Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 65

04 Level upper limit released

I see, one thing I do.

She tries to fly to a boy in front of her and is shut down from behind.

Too fast. Did you expect me to move? The power that holds it down is stronger than expected.

“Release Patrick! I can’t kill that!”

“I’m going to die! Run away soon! I can’t hold back anymore!”


After hearing Patrick’s warning, Remun finally starts to move. Somehow approaching us … I guess I’m going to get into the shadows and run away. But the shadow is the source of my assault as well as his escape.

“Shadow Lance”

Countless black spears emerge from my shadow as Remun is about to dive. All spears flood Lemun. There are no gaps to avoid.

The moment you are convinced you won, something unexpected happens.

As soon as the tip touched Remun, the shadow lance disappeared. The scattered dark magic disappears as if sucked by him.


“Huh, you couldn’t hurt me, the god of darkness, and me, the darkness itself, with dark magic, right?”

Remun smiles easily.

Does dark magic work? Is the black hole, my maximum thermal power, ineffective? But I haven’t given up yet. If the magic doesn’t work …

Patrick’s power to restrain me increases. Mmm, did he notice? However, Remun is alert. Now is the time.

“Run away! I don’t think Yumiera will stop even if you disable the magic!”


“Release Patrick! If the magic doesn’t work, hit with physics!”

“It’s amazing power.”


The effectiveness of physical attacks on Lemun was proven in an act before Patrick arrived. You can beat God even if you hit it.

When I get close to my shadow to escape, I’ll kick it.

Lemun, who has lost his escape, says with an intensified expression. I will not ask for your life.

“Hey, hey sister. How about being held by your beloved older brother?”

“Suddenly what … run away!”

After hearing Remun’s rubbing words, Patrick shouted to run away.

His impatient voice can be heard at his ear. Oh, I like a gentle voice, but I like that. Because she is thinking about Remun, she seems to be angry and is actually a gentle voice.

Moreover, the volume of the voice is large at the ear. Explosion screening, the best.

If you think about it, I’m hugged from behind. The bodies are as close together as never before.

In front of such a small child … Patrick is bold. Hugging so painfully … it won’t hurt, but let’s just say it hurts. Is painful.

“… Patrick, it’ll hurt if you hold it so hard.”


“It’s still morning, so, but if you just say …”


“But it’s embarrassing because Remun-kun is watching you, so it’s best when you’re alone.”

He let go of Patrick’s power, and he soon let go of me. that? I wish I could stay attached.

Looking back, Patrick sighed with a very tired face. Remun also sighs at the same time and the sounds overlap. Don’t make noise.

“Well, I thought I was going to die.”

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t think Yumiera would stop there.”

“Fufu, your sister likes a favorite gun-”

“Ah ah! So! Is it true that defeating Remun raises the level?”

She almost shattered the words in her dream, so she drowned out Lomn’s words. If you refinish the topic of opening the upper limit, the story should be off.

And while she was preparing to be rampage, Remun said with a tremendous smile.

“That’s a lie”


“I said,” I’ll try it, but I won’t break the level when I beat you. If you’re a branch resident, you’re a branch keeper. Because it’s not much different. ”

“Do you mean that the upper limit of level is 99 too?”

“Yes, because it’s a weak boy only in a single world.”

What a rage and loss. You’re just tired, Patrick.

The worst victim, he said in a struggling voice.

“I can’t joke with Yumiera about the level or strength, or something like that. Please stay tuned.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry, my brother. I didn’t expect my sister’s reason to blow up.”

Together they look at me. As I thought before, isn’t it seen by people who are only thinking about raising my level? It’s different.

No, it’s a level limit release now.

“Then we should defeat the god of Remun, who is higher up?”

“… I haven’t given up yet. Well, but yeah … There are certainly gods above me, influential in all the many parallel worlds. Kana, but they rarely show up. ”

“The guys? I’m just like my boss, right?”

“… I might not be able to say that I am a model god, but I don’t want to be with him. I can’t believe her if she says anything.”

“It’s okay. I’ve heard what Remun has to say.”

“… I can’t help but be careful, but don’t tell me in front of yourself, you’ll get hurt.”

Isn’t releasing the level upper limit realistic? The chances of seeing a god higher than Remun seem unlikely.

But wait, Remun must have said that there are “some” ways.

“What’s the other way to defeat the top?”

“I’m really coming!”

“What is it?”

“I see. Say.”

I feel like I’ve had similar exchanges many times. It is bad that this boy is stubborn.

He prefaces the “second way”.

“In short, we need to break away from the single world.

“… should I beat me in the parallel world?”

“That’s right. You don’t have to defeat all the sisters in the parallel world separately. If you defeat one person and become an entity that spans two worlds, you will lose the level’s shackles.”

Battle Royale where I in the parallel world gathered. The last one I reigns as the strongest me. It has become a story of charm.

It is unrealistic in it. Killing myself a bit, even to raise my level.

“That sounds impossible. You can’t kill people because of the level.”

“… Huh? You came to me seriously a while ago?”

“Because Remun is not a human but a god.”

What is commonplace? People and God are different things.

For some reason, Lemun, who seemed embarrassed at heart, turned his eyes on Patrick for help.

“No, I don’t know. I’m going to understand Yumiela’s ethics …”

“My brother, are you willing to marry such a person? You should reconsider.”

“That’s … but I decided to take care of my whole life. I can’t help. I’ve given up and prepared.”

Oh, I heard you. I’m prepared to live together for a lifetime. Patrick’s love is heavy. I don’t have any trouble.

I’m responsible for Patrick’s unacceptable love. I should take responsibility. Oh, I’m really in trouble.

……Unpalatable. The consciousness was about to fly somewhere. Thinking about this trouble later, it’s best to start listening to Remun.

“Okay, once? I’ll ask. How can I go to a parallel world?”

“Well, I haven’t given up yet …”

Both Remun and Patrick are stunned. Although the preventive line “Once” has been established …

If the door to the parallel world opens, I want to go there. And meet yourself in the parallel world … from there, think on the spot. Talk to me over there and make a regrettable choice.

But am I in that parallel world an “I”?

Am I like me with the memories of the previous life, or I’m a Yumiera who stays in the game? That will change the story a lot.

Such an assumption is a desk theory that is meaningless unless you go to a parallel world. From the feeling so far, it seems impossible to open a dimension-like door to Remun.

“It’s a move to a parallel world, I’m sorry”

“Huh … I knew it.”

“I can do some communication with another me in the parallel world, but can’t I physically move around the world?”

It was the expected answer. Oh, isn’t it?

I don’t seem to be able to meet higher ranks. I can’t meet myself in the parallel world. It feels like a bright future has been closed.

“Are there any other ways to open the level limit?”

“I give up is too bad”

“Is there?”

“It may be, but I don’t know”

God struck me to the bottom of despair, just as expected.

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