Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 42

13 Change of school director …….

Today is the fifth day after coming to the royal capital. No messenger from the Royal Castle has yet arrived.

Patrick says it is imperative to show his Majesty the King and the Queen, but isn’t it safe to go?

I’m sure you’re busy, I don’t want to take action.

I was thinking, but finally came. The royal messengers

I and Patrick go straight to the reception. Waiting there was the director of the Royal Academy.

“Huh? What did the school director do?”

“It’s been a long time, Patrick has been to Yumiera-san, because I’m no longer the school principal.”

“It was extraordinary.”

“Yeah, just returned to work.”

He stuck a smiley face on his face, and I think he was an aide to His Majesty the King. The name of the house is not revealed and he is a mysterious person.

He was sent to school as a liaison between me and His Majesty, and he no longer needs to be the school director. I think I had resigned from the position of school principal upon my graduation.

Me and Patrick sit side by side with him.

“Principal …. Former Principal, what kind of business are you using today?”

“… maybe you don’t remember my name?”

“No way, that’s …”

What? I can’t remember as much as hair. Until now, I had always called the school director, so it was not remembered.

Patrick quickly opens his mouth when in trouble.

“If I’m not the school director, should I call him Ronald?”

“No, I don’t fear that much. Please feel free to contact me.”

As expected Pato. The sound of Ronald Gakuen is familiar.

“So, what kind of business is Ronald?”

“I didn’t remember that, right?”

“No, I remember properly. I have good memory.”

Ronald’s glance pierces the eyes of Patrick and Ronald. A liar is the beginning of a thief, and one of them is a thief.

Ronald took out a single envelope. It is handed the royal wax stamp.

“this is?”

“The Queen’s invitation to a tea ceremony, I’m alone with peace of mind.”

It’s nervous when you’re alone … No, isn’t it more difficult with another daughter?

Your Majesty and the Queen are trying to make contact in a way I don’t hate. There should be some calculations, but I’m grateful, so I enjoy it.

Looking at the faintly scented envelope, I said.

“When is the date and time?”

“Tomorrow, if it’s not convenient, I’ll change …”

“Then tomorrow is fine.”

“Tomorrow, it’s only Yumiera who says she can have a tea party with Her Majesty at any time.”

The date and time will be written in the letter, but I’ll check with Ronald for a reply. The Queen might have anticipated it and sent him out.

The fact that you do not want to be involved with the royal family as much as you have said has not been hidden. I guess it’s a barre anyway, just like I forgot the name of the school director.

Ronald says with a deeper smile, she feels a bit depressed tomorrow to go to the castle. Is there something still?

“And there’s one more thing I’ve come to want to know. Do you know the Sanonian church in the royal capital, and the Barrier Magic there?”

“Yes, it broke just two days ago … I confirmed the existence. What happened?”

“Hmm, it was two days ago, so yesterday, hey.”

What happened to my nemesis, the barrier magic tool? Eventually, we had a rematch and what if we could get it if we could.

Ronald says lightly as usual.

“Well, it looks like the magic tool was stolen.”

Patrick’s face turns around here. It may have sounded green.

“Che, no. I’m not doing anything.”

What came out of my mouth was the line of the culprit. But it’s really different. He said he wanted it, but he didn’t imitate stealing it.

Looking at my suspicious behavior, Patrick sharpens her eyes even further.

“No, hey, I don’t want to go inside the church. I don’t even know where to store the magical tools in the first place. My purpose is to settle with that, so if I steal it, I’ll break it.”

I argued quickly and would have been objectively very suspicious. If I was in another position, I would conclude that I was the culprit.

Patrick speaks nothing, but desperately advocates I’m extra suspicious.

Maybe you could be falsely accused? Looking at the glance, Ronald laughs as usual.

“I don’t doubt Yumiera. I just wanted to make sure two days ago that there was really a barrier.”

“Yes, I thought I’d break it, but I’m not thinking about stealing it.”

“You can’t break it, right?”

Don’t break the barrier, you know. But whether to do it is another story. Even if the world’s back finger is pointed to, even if the whole world becomes an enemy, there are things that humans have to do.

Mr. Ronald explained in detail that I was renewing my resolve.

“The Cardinal was checking the magic in the morning and evening, and was found stolen last night. I didn’t even know that there was a barrier, so I thought I’d make sure I was there before meeting Yumiera.”

“The barrier was certainly there. It was so hard. I will win someday.”

“So I shouldn’t break it …”

Then the criminal time was around noon yesterday and there was an alibi at that time. I am innocent.

Patrick turns away from me, noticing that.

“Hey? I’m not doing it, right?”

“… I don’t say anything.”

“Who’s the one who stole my magic?”

“It’s your thing … you’re not really doing it?”

Patrick is really doubtful. I want you to trust me more.

In fact, Ronald didn’t even doubt me from the beginning. He spoke of why he was convinced I was innocent.

“Because Yumiela was outside the wall yesterday. The royal capital inhabited the area where he returned straight to this mansion.”

“Hey? Hey? Not me, right?”

“Oh, I understand. I’m sorry.”

Patrick honestly apologizes. that? This composition he apologizes to seems unusual. The reverse pattern is usually the majority.

You may now hear unreasonable requests about how to take advantage of this opportunity. I’ll do sneaky things for love.

When I have such a delusion, Ronald opens her mouth a little hard to say.

“I’d like to tell you that you shouldn’t jump over the wall now?-I’m just recording the number of people coming and going.”

Patrick’s expression changes suddenly and returns to his usual style.

“Yumiela, don’t jump over the walls. Don’t jump around the roof.”

“No, it’s irrelevant to go over the wall and move on the roof, right? Because I think the wall did jump over the ground.”

“… It is forbidden to go in and out of windows.”

Reversal, how did this happen? Patrick, who talks a little bit with her, is like a mother, and her love for a hundred years cools down. I have no relationship with him because of this relationship.

The problem is that roof movement is banned. That is ridiculously fun, so I want him to experience it. If you experience it for the first time, Patrick’s thinking will surely change. Only once, only once!

Pretend to be remorseful and listen to his words, thinking about how to drag Patrick into the swamp of air movement.

The storm passed relatively early because of Ronald. Patrick says that he has missed the story and encourages him to continue.

“I’m really glad that Patrick was there. Only you can stop the runaway of Yumiera.”

“Runaway? I’ll change my behavior if I say it properly?”

“… It seems to be very difficult, including that. Well, this is the end of the story. If I see a barrier magic tool, maybe I’ll tell you.”

The stolen church treasure is a grave event. I should join the search. In the process, there is more than any chance that a rematch between Me and the Barrier could be accomplished by accident, by accident, by a small mistake.

I express my overflowing motivation.

“I would like to actively seek out. What is the shape of the magic tool itself? Please provide any other clues. Please include a list of people who visited the church yesterday.”

“… I don’t have to look for Yumiera anymore. I’ve felt that it’s more dangerous that you’ve found it. Don’t tell anyone about this?-Because it’s confidential information, only the top layers of the country and church are known That’s right. ”

Unfortunately, search cooperation has been turned down.

But who is Ronald who knows such sensitive information and is also under investigation? I’m also worried why I don’t give my home name stubbornly. I don’t think there will be any ordinary people.

Did he see through my thoughts, he said with a smile.

“I think it’s useless to find out who I am, because there are so few people who know more than the barriers.”

If you say that, you will be more worried. He is a young man who is trusted by His Majesty’s aides to see his work.

No way, your Majesty’s hidden child? I understand why there is no family name.

“Isn’t it like your Majesty’s secret child? I’m used to it because there are quite a few things that seem like that.”

I didn’t say anything, but was denied proactively. No matter how much you use your imagination, no other theory appears.

Is it just wasteful to think as he says, and when I think so, a loud voice can be heard from the hallway. Wow, come again. Involuntarily, Patrick faces her face.

Unlike Patrick, Ronald doesn’t seem to know what’s going on. Looking at the door curiously.

“Noisy. Did something happen?”

“It’s always the case. I’ll be here soon.”

As expected, the hustle and bustle of the mansion is approaching. As I and Patrick imagined, the door was hurled open.

“I came to play!”

Why can you be so aggressive in a dress? Eleanor steadily enters the room.

Looking at Ronald’s glance, he saw Eleanor and was stuck. Eleanor also looks at him and curls his eyes when he thinks it’s natural to be surprised.

“Why is your brother at Yumiera’s house?”

Brother? Ronald is Eleanor’s brother? So, is he the son of the Duke of Hillrose?

He in the middle of the whirlpool says with a smile.

“Hello, Eleanor, since school.”

“Huh? I saw you last time, right?”

“What is it? A teacher and a former student should not meet outside the school.”

“Ah! I couldn’t tell my brother!”

“I’m mistaken for my brother, hahaha”

No, I won’t be deceived.

After a brief pause, Eleanor first opened his mouth.

“So, why is my brother … here’s the school principal?”

Is she willing to deceive?

Looking into doubt, Eleanor’s brother raises his hands and says,

“Oh, I’ve been concealed until now …. Yes, I’m Ronald Hillrose. I’m hiding my family name and doing my Majesty’s aide.”

Unusual for him, he has a grumpy expression.

I was really surprised that his identity, of course, had been able to hide their relationship.

I’m wondering how Eleanor passed through without rags, but what you should ask is why he hid his name.

The lack of exposure to the surroundings means that he grew up far away from the Hillrose family from a fairly small time. What did the Duke, who would have given that direction, do so far?


“My father, Duke of Hillrose’s idea. I’ll live as a person unrelated to the duke family for a lifetime.”

“Is there a reason?”

“Of course. When I was asked, I thought it was a no-brainer, but now I am grateful.

Ronald gives an ambiguous answer to my vague question. I don’t see any reason why he hides his home name, but I wonder if he could dig his root.

In aristocratic society where family names are emphasized, they live with their last names hidden. There is nothing so painful. Surely, there is a lot of intricate, deep circumstances.

“Well, I understand. It’s irrelevant to me, I don’t hear it anymore, I never tell anyone.”

“It’s irrelevant, but it’s helpful, thank you.”

Why is there an implication in the “irrelevant” part? I guess it was before I was born, so I couldn’t be involved.

Such thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Looking at the direction of the sound, Eleanora was about to leave the room. Ronald stops.

“Elenora, I want to talk to my cute little sister after a long absence”

“Are you angry?”

“No, I’m not going to get angry.”

“It’s absolutely a lie! There are times when your brother smiles and is scared!”

Eleanor a few days ago, her older brother said that her expression would not change. Well, Ronald is laughing as usual, but there is something amazing.

Ellenora turned to me for help, as he was laughing and angry.

“Yumiera, I have a promise with Yumiera! I can’t be my brother!”

She looks at me and winks a lot. Are you going to signal?

Ronald is also caught and looks at me. Smile scared.

“Is there a promise?”

“No, I’m worried that Eleanor would come every day without warning.”

“Why don’t you rent a room? I have something I want to talk to.”

“Please, please use this room. We will leave.”

I leave Eleanora and leave. I’m guilty because Patrick came silently.

Well, I’m not outrageed, and most of all, I’ll help if this reduces her raids.

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