Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 71

10 Remun’s true purpose

“Because the parallel world Yumiera Dorknes has destroyed humanity.”

The scene calms down with shocking Sanon’s remarks. I and Patrick lost their words, and Eleanor was quiet, as he saw a disturbing atmosphere.

Will I destroy humanity? In another world, I did something ridiculous. Well, Gods should be on guard.

“Oh, what could Sanon say?”

“I see. That’s why Remun was there. It seems you are totalitarian.”

“I don’t want Sanon to come out of the mood for the marriage of one person, but would it be enough to end the destruction of the world in one word?”

These gods do not seem to be compatible. Both are moody.

It is Sanon who first looked away from the glare. She looks at me and says

“Listen to Remun later. I’m sorry for this.”

“God! You’re gone !?”

“Elenora. I’ll never meet you this way, but I’m always watching you.”

“That’s it! I’ve been praying all the time and I’ve met you for the first time!”

Sanon silently approached Eleanor and gently hugged him. Turn away immediately.

She is wrapped in dazzling light, just as she appeared.

And when the light went out, the god of light, Sanon, was gone without a trace.

She was worried about what she was calling on her face down and suddenly shouted her hands and shouted.

“I can’t help being depressed! Because God is watching over me! I’ll do my best! I’ll be watching!”

At first glance, tears are slightly floating around the outer corner of the eyes of Eleanor, who is full of energy.

From now on, they will return to a one-way relationship with each other, just to watch and pray. I don’t know what she was going to church. What does it mean for Eleanora to be able to meet God who believes only once?

“Ah! I heard the voice of God!

Uh … You broke up with tension so you wouldn’t talk for a lifetime. It’s a matter of minutes, not minutes.

When she’s out of words, she starts laughing so she can’t bear it.

“Huh, Sanon is awkward. I’ve been hurt because I’ve been too close to people, and I’ve always been in that tone. I’m trying to get away with people.

Remun, who was speaking in a bright voice, turned around and kept his voice low and low.

“I’m worried because I see individuals. It would be easier to see the whole human species …”

“It’s like calling your brother and sister without saying your name?”

“… I hate sisters who have a good intuition.”

“As a God who gives priority to all things, can’t overlook the risk factors that can destroy the world, right?”

Somehow, Lemun’s purpose has come to light.

He must have come to search for me in this world, knowing that I in the parallel world has destroyed the world.

Remun opens his mouth at the top of the Buddha, knowing that he will no longer be deceived.

“I was searching secretly and secretly, but Sanon was ruining everything.”

“I thought it was suspicious before that.”

“Well, my purpose is as my sister imagined. If this happens, I can’t help. I’ll listen straightforwardly.”

I could easily imagine his question. I do not want to destroy the world. I don’t know if I can believe it, but I can only say no.

However, the words Remun continued to follow were unexpected.

“―― What is your sister …?

“It’s also abstract. What does that mean?”

“In other words, yes … is your sister really Yumiera Dorknes?”

He stopped on the verge of trying to say it was natural.

I am too far from the original Yumiera.

So that’s it. I understood what he wanted to say. I guess I’m the only one in the many parallel worlds. I guess I was the only one who reincarnated from Japan.

But what did you explain? How far should information be disclosed?

Seeing me struggling with the answer, Remun began to talk unilaterally.

“It started the day before yesterday. I told you I could exchange information with myself in the parallel world, didn’t I? I suggested … she’s stubborn, and each one was destroyed. ”

Did you beat Sanon? I’m strong in the parallel world.

Patrick says with a little anger that he was impressed but impressed.

“Remun says that Yumiera will destroy the world?

“Yes, Patrick. Originally I peel the fangs into the world.”

Patrick, who is likely to be eaten by Remun, pulls his sleeve a little and keeps it.

Remun raises his mouth as expected to Patrick who is confused.

“It looks like your sister is feeling.”

“Yes. One question before I answer, is there only one perishing world? I am another parallel world?”

“I’m the only one in the world where I died. My sister in that world is much stronger than others. In other worlds, she’s …”

“Alicia, are you killed by the brave party foursome?”

“… What is she really like?”

I can see it.

The regular route is a scenario where Alicias successfully defeat the scenario of the game and defeat the demon king of the last boss and Yumiera of the back boss.

Alicia defeated in the back boss battle because Yumiera was too strong, the means to stop Yumiera was lost, and even the gods died, the world of perishing.

The only difference between the two worlds is the victory or defeat in the back boss battle. Before that, they would have followed almost the same history.

But what about this world? Scenario is blurred so that there is no shadow of the regular route due to me.

At first I thought it was strange to destroy the world. But no. What’s weird is that I’m living in a peaceful way.

“That’s right. I’m not exactly Yumiera. I know the cause and I know the role of Yumiera.”

“After all, your sister is completely different from Yumiera.”

“Yumiera? Is Yumiera not Yumiera? What are you talking about?”

Patrick, who has been completely laid down, says confused.

…… It ’s time to tell him about his last life.

The story is going to be long. I have no idea where to start.

Only one. I just wanted to tell you this.

“There are various things, but I am I.”

“… I’m sorry. I’m upset. Yumi … you are you.”

I wish I could call Yumiera separately.

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