Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 81

20 Objective of No. 2

The morning after Yumiera II showed up.

She looks normal and is in her breakfast seat. Too familiar. If I had unfortunately demonstrated that ability, I wouldn’t have been forced to destroy the world.

And number two says in a way that even shopping invites you.

“Do you have time for this?

“I’m fine… what?

“Kind of.”

I wonder what it is? Everything that she’s going to do is undecided, so I’m grateful to be able to take the consultation from No. 2. But from the atmosphere, I don’t think it’s that serious.

“Where do we talk? Should I have Patrick, too?

“Well…… might be a good place to spread the word. Perhaps you should stay at Uncle Borderline’s.”

A place to spread the word? You mean a topic that’s going to be a beating? I can’t really predict. I don’t care what you talk about, either one of you is going to get your hands on it eventually.

Then I guess I could use the mansion garden.

Soon after breakfast, we push Eleanora home who wants to act together and we go outdoors.

I didn’t seem to be back from my morning walk, and I didn’t see Lew. I think it’s time to come home though.

I don’t use it much but I have a chair and a table in my large garden there. The one that seems to be on the terrace of the coffee shop.

“Sit down and talk?

“No, because you’ll be standing soon anyway”

Whoa, a fight? Fighting?

We take a certain distance and face each other. Next door was Patrick, oddly the same schematic as the first encounter.

All right, so why don’t we ask about number two requirements and what we’re doing? Depending on the story, it’s an off-site brawl.

“You know why I came to this world, don’t you?


“Again, I’m here for you.”


“I thought I’d finish that errand.”

I took a breath.

Her purpose is to kill me and release the level cap. Well… I knew it somewhere in my mind, but I can’t seem to avoid a fight with number two.

“Even so, I thought it would be a little later”

“You’ve been familiar for a long time, and there’s not a single good thing about it, is there?

“… maybe so”

Still, it’s painful to fight her. Number two and I had many arguments yesterday, and they beat each other up and left us without clothes to wear… Hmm? You can fight at all. Rather motivated.

In view of the damage done to the surroundings, it is not a good idea to call it the garden of the mansion. But come on.

“Shall we begin then?”

“Yeah, you know…”

The first must win. Do you care if number two is talking about something?

I kicked the ground and accelerated suddenly, fleshing to number two.

“- Shall we defeat that unhappy evil god?”


By the time she finished saying the line, my fist was already piercing her cheek.

I was stuck by surprise number two gave me a yummiera punch… no, give me a yummiera number one punch… no, the rider kick is a rider kick, so can I have a yummiera punch?… Well, he ate a decent punch and was blown away.

Number two said something, but I don’t care. When I showed you how to run the chase, I could stop it from Patrick.

“Hey, Yumiera! Stop it!”

“Don’t stop me, Patrick! We are destined to fight! There’s no other choice!

“No, I’m not. Did she say something?

“……………… after all?

Could the battle unfold be my mistake? No, but number two said I could run errands… and it’s a mystery. The person who can solve the mystery is now standing up with a slight flutter.

“… maybe I should kill you first”

“Oh, if you’re not going to, I don’t think there’s any point in fighting.”

“You set me up, what’s that saying!?”

That’s what Yumiera Two says, hands on me.

In an instant, the magic of intense dark attributes overflows. Oh, don’t let this come.

“Black Hole”

The majority of my body was wrapped in a pitch-black sphere.

The next moment, with the black sphere, my body will also disappear… I guess. Assuming I don’t move.

The black hole makes the sphere appear and the attack is completed by taking two steps: it disappears. A time lag exists for the start and completion of an attack, albeit a momentary event.

What are you trying to say…… I can see it and then I can afford to avoid it.


Kick the ground and fly into space, twist your body and escape the range of the black hole.

Surprised. It’s easy to avoid, but it’s bad for the heart to be shot with instant death magic.

“Huh… why are you alive?

“Huh? Normally, because I avoided it”

“Normally it’s inevitable, isn’t it? You…”

Her words get blocked along the way.

Patrick was popping up and poking his sword at the neck of number two.

“Don’t move. If you feel a magic move, hang up.”

“Huh? Patrick? Why are you suddenly killing me? Until now, it was the stopping side.”

“Just now, no doubt, because Yumiera was about to be killed”

Patrick’s in a lot of trouble when he’s about to get killed. Even if that were the case, it would be easy for him to avoid it.

“Don’t take such care of it. Patrick was avoided, wasn’t he?

“A black hole would be impossible. I can’t avoid it because I can’t predict the range.”

He said, “I just need to see it and then move.”

“… that would be impossible”

Oh, really? No way. Did Yumiera Two really come after my life?

No way. If I hit him directly, he’s not dead.

“The head was out of range of the black hole, wasn’t it? If my head is safe, I think I can regenerate with healing magic. I’ve never tried it.”

“… can you use magic just with your head?

“I can’t say anything about not experimenting… Oh, I’ve always worn a protective talisman, so it shouldn’t be a critical death”

Why am I defending number two? It’s too barren to argue with Attorney General Patrick with or without intent to kill.

So the accused Yumiera II opens his mouth.

“I used magic to kill you.”

I tried so hard to defend him, I confessed.

Um, there’s no way you’re gonna die about that. Is number two about your age you want to be evil?

For some reason, the two of them have had a one-touch atmosphere, so I’ll just arbitrate. It’s unusual for me to be in this position.

Clutter the easy to grasp blade part in an attempt to lower the sword.

“Yes, put it down. You can’t hang up on me like this.”

“Whoa, if I grab it there… oh, you can’t cut it”

That’s what I said. Patrick looked at the sword and muttered that it was a good product. From me, who thinks swords and sticks are the same strength, I think it would be good if they were sturdy, even if they didn’t cut well. Cheer up.

But it’s also strange that Yumiera II was told not to move and was solidified in discipline.

“Why didn’t you move?

“Me, I thought I’d be cut off if I moved, and I was hardened.”

“That’s why you can’t cut your body off easily.”

“It’s just you.”

What, betrayed by someone with the same Yumiera defense.

I see. Was it a normal, incisive occasion when they didn’t kill you? I didn’t realize what I did.

Well, it was myself who opened the end of the war, so let’s hear more about what Yumiera II was talking about.

“Uh, I’m sorry I made a mistake. I was about to say something…”

“Right, where shall we talk from… Looks like my purpose is wrong to see how you guys react.”

“Aren’t you trying to take me down and release the level cap?

“Though I was just going to do that. It’s a means, not an end.”

“What do you mean? First you said it was me, right?

“That’s right. I’m here to see you.”

“Uh, that way”

In retrospect, No. 2 said I came to this world for a purpose, but he didn’t say a word about defeating me or anything.

And what purpose did she come all the way across the world to see me? Not that it’s any good reason why I wanted to see myself in a parallel world.

Full, Yumiera II speaks true purpose.

“As I was about to say… I came to this world to defeat that unhappy evil god. Because I don’t seem hostile right now. I was worried about taking you down and getting stronger or getting you to help… but I can’t beat you to see how you avoid black holes.”

We’re moving in a strange direction again. What’s an evil god? No more than that……

“Why don’t you say something that seems important first!?

“I thought you knew.”

“You don’t understand.”

“‘Cause I told you, I’m the one for number two? …. So, yeah, I didn’t think you were going to tell me.”

Yep… No. 2 is too bad at communicating. Well, you can make a bad mistake around you.

Right. She wants the power to defeat the Evil God. Evil god? I know a god I don’t like. You should still be watching us from the shadows, so speak at your feet.

“Lemun, are you there?

“… because I’m not the evil god she calls me, am I?

A little while free and a brunette boy emerges from my shadow.

Lemun, God of Darkness, denies it, but let’s ask No. 2 at once.

“Evil God isn’t this kid, is he?

“It’s not him. He’s a god to those who resist.”

“Lemun, I don’t like you very much either… or it feels frigid”

“Evil gods don’t like them any better and they’re frightening.”

Lemun, I didn’t know you were transcendent, but it’s pretty good with evil gods. Wow, I don’t want to see you.

Oh, well. Lemun of the parallel world was defeated by the Yumiera II. He couldn’t have been a very unrivaled evil god. I’m sorry I doubted you.

Though he emerged from the shadows, Remun, overly alert to Yumiera II, hid on my back.

“Is that it? Lemun, if you’re the god of those who resist, who was the god who was irresistible?

“I don’t even know your name. The one who didn’t even show up fighting, saying he came to stop me or something. Goddess with white hair.”

“White hair? Beam out of your forehead or something?

“What? What are you talking about?

Is that it? I thought you were talking about Sanon.

But I don’t think she was irresistible, and it’s odd that she can’t beam out of her forehead. Oh, if you’re irresistible, don’t you have a beam?

Lemun opened his mouth as he was purging not only the evil god, but also whether a new god would emerge.

“That irresistible God is about Thanon.”

“Oh, he was a Thanonist god. Tell me your name at all.”

“I beam light attributes out of my forehead. If you eat properly, I’m in danger too.”

“Even you!?

How could Thanon not have fought?

In a parallel world, he turns to Lemun, who seems to have been turned down in an attempt to set up a joint front with her. Then he shook his head and said.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask Sanon himself?


The story went out of line.

From the battle between the already done Yumiera II and God, now it’s done with the Evil God.

“What’s an evil god? What does it look like?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t you see?

“It’s blurry… I can see it but I can’t recognize it”

Is that really a hallucination?

You noticed my gaze of suspicion, she talks about evil gods early.

“I met the Evil God about after Prince Sama defeated the Demon King. I mean, around the time I made up my mind to destroy humanity. I told him to be stronger because he’s going to die now.”

“Can you help me?

“I didn’t get anything. I was just taught how to level up with an emphasis on efficiency”

“What’s that!? I care.”

What in the world is the way God taught you to level up. It may no longer be useless knowledge to me at level 99, but I’d like to hear it for later school.

“You know, knocking down dungeon bosses all by yourself… and all the other crazy ways”

“Isn’t that normal?

“The Evil God just taught me how to do you. Ha… the first time I heard about it, I thought he was crazy, but you were right.”

“… I don’t want anyone who comes to the idea of destroying the world to tell me that I’m crazy -”

I think anyone can come up with that. Normally, it is better to decide on a solo that can be taken in total than multiple people whose experience points fall apart.

Everyone else should be able to think of other ways. For some reason, nobody does it.

Besides, I guess the Evil God exists. There’s no way for her to be alone and know how to get to my level.

“Oh, is it also the power of evil gods that have moved from the parallel worlds”

“That’s right. The purpose of the Evil God is to obtain a strong handkerchief. They told me to take you down and raise your level limit.”

Hmm. Evil god. The presence of Lemun pulling his hand from behind what he was saying would also be about that evil god.

More superior than Lemun or Thanon. A level 99 untied God, who manages numerous parallel worlds. World and world travel and so on.

The information brought to the Evil God made No. 2 stronger than the other Yumiera and drove the world to its demise. And I came to this world to be stronger.

Why she was able to beat the Alicias, unlike the rest of Yumiera. Why I traveled the world that Lemun couldn’t even do. The unknown finally came to light.

Patrick opens his mouth as he organizes information in his head.

“But you’re not going to take down Yumiera, are you?

“I’m sorry to be a servant of the Evil God.”

“Do you forgive the evil gods?

“You won’t forgive me. That’s how I keep my head down.”

I look at No. 2’s head, which doesn’t even look slightly down, and I think.

Suppose you work with her to defeat the Evil Gods, and then what? If her world doesn’t go back to normal, it doesn’t benefit me.

There’s no reason to fight me. It’s not a rush to move for number two, but if that’s her concern, I don’t have a stepdad to hang out with.

“What would you do if I told you I wasn’t willing to cooperate?

“I can’t do that.”


“Is that frigid evil god still listening to our conversation? You realize you’ve been betrayed, so you’re gonna try to kill me, aren’t you? I can’t help it. Aren’t you trying to handle it?

“Don’t get involved!

Aside from being credited with being difficult to deal with by evil gods, they dragged me down to a situation where I had to fight. Number two is still the bad guy, yeah.

“Evil gods are the ones who look fine when the world dies, right? Better to keep it down, but not as you?

“So even if Teng himself destroys the world…”

Not good. I’ve never fought a losing opponent on a level before.

It’s also awkward to not be able to imagine the strength of evil gods. Even though it’s over level 99, it’s totally different in two hundred and two thousand.

We have to do the opponent’s battle force analysis first. Ask Yumiera II.

“How strong is the Evil God? Because to a certain extent.”

“I don’t know. Something I’ve never seen where I’m fighting. I felt reluctant to use my strength.”

Wow. Thanks a lot for the completely useless info.

No matter how much power you spare, if you become the solemn purity of the traitor, you’re going to do everything in your power.

Leave the unusable number two alone, and I turn my gaze to Lemun.

“Remun, do you understand?

“… no matter how strong your sister is, you will never be enemies. As long as you have a level 99 shackle, you’ll never beat him. Maybe this world is over. haha.”

I looked at Remun’s face with a dry laugh and his eyes were dead. God of darkness, but I shouldn’t have lost the light of my eyes so far. Is it such a critical situation?

Too little information about evil gods. Since neither the location nor the equipment can be said to be complete, I propose to No. 2 to avoid immediate combat.

“Why don’t we put it off a little bit? It’s not like I’m afraid to lose or anything. Because I’m stronger.”

“No, you can’t. I told you, didn’t I? He’s still watching us. Look, you’re here, right? Come out.”

She cuts toward the void.

Remun jumped right into my shadow. Oh, I got away.

The wish that the evil god should not come out is vain, and the space shakes like it did when No. 2 appeared. It’s right around us.

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