Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 43

14 Duke of Hillrose

The day after Ronald turned out to be Eleanor’s brother, the son of the Duke of Hillrose, I was alone at the Royal Castle.

I got off the pick-up carriage and sighed looking up at the Royal Castle after a long absence. Well, it can’t be helped. Just talk back with the Queen and go home.

You will be guided to a small room on the upper floor of the castle, where you have come before. This is a calm atmosphere even in the glorious royal castle, so I really like it.

In the room, the queen was waiting for a tea set alone.

“Oh Yumiera, it’s been a long time.”

“It’s been a long time, Her Majesty the Queen”

“Don’t be so afraid? I’ll drink tea?”

The Queen brewed tea without any effort and I was even more afraid. Her work exudes nobleness even when brewing tea.

I’ve learned from Rita how to make black tea before. I was washed from my tea ceremony since I was told that tea leaves were so poor.

“How about the taste? Does it fit your mouth?”

“Yes, it’s very delicious”

My tongue, who had a conviction that drank poisoned tea normally, was very unreliable. But it must be delicious, because the Queen has a heart. Alright, I said good.

I don’t know if I’m aware of my disappointing taste, but she laughs like a couscous and opens her mouth.

“Have you been to Ash Button? What was his parents’ home?”

“Oh, that’s a report. Thanks to me, Patrick and I have officially become fiances.”

“That was good, is the ceremony scheduled?”

Why does anyone want to have a wedding? Do you all want that much cake? Are is an event that just looks forward to it.

Of course, the date of the ceremony is undecided. Whether or not to hold it has yet to be decided. For some reason, Patrick is motivated.

“I haven’t decided yet. It looks like the royal capital and the border are noisy, so I’ll wait and see.”

“Oh, the kingdom of Remrest. It’s already passed down to the royal capital. It looks like Yumiera has been repulsed.

“No, I’m not doing anything. Thank you to the frontier.”

One week has passed since the skirmish with the neighboring country. It is no wonder that you have already heard the ears of your Majesty or the Queen.

The Queen seems to have calmed down somewhere, although a war between nations may occur.

“This morning we got information about the center of Laemrest. It seems that the throne battle has heated up and it is no longer a place to go.”

“Is it okay to say it was good?”

“It’s good news for our country. Well, it doesn’t mean we have no trouble at all.”

For the time being, the risk of neighboring Laemrest seems to have dropped. But if anything happens, I will go immediately. Not for the national crisis, but for Patrick’s parents.

The Queen mentioned the problem of the country, the Second Prince, so I will touch on the case.

“Since Eleanor seems to stay away from His Highness for a while, I think the Second Prince will calm down a little.”

“That was good. Eleanor, she’s a good girl …”

What did Queen Elonora do in the past that the Queen was muddy?

And let’s talk about the Duke. By now, she has been told to watch out for militants, but never to watch out for the Duke.

“Elora said that his father was against opposing approaches to His Imperial Highness. What does Duke Hillrose think?”

“… Did you hear about Ronald, right?”

“Yes, I know”

As expected, does the Queen know the identity of Ronald? I’m a little surprised that we already know yesterday.

She slowly opened her mouth as she examined the words.

“You don’t need to be on the lookout for Duke Hillrose. I’d recommend taking the distance, of course, because he’ll probably be upset soon.”

“Is it uproar?”

“Yes, I want to stop you and your Majesty, but he won’t stop. I’ve always been like that, I’ve hit the future.”

The word of the duke’s future came up again. The queen’s mouth seems to be right now.

Reasons to separate the only son and cause a riot in the near future, both of which must be related to future expectations.

“What is the future? What did the Duke of Hillrose expect?”

“… The resurrection of the Demon King was known to the Hillroads, and he had anticipated the turmoil before and after that.”

Demon King, did not expect his name to appear here. The duke family must have been the home of the first king’s brother. I understand that he knew his resurrection.

The turbulence before and after the resurrection of the Demon King, he is already dead, so it can be considered after the resurrection.

Well, the reason the Second Prince faction emerged was that Prince Edwin, who had defeated the Demon King, was suitable for the next King. It is exactly the turbulence after the defeat of the Demon King.

Foreseeing that … Would the Duke be the Second Prince and marry Prince Edwin and Eleanor?

The queen continues when I am wondering.

“He has his thoughts. Yumiela doesn’t care much, I can’t say for sure, but it won’t spark.”

“……I understand”

I’m very worried, but it’s going to be a mess if I poke my head. If I have no damage, it is good to be quiet.

After that, we talked about the territory and when we went to Ashbaton, and the tea ceremony with the Queen ended.

I separated from her and walked in the castle. The castle has a high encounter rate with troublesome aristocrats, so I want to get out soon.

Wouldn’t it be better to get a return guide for evil as well? But it comes with a carriage as a set. I was picked up, so I couldn’t help going, but I didn’t really like the carriage. The ride is bad and running faster than anything else.

Would you escape from the window and not have to meet anyone? No, windows were only recently banned. There are many witnesses here, so there is a high probability that you will be patrickly barred.

There was a time when I thought that the probability of going out or meeting people I didn’t want to see was not so high.

In the hallway of the Royal Castle, I met Duke Hillrose. He calls me calmly.

“Oh, Count Dorknes, since the ceremony a year ago.”

“……thank you for your help”

“Even if I didn’t do anything, it was the Earl who had defeated the Demon King. Was it a ceremony honoring the Earl?”

The duke of Hillrose does not feel old, but has a dark atmosphere. He looks down at people and doesn’t seem to be a very good person.

He was told that there was no need to be vigilant, but he advised that it was better not to get too close. Moreover, it seems that a riot will occur soon.

“Is it possible that the lead role of the ceremony was His Highness Edwin?”

He should have left this place sooner, but he explored the Second Prince.

He answers with a laugh.

“If you have the right sense and the least intelligence, I don’t think that prince is a key player in the defeat of the Demon King.”

“… Your Highness is one of the most powerful in Japan?”

“Well, that prince is a happy person to be recognized by the world’s most powerful people.”

The Duke smiles white.

It is within expectations that the actual situation of defeating the Maou is expected. As he says, it’s easy to get to know the situation.

I didn’t get any useful information, but I should leave. I try to pass by the duke.

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

“Wait. One, one question.”

You can even shake off and leave. But since nothing was done, I stopped straightforwardly.

“What? I’m not going to get to Duke’s faction?”

“I don’t need to be that kind of fool. I just want to ask if I like this country or not.”

May I cut off my faction as a fool? So the key question is, do you like this country? A patriotic-looking person asked me about patriotism.

To be honest, I don’t have any shards of such things, but I will answer them safely.

“I’m a member of the nobles of the Balshine Kingdom, and of course I pledge loyalty to the royal family.”

“No, no, whether the statement is true or false, the meaning is different. What I want to ask is whether you love the country, the territory, the people. ”

After all it is dangerous. In the king’s residence in the country where the monarchy is laid, sweetly call the king.

I am scared if someone asks me and look around. Why am I not the duke but me?

Do you like the country, the people, or the nobles? But I don’t understand the feelings that may be described as patriotism.

I had to answer the question early to get home early, but no words came out. I hardly say that I like the country. But I am not a noble for myself.

The Duke changes the question, whether she couldn’t see me in distress.

“…… Let’s restate, there is a village in front of you that is starving. What do you do then?”

“Because you can’t make food from nothing-”

“No, I’m listening to the action guidelines. What do I want to do?”

“That, of course, thinks about handing out food shortages.”

What is natural. I have that much conscience.

Then he twists his mouth evilly.

“Yes … there must still be some people in the world who are starving. Will they take action for them?”

“The world is impossible. I will do it within my reach.”

I’m not God, so I can’t save unhappy people around the world. At first I use my strength for my territory and the kingdom.

The Duke asks an unintentional question and makes her more grumpy smile.

“Wonderful, do you understand your age at that age? It’s not like sweetness.

“Oh, so I’ll go.”

The Duke of Hillrose laughs with a good mood. He smiles eerily, Ronald sticks a nice smile, Eleanor’s emotions come out, and his family is different.

He only says things that don’t make sense and can’t keep up. I slipped next to the duke to return this time.

After a few steps, she is once again stopped. I looked back and responded.


“What is this time?”

“Please get along with Eleanor”

He said that Duke’s smile was a different kind of thing, like a kind father.

Soon after I answered, he left and was left alone.

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