Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 79

18 The end of No. 2…

After that, there was no particular conversation, and Yumiera-2, who had finished eating quickly, said that he was tired and dropped in between the guests.

Patrick and I talk about her in my room.

“Huh … it’s different from what I thought. It would have been easier if I had a more terrible feeling.”

“Yes, she’s too …”

“Much more, I’m asking you to move here … hmm, I feel like it’s useless.”

I feel sorry for Yumiera 2, but I don’t know if she can be forgiven. The world has been destroyed, it’s too big to get rid of it.

I can’t imagine what she should do and what to do.

“She thought she looked like Yumiela when she first met her. I guess she didn’t have the sense of ownership, as if she were looking at the whole world, including herself …”

“Oh, maybe I used to be like that in the old days. I was thinking I had to escape abroad when it happened.”

It used to be the case in the past, but now I am different. The things that are important and the things that need to be protected have increased considerably.

I didn’t have anything back then. Breaking the current human relationship and escaping from this country will not lose anything.

She will be the same. Because there is nothing, you can always go anywhere.

“Huh? If you think so again, have you not reflected on Yumiera 2? Do you think you’re not bad?”

“It’s not there”

Patrick asserts without pause. The speculation part was surprising, as it was a type of statement. And continue.

“It can’t be. She saw Yumiera, she saw her other possibilities …”

“I had a different life because I had the memories of a previous life.”

“It has nothing to do with her. Yumiera Dorknes lives happily. That fact alone is enough.”

Really. My existence proves that all of her life is wrong. You will unintentionally point out that your efforts were meaningless and that your choices were full of mistakes.

Had she made a slightly different choice, the worst ending would have been avoided. You may have been more successful than me. Oh, it’s just a small difference.

“I’m a little bit more than I … No. I’m smarter, more girly, better at socializing, and above all, I’m just stronger.”

“Isn’t it a serious story?”

“Eh? It’s a serious story, aside from what I thought I had destroyed the world until now, I met me and was inevitably told me to be wrong.

For some reason Patrick had a wry face. You should have been talking very serious, what happened?

He coughs up to remind and then says.

“Well, now I keep the difference between Yumiera and her. I thought that Issue 2 might escape.”

“Run away … run away from me? Return to the original world?”


Make mistakes, give up everything, and don’t have anything important. Where will she go?

Ask Patrick hesitating to speak.

“So what does No. 2 say run away from?”

“… from living”

“Sure, no way …”

“She felt that she was about to disappear. It looks like Yumiela of the past, but something different. It’s not surprising to choose death from herself.”

Such … Everything was Patrick’s imagination, but if it were impossible, we couldn’t beat it.

It’s like a stupid imitation of destroying the world, dying yourself, and impressing with all such human beings.

I remember her last appearance. After finishing the meal, somehow satisfied her face.

I couldn’t keep up and ran out of my room.

“I’ll see the situation of No. 2!”

No, Yumiera No. 2. I don’t know how to do it, but I have no idea what to do, but I can’t give any advice, but it’s still wrong to choose my own death.

Run down the hallway of the mansion. I know her passing guests. It is the largest room that was only cleaned without anyone coming.

I have a bad feeling. The door was opened to break the door without asking.


“… I was surprised.

It seems that Yumiera 2 was looking out of the window.

Seeing her black hair and the dark night behind her assimilate … I really felt the illusion that she disappeared in the dark.

No way … jumping out of the window! ?

“No good!”

“What? What are you going to do?”

I ran up to No. 2 and shut my wings down so that I could not fly.

Take it behind and tighten it up.

Then she resisted with all her might. Struggle to escape my strangle technique. I don’t want to go into it.

Pull with Number 2 closed, release it after confirming that it has moved to a safe place away from the window.

“Huh huh … I thought I’d die.”

“I was going to die.”

“Huh? You’re about to be killed.”

“Hey? Are you tired of living and throwing yourself?”

that? My misunderstanding? Or rather Patrick’s misunderstanding.

She sighs out on purpose, saying she is half-embarrassed and half-assured.

“Hey, I can’t die at this height.”


surely. What, I lost in a hurry. If she has no desire to commit suicide, that’s fine.

“And, when I die, I’m going to take a guy I don’t like.

She smiles happily from the bottom of her heart. Koitos After all it is a bad guy.

But, I guess, there is no one to take with me. There should be no humans living in her world.

“You aren’t going to take you anymore.”

“I hate you, right?”

Don’t you know that? She tilts her neck pretty.

Yumiera No. 2 says while loosening her neck, saying that she was utterly absent from an unexpected declaration of war.

“Hey, I want to take a bath.”

“… Oh, yeah, I’ll get you ready.”

Is this the thickness of the back boss? If I had this quickness, I would have lived a little more.

She is humming and singing humming to see if she enjoys bathing so much. I was treated as not.

Leaving the guest without being reluctant.

Immediately after leaving the room, Patrick was leaning against the wall. He must have come to worry about No. 2.

Talk while walking along the corridor.

“Did you hear the story?”

“From the middle”

“It sounds like you’re wrong. I don’t want to die easily.”

Looking up next door. He seems to be hiding, but he was glad.

I don’t know if I’m glad to be honest, but I don’t feel bad either.

Then there is a voice that puts water. He who has been withdrawing in my shadow and deciding since the encounter with Yumiera No. 2 speaks.

“Sorry. It would have been easier if my sister in the parallel world died on my own.”

“… Remun is a bad god, right?”

“Why is she a dangerous person who destroyed a world? Naturally, I want her to disappear to protect this world.”

There is a place where the totality is passed by the god of darkness. Perhaps it is inevitable from the standpoint of God who controls the world, but I do not understand human emotions too much.

“Is Yumiera 2 dangerous?”

“Of course it’s natural.”

“What if she wouldn’t hurt anymore?”

“It’s still a risk factor. She has the power to end the world alone. It’s not a joke to keep that person alive.”

Remun doesn’t seem to know people’s emotions and is not used to interacting with people.

Patrick points out his speech.

“A risk factor that can destroy the world, this Yumiera does not apply.”

“Oh … but your sister is an ally, isn’t it a problem if the world is gone?”

At last he understood his idea. Thorough totalitarianism to protect the world. You don’t care how much you sacrifice for all.

I guess they are just friendly now because of the threat of Yumiera 2.

Persevering not to call a person by name may be an inner manifestation of not seeing an individual as an individual.

“I don’t think that I want to protect the world, or that it doesn’t fit that big stature.”

“Isn’t your sister willing to fight her?”

“If No. 2 hurts me and the people around me, I’ll fight. Only protect me within reach.”

No matter how powerful you can destroy the world, you cannot make people around the world happy.

That’s why I defend only my reach.

“… Well, for now, the interests are the same.

“I also want to help issue 2 if I can.”

“You shouldn’t give up because it’s impossible. No matter how long your sister’s hand is, it will never reach you.”

I was going to ask him a good plan for the future of No.2, but I couldn’t.

But what Remun says is reasonable. It’s too reckless to want to help oneself in the parallel world and those who destroyed the world.

What should I do? If I or my surroundings are sacrificed for her, it will fall down.

I came back to my room while walking in the shadows while talking like that.

“Ah, why haven’t you even talked to him until now? Why would you hide from No. 2?

No response came from my shadow. Looks like it’s gone. It seems that shadows can be entered and exited from anywhere, but I don’t know the detailed system.

Looking at Patrick’s face with some trouble, he was glaring at my feet.

“Don’t be such a scary face, aren’t you afraid of Patrick?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. But the god of darkness is an inedible guy. It’s too vague to be an enemy or an ally.”

“No. 2 is ambiguous.”

There is no need to worry so much if you carry things dualistically between the enemy and your ally. I really don’t want to be hostile with either, but it won’t be that easy.

Will we really fight No. 2 in the end? I don’t want it, I’m stronger.

“I want to be a little alone and think a lot”

“Okay. Call me as soon as one hates you.”

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