Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 41

12 The merit of disease

After talking to Patrick about the territorial reform, I rushed again to Gorogo Time. He is kicked out of bed and sitting on a chair reading a book. The bed, which is my sanctuary, must be protected.

Patrick suddenly raises his eyes from the book.

“Would you go somewhere if you have time?”

“The weather is nice too”

I get up and move to the window. Above the royal capital, there was a sky without clouds.

One point, a black shadow appears in the blue-blue sky. The shadow that pops out of this mansion becomes smaller in a flash.

“Oh, Liu is out.”

Laissez-faire may have passed, but I don’t know where Liu usually goes. Even when I was at school, I was flying alone somewhere during class.

I haven’t kept Liu in the last few days, so I’m wondering where my beloved child is heading.

I open the windows and lean out.

“I’ll chase after Liu.

“So don’t get out of the window … come back by night!”

“Do you get it!”

While listening to Patrick’s voice on his back, he steps on the window sill and jumps up to the roof.

Liu is flying slowly, but is already quite far away. If you go down to the ground and chase along the road, you are likely to lose sight.

This will only have to fly in the sky.

I stepped back to the top of the roof, ran down the runway, and flew to the roof of my neighbor.

I land on the roof of my neighbor and run again to the next residence.

Chase the back of Liu while jumping from roof to roof.

“Ah, this is fun”

I wonder if I should fly the roof. Why haven’t you noticed so far?

I have no wings. The aerial maneuver that emits magical power can only change posture and momentum, and cannot fly off into the air.

This may be the only good thing about the royal capital, as it can only be done in places where the buildings are overcrowded.

Chase after Liu while jumping in the sky of the royal city.

However, it cannot track in a straight line because it avoids fragile buildings. As I repeated the detour, I lost sight of the flying black shadow.

“Well, I know the general direction.”

It’s not that the distance has gone away. Liu must have descended close to the city walls, even inside or outside the royal capital.

With a rough touch, head towards the outer perimeter of the royal capital.

I discovered Liu outside the city walls surrounding the royal city. There are guards at the four gates, but you can check the carriage’s cargo, and people can enter and leave freely.

In other words, it means that there is no meaning to the wall except for an emergency, and that people are not controlled unless there is a large baggage … What can I say, can I jump over the wall? That’s.

After jumping over the roof of the house, I landed on the wall. Alright, alive. The ground is now magma, so it died when it fell. If there was a curb or white line even if it fell, it might have been saved.

“That’s … Phil?”

Phil is a boy I met in the royal capital before. I came across where she was bullied for her dark brown hair.

There were a few other boys on the meadow just outside the wall.

They are swinging wooden sticks and playing while talking. Pretend play or childish and cute.

What pretend? Is Liu really an enemy? It’s very cute, but it’s a dragon. Such a child is watching the exchange of boys with interest.

“Guu, dwelling in my right hand, the power of darkness …”

“Take it tight, don’t be swallowed!”

… They are less than ten years old. Disease develops too early. I can’t overlook the boys in front of them when they think they’ll spend that way until they become adults.

I will never jump off the wall and approach them.

First Liu, then Phil noticed my presence. He says with a surprised face.

“Ah! Yumiera!”

“Who is this sister?”

One of the three boys, including Phil, said recklessly. Phil reluctantly closes his mouth.

You’ll be fine, don’t mind what your kids say. Huh, this is room for adults.

“Oh, if you say that because you are a noble-”

“Okay, just use the usual wording.”

“Well, what did she come to?”

The blond boy turns his gaze on me. I’m so suspicious or scary … I’m too confident. Until now, I’ve lived just because of that misunderstanding.

As he was wondering how to trust him, he added.

“Ryu is our friend! It’s not good for nobles to take you!”

I am very impressed now. Oh beautiful, friendship between humans and dragons. There is a child who thinks so much about my child.

Liu is crazy about butterflies fluttering in front of her face. Oh, I ate.

It would be better to ask Phil than I could directly misunderstand. He turned his gaze to him. Explain to the blond boy.

“Well, this person is Liu’s … mom? So it’s okay.”

“Eh? Is that a dragon messenger !?”

“Yes, maybe.”

“Dude! You’re a person with the power of darkness sealed in your right hand?”

The boy’s suspicious look has changed completely, with his eyes shining like the sun and looking at me. His pure gaze was so dazzling and painful.

It was not my fault. The illness may be spreading to the royal capital.

“… Isn’t it sealed? Where did you hear that story?”

“I heard my singing brother talking in the square. Is it yesterday yesterday?”

Two days before I met the bard, my job was too early. And it’s not affected.

Blond children are susceptible to being childish, so an adult fill is fine.

“Did you hear Phil?”

“Yes! I heard the song and knew about Yumiela right away. Liu came out too! I’m cool!”

Different boys. The story is being adapted and almost remains intact. Information literacy education may be needed.

The last hope is another boy. He who hasn’t spoken a word since the last time is silent or shy. You must know that your two friends are doing embarrassing things.

“You? What did you think after hearing the story?”

“… zuzuku”


“… my evil eye squats, the time of fate has come.”

It was the most severe. He holds his left eye down with his hand and says something bumpy. Did you reach this level in two days? I think children grow up fast.

I have to help me wake up for their future. If I deny one of the causes, this local epidemic will subside.

“I don’t think it’s so cool, is there something a little better?”

“Do you want to mix with your sister?”


The blond boy doesn’t seem to be ginger, but she seems to be saying. So it’s different.

Wait, I can’t help but just deny them. It is only with some alternatives and the creation of new epidemics that this catastrophe can be improved.

Something … for kids, for kids … Sentai things? I don’t know much. Do you do your best there?

I jump high while rotating, like a figure skating jump, and land with only one foot. A quadruple accelerator, the right hand is a piece in front of the face.

“Magical girl, Yumiera is here!”

… Oh, I want to die. Please kill someone It’s not a visit but a misery.

The three boys freeze upon seeing my curse. What is Liu doing? And I look a little suspiciously.

After the silence of hell, Phil opens his mouth silently.

“Have you ever looked like Yumiera-san from around?”

“Yeah, the direction is different.”

“… I’m leaving.”

In both cases, I think itai is another pain. I’m not going to ask which one is more painful, because it’s just digging each other’s wounds.

Thus, their two diseases were completely cured.

I was watching the boys who climb and play on Liu’s body from a distance. Sit on the ground and sigh while holding your knees.

When I did something like Sunday morning, I felt like Monday morning.

“Are you okay?”

The lord of the voice from the side was Phil. I’m a really kind child, I’m glad I grew up straight, despite my past being bullied for my dark brown hair.

“Yeah, okay. Better than that, make friends”


“How long have you been friends?”

“It’s just yesterday.”

day before yesterday! ? While they should have been like long-time best friends … Whether children get along fast or their communication skills are high.

When asked about the situation, he told me what happened yesterday.

“Two days ago, Yumiela heard the song of the protagonist in the open space, and then the dark hair was cool and the two of them called out … so I had a friend other than Liu Thanks to Yumiera. ”

Well, was the bard in the case the cause? No matter how embarrassing the story is, if anyone can be saved with it …

I thought that middle illness was not bad.

“That’s it? But then, it’s the end of the time when Nakaji looks cool.”

“that is……”

Phil cloudes his face with anxiety.

Did you do something extraordinarily superfluous? However, my anxiety will be resolved immediately.

Suddenly, the two boys came close to me. Both of them grab Liu’s tail and say while being dragged.

“That’s not true! I and Phil are already friends, right!”

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