Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 93

4-05 Ultimate Life Form Yumiera

◆ 4-05 Ultimate Life Form Yumiera

I felt too much blood on each other’s heads, so I activated my family’s treasure knife, “I’m going home.”

If you leave a grudge in connection with the wedding, you’ll definitely rub it later.

A relative’s sister divorced after a couple quarrel two years later.The start of the quarrel was because I couldn’t redo it because of the wedding and the budget.

Of course, that was not the only reason, but there was a subtle inconsistency in character and values.However, it is also true that it can be a fatal cause of divorce.

I don’t understand her attempting to prolong that hell event any longer, but only the lesson should be taken honestly.

Let’s settle down a little, so going home is another hand.

Patrick said calmly as I tried to get a seat to start preparing my luggage.

“Isn’t Yumiera’s home here?”


It’s true. My parents’ house was here.

That cake thing earlier, it’s like I’m just saying weird things.No one listens to such a human opinion.

Somehow, we have to do something without admitting our mistakes.Squeeze your brains out and force me to create my non-existent home.Trouble defeating the wedding princess – yes!



“I came from the moon.I’ll be home in a month. ”

“… there’s no one in the moon”

When I looked out the window, the full moon was just shining.

I don’t know why, but I point to the same moon of the previous life.

“Look, you can see the rabbit, right?”

“I can’t see the rabbit…”

“Was it the type that looked like a crab?”

I can’t see a crab.

Patrick stares at the full moon and shakes his neck sideways.

I don’t have the mood. It certainly doesn’t look like a rabbit or a crab.

“Well, I’m going home to the moon.”

“Yumeela, calm down and listen.I can’t go to the moon. ”

“I can’t do this?”

“No matter how good you can fly, you can’t go to the moon.”

No, no, I can go to the moon.There are people who have actually gone.Apollo planning conspiracy theory, but I believe in Captain Armstrong.Because someone with a Strong arm doesn’t lie.

At what level does Patrick say it is impossible?Is it a scientific meaning that it is impossible to go through space for three days, or is it a conceptual and religious meaning that God in heaven cannot go until the moon is suspended?Let’s clear up the area.

“In the world I was in, there was someone who arrived on the moon. There are multiple of them.”

“… no way”

“In this world, planets are spheres, and the moon surrounds them.In the meantime, if you fly physically high, you can go as far as the moon. ”

“I’ve heard the story of the world being a sphere.When I saw a ship coming from afar in the sea, I did see the top first. ”

There is no religion in this world other than celestial theory.

I don’t know, but the sailors seem to be saying that the world is round… so much recognition is penetrating.

Somehow, this is the first time I feel like I’m reincarnated in another world and showcasing my scientific knowledge.It seems like it could be used a little more effectively, but there are few unexpected opportunities.

“So I go back to the moon.”

“Wait, wait, is there no danger on the way to the moon?”

“… I don’t have it.”

“In the meantime, it’s definitely there!I can’t believe Yumeela feels dangerous. Hey, wait… ”

I ran out to stop Patrick.

Hmm. I started a moon trip in Nori that I had to plan and execute.If it’s not an opportunity like this, you’re not going to say you’re going to do it one day, so this is the time.Let’s go to the moon.

The problem is that there’s no oxygen in space… but we can handle it.I think I heard about urban legends where there is no air in the universe.

As a child of science and logic, I leapt out hoping that there was oxygen in the universe.

“Lew, are you awake?! It’s bedtime for a good kid, but I’m sorry.”

Good boy, it’s bedtime, but the bad dragon, Lew, was awake.

That’s my boy. It’s definitely my DNA that stays up late without following orders.

Lew greets me with his wings wide open.It is not my child’s superiority to be in a position to fly at once in an emergency situation.

“I’m going to the moon, take me halfway. Limit altitude critical.”

As soon as I jumped on my back, Gau shouted confusingly, and Lew’s rocket jumped.

Lou seems skeptical about going to the moon.Are you sure you can go? Emotions like that come through.

Each time Lew moves his wings, he leaves the surface at a tremendous speed.

Could this reach second space velocity?The second space velocity is the velocity required for an object to pass through the Earth’s gravitational zone.

If it’s the first space speed, it’s just going around the Earth like an artificial satellite, so don’t make a mistake.Third, it leaves the solar system.I’m afraid of boulders, so I don’t want to speed it up.

By the way, I have no idea how many kilometers the second space velocity is!

But since Lew is the first booster, it’s enough to take him above a certain height.So the first booster is disconnected, and the second booster is… not the second one.I wonder if I can go to space with one booster.

The air is getting a little thinner.It’s time for Lew’s maximum altitude.

When I think it’s time to get ready for disconnection, I hear a sound from behind.Your shoulders jumped unexpectedly into a voice you couldn’t hear.

“Where are you going?”

“Eh!? Patrick!?”

Patrick is chasing the sky as he approaches Ryu.

Even I can’t fly that level.We are changing orbits in the air and slowing down while falling, but releasing pure magic is definitely poor fuel efficiency.

Flying in the sky is as tiring as firing black holes.

Leaving aside very user-friendly Dark Attribute Magic, only one Magus can fly in the sky.A high-ranking wind wizard. Only a limited number of people can fly freely in the sky…

Ultra-high-level wind user. Patrick, it fits the requirements perfectly.I should have been able to fly a long time ago, but he’s not good at heights.

He screams at a greater distance.

“Lew, stop!”

“Lew, don’t stop!”

Patrick, the parent who raised me, and the parent who has no blood connection.It is more obvious than looking at the fire which Lew will obey…

Lew slowed down exactly as Patrick said, Nande.

“Ugh… Lew, I’m sorry!”

Fortunately, now it’s much higher than the clouds.Already close to critical altitude.

As the atmosphere fades, Patrick’s wind magic will also lose power.I apologized to Lou and kicked him in the back.

Naturally, it’s getting worse.You can’t imitate kicking a cute little lulu with all your might.

Ryu-kun, detach the first booster!

With a slight increase in speed, I fly even higher.

Releases all magic downwards.As long as the atmosphere is thin, it is more effective at accelerating than the magic of the wind attribute than the dragon’s wings.

With Lew’s lift and my jump, I was able to accumulate considerable speed.While converting the kinetic energy into the positional energy, I went high and high.

I’m boosting with all my strength, but the speed is slowly shrinking.Does it stall like this…?

Looking down, I saw Lou and Patrick falling.If it falls a little, we should be able to fly the rest.

I go up, they go down, the relative velocity is just as fast, and in an instant Patricks get smaller.

Sorry, I’m going to the moon.

It will have an impact beyond level 99.Even if you spray this much magic, there is little sense that the magic in your body will decrease.

However, the speed gradually drops due to insufficient output.

Will it be in time, in time, in time, in time…

And I was freed from the gravity of the planet.

I tried to say it was beautiful, but it just made my mouth squeak.

It seems that there was no air in the universe. I see.

I’m probably in a situation where the satellite orbit is glueing around.They didn’t reach the second space velocity, but they did.

Well, the first space velocity is the initial velocity at zero altitude, that is, the velocity at which you can go into satellite orbit without accelerating along the way, so it’s not exactly the same.

Look at the planet below you.The planet was still blue and much more beautiful than what we saw on Earth in the photos.

I knew it, but the continent was different in shape.Life doesn’t know what happens when you come into the universe of another world.

It’s really beautiful. I’m not tired of looking at it.

I said I’m getting bored…I forgot that there was no air, and my mouth squeezed again.

Well, I guess it’s time to go home.You can’t go to the moon with a boulder.I’m not sure I can hold my breath until I get back.

This is a revenge from holding your breath.

How do you get home with this?I said… it’s me who doesn’t learn.

If we do not return to Earth, there is a tragic future ahead of us that will continue to orbit the satellite until we die.

But with vitality above level 99, will I die without air?

I wander through space forever.And if you want to die, you can’t.

Yumiera said she stopped thinking…I know, but I wanted to say it out loud.

Well, just think about it normally and release the magic upwards.

If the air is out, it will freeze and you won’t be able to go home.

Now, the beginning of the Yumeera Drop.

I spray my magic a little upwards and head to the ground.If you apply a little force, you’ll be caught by the gravity of the planet and drawn to it before long.

Now use your magic downwards.A rocket is an image of an accident occurring as it enters the atmosphere rather than firing.It may be harder to go back than to go.I think I’ll go carefully enough.

Well, your body’s getting warmer while you’re falling.

It seems that the redness when entering the atmosphere is not frictional heat with the atmosphere.I always thought it was friction, but it’s called thermal compression that makes spacecraft, meteorites, and mobile suits burn red.

Heat is generated by the molecules of air crushed by objects moving at super high speeds colliding with each other.

Thank you for telling me!As I thought about it, I approached the surface.

Well, I pretend I can afford it, but it’s actually full.

It slowed down and collided on the surface.It’s no joke that half of the planet’s population is killed by dropping clowns that don’t fall off the colony.

Continue to fall while slowing down with full force.

Concentrating on the slowdown, I thought about the drop point only after the roof of the building came into my sight.

Oh, this won’t make it. I mean, where are we?You’re not from Dolkness, are you?

As far as the sky is concerned, it is a prosperous city there.It is smaller than the kingdom capital of the Kingdom of Balshine, but much larger than the city of Dolkness.

Otherwise, there should be an overwhelming number of people living in the former…Are you lucky or not?

I crashed into an unknown roof of an unknown house in an unknown city, broke through an unknown ceiling, and finally stopped in an unknown room.

I sat down with my hands and feet thrown over the chaotic furniture and felt relieved for a while.

Then there was a noise coming up the stairs.When I heard the explosion, my family came to see me.

It was a young man with gray hair who jumped into the room and looked very tired.

Lighting up the equipped magic equipment, he checks on me.

“Who are you?”

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