Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 64

03 World structure

Remun was alive. Is it a murder, not a murder? God shouldn’t kill you.

After the stunned Remun wakes up, he asks Patrick to show him in and out of the shadows, and when we can share the information we decide to hear from him.

“Well, where do we start?”

“I know, it’s a way to get into the shadows. Can I do it? Is there a trick?”

“It’s my personal authority. It’s impossible for my sister to do her best.”

“… I see. I don’t want to ask anymore, so you can go home.”

I point at my feet and say, As soon as I knew that I couldn’t be in the shadows, my interest in Remun rapidly diminished.

As he looks at Remun with his cold eyes, he looks up and looks back.

“Isn’t she really interested in me? Do you doubt God?”

“Because the response does not change whether it is God or not God”

“You are my shrine maiden?”

“Please unify your sister or shrine maiden”

I do not care anymore. I won’t be in the shadows, it’s enough to know that fact.

Patrick asks, unaware of the slightly teary Remun.

“I’ve never heard of the name of the dark god, Remun, but are you really a god?”

“Yeah, it’s suspicious, isn’t it?”

“I know you’re not just a child because you’re in the shadows … but I’m sorry for the doubt.”

“… your brother is kind”

Remun said to Patrick with a fleeting smile.

Since both of them are beautiful, they become pictures. Then I’ll be silent. I am a houseplant.

“It’s no wonder my brother doesn’t know my name, because my faith in me has already been lost …

“Is it now that the religion of the dark gods is resurrected? Is there anything to do with calling Yumiera a shrine maiden?”

“That’s right, that’s right. Well, how do we verbalize … power of religion? I’m flowing to me through my sister.”

Together they look at me. No, I don’t do that kind of thing. Houseplant time is over.

“I didn’t believe in God until yesterday.”

“It’s near here that my religion is thriving, and I’m pretty sure.”

“Do you know where the religion is thriving and what is the exact location?”

“Of course, it’s within walking distance of here.”

It’s definitely Dorknes. I don’t want to have a religion that I don’t know. I myself seem to be involved in some way.

Why the lost faith has revived in our territory. In the first place, why is the religion of darkness cut off? I was forgotten as a young boy, but he could be a bad god.

“A question from me too. Please tell me exactly what the dark god is.”

“Isn’t it too abstract? I’m afraid. I’m one of the six pillars of God born when this world was made. Darkness, night, moon, dreams, illusions, demons, dungeons … With the god who controls the side-”

“Please wait. Is that a demon god? Is it still an enemy of humanity?”

It was a natural God whose faith had ceased.

Raise the vigilance for Remun by one level. I could feel Patrick’s preparations next door.

The history and demons of this world are inseparable. There are countless nations destroyed by monsters, and wars have repeatedly occurred in search of places where monsters do not appear.

Lemun sighs and waves at different times.

“No. Monsters are indispensable for circulating the world’s metabolic activities and the magic of the world. It is a kind of natural phenomenon. The world needs water, but people who die from floods There are too. ”

“Did you create monsters for the world?”

“That’s also different. When I was born, the structure of the world was almost complete. Give me tools that I can’t make … I’m going to do my best for humans. ”

Remun sharpens his mouth and looks away. That childish behavior might be to keep us alert.

Magic tools are certainly useful. It seems that the magic tools made by humans are based on dungeon products, and magic stones from monsters are used as power.

There is no doubt that he has enriched our lives.

However, I can understand only because I have the memory of the previous life. Magical equipment is useful to humans, and at the same time impedes scientific progress. Technology in this world has been stagnating for hundreds of years.

He must have provided tools for humans. Like a parent who cares for a child. Are parents who just give and hinder the growth of their children right? Is the God of giving only the enemy or ally of humanity?

He thinks unusually difficult and falls silent. Patrick remains silent about what he wants.

Remun, who saw us, stopped talking and continued talking.

“It’s also difficult to raise the level without monsters. People can gain power only because they defeat monsters that consist of magical power.”

“Remun! I’m sorry I’m sorry. You are a wonderful god. Let’s build a temple next time.”

Well, was he a god of level up? I wish I had told you so soon. Remun seriously God.

Scientific progress? I don’t know anything. It doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care

Patrick mutters as he lowers his head with his knees down.

“Is it all right for Yumiera? … Well, as usual?”

“Oh, this is my sister’s normal driving.”

Did you feel like I was just thinking about leveling up? I am out of my heart.

No, it’s better than that. My level is at the upper limit of 99, and God may know how to lift that limit.

“Do you know how to release the level cap?”

“… I’ve seen you before, but it’s overwhelming to talk about.”

“Are you above level 99? Isn’t there?”

Raise your head and adjust your eyes. If you ask him sincerely, he will answer. Look at these pure eyes. Isn’t it the eye of a human who raises levels and does evil?

“Sister, your eyes are scared?”

“Level upper limit release”

“… There are many ways, because level shackles act only inside the world, a single world-”

I am listening to a specific methodology. It doesn’t matter if it’s a law or a theory of the world.

I look silently at Remun’s eyes. In his dark eyes, there is a face of a woman who is expressionless but terrible.

“Ok, say, don’t look so much because you say it. But because the story has a sequence, from the structure of the world …. I might not believe it, but there are countless other worlds, parallel worlds. What? ”

“Is that another continent?”

Patrick asks a question. I know for sure that there is a different world, but it is hard to believe him.

“Rather, there is more than one thing in the whole world. The sun, the moon, the continents, and the people are certainly in places where the world never meets.”

It is still a mystery how the story of the different world is related to the opening of the upper level limit, but it is not possible to leave Patrick alone.

I will give a supplementary explanation to help him understand the different world.

“The continents have different shapes in different worlds, the level of civilization has changed, and there is no magic …”



“What is your sister saying … is a different world, a different world? Is it in theory, but outside of my observation range, can’t you affirm it?”

He said that he was not a different world but a parallel world. Indeed, not a fantasy guy but a science fiction guy. Sorry to confuse Patrick.

“I see. The parallel world, the basics are the same as this world, and there are differences in details.”

“That! Sister is surprisingly smart!”

I grew up looking at a number of secret tools, so I have a basic knowledge of science fiction. But did you come up with a parallel world? Is a box a parallel world?

Listening to our conversation, Patrick seemed to have some sort of image.

“In other words, there is a world that is almost the same as this world, and there are people who are no different from this world … do they fit together?”

“Yes, that’s it.”

“Is there Yumiera or I in that world?”

“There are as many older brothers as there are in the world. Of course, older sisters …

I see, a parallel world. It’s no wonder that there is a different world.

So how does that story relate to opening the level cap? Early, continue quickly.

“As I said earlier, the level shackles are laws that only work inside a single world. Imagine a tree? One of the myriad branches is this world. Are living individually. ”

“Is a branch a single world?”

“Yes. Level shackles will continue to work while you are in one world. To escape the shackles, you must turn from branch residents to tree residents.”

From branch residents to tree residents. Remun’s words seem poetic and esoteric, but they came to my mind.

If the inhabitants of this world become the inhabitants of countless parallel worlds … Isn’t it impossible?

“Isn’t that difficult?”

“There are several ways to defeat the inhabitants of the tree, higher than you.”

“Is the rank higher … Is it God? If you defeat Remun, will the level limit be released?”

“Huh, try it?”

Remun said with a small demonic smile.

I see, one thing I do.

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