Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 70

09 Yumiera in a parallel world

For unknown reasons, Sannon believes that Eleanora will marry me.

I’m worried that it’s okay to say something like that. Whether you misunderstand or leave it to someone, it’s strange when such an idea comes out.

Open your mouth to deny it for the time being.

“That … don’t you?”


“I can’t or couldn’t get married to Eleanor. She’s a girl? No, I guess it would be fine to have such a person.”


“That’s true. I and Yumiera are ordinary best friends.”

When they all denied the marriage, Sanon’s tears stopped.

The expression comes back to life, giving a smile that overflows with light.

Light literally overflowed from his forehead, so he rushed to hide behind Eleanora and shrink.

“Is that so? Isn’t Eleanor handbaged by the hated lady?”

I feel like I did this exchange somewhere. Alecore competing with Eleanor in front of it also had a sense of sight.

After confirming that the deco beam is settled, ask the truth of the misunderstanding.

“Why did we think we would get married?”

“Isn’t that what you said?”

“Huh? When is it?”

“It’s yesterday. I won’t say I forgot.”

Yesterday, yesterday. Today there are so many things in the morning, so it feels like a long time ago.

Indeed, in the morning, Eleanor proclaimed that he could hear the voice of God. It turns out to be Sannon’s words to warn me.

I don’t know that, but I think my mental instability was heard and I could hear the hallucinations … I was struck by Elora, who is a good child … I got married to feed for a lifetime …

Oh, I said. She said she would marry Eleanora. Well, was it the beginning that went to see Eleanor father yesterday? I remembered it now.

“… I told you.”

“I heard it, so I rushed in. To protect Eleanora.”

“I also want to protect Eleanor-sama. I thought she was hearing hallucinations at that time. Speaking of which, Sannon-sama was bad.”

“Well, that’s not true. No, it’s strange that you bring out a marriage.”

I was convinced by the momentum, as in the case of Eleanor’s fall earlier, but Sanon concluded my fault. I also think I’m funny. Yesterday I did something unusual.

When I opened the lid, it was a silly event. I never thought that the cause of the biggest pinch was that yesterday.

Sannon seems to feel that sloppyness. Shortly before we were hostile, we glanced and sighed at each other.

… Is it okay to end this way? The sky turned Eleanora into Yuya Muya, but the battlefield seems to have had Sanon’s advantage. Draw at best.

I can’t be ok if Yumiela Dorknes is killed.

“Let’s start the second round.”


Unlike before, our distance is very close. If you go one step further and reach out, it’s time to reach your opponent.

It was good for long-range attacks such as deco beam, but now it is close combat.

Sanon said she couldn’t take Eleanor. I wasn’t worried about exposing my low physical ability. You can definitely win in close combat.

Kick the ground. I want to avoid the front with the forehead. He slips beside Sanon and turns around behind.

“Is it gone?”



Sanon, who couldn’t see my movements, was full of gaps.

Grabbing her wrists, I fall back. Naturally, Sanon also lost his position together.

With my back on the ground one step earlier, I brought my free feet to the back of Sanon’s knees and entangled my feet.

decided. I turn my hands and feet to heaven on my back. Sanon can be lifted into the air like a bridge. Japanese name, suspended ceiling hardening. Another name-

“Oops! Here, Yumiera’s Romero Special has been decided!”

Eleanor, nice live commentary. I nodded because my eyes were right and told me I was great.

There was a commentary Patrick next to the commentary on when he was moving. He looks at Eleanor with a surprised face.

“Miss Eleanora, what is it now?”

“It’s a live comment! I’ve also told Yumiera about my technique.”

“… I don’t think it’s wrong that Yumiera is bad.”

Patrick is skipping the commentary.

When trying to raise a protest, Sanon rampages right above me, but she’s too weak. I’m not damaging because the proud deco beam is also released to the sky.

Sanon, who gave up trying to escape from restraint by force, now makes a fuss.

“Hello! Yumiera Dorkness! Get down!”

“How is it? Does the Romero Special hurt?”

“I’m more embarrassed than pain … not! Stop it now!”

“Actually, I put my opponent on my knees and turn over after getting on my knees … I explained it.”

He looked at Patrick as he fired his commentary, and his face was awesome. Sorrow, anger, resignation, self-mockery, sorrow, regret, anxiety, worry, pain, upset….

Ah, maybe it was a bit too much. Though I was not only a muscular buster, I also considered Romero Special to be useless. This time, let’s make it German Suplex.

Since something is no longer available, release Sanon by releasing it sideways.

Watching her stand up in tears makes me feel strangely bad. It’s the other side of the fight. Now it was just defense.

“I’m forgiven because I was about to be killed by mistake …”

“I acknowledge and apologize for my failure, but I’m humiliated so much …”

“… Is that embarrassing?”

“Don’t tell me! You say you’re about to be killed, but I didn’t have any murder.”

Yeah … I think the pillar of light is too murderous. Isn’t that why there was no killing in that?

“If you hit it directly, I’m in danger.”

“But I wish I could see the painful eyes of the Eleanor … I don’t hate Yumiera Dorknes. ”

Sanon says so seriously, but I can’t believe it. I totally dislike and Eleanora is absolutely liked.

I can finally see the identity of the already-visited feeling. The conversation with Sanon is just like the conversation with Father Eleanor.

“I don’t know why we hide our favors, but it’s so bad.”

“It’s really different. I’m Sanon, the god of light, and the sun falls equally on all people.”

Oh, it was a really silly case. Is there just one more member of Eleanora Fan Club?

In retrospect, there were some clues. Immediately after the exchange of marriages, Eleanor must have heard the voice, “I do not admit, I will go there now.”

But is it taking too long?

“Why did you tell Eleanor to go right now and stay all day until you came here?”

“… I can go back and forth wherever the sun is. I was cloudy yesterday-”

“Isn’t it sunny yesterday?”

no doubt. The sun must have been out yesterday, even if it didn’t go until there was no cloud.

She turns her eyes to hide something.

So it was Lemun who appeared from the side. I was alive. I thought it was gone because of the deco beam.

“It’s Sanon anyway, so if you were worried about what to wear, it would have been a day.”

“That’s wrong!”

Sanon desperately denies his speculation.

Deco-chan is not good at lying. It is a target for Remun, who seems to cheat people with a smile like a person.

Looking at the dark god Remun, Eleanor screams.

“Well, who is it? Yumiera-san’s younger brother?”

“I have no brother”

“So … are you a child?”

Just because Remun’s hair was black, Eleanor’s thoughts flew in ridiculous directions. I didn’t want to meet them because I could expect this to happen.

Lemun is Lemun, leaning his small head and looking up at me.


“Yeah! Yeah, it was!”

“It’s different.”

My voice of correction is not in Eleanor’s ear. Her delusions accelerate further. He looked at me and Patrick alternately and blushed.

“But having a child …”

“It’s different.”

“But this morning …”

In the morning, the misunderstanding that Eleanora was left to drive away from the room came to a headache. As Patrick said, it was too cumbersome.

Remun’s appearance is around ten years old, and at that stage you may notice that there is no parent-child relationship.

Eleanor tilts her head as she notices something. Oh, did you notice?

“Huh? Yumiera-san and Patrick aren’t married yet, huh! Possibly … Even if your baby isn’t married, you can just do it!”

She said as if she had reached the truth of the world.

Oh, I see. Did you not know? Did you think we were in the room and kissing this morning?

“That cute girl, my best friend.”

“That cute girl, I’m a follower of me.”

Me and Sanon’s voice overlap. And they stared at each other to check each other.

Patrick muttered when he was ready to start the third round.



“Hearing Yumiela’s remarks on marriage, Sanon said she would go soon. So why did Yumiela say that she wasn’t such an outrage?”

“So I thought that Deko-chan’s voice was a hallucination …”

that? It’s definitely strange.

The beginning of this turmoil was Elonora’s words to Sanon, “Beware of Yumiera.” Why did she take action at this time, who had been through the non-interference until now?

He tried to ask Sanon why, but before that, Remun said.

“Sannon is intolerable. You couldn’t endure her sister’s instinct, so she called her precious, important girl.”

“Yes, I don’t know much about the god of light.

“… What is your brother stuck on?”

“If only Sanon is here, it’s a very natural flow. What’s unnatural is Remun. Why did you come into contact with Yumiela today?”

Lemun hardens silently with a smiling expression.

Despite being invaded by Sanon, he was very suspicious. The resurrection of the Dark God’s religion turned out to be a story.

A two pillar god that appeared to be a completely different subject. We and their first contact were both last morning. Remun appeared in my dream, and Sanon voiced Eleanora.

What is the beginning of everything?

What should be questioned is the god who does not lie. I say, looking at Sanon’s eyes.

“I ask Sanon, the god of light. Why did you talk to Eleanor, who had no interference yesterday morning?”

To my serious question, Sanon answers with a flat voice. As if you were asking for your favorite food, as if it were an irrelevant thing.

“Because the parallel world Yumiera Dorknes has destroyed humanity.”

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