Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 72

11 Discover the secrets of the previous life

Night. The long day is over.

After that, I talked about the situation later and promised Remun to break up. First of all, my selfish who wants to tell Patrick.

My unlit room is lit by the moonlight from the windows.

Patrick was next to me sitting on a chair and watching the moon. He tells him to care.

“I’m tired of everything today, so this time again-”

“Good. You have to say it now. It will be harder to say.”

I’ve been hiding it all the time. I couldn’t tell anyone. But let’s confide. The timing is only now.

The day has come to let Patrick know about my previous life, my roots, my identity.

The story of a reincarnation that you couldn’t believe, you might be rejected, and you couldn’t tell anyone because of such anxiety. Surely he would believe and accept.

I could start talking more comfortably than I thought.

“I have a memory from a previous life. I was born in another world, lived, died … a memory that was reborn as Yumiera.”

“Are you reborn … a different world? Is it the parallel world that Remun was saying?”

“It’s not a parallel world, it’s a different world. Remun compared the parallel world to a tree branch, but if you follow that analogy, it’s a completely different tree. The laws of the world, the shape of the continents, the history of mankind A world where everything is different, there was no magic in the world where I lived. ”

“Isn’t there magic? I can’t imagine it.”

“It’s strange that there is magic in my opinion.”

“Isn’t it inconvenient?”

“Science … oh, maybe it was more convenient because there is another technology like magic tools”

that? I’m talking normally, but don’t you accept too much?

There’s no surprise, and it’s not what I thought.

“Well, Patrick is not skeptical? I think it’s an outrageous story.”

“It’s rather a sense of consent. I’m convinced that Yumiera’s uniqueness comes from a different world.”

“Ah, yes. That’s what’s changing. That’s the cause. Different worlds have different common sense.”

“Yes. Yumiera seems to have survived a difficult world, but this world is relatively peaceful. You only have to get used to it little by little.”

Patrick stares with warm eyes.

Or is this world peaceful? You don’t have to live like before … I was almost swept away by the atmosphere, but it was different. It’s like you’re surprised at his kindness, but you have to say.

“… I feel more nervous in this world.”

“you’re kidding?”

“That’s true. I can’t say that the world is peaceful … but my surroundings were peace itself. I’ve lived in a country called Japan for almost 20 years, but I’ve never felt the danger of life Tashi ”

“Twenty years? Did the previous life Yumiera die so quickly?”

Unpalatable. I’m a bit mentally young … I was going to say that my sister was last. I made a mistake in the setup.

It’s been twenty years, but exactly nineteen years and months. Now I am that much age, that is, my exact age is nineteen and nineteen. No. I remembered my last life when I was about five years old at Yumiera.

Nineteenth nineteenth-five … a difficult calculation. It is doubtful that it can be solved by using a supercomputer. I couldn’t help a later mathematician like Fermat, so I decided not to talk about the formulas.

“Isn’t it alive for the last 20 years? No, I think it was shorter. Yeah, shorter. It was just a moment. Within an error. Really like not living. I am now Yumiera That’s why I think it’s correct to refer to the Yumiera age. ”

“Hmm? What’s that …?”

that? Did you not notice Patrick? Is it possible to deceive as it is?

No, you can be noticed separately. It’s a theory that sick people thought that the younger a woman, the better. According to the broken theory, the most cute baby is a zero-year-old baby. Maybe the theory of the example is correct.

With that weird idea in mind, Patrick, groaning, opens her eyes closed with a surprise. Oh, did you do that?

“Yumiera lived in a different world as a different person than Yumiera. That human profile is completely different from Yumiera … Is this sure?”

“Yeah … Did you understand? It’s not good to hide too much. Patrick may be out of my romance, but … it’s hard to say.”

Heh, he laughs, but he doesn’t have the confidence to laugh. Suddenly, when a lover turns out to be almost twice as old, what do ordinary guys think?

Patrick believes only you, but cannot fear the rejection.

Patrick slowly opens her mouth, instead of me, who can’t speak out.

“No way … the sex of Yumiera from the previous life was … a man …”

“A woman!”

I was terribly misunderstood. I can’t be serious.

Am I a man? Where do you look like a man? Both the appearance and the inside are completely girls!

Did Patrick think of me as a man?

“Eh, what? Do you believe in being a man once? Did you look down on my female power to that extent?

“No, not at all! Yumiera is feminine. But … sometimes, sometimes …”

He hastily denies.

I won’t do anything about this. It only steams up again and again for the future. Hold on to the root until death. Steam back every time.

“Are you? I’m not angry at all? What happened in such desperation?”

“… I think Yumiera is a bit like a man. Sometimes I feel like I’m with a male friend. To put it too much, I don’t think it’s almost feminine.”

“Yes? I’m different from what I said earlier? What’s true? I can’t believe your words.”

“However, at a sudden moment, a girly part comes out …. I’m always conscious of it, and when I notice it, I like it and can’t stand it anymore …”


A very weird voice came out. Patrick, do you like me too much?

Forgive everything. Rather, the maiden ingredient was very small and good. Without it, he may not have fallen in love.

“Yeah, well, that’s a good story. I’m a woman now and in the past.

“Oh, ok. Did Yumiela care about age?”

Let’s go. The topic of age, which is a contraindication, was steamed back. I thought I was able to finish my gender story.

Cute Yumiera was actually a boy. The cute Yumiera was actually really older. Which is Patrick’s shock? Generally speaking….

He opened his mouth with a sad expression.

“I see … Yumiera thought he would calm down when he got older …”


“Oh, I want you to listen without feeling sick … I thought that the strange part of Yumiela was because I wasn’t so friendly at a young age. I thought it would become somewhat common sense over time, …… Oh, wasn’t that the same situation in the past?-If you’ve steamed your painful memories-”

“I’m sorry somehow.”

Ah, if I didn’t talk to anyone during childhood, wouldn’t it be good at socializing? But my childhood, when my childhood was formed, was from a previous life. I usually live with my parents and my friends.

Do you want to tell that too? I think it’s a bit different from what seems to have been distorted in a bad childhood.

“I used to have family and friends in my last life.”

“Is that … a lie …?”

“No, no, I was walking with my friends when I was in an accident.”

“Yumiera is getting lost more and more”

why. The friend I was with at that time was at least a more normal child than me.

I think she was safe in position, but … Sometimes I couldn’t distinguish between right and wrong, but she was a good boy.

I’m getting tired. So … how far have you talked?

As a resident of a peaceful world (a teen girl), I died in an accident and came to this world.

Is it only this yet? I spent quite a bit of time in one sentence.

“Huh … what’s the question so far?”

“I heard that the world before was peaceful, but is it a world where Yumiera will die? I don’t think it’s very peaceful.”

“… I was a normal person in the previous life?”



It is useless. It doesn’t engage decisively. Words are powerless.

“Well, I was an ordinary person in the previous life. So I was driven by a car … like a carriage and died.”

“Kill Yumiera … a carriage?”

“You hear the death of a carriage sometimes in the royal capital, right?”

“But Yumiera?”

It turns out that Patrick, who holds his mouth with his hand, is seriously puzzled.

Is this that? The cause is that the word “ordinary” that I say has fallen.

“I’m probably weaker than Eleanor-sama, because I’m the type of person who breaks my legs if I jump out of a window on the second floor.”


“So in Japan, I was a little weaker than the average. Even though it was table tennis. ”

Patrick has frozen. I think it’s the most confusing today. Is it more shocking to be weak in the previous life than in the previous life? You can easily understand what you think.

He starts moving after about a minute. Silently, one minute is pretty long.

“… in other words, was Yumiera of the previous life a civilian?”

“Yes, he was a normal student.”

I finally got it. However, this is just an introduction and the main subject is yet to come.

I’m tired of talking, do you do a little better?

“That’s the main topic from now on. I’m involved in a parallel world.”

“I’ve seen it somehow with the content so far. Does that other Yumiera have the memory of the previous life?”

“Yes, it’s speculation.”

The story is quick and helpful. After that, if you explain that this is the world of otome games … I feel this is the most difficult thing.

“I know the true character of Yumiela. I was in the world before … the story is just like this world.”

“A story? Is this the world in a script?”

“Hmm … there’s a difference in the details … what about? The world of the previous world cannot be abandoned because of the possibility of another story, isn’t it just wasteful to think?”

“Well … I see.”

Japan, where I was, believes that there was more than enough possibility that it was a world of games and comics. If you escape from the virtual world of artifacts, you cannot be certain that the place is original.

That’s why I think this place to live now is real.

“The story is about a hero and a saint defeating the Demon King. After defeating the Demon King, even stronger enemies will stand. That’s me.”

“……So that’s it”

“Usually, the protagonists are killed, but there is a world where Yumiera won by mistake.


Patrick, nodded, closes her eyes and thinks.

You know who the brave and the saint are, because he is a good man.

Patrick says after taking a deep breath, whether the thoughts are over.

“I understand the situation. Yumiera’s previous life and the role of Yumiera. Based on that, I want to hear one thing.”

Is it all right? If I am, I will ask questions. You don’t have to worry too much.

But what is the only question he wants to ask? I feel the weight of the question because it is one.

Patrick opened his mouth a little anxious.

“Is it good that Yumiera came to this world? Would you like to return to the original world?”

“I don’t think I’m dead, I don’t want to go back to the previous world. I don’t think I’ll go back now.

I inhaled and exhaled, and then continued.

“That … I’m glad I came here. I met you.”

He mutters, “It was good.”

I was embarrassed after being caught and I laughed.

My secret that I never talked about. I feel like I’m finally confided and the burden on my heart has come off.

Approaching neither, I stretched out. Otherwise the height of the face will not be the same.

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