Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 48

19 month spree

The servants working in the mansion have been kind to me since my spoiling incident, which I can’t imagine.

She is completely treated as a child, as she smiles as she plays with Liu and gives her candy that she is secret to Patrick. Think about why you should give alms at this age, putting candy in your mouth.

We decided to talk to Rita to see what was going on among the servants. Since that time, Rita has not changed in good or bad terms. After seeing my swearing, I expected that my loyalty and things would not dissipate, but I still drive normally today.

I say the bread with sweet cream while cheeking.

“What’s the matter? I’m just having trouble getting sweets.”

“Please talk after swallowing.”

“Wait a minute, there are five more. Oh, do you eat Rita too?”

“… Well, I’ll wait as much as I don’t need.”

Having finished eating in less than a minute, I ask Rita again.

“So why would everyone be kind to me?”

“The starting point is the other day. Yumiera, who lays down and rampages, was the last useless push.”

“Isn’t the cause just that?”

“I’m Patrick, when I find time, I’m telling everyone about Yumiera. It looks like I’ve been there before I came here.”

I knew Patrick and his servants were having a good time chatting. But I never knew I was talking.

This has happened before. He seemed to have continued to talk to Prince Edwin while I was at school when the alleged Demon King came to my mind.

I know his intentions. I’m spinning around my misconceptions. I’m really grateful, but I’m sorry that I can’t tell you what kind of person I am.

If that’s the case, can I understand this situation?

At that time, two maids passed by in the hallway in front of the room. Their chat comes into my ears by force majeure.

“Well, why was it embarrassing to break the window and jump out?”

“That’s why Patrick is too hard.”

“But is there anything more embarrassing than that of the last time? If you can do that, you can do anything.”

“Well, that’s Yumiera-sama.”

Flashing back through windows, rampage on the floor, and my embarrassing memories.

After all I can not understand. I can’t do it without drinking alcohol.

Almost no alcohol or alcohol. Juice was available at the school party, and the duke’s recently didn’t even drink.

Immediately interested in unknown drinks, I look for Patrick and ask.

“Did Patrick ever drink?”

“Yes, but … what happened suddenly?”

I have found a minor with drinking experience. However, there is no law in this country that dictates the age at which people can drink. Of course, it is not good for infants to drink.

“I’m thinking about drinking a little.”

“… Okay, I’ll prepare, tonight”

Patrick, whose expression is slightly sharpened, leaves immediately. Get ready … just buy alcohol.

◆ ◆ ◆

That night, I was taken out of the mansion by Patrick. Walk slowly in the city of Dorknes.

I thought I had booked a store somewhere, but it seems like I would go out of town.

“Hey, where are you heading?”

“Good, come along”

He is more aggressive than usual and offers his left hand towards me …?

“I don’t have anything dangerous.”

“… I guess.”

Walking beneath the night sky, with mysterious exchanges.

Eventually, he goes out of the city and follows the meadows swaying in the wind.

And the place I reached-

“… beautiful”

A round table and two chairs on the grassy plain.

On the table are bottles and glasses chilled with ice, and there is also a plate with easy-to-cook dishes.

Holding them over is a perfect circle moon and many stars.

The sight of the world being cut out was fantastic.

“Because Yumiera drinks for the first time, let me do this much.”

He was a romantic. I have no shards of romance, but he is so helpless …

Moves his gaze from a round table like a dream to a Patrick. He smiles with my favorite gentle smile.

“This way, if you get drunk and go crazy, you don’t have to worry about breaking things.”


That is what the spree goes on.

He was worried about my bad sickness but thought it was unnecessary. Alcohol is a kind of drug toxicant if you say it. I guess I won’t get drunk because of the strong tolerance in that area.

If you sit down on the chair and shrink, you will be given the narrowest of several types of glasses.

I wanted to play with a jug that made the wooden barrel smaller. But I heard that beer and ale are bitter, so this might have been good.

Patrick takes a bottle and tries to open the seal.

“What kind of sake is that?”

“It’s champagne, even for the first time because it’s easy to drink-”

The moment you hear the word champagne, you sink under your table.

It was dangerous, so if you are a champagne, you may be careful in advance. As soon as he opens the seal, he hears that the plug pops out like a bullet and the contents blow out like a fountain.

“… what have you started this time?”

“Isn’t champagne exploding? Did you learn to go under the desk during an earthquake and opening champagne at school?”

“I haven’t learned”

Shortly after a light popping sound was heard from above, I crawled under the desk. Then Patrick had finished pouring champagne and what seemed to be into the glass.

“Did you be too alert?”

“Oh, but I’m used to it.”

Are you used to champagne? I’m reassured that people like me were not unusual.

I sit back and watch the contents of the glass, the liquid that glows golden in the moonlight.

In a quaint place, with a savory liquor, a favorite person … What an elegant thing. Can I be so happy?

“So toast”


Arrange the glass gently with a kiss to make a spicy sound.

If you tilt the glass, a sweet liquid flows into your mouth-

“Geho, Goho, Uge”

I coughed grandly. Patrick, who got up in a hurry, came beside me and stroked her back. I thought while wiping my mouth with the handkerchief I received.

I can’t drink carbonic acid.

“Are you okay? If the sake doesn’t suit you-”

“No, you can’t use Schwashwa.”

My memories of light liquor were ruined by carbon dioxide. Should it be reduced?

He tries again and tries another liquor, but he is worried.

“It’s okay! Wine, wine doesn’t have carbonation, right?”

“Would you like white wine?”

“In red”

Speaking of wine, it is red.

Beautiful crimson swaying in a glass, decadent floral scent spreads.

Pour the fascinating blood of God into your body


His face was greatly repressed. What’s this is sour, sour and rotten. Unfortunately, I have no taste for rotten or rotten things.

“Is this rotten?”

“That’s what it’s like. It’s a good idea to pick a dish and drink together.”

Patrick drinks wine while eating cheese while saying so.

I imitated, but the taste did not change. Cheese and grape juice are definitely better. Wine is less tasteful than potions, but nothing can be recovered by drinking wine.

“Hmm, you can drink if you say drink.”

“I was going to pick a brand that was easy to drink, but white is better.”

Patrick can recommend a white wine. After all, it was white or red at room temperature. The red is corrupt.

The golden color and the fragrance are more refreshing than champagne. Anyway, a bad mouth is waiting.

I can’t enjoy the taste anyway, so I drink vigorously. White wine is throbbing.

“… that? I can drink it normally.”

It’s delicious … I’m not sure, so drink the rest that is about half the amount.

Throw the cracker with the ham in your mouth and then mouth the wine.

“This may be delicious”

“Yes, it was good.”

We have a toast again and enjoy the quiet time slowly.

I still don’t know how to get drunk. After all my tolerance seemed to recognize alcohol as a poison. The initial goal of erasing memories is unlikely to be achieved, but I would be happy if I had such a wonderful time.

A stop is taken when the third cup is urged.

“It’s my first time, why don’t you quit now?-Prepare juice-”

“I’m OK because I’m not drunk”

Anxious, Patrick gave me a replacement. I’m worried, I like that. Oh, it’s getting fun. It’s a tension age.

“Hey, hey Patrick”

“What happened?”

“Nothing, I just called it!”

Even so, it is asexually fun. The mood rises fluffy and the mouth corner rises without permission. I was alive, my facial muscles.

Stare at Patrick while smiling. The green eyes reflected just a little light.

He shyly looks away.

“We’ve met quite a bit.”

“Yeah, I’m really happy to meet Patrick.”

“… Oh, that’s it, that’s what.”

Patrick removes a black box from his pocket. I can’t imagine the contents of a palm-sized one.

He was unusually muddy. I am so nervous about the gaze that I am nervous. Soon he looks as if he is determined. I’m just happy to stare.

Open your thoughts that you normally hide and hide.

“I love Patrick.”

“Now …”

Shattered Patrick also became suspicious.

I’m wrapped in euphoria just by expressing my feelings in words. Laughter has become uncontrollable.

Let’s laugh together because it’s fun.

“Are you drunk?”

“I’m not drunk at all, just a little fun.”

“Every drunk says that.”

“I understand, there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Drunk people who do not recognize their sickness have some memories. Why can’t I see myself objectively? Why can’t we stop drinking before we get there, even if we’re weakened by alcohol? Know how much you drank.

I thought so while pouring my own glass of wine, which I do not know how many glasses.

“So what is that box? A candy? A candy box?”

“this is……”

“It’s sloppy! I’m going to eat alone!”

“Oh, this is already … let’s quit today”

You might be more interested in trying to hide that much. Despite trying to capture, the extended right hand extends in the wrong direction. Well, Patrick was able to get an afterimage.


“Don’t stop drinking, do you have water?”

“That’s it! You’re going to rob me of alcohol !? I hate me so much?”

“Oh, I love you”

He says he feels bad. Hehe, I like it. I like it too.

“So how much do you like? How big is your love?”

“I’m getting annoyed past the pretty ones”

“… Hate me?”

I was told that I was afraid. Tears overflow from nowhere and water drops fall on the glass.

Patrick sighs and says:

“I like, stop crying because I like it.”

“I’m the most annoying woman … the most annoying woman”

“That question is more troublesome.”

My hand is wrapped in his hand. Hold back to feel more body temperature.

“I wouldn’t say that much, but I wish I was always honest”

“Is it always the same?-Is something strange?”

“… What do you think of me?”

“I love You”

What is natural. My thoughts are no different from peacetime.

Patrick obscures his face with the other hand.

“If possible, say at bare face.”

“It’s good … but more than that, isn’t it just a bit too self-conscious? I’m shy.

“… Is it too extreme?”

He tried to substitute for alcohol, but his other hand was caught by him. I want to drink a little more, but it’s much better to hold hands with him.

It’s not because of alcohol that I can’t help but feel good because I’m with Patrick.

Spend time while staring at each other’s faces. The silence did not bother.

“Let’s go home soon”

Patrick rises and says that the full moon rising up has finally reached the zenith.

I got off the chair too … The ground is shaking. He supported me, even though he wandered unexpectedly. It’s too hard to walk.


Patrick silently held me. I clasp my hand around his neck.

The face distance is the closest today. Then one thing to do.

“Turn here”

“What happened?”

Aim at his face overlooking me …

I don’t know what Patrick’s response was. I fell asleep in my arms.

◆ ◆ ◆

I suddenly wake up and the ceiling comes into view. When I got up while holding my aching head, it was my room.

“… a dream”

I had an extreme dream. I tell him my feelings, and at the end … That unrealistic thing cannot happen.

Still, I’m amazing in my dreams. No matter how much you think in your heart, it will not be transmitted. As I declared in my dream, I just want to tell Patrick that I like it.

Then the door is knocked and his voice can be heard.

“Yumiera, are you up ??

“Okay! Come in!”

Patrick enters the room with a tray with a jug and glass. He seems to blush after recalling the dream event.

He says while offering water.

“Do you remember yesterday?”

“… yesterday? What’s the story?”

“No, if I don’t have a memory”

that? Is it a dream but not a dream?

I told him that I didn’t remember it immediately, so I went into it.

“What were you doing yesterday?”

“Did we drink together, don’t you really remember?”

It was not a dream. Cant Believe It. Looking down at the clothes I was wearing, it was no different from yesterday. A chance to take it off! It is not the case that you think.

I lie unintentionally. Continue pretending to not remember.

“Well, was that so? Did I get drunk and rampage?”

“… I’m going to fall asleep just after drinking a bite, it’s better to refrain from drinking in the future.”

Patrick’s liar.

If his lie is a gentle lie, what is my lie? Or a lie of escape? I just decided to make my thoughts into words.

“Okay, I won’t drink alcohol.”

“Oh, that’s a good thing. You may not be in good shape yet, so lie down a little more.”

Patrick tries to leave the room, whether he has been deceived by a lie or deceived.

I get off the bed and follow him. Patrick, who was leaving the room and trying to close the door, noticed me and stopped.

And from half-open, the door that opens again, I shut it all out.


“Which one!”

Talk over the door. Even if you can’t directly look at it with your eyes, you can do it just by separating one wooden board.

Squeeze the doorknob so that the door never opens.

“I love you”

“… me too”

You can hear him moving away from behind the door.

I told you. Finally said. It was a very euphemistic message, but it may be the first time I’ve said “like” directly in words.

“If you can’t say without this door, you have to break the door.”

When I muttered to tell myself, a squeak sounded.

Looking at my hand, the doorknob that I was holding was broken. Breaking doesn’t mean that, though.

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