Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 80

19, number 1 is number 2, number 2 is number 1.

I break up with Patrick and go back to my room alone.

In my head, I was full of parallel worlds.

Especially if she’s hostile towards me, but I don’t think she hates me. With the same face as me, she hates slamming hatred at me, but it’s not like the disgust from the bottom of her heart again.

My hair long enough for that one eye to hide also makes me feel bad when I think it’s because there’s no one to cut it. And that pretentiously loaded gosloli dress… is that usually a difference in taste?

Her clothes can’t be. I doubt the sanity of wearing such merry clothes with a cheerful face. Wearing a gosloli dress is even more incomprehensible than destroying the world.

But thanks to the example clothes, it may be appreciated if I say thank you because of our discernment. Can anyone tell that it’s the same hairstyle, the same lineage of clothes…… can you?

I think it would be indistinguishable if we changed the way we spoke.

I’ve come up with a dodgy enhanced replacement for the twins. Absolutely interesting. I want to do awesome.

“All right, let’s do it”

I’ll get right on with it.

Just fine. I’m alone now. I told you to leave me alone, not to think, but to execute the dodgy. Yeah, I’m sure you do.

Jump out of your private room and run down the stairs. Naturally, don’t let anyone distract you. Killing footsteps and walking is a habit.

What we arrived at was a bath in the mansion. Number two should be in the bath by now. You can’t be too alarmed to take off your clothes on enemy land.

Gently enter the stripper. If you open the door with the other one, it’s the bathroom. I hear chappy and hot water.

Well, where’s the example dress? I tried to start looking, and there was a sharp voice.

“There! Is anybody there?

Sign detection capability of number two is amazing.

But it’s alright. I have a good idea of what to do when this happens. I say with a slightly higher voice color.

“… we have brought you a change of clothes”

“Share information with your servants. Did I just say that? I’m not gonna wear anything other than that.”

“I’m sorry. Excuse me.”

Oh, are those clothes even when you sleep? Shit. Let’s make it normal, like, a pyjama.

They’re going to be suspicious if we don’t leave soon, but I already found the example clothes. Take it gently and leave the stripper behind.

Of course I left the change of clothes instead. It’s the normal pajamas I always use.

Got a No. 2 Goth Lori dress. I’ll get dressed quickly and head over to Patrick’s.

Would you notice? Oh, these flirting are the funniest.

But to change into complicated clothes that I’m unfamiliar with, I took the trouble. There are buttons in weird places, and definitely not clothes to wear alone.

It’s a time limit until No. 2 gets out of the bath and gets angry. Let’s hurry.

Totetote walking down the Kosokoso corridor in frustration with the unfamiliar pretense, I came across Eleanora.

No. 2 against her should have always been heartless. But not even with it, Eleanora laughs.

“Ah! Yeah… Mr. Yumiera… Is that okay?

“You can call me whatever you want. If it’s confusing, why don’t we call it number two, like he did?

“Your name isn’t cute, is it, Mr. Number Two? Mr. Yumiera is insensitive to that kind of place…… Ah! Now Yumiera is the usual Yumiera.”

“I know! Yumiera, Yumiera, you’re annoying.”

Whoa! Eleanora thinks of me as number two. The effect of this garment is amazing.

And I think that’s where my acting skills are. It’s just the same person, and if you just imitate the tone, you have the exact same voice.

Is it the hairstyle that I haven’t been able to reproduce? It is then pointed out that point.

“Is that it? I have long hair…”

“I hung up because I was in the way. Bad?”

“… Could it be Mr. Yumiera?

“What? You’ve said it many times. My name is Yumiera.”

Bad. I think I feel uncomfortable cutting my hair. She twists her neck and turns her suspicious eyes to me.

“Hmm? Is that it?”

“What? If you need me, I’ll go.”

“Yes…… good night?

I break up the conversation because I’m going to be noticed and pass next to Eleanora.

I wasn’t sure, but there seems to be some discomfort. She has a good idea in strange places.

Leave the spot early and head to Patrick’s room. He doesn’t have a wild idea or anything, so I’m sure he won’t know.

Never mind, knock on Patrick’s room.

“Nice, who?

“It’s me.”


“Huh? You, you don’t even know if it’s your lover’s voice?

First hand hatred while opening the door. All right, number two looks like a hundred points. Don’t even fool Patrick with this.

He was writing to his desk, checking me out for chills and putting his gaze right back on.

Unexpectedly unresponsive, I thought I’d be in shape when number two came to my room.

Patrick says with a look at hand.

“He seemed to be uncommonly troubled… but what’s wrong with wearing those clothes?

“It’s these clothes from the beginning… What? Could I be mistaken for him? I just cut my hair out of the way.”

“No, that’s why you’re Yumiera, right?

Hi, the conversation doesn’t mesh. I’m still alarmed by me disguised as number two… and Patrick is looking strange.

No, you can’t let me look worried. My name is Yumiera Two now. Don’t try to worry about him.

“It’s Yumiera… so what? I don’t know what that means.”

“That was a bad way of putting it, right -”

Patrick lifts his gaze from hand, looks me in the eye and continues.

“Number one, because I don’t really like the way you say it… you’re my Yumiera, right?

“Ooh, mine… when I say people like possessions, you know…”

“It’s just me, isn’t it, Yumiera?

“… Yes”

No, it’s nothing. I’m not just Patrick’s… Forget it. No, I’m just Patrick’s Yumiera.

Well, did he know from the beginning? So the conversation doesn’t engage either.

“How did you know? Except for the hairstyle, which I think was perfectly number two.”

“Hmm… the atmosphere, the signs… it’s kind of a yummiera,”

“What’s that?”

You’re saying there’s no logical reason? Somehow, you mean you recognized me as me just for your own sake and your sensibilities?

Oh no… don’t you like me too much?

Patrick looks at my outfit from top to bottom and says:

“Don’t even look good in a dress like that.”

“Oh, because this outfit is, you know, an array to disguise as number two. I’ll never wear it again.”

Whew. As soon as I found out it was recognized as me, I was suddenly embarrassed.

I am now in front of Patrick wearing a gosloli dress that I said I would never wear. An interesting seemingly dodgy project has become a place of total shame.

Patrick opens his mouth as he thinks about dispersing quickly.

“And you were surprised.”

“Because it’s not! Inside, I wanted to try these clothes on, ’cause that’s not what I’m talking about!

“I’m surprised she lent me her clothes, not you,” he said.

“Oh, maybe it’s time to give it back.”

I want to believe that Yumiera II is the type to take a long bath.

I’m so short, by the way. Though I don’t think I’m short on my own, I’m often suspected of getting into Rita properly. I tell them to come in with me and let me wash my body if it’s too short, so I’ve increased the number of places I count to two hundred lately…

Thinking so, there’s noise from downstairs. Oh, is it too late already?

I have trouble getting raped in irrelevant places, so I say face to face in the hallway.

“Over here! It’s upstairs!

The sound of a doozy run.

Immediately Yumiera II appeared, just wrapped in a towel.

“What an outfit!?

“I knew it was you! It can’t be true!

Impossible is your outfit. Patrick’s watching, too.

The half-naked woman breaks into the room with Zukazuka. Oh, I wear a triangular hat. Didn’t you like the pajamas in the water balls?

“Sorry, sorry.”

“Give me my clothes back as soon as I can apologize. Here, take it off!

She stays in a towel and grabs me trying to get my clothes off.

As it is, almost naked Yumiera becomes two. Who the hell will gain?… Patrick might get it. Well, he’s a boy too, so it’s normal that he wants to see his favorite beautiful girl naked.

So, can we just keep doing this? Someday you will forgive your skin anyway. If you think of just getting ahead of future events, well…… I’m sure we’re talking about a future that’s not so far away. I think it’s faster than all mankind wearing mysterious full-body tights and getting in a flying car.

“Okay, take it off, take it off”

“That’s what you’re going to say and run away!? My eyes won’t deceive you!

Yumiera number two, which shows an unusual obsession with the gosloli dress, disturbs and pulls wet hair. The towel is going to slip off now.

…… hmm? Isn’t this number two more sensual than me?

Patrick, whose sight burned in the back of his brain, started asking for number two more than I did…… no, no, no, no, no.

Events that seem to have R designation are interrupted because I have visioned the worst future.

Grab and hold both hands of number two, and figure out a way to stop her. Can’t you be ashamed of number two? Suppose you say someone else. I can’t believe a towel in front of a man.

Maybe there’s too much blood on your head, and you haven’t noticed Patrick’s presence? Too calm.

“You know what? That’s where Patrick is, isn’t it?

“… he would have left right away.”


I look around the room but I didn’t see him. Looks like he was exiting pretty early. Am I the one who lacked calm?

When I’m flabbergasted, number two rushes me.

So take it off quickly.

“Take it off, take it off”

I am made number two, but I can leave it and take my clothes off. I wouldn’t bother to do that. But I’d take it off myself.

It just so happens that number two went back to looking like a gosloli dress. And I… what am I supposed to wear?

“Hey, what about my clothes?

“I don’t know.”

A new pinch has struck. I don’t have any clothes to wear.

I thought we could change clothes, but she came all the way here with one towel.

I can’t help it. Do I have to get it to number two? I tried to ask her, and she opened the door looking at me with half a laugh.

“Well, then, you’ll have to take your own time.”

“Uh, wait, my -”

With the sound of the door closed strongly, my voice is cancelled.

He’s gone! Are you going to pay me back? You were pretty angry.

But what do we do? This is Patrick’s private room. Looking around the room I couldn’t believe what I was wearing instead, my shirt was cluttered in the chair.

It’s unusual to leave the clothes he took off on a few occasions. But all this time, it’s just survival.

I’ll weave his shirt wondering if this is good for now. It’s pretty big against my body, but my lower body hides too, so it’s just fine. It’s like a piece.

Well, I could also procure clothes in the near field. I’ve finished what I want to do, and do you want to go to bed now?

Do you need to look for Patrick and say something before then? Leave the room, look for him and walk around the mansion.

One of these days you’ll be different from someone else, so let’s ask that person where he is.

Walking down the hallway upstairs, there’s Patrick from across the street. Oh, luck.

“I wanted to be there, Patrick, and I’m sorry for the noise in the room. It’s mostly because of number two.”

“Yumiera!? That outfit…”

Confirm yourself that something is wrong. Oh, well, now it was one of Patrick’s shirts. I have to say a word of thanks for borrowing my clothes.

“Oh, I’ll borrow it for a second. The number two was my clothes… not, take the clothes I was wearing”

“Oh, oh… did you”

Patrick says, wandering his gaze.

Let me also thank you for the two more intrusions and the immediate exit.

“Thank you for taking my seat off. Because it’s kind of embarrassing even though it’s someone else.”

“Oh, yeah. Maybe she’ll care later, too.”

He was a towel. Did you also care about number two?

Patrick is too saintly. If I ran into him half-naked, I’d give him a reason to look at him.

But that’s it, even if you’re acting like a gentleman, don’t adore me for wanting to hug you inside. … is it not possible? Impossible, isn’t it?

“But you’re free to fantasize.”

“Yumiera, get dressed quickly. Not good when someone finds you.”

“Huh? You’re wearing it right. Oh, it’s just underwear under here, but it’s like a piece, right?

“Is that why! Don’t walk out dressed like that.”

Something’s wrong with Patrick since earlier. You haven’t tried to keep an eye on me the whole time.

Ha? He’ll mention the outfit, but I’m wearing his shirt properly. I am different from No. 2 and I am ashamed, so I do not go out in public in a fancy outfit.

I wonder what it is? You don’t like lending your clothes to others? Then I did something wrong.

“Oh, I’m sorry. ‘Cause I’ll give it back right away.”

“Stop it, don’t take it off! Don’t take it off!

“You can’t take it off here!

Don’t say anything weird all of a sudden! I would never take them off in public or make them wear clothes. We’ve known each other a long time, and that’s how much you know.

“Go back to your room quickly, and get dressed, quickly”

“Uh, yeah.”

Without a good idea, I am walked and pushed into my room.

I have no idea what that attitude of Patrick was. All I knew was that he had an extraordinary theory on me.

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