Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 49

20 Speaking of pure white dress ……

There are many jobs for the lord, but the most common one is checking documents.

Some aristocrats will do just right without looking, but I think I should do it well. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense because I sometimes find mistakes.

From the moment you sign the paper, it is my will, so I can’t go out. You can understand the status of the territory, and this job is my favorite category.

As I was clearing my papers, I found one thing that I was concerned about.

Asks Damon who has just come to the office.

“I’m sorry, this is it.”


“It’s crazy that I don’t know the market, but how do you build a watermill?”

“Yes, it’s just that much. I’ll ask a reliable craftsman.”

Is it higher due to labor costs of craftsmen? Since it is not easy to make a half-finished product, just write the sign of approval.

The new watermill is from the pioneer village. At the place where Patrick magically leveled, construction of houses and other facilities was underway.

Those who have fallen to bandits will soon be emigrated from a deserted neighboring village to a new village.

For now, the papers for today are over. It’s just that Damon is there, and let’s talk about an example event.

“That’s an important consultation …”

“So let’s call Patrick?”

It is troubled. I want to keep him secret.

What I am planning is “Patrick, Congratulations on Level 99 Party”. I don’t know exactly because I haven’t measured it recently, but I expect Patrick’s level to reach 99 in a few months.

There was nothing else to congratulate, so I was planning a small celebration.

I want to surprise him, so keep it secret until just before.

“It’s a secret to Patrick, because I’ll tell you properly.”

“Oh, what kind of consultation is it?”

Damon wonders.

I whispered because I don’t know where it came from.

“Um, a party or a celebration party …”

“Oh! I see, it’s very prominent! Please tell Yumiera to Patrick.”

“Yeah, right?”

“I’ve been waiting for now or now!”

He was a good official, so he immediately knew what I was saying.

Also, Damon was looking forward to Patrick becoming level 99. I’m sure Rebel Kanst should have celebrated.

Ask yourself what you need, also as an arrangement in your head.

“The first thing you need to prepare is the venue, right?”

“Is it a territory? Is it a royal city?”

“It’s good here”

“Okay, the people will be pleased too.”

Do the people please? I felt a little strange and asked Damon.

“Is there anything else I need to prepare?”

“If Yumiela-sama seems to be concerned, would it be a cake?”

“Yeah, you need a cake”

“We will arrange as large and luxurious things as possible.”

Cakes are a must for festive parties. My discomfort seemed uncomfortable, both me and Damon were talking about a Level 99 party.

The rest is who to invite. The people who work in this mansion are certain, who should be called afterwards.

“Who should I invite?”

“Of course, Patrick’s parents will be there, as well as Her Majesty the King and Her Majesty.”

“Huh? His Majesty the King?”

“Of course, it’s a ritual for the future of the kingdom.”

The ceremony is exaggerated. But not at level 99. The Patrick, who is as strong as I am, cannot be ruled by the King.

It has become a pretty big event. It’s different from what I thought, but is it OK?

Damon goes on to list what he needs.

“The rest is costume. Let’s make a nice dress that looks good with Yumiera.”

“Would you wear a dress? I?”

“It’s natural because it’s the protagonist.”

“Isn’t Patrick the lead?”

“It’s also Yumiera, a ceremony for two.”

Well, I was level 99. He knew he was going to do my celebrations in addition to Patrick.

But I hate dresses. I have to wear it.

“Do you need a dress?”

“What do you say! It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity, so don’t regret it.”

Well, you can only reach level 99 once in a lifetime. In my case it was a long time ago and I don’t know what it means to dress.

“I don’t want to be too flashy.”

“It’s a pure white dress that uses lace. It’s gorgeous, but it might be better.”

White! ? Did Damon say a white dress right now?

If you wear a white dress … you can’t eat it!

I’m afraid of getting dirty and I’m not confident I can eat food properly. But the cake is the same white as the dress, so if it spills it won’t be noticeable. Maybe it’s okay if you watch out for curry udon.

Do I need a key that says today’s protagonist? Patrick thought she would hate her and Damon was crying.

“Uh, I was worried about what time it would be.

“What are you so happy about?”

“Yes, this will keep the family more stable and prosperous.”

Well, two level 99 people would be stable. Even so, there are few people. It’s time to see someone who wakes up to the awesomeness of raising the level.

By the way, do you want to recruit Damon in front of you? It’s an uncle, but age doesn’t matter when you level up.

“I guess Damon is next to me and Patrick.”

“Huh? I’ve already done it a little, but …”

Damon is level 99? The voice you hear back is louder.

“Huh ?? That was it !?”

“Yes, I have a wife who supports me in the shadows. I’m good enough.”

Indeed, is it enough at the current level? Certainly his level is not so necessary considering his work. I don’t know why he suddenly sandwiched his wife.

Damon wants to work out more than that, but Damon asks for himself.

“I’m going to notify all the servants right away and go ahead and prepare for it in a few months.”

“Please, I’ll tell Patrick-”

“Let’s put a gag order. If you explain the situation, everyone will cooperate.”

Once again, please bow my head and the discussion of “Congratulations to Patrick Level 99 Party” is over.

On that day, the conversation between me and Damon was intertwined, and I thought they were talking about the same event. That is no doubt.

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