Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 82

21 Evil God, appears

The wish that the evil god should not come out is vain, and the space shakes like it did when No. 2 appeared. It’s right around us.

“I didn’t expect you to betray me anymore. I don’t know the human form of thought…… is it still hard to take away your will and turn it into a puppet? But you’re unwilling to devote wasted resources…”

“Oh? Was it unexpected that you were betrayed? I’m surprised to hear you call yourself superior.”

Set aside the belligerently provoking number two and confirm the appearance of the Evil God.

The Evil God… you can’t see. I know you’re there but you don’t see it… It turned out odd to say the word No. 2, which is visible but unrecognizable.

Mosaic…… is also a little different, and it looks like a sandstorm on a brown tube TV.

Besides, if you look closely, you haven’t done a shadow. Opaque even though it does not block the light. I don’t understand.

If the outline is ambiguous, the shades are ambiguous. I don’t know anything about it except that it’s a person type the size of an adult male…. Why did I recognize myself as a person? Even though I couldn’t feel the elements of a person, I had the illusion that nature and the brain were human shapes. Someone you’re not so good at.

Is it good that something like this exists in this world? Being attacked by unspeakable anxiety, I ask Patrick with my gaze on the evil god.

“How does Patrick look? All kinds of human shapes?

“I’m looking at the same thing. of the human form…… hmm? Why did you think I was human?

He seems to be in the same situation as me. Pretty confusing.

If I were to call you to look like this, I wanted about a word. You couldn’t have said anything about flipping an anti-flag on the Evil God, you could have told him to gear up.

“Hey! I’m not even ready for this one, it’s the garden of the house and I could have given you some more advice!?”

“That’s not why I designated a place for spreading. You made sure we had time, didn’t you?

Yumiera 2 said plainly.

Not a big errand. That was tense. Yeah, there’s Eleanora right around the corner, and it’s time for Lew to come home.

What shall we do? What shall we do? I want to buy you some time first. A mysterious evil god, but the words seem to make sense once and for all, and let’s try a conversation.

“Uh, hello. Nice to meet you, Evil God.”

“Evil God, are you referring to me?

“Oh, was No. 2 just calling the evil god on his own? May I ask your name?

“Hehe, it was unusual for some people to hear my name. Listen, my name is… 32314; Immunity”

… Huh? What do you mean?

The evil god named himself suddenly, but he could not hear at all. That’s not why I have a small voice or a bad slippery tongue. The feeling that the brain could not recognize the sound that should indeed have gone into the ear.

“… again please”

“Phew. Immunity. Oh, can’t you even recognize it in the lower beings? It’s worthless for me to be the only one. Call it what you want.”

Focus again on the voice of the Evil God, but I still didn’t know his name. No vowel sounds resemble consonants, sounds impossible to pronounce on humans. I’ve heard it well twice, but it’s impossible to even rebel in my brain.

I don’t even know how good my voice is. There seems to be noise in your voice, and your gender is unknown.

Him…… is he okay? It’s a manly tone, so can he?

They told me to call it what I wanted, so let’s think of a name that sounds good. I don’t taste in evil gods. I’d rather have a name that’s easier to remember than a uselessly elusive one. Yeah, well…

“So… I’ll call you Porch. The gender of Porch…”

“Porch!? You mean me!? You think I’m a pothead, tied to many parallel worlds!?

He didn’t like the pouch. You’re the one who told me to call it what I wanted.

Orthodox, but I thought it was a good name. Then let’s think of something else.

“Well… balls”

“You said it was your balls!?

“Can’t you? That’s a lot of complaints…”

My naming repertoire is about to run out. He regarded it as worthless, such as his name, but sticks to it inside.

It shouldn’t even be such a terrible name…… I wonder if you hate Porch or Tama because of the unique sensibilities of evil gods.

When she saw how No. 2 had cleanly accepted my naming, she was holding her mouth down with her hands and laughing.

“Heh heh, you’re the best. Tama, I’m going to call you Tama, too.”

“You! You’re fooling me!

Number two laughs too much.

Was it that bad? Point your gaze at Patrick.

“Uh, why don’t we just go as evil as we’ve always been? Depends on who you are.”

“I don’t mind evil gods. If you know it’s a word you’re referring to me, you can’t stand it.”

“That doesn’t taste good, so give me another name.”

“You keep your mouth shut!

The Evil God pissed me off.

I wonder if I can do the evil god anymore. If you can’t use the name of the Pochitama pedigree, you need to open another drawer. Although there are named drawers that have been sealed for a long time, they are difficult to use.

“Then I will call you the Evil God. And all I can think of is Sharden Floyd and Kugelschreiber.”

“… hmm? That’s good. I thought you needed a name that you could understand. From now on, let’s name the evil god Kugelschreiber.”

Oh, they liked it. And the dull one. Kugelschreiber is German for ballpoint pens. It’s also my special name in middle school.

If I found out my name was about the writing, I would definitely piss this guy off. Keep it a secret.

Mr. Evil God Ballpen looks straight at me… he should be looking this way. I don’t know where the front is.

“Yes, you do.”

“Is that me?

“Oh, he who stands at the apex of a subordinate being like dust and mustard. Go down to my military gates.”

“Is it solicitation?

Is this evil god going to subordinate me?

Betrayed me and I can’t see number two. Or I can change my saddle. I have no vision.

“I forbid it. I don’t know what I can do.”

“I’ve been watching you since the beginning. You in the parallel world… Was that number two? I spoke to her only because it was easy for her to see. I don’t care if you change your plan to kill number two.”

“Huh? Am I easy to see? What are you talking about in the end to a betrayed habit!? And he’s not gonna kill me!

“In return… right -”

Kugelschreiber, the evil god, says ignoring the voice of number two. Whatever suggestions you give him, I will never shake your heart!

“- Let me assure you that you can be infinitely stronger if you work for me.”


“Let’s start by removing the shackles on level 99. Then there will be the days of constant battle. If we see a new cap again, why don’t we look for a way to break it?”

Will the level increase indefinitely? Hmm. I’m not interested.

There’s just a few things I can do to ask for more details. To get as much information out of the enemy as possible. I have no other intention.


“Oh, are you interested? If it was so easy, I should have called you from the beginning.”

“Assuming the ceiling of 99 is gone, how to level up after that?

“The only way to increase the level is to take magic into your body. The most efficient is a pseudo life form that consists of all of its magic. Keeping defeating the so-called demons. It’s the same thing you’ve always been.”

Is it the same thing to do? You’re stronger and you haven’t defeated stronger enemies… what could be stronger enemies? Evil gods have invited me with nuances like fighting together, but who’s the enemy?

Even if you ask too much about how to get too strong, the gaze you feel from Patrick next door just hurts. Ask questions about the enemies of the Evil God.

“Specifically…… who is Mr. Kugelschreiber fighting? You have no enemies for all the administrators of the parallel world, do you?

“The rest of the world.”

“… you manage all the other worlds, don’t you?

“Hmmm… what a language… I have everything in my hands in a parallel world that branches out like a tree. One of the branches of that tree is this world. Just as there is not one branch, neither is there another tree. I’m about to attack another tree.”

Another tree, a world that doesn’t even have the same laws as this world. I mean different worlds.

Will he not tire of this world alone and reach out to the other?

“Does it fit with the perception of a different world?

“I see, the other world? To put it briefly is just fine. You know what I mean.”

“There are administrators in that other world, too, right?

“Oh, you to fight them. And my true purpose isn’t just in the other world.”

They still have ambitions. He continues with a caged look of fever.

“At one point, I thought, Is this world really a tree?


“Aren’t you just thinking I’m a tree, part of an even bigger tree? The possibilities of a world like the Box Garden, created in the presence of an even greater world, cannot be abandoned. Imagine the people of that world watching this world from the top and enjoying it as entertainment!

“… ah”

Reminds me of what’s stupid. This world was the world of maiden games.

There is definitely someone who enjoys looking at this world from above. I was one of them.

I have an unexpected strange voice, and I am surprised by the Evil God.

“What’s up?

“No, go on”

“From the looks of them in that world, I’m just a little being playing in a little box yard. Isn’t that exactly a clown!

If I told you that this is the world of maiden games, this man is going to die of rage.

And then again, the world I lived in is a pinch. Evil gods who have accumulated power will attack Japan. Japan has been invaded by the world of maiden games…… hmm? Not even that critical?

Thank you. I don’t feel critical enough. When the god of the electronic world says , but the god of the maiden game says , I suddenly feel shocked.

Or is this the world of romantic simulation, though the evil gods seem so great?

That’s why this is a world of stories. But the people who live here are definitely alive, and they can make their own choices. Though I think it’s enough.

Additionally, the world I once lived in is not entirely the original world either. Just because I didn’t know it could have been a world of comics with battles between the Yin Yang Master and the Monster behind it. The world reading that comic strip goes on indefinitely imagining……

“Assuming you dominated the world you’re looking at, that world could be a world like a story or a boxyard, too, right?

“Then until you even rule the world above”

“Above… there could be more above, right?

“Whether it continues indefinitely or not, I keep climbing high”

I have no idea. Where we have continued to climb the multilayered world indefinitely, at the top, who gives us the assurance that we have reached the roots of the trees?

I can’t get along very well. I mean, is he Japan…… is he able to observe the world where Japan I was?

“Um… is there really a world up there?

“Theoretically, it exists. It has not been observed, but it definitely exists. Why don’t you look at me and you and show them to the people who are soaking in joy!

“I’m sorry, I’m not interested”

Wow. I don’t care. I do hate it when people look at me from the heights and say whatever they want about being cute or crazy or gorillas. But even though the parallel worlds are full of different worlds, I can’t care less about the world above.

If you’re happy now, that’s fine. That happiness can only be enough inside this world.

Oh, I turned down the evil god’s invitation. I wonder if you could go home without contending from here.

My voice comes from next door when I’m in a hurry inside. It’s Patrick.

“Yumiera… I believed you.”

Huh? You thought I was gonna be one of those ballpoint pen guys?

Proof that the word I believed was somewhat suspicious. I can’t go around conquering different worlds.

Terrible for boulders. I was shocked, and when I sent him my gaze, he continued.

“Oh, no, Yumiera loses sight when it comes to strength, so just in case…”

“If I’m going to do anything to get stronger, I’m going to take down number two first. Stop calling me a battle junkie.”


I honestly apologize, Patrick, but I didn’t miss tilting my neck a bit.

This matter falls behind. Now we need to focus on the evil gods. He’s an amazing god, so he doesn’t get angry easily…… right?

“That’s why I’m not going to be able to help”

“Don’t you get me wrong? I didn’t ask if I could be a subordinate. He ordered me to go down to my military gate.”

“… by the way, what happens when you violate orders?

“I just have to turn it off.”

I was so angry.

The ambition of the Evil God is no longer a story that will fit in this world alone. Maybe one day we’ll be fighting. But I don’t like it now. Near the house. It’s time for you to come home, Mr. Lew.

Let’s cloud the tea here. And let’s have him go home.

“Uh, Master Kugelschreiber is amazing, isn’t he?


“Then whether or not I can help you even if I work for you…”

“No matter how much power I accumulate, my powers are finite. I want to avoid devoting resources to trivial things more than limited. This is how resources are eaten just because they appear in the world. If you want to wield your powers, you will lose your temper. That’s why I want strong men. I’ll admit it, you’re strong. Do your best for me.”

No, is that the direction you’re going?

If I’m sparing my strength, I wish I was as angry as they turned down the solicitation…. Do you want to attack there?

“Resources matter, don’t they? So I think the best thing to do is to go home without doing anything.”

“Exactly. Don’t you understand very well? Then I command you, get rid of all those who are here on my behalf!

“Come on, man. Perseverance! I know you’re telling me you’re not going to be a subordinate!

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