Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 40

11 Territorial reform proposal

The next day after returning from church, I was spending time in bed as a gurgling. Anyway, Eleanor will come today. Don’t waste your energy.

Lay down on your back, staring at the ceiling, sticking out your fist into the sky. This shadow boxing has no special meaning. Really somehow.

Left and right. The punch that I put out really makes a noise. The strings of fluorescent lamps that fought many times in the previous life will not have a lot if they receive this.

“You’re misunderstood because you’re doing such oddities.”

“Everyone will do it?”

I had no conversation, so I forgot because I was going. There was Patrick in this room. He is sitting at the edge of the bed and watching my punches.

What a hell, it’s impossible to get into the maiden’s bed with a calm face. I am a delicate girl of my age. I really care about that.

But Patrick is calm. Maybe I’m not conscious?

No, he’s just a man. Even now, a wolf is gazing at me with a thrill, and yawns. I’m relaxing.

This is a scene that mobilizes my charm and seduces him. Surprise is basic, it’s worse to eat.

“Hey Patrick, I seem drunk.”


“… It’s a liquor, isn’t it a ship?”

“Did you drink?”

“I’m not drinking”

……Strange. Patrick, who can no longer endure his heart pounding, was supposed to escape barefoot. What went wrong?

Looking up at the ceiling and thinking about my cause of defeat, I hear a voice from nearby.

“What are you thinking this time?”

He turned his face sideways and saw Patrick’s face in front of him. He was lying side by side with me. It’s called bed-sharing.


I left Patrick reflexively, leaking a sad voice. There is no soft mattress where you escape while rolling. It falls from the bed to the floor.

Surprise is sneaky. Did I run away barefoot?

“Are you okay?”

“……All right”

“Not so surprised”

“I’m not surprised, isn’t it? Somehow … I just wanted to roll.”

I stand up, pretending to have nothing to do. Yes, I just wanted to roll. My previous life was Panjang Drum.

Patrick looks at me with a terrified face.

I’m ashamed so let’s divert. Switch to a serious face, turn around and talk seriously.

“Patrick, are you talking about territorial reform right now?”

“… I’m not talking about that.”

“Do you care about the territory, the territory, the Dorknes family?”

“That’s right … oh, it was a story about territorial reform that I understood.”

Patrick laughs annoyingly.

Okay, I was able to divert to a serious story with a very natural flow. I may have a speech talent. But for some reason, his gentle gaze hurt.

“So what? Yumiera has any ideas?”

There’s no reason, it’s just a story that came out right away … I think if you say something like that, you’ll be angry at it, so I’ll desperately think about it.

But I can’t think of it. I couldn’t help talking to Damon. Here, the idea of one big reversal does not come out.

There is no way to absolutely succeed in territorial management. If such things exist, lords all over the country will not be in trouble. The Dorknes territory does not have such a specialty.

Oh, I want somebody’s advice. Is there anyone who is familiar with local territorial management somewhere?

“Yes, what about Ash Baton?-Are you doing anything special?”

“Isn’t it anything? Nothing special. There’s nothing special to call it.”

“Huh? Is that OK?”

“The situation is different from the territory of Dorknes. The support for border defense is received from the center, and the size of the territory is above all.”

Indeed, does the role itself differ from the border territory that borders the neighboring countries? If Ash Baton puts national defense first, what is Dorkness …? Is it the prosperity of the territory? If the territory prospers and the inhabitants become rich, tax revenue will increase.

And the difference in scale is probably a matter of area. More precisely, it is the area of agricultural land that can be habitable. In our territory, where there is no industry other than agriculture, the size of the fields is directly linked to the population.

In short, if there is plenty of untouched land, food production, people and tax revenue will increase.

After thinking so, a clear approach came to mind. For now only one.

“Ah! I just need to enlarge my territory.”

“… the invasion war is no use”

“If not!”

Why do you think in such a noisy direction? It is not the area of the territory, but the area of the arable land.

I present a peaceful and productive plan. And maybe it’s realistic. I can do it.

“I’m going to increase the arable land, which will increase the population and increase tax revenues.

“Oh, I guess you’re doing farmland development or anywhere.”

“But it hasn’t done much, right?”

“Well … well, the population and food production are trending slightly up across the kingdom, but that has not changed dramatically.”

That is as expected. It has a history of farming on this land for hundreds of years since the kingdom was formed, and thousands of years for humans. Land for agriculture is rough, and it will be the best time to finish plowing.

What remains is barren land, mountainous land, and land where monsters infest and live in a very habitable environment. No matter how much time and money you invest to get them in order, you won’t get a return.

But what if you could change the terrain in an instant? I can do it.

“Use my power to flatten your territory! Eliminate mountains, dig rivers, annihilate monsters!”

It is a perfect theory without any gaps. If I wrote a dissertation on this theme, I might be a person at a conference.

And he is good at leveling. With my strength and magic, I don’t need dynamite or ice.

Patrick says with a shy face.

“Hey, are you serious? I’m kidding?”

“I said a little over, but the outline is like that.”

It was too much to make the territory full flat. I know that the environment will be messed up. If there is no difference in elevation, the river does not flow, and the water volume of the river is finite. Even if you hunt some monsters in some places, they will spring up one after another.

However, if you choose a place, and find a pristine place because of the hassle, budget, etc., it will be a useful grain area.

But Patrick says with a sober face.

“I don’t have the budget to do that. If I have Yumiera, the cultivation itself will be fine. But besides, the village facilities and fields will need to be improved, and no matter how much money I will have, the harvest of the new village will be stable. We need help before we do that. ”

“Don’t worry about money”

I’m not starting a new business because I want tax revenue. Rather, tax rates have fallen since I became lord.

My goal is to enrich the entire territory. We will pay the necessary expenses without any notice.

“No, money is important. Yumiela could borrow as much money from other places as possible.”

“I don’t owe debt. Patrick, you know, money … if you dive in the dungeon, you get infinite.”

“I’m sorry I can’t deny it.”

For me, the level is unquestionable, dungeons are factories that make money. In the dungeon, valuable items such as the barrier magic tool in the church are sleeping. The theory is unknown, but the treasure chests are relocated each time they enter.

Of course, national and global capital is finite, so someday the limits will come. For the time being, however, the territory can be managed with dungeon funds.

“Hey, isn’t it a problem?”

“I can say it’s like Yumiera …”

I think he is right. After thinking variously, it was eventually solved by brute force, and that alone has survived until now. The wisdom is squeezed by the weak, and the strong pass without wisdom. Fuhaha.

When I was so happy, Patrick seemed to come up with something.

“What do people do? Even if you develop a new village, you have to gather the villagers there.”


Land is reserved by me, money is also provided by me, but not by people alone.

Was it a bad idea full of holes? But I wonder if I can’t manage it because I give up.

“Well, do you want to recruit immigrants from other villages?”

“I don’t think there’s enough people here. We’ve heard stories about villages splitting because of the gathering from different villages.”

I wonder if there are wandering people wandering in search of a safe place. The land of promise is in our territory.

“So why bring people from other territories? There must be places where there is not enough land, right?”

“I think if you look for it, but the lord there will not be a good face. Yumiela will not complain directly-”

“It’s kinda … half like it would be a threat.”

I don’t want to say people like things, but for the lord, not only the territory but also the people are property. Naturally, it would seem bad if you take it without permission. I do not want to force myself against the background.

“It’s difficult, so what I can do now is to expand the existing village.”

“Yes, the villages are not saturated at the moment, so I think it will work.”

Conclusion, things did not change much. The talk was concluded in the direction of maintaining and expanding the surrounding village.

Making the world flat is likely to be a long way off.

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