Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 73

12 Countermeasures against Yumiera in a parallel world

The next morning, Remun is still at home at home.

He has explained to him the memories of his previous life. It was the second time since last night, and I was able to talk a little smoothly.

“Hmm, hey, memory of another world …”

Remun, who was holding his bread without hesitation, seems to be skeptical.

This is a normal reaction. You can think that this story is a lie. It’s important to have one single belief that I have no intention of destroying the world.

“It’s hard to get proof, so you have to believe it.”

“Well, if you don’t have such an unusual cause, you can’t explain your sister’s uniqueness.”

“Isn’t it enough to know that I am different here from me in the parallel world that destroyed the world?”

The world that has fallen is sorry, but it is out of reach of me.

I and Yumiera beyond have nothing to do. We live in a world where we do not interact, and we never meet. Alright, this is the end.

This is the end of the turbulent days. It’s time to say goodbye to Remun, who is chewing my scrambled eggs.

He said with a smile he loved, as he had set his mind in the brain to drive out the dark god.

“Then, it’s a meeting for sisters in the parallel world.”


“Did you not say?-Yumiera Dorknes of the parallel world will definitely come to this world.”

Well, aren’t you satisfied just by destroying one world? Is the other side too ferocious?

“Why are you bother coming here? What do I want to do over there?”

“Did you talk before? Level upper limit release”


One way to open the level cap is to kill yourself in a parallel world. I see, my aim is me.

“But you don’t always come to this world? There are countless parallel worlds?”

“Even in the same parallel world, there is a concept like distance. The example world is adjacent to this world.”

“Then we could go to the other side. Fifty percent … it’s quite expensive.”

“No, I’m going here 100% of the time, because there’s no other world Yumiera Dorknes.”

Ah, is that something? I in the majority of the world are defeated according to the maiden game scenario. The exceptions are me in the parallel world who has beaten Alicia, and this me who has taken a completely different route.

Only two people survive in many parallel worlds. Lemun’s fears were natural.

“Is it possible to move to another world? I can’t do that with Remun? I don’t necessarily know how to unlock the upper limit in the first place.”

“That’s … well … there’s a guy pulling his hand on the back.”

Remun, who has been responding without stagnation, has become muddied. Presumably, that guy is higher than Remun. One with only one person in the parallel world, with a level limit exceeding 99.

“I think that is more a threat than me in the parallel world.”

“Don’t worry too much. There are a lot of restrictions on things that can interfere with the world. You shouldn’t want to use your precious resources.”

“I just need to get ready to beat me?”

“So Yuko”

I don’t take the information coming from Remun, but now I have to believe in his words.

Me and my battle … Until now, I have won many battles by pushing my high specs. Upcoming battles where it doesn’t work may be painful.

Patrick came into the dining room as he was pondering the mightiest enemy in history.

“Good morning, Yumiera.

“Good morning. I was tired yesterday because there were so many things.

“Oh, don’t overdo Yumiera.”

Patrick sits in a chair and keeps watching Girari and Remun.

“What is he talking about?”

“I talked roughly, I remember the memories of my previous life. So, so, it’s like I’m coming to this world in a parallel world. I told you that I had to take countermeasures.”

Yes, there’s Patrick here. It’s bad for me, who will come alone, but with his help, the win won’t shake.

However, my friend whom I could depend on had a sad face.

“That should not be something that Yumiera would deal with, because it has nothing to do with her in her case.”

“She’s aiming is like me, so I can’t avoid encountering it.”

“… Is it okay?”


“Isn’t it too terrible to fight yourself in the parallel world and a person who has the same face, albeit with different contents?”

He speaks with a sad face.

Is it cruel? I imagined a scene facing me.

I had the advantage of memories from the past, but she doesn’t. She was thrown into the harsh world without anything and hated the world without getting an ally.

She was alone alone while I was with Patrick and Eleanora.

She is an unmistakable back boss, an absolute evil, a threat of this world. But I may not be eligible to blame her.

She approaches with a frozen expression and beats my belly. She should have been more painful. Let’s take it easy.

She taps on my cheek …. I don’t understand that my face is useless! You did it! Do n’t make a moody face! I don’t like that expression!

I jumped at her and raised her fist …

“… Oh, it’s okay. It’s easier to beat than others, because you don’t have to do anything.


“I’ve just imagined it in my head. It’s a real fight, I’m aiming at each other’s faces.”

“Well …”

I didn’t think I would be pulled so far.

Well, my predictions about the future are largely off, so a peaceful discussion may help.

“Do you want to be as comfortable as possible? But everything is up to you.”

“Oh, I ask you to be as peaceful as possible. I’ll help you when it comes, but it’s hard to fight Yumiela.”

“No, no, Yumiera is a different person from me. You don’t need to worry about it?”

“Can Yumiela fight my face, even if the contents are different?”

Is it just that Patrick is a bad guy?

I can’t forgive evil deeds with his dear figure. First, change your face. It’s so bumpy that it doesn’t keep the prototype …

“Yes, I can fight normally, but I’m more motivated.”

“… That’s okay.”

I felt sorrow from him who answered simply. why?

Then, with the help of Patrick and Remun, a Parallel World Yumiera Countermeasures Conference began.

“What should I do even if I say measures?”

“I don’t even know when and where I’m coming … I don’t think Yamiera will be able to catch the trap.”

From the very beginning, a feeling of exhaustion starts to drift, but Remun fearfully laughs.

“Sisters, have you forgotten my powers? Are you in a position to manage dungeons and magic tools? It would be advantageous if you had the strongest class of magic tools that you would not normally see.”


Awesome. Is it possible to control the item drop rate? Random number adjustment is exactly what God does.

When she honestly sends her respect, Remun makes her happy.

“First, yeah … isn’t it a weapon with a light attribute, which is your sister’s weakness?-There’s one of the best-class things that humans call a variance dungeon. Is a dish that also involved Sanon, the god of light. ”


“Few people can reach the deepest part of that dungeon. The holy sword in the example should still be asleep. But your older sister will have a hard time holding it, so what happened to your brother …?”

That’s what a dungeon is about. This is where I went during my summer vacation at the school. I did many laps in the dungeon to get my own sword, and finally I got a dark attribute sword.

Along the way, I dropped a sword of light attributes that was hard even to touch directly.

I didn’t need it, so I sold it out, finally crossed over to Alicia, stabbed me from behind, and where did I go after that … I remembered. It was so dangerous that it was erased in a black hole.

“I don’t have that sword anymore.”


“I erased it in a black hole.

“… I can’t get it anymore.”

Remun says in a depressed voice.

I did something bad. I have to cheer up somehow.

“There’s still more to come! Remn is the god of magic.”

“Yeah, other … It’s under the control of Sanon, but there are magical tools that can expand the barrier. It’s a light attribute and it’s definitely useful.

“… I’m sorry. I broke it.”

Remun is silent. Too pitiful. It is unlikely that he is wrapped in a dark aura because he is a dark god.

Not good. I have a bad feeling. Remun speaks in a choppy manner.

“I’ve broken it, so it can’t be helped. After that … maybe a big whistle that can control monsters? The whistle of a monster calls for a monster, but the big whistle has directivity to the monster. I need my approval to use that power-”


“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s still weak. It doesn’t matter how many monsters you have with your sister.

“No, not so …. I broke that horn, Patrick.”

I left the rest Patrick! I can’t do it anymore.

He signaled him at his glance and shook his head. It was Patrick that broke that. The big whistle was intended to be taken care of, but was destroyed on the spot.

I didn’t want to break the barrier magic tool …

Putting such excuses will only make Remun even worse. Oh, I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry Remun. You don’t have to work hard anymore.

But he does not give up. I finally heard a small voice.

“What is Elixir? Has it been broken?” It’s a magical tool that I made with great effort.

“Oh! Elixir isn’t broken! I’ve never seen it!”

“Oh! I’ve never heard of such a magical tool. I’m sure it’s still sleeping deep in the dungeon!”

I and Patrick work together to cheer up Remun.

He instantly turned into a bright expression.

“That’s true !? Yeah! I’m sorry, Elixir is amazing! I’ll go to a certain place immediately”

Thus, we had to go out to get Elixir.

But I know. Elixir has no use for it. But, well, for him who was happy with the excitement of the boy’s appearance, I decided to keep silent now.

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