! I have to make a story from scratch!”

“……It was good”

The middle two illnesses are called “disease” and are transmitted. I wish everyone who heard his song his immunity was high.

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