Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 94

4-06 Mysterious brother

◆ 4-06 Mysterious Oniisan

The inhabitant of the house where I crashed, the young man with grey hair, says again.

“Who are you?”

“… well, don’t think so deeply.Think suddenly you have a sister. ”

I have a brother, but I don’t have a sister, and I don’t want one.

Did my sister’s operation fail? I thought it was a strange idea that suddenly my cute sister would be happy if she came down.

The vigilance seems to be high for this person to judge by the atmosphere alone.If it were a very common man, it would be an occasion to call him “Imoutochanka Witter” by now.

Now, spend some time in a conversation without content and think about your future behavior.

First of all, how does he move in front of him?Repairs to roofs and furniture may be charged to the guards.

And where is this place?Inside or outside the Balshine Kingdom.It’s troublesome in a foreign country. Since this is still the Count, it is possible that suddenly appearing in other countries will develop into an international problem.

“I don’t want my sister… Then you can call me oneechan.”

“Hah… Why were you climbing our roof?”

“I didn’t have business in this house.I was on my way to the roof, and I just happened to get here.I don’t know where this is. ”

“It’s a miracle you didn’t get hurt.There’s a bell in the west stall, right?From there to the west, turn right on the second one… do you understand? ”

He explains the place in detail without naming it.It would be unexpected if I came from outside the atmosphere and didn’t even know the name of the city.

If you suck, even if you ask for the name of the city, you may not even know which country it is.

What kind of country is this?I’m too suspicious to ask, so I’d like to avoid it.

Feel natural and pull out information.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve never been around here before, so I don’t know.”

“Really? Where do you usually live in King’s Landing?”

King’s City? Did he say King’s City now?As far as the sky was concerned, it was not the king’s capital, Balshine.You can’t go wrong.

Is that a foreign kingdom?Watch out. The Balshine neighborhood is too dangerous.Yumiera Dolkness is known to exist, so it is highly likely that the great people of the country will panic.

Another continent, Yumeela?Who’s that? I’m still better off.It’s hard to go home.

Worst case scenario is the Kingdom of Remrest.When I went to Patrick’s parents’ house, the Bordermaster’s house, I was bored with the army there.

While keeping my inner rush from appearing on the surface, I explore further.

“I’ve never been to King’s Landing.I’ve come a long way. ”

“Far away? I don’t suppose you’d call me out of Lemrest?”

“No, I’ve never been abroad since I was born.”

Unpleasant predictions are so realistic…Looks like Lemrest here. Besides, it’s the king’s capital.

Not good. Should I force myself across the border in the dark at night?You should be able to go home to Dolkness without a break.

I’m sure you’re deciding what to do with me that’s obviously suspicious.He looks at me and rethinks for a while.

If it comes to trouble, let’s use the one that tucks the back of his neck to get him to sleep and run.Tong has never done it before, so I don’t know how to increase or decrease the force.If you’re too strong, you’ll die, and if you’re too weak, you won’t sleep.

I wonder what kind of principle makes you sleep.Behind your neck… is it stimulating nerves?Any sequelae?

I can’t sleep on purpose, but can I just escape?I’m afraid when I fail, so I’ll leave the one who stomps behind my neck for another chance.

When I was running away, I heard a loud voice from outside my consciousness.This is… outside the house.

“Are you okay!? I heard a great noise!?”

The neighbor who heard the fall sounded worried and came to see how he was doing.

I’d like to avoid being witnessed by too many people.Naturally, he would say that something strange had broken through the roof, and he might have been called to the guards and taken a jail course.

I wanted to try on black and white striped prisoners’ clothes for a while, but it wouldn’t be good for a nobleman to get caught in a virtual enemy state.

With gray hair, he whispers after his tongue.

Stay still. Stay quiet.

Then he turned his back on me with a grumpy face and left the room.

If you listen, you hear the sound of going down the stairs, the sound of opening the poor door, and the voice of him and his neighbor talking.

“Oh, are you okay?”

“I’m sorry to disturb you at night.When I was carrying my luggage, I dropped it off the stairs. ”

“If you’re not hurt, I’d love to…. but don’t do that kind of hard work at night. ”

“I’m sorry, I’ll come back tomorrow to apologize.”

“No, you don’t have to do that.Hang in there, you’re young and you’re strong. ”

“For a short time, my uncle has entrusted me with the house.We can’t bother our neighbors. ”

I tried to escape while my family and neighbors were talking, and I was ready to jump out of the empty roof.But I overheard the conversation.

I’m afraid that my family is too fond of me.It is normal for the response to change depending on the person, but where did the nervous and grumpy young man go?As far as the exchanges are concerned, he is an exemplary good young man.

Besides, he hid my existence until he lied.Why? It’s too convenient for me.

It hurts my conscience to leave behind the reason you hid it, and to vandalize people’s homes and run away.

You can escape at any time.Let’s put it on hold and apologize sincerely to him.

It seems to be quiet outside.Watch out for the neighborhood or hear a conversation in a small voice.I wouldn’t have heard it if I hadn’t.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.Let me know if you need anything. ”

“Thank you for your concern. Good night, then.”

“Oh, good night, as long as you sleep when it gets dark.Sleep tight, brother. ”

The sound of the door closing. The sound of the neighbor’s uncle walking.My family’s brother’s tongue.

… Oops. The neighbors wear too many cats.If I found out that that good young man had punched his tongue the minute he broke up, my neighbor would be in human distrust.

I decided to apologize, but I’m getting a little scared.

It’s embarrassing to say it myself, but I’m fine with a Serious scene.Though I think it’s better not to do it, what comes to mind quickly turns into action.

I still think of it now.I came up with the idea that underground sleeping, which is said to be one rank above underground, is the best way to further develop it and stand up to show sincerity…

If I were driving normally, I would have really done it.I would have welcomed him upside down as he returned to this room.

But I thought I’d stop doing it today, and sometimes I’d take it seriously.

I think he’s scared, but he’s never atrophied.If you have the spiritual advantage that you can definitely win a fight, you don’t get nervous in most situations.

I wonder why. A stranger from a neighboring country, someone I would never see again if I broke up with, but he shouldn’t think I’m strange, my famous hunch is whispering that I’m off the hook.

He came up the stairs.If it’s a quick leg, you can hear it.

The door was quiet, but opened quickly.I didn’t think he looked a little like Patrick with gray hair, but after all, he checks here and tongues again.

Judging from that, I seem to have become unhappy with what I was still doing.Either way, I think it’s a relief that he couldn’t escape, but he did look at me and then whispered.

It’s more convenient for me to disappear even though I’m supposed to be charging for broken items.

Are you still here?

“I’m sorry. It’s a compensation for all the damage I’ve done….”

“Don’t worry about it.All you can do is get out of here. ”

“That’s not how….”

“Never mind. And don’t come back to us again.”

It’s too convenient for me to leave without blame.

There must be a clear reason why he should not be just a kind person…. but I don’t intend to make that reasoning right now.

Will you flee quickly before your family changes their minds?

I bow my head deeply.I will not stand underground unless I sit underground.

“I’m really sorry.Now if you’ll excuse me. ”

Raise your head and walk out of the way.

I tried to pass by his side to get to the front door, but my arms blocked the way.

“Wait, are you sure you want to go?”

“It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay.”

“Ain’t that right?… It’s troublesome to walk out at this hour and get you caught up in this.That’s right… only at night.Allow me to stay here. ”

“… thank you?”

Why did it suddenly become gentle again?Even though my head is filled with doubt, I thank you for it.

His behavior is inconsistent.I was told to hide my existence, to leave, to refuse compensation, and to stay at night because it was dangerous.

Until I was told to stay, I thought I was being treated like a troublemaker.For example, he imagines being chased by a mysterious organization…

Everyone hates strangers coming to the house.That’s why I didn’t want to tell anyone I was out there, and I told them to leave right away.He disappeared as soon as possible and didn’t want to come any closer in the future, so he didn’t charge for the destroyed items.

That’s all there is to it.But I came here worried about going out at night.

He would have wanted to kick me out of the house so he could fool his neighbors and give up the repairs that aren’t cheap.I tried to leave honestly, so it’s normal to shut up and drop off.

It doesn’t fall into my heart. I wonder what kind of person he is.

But I’m definitely the one who’s in trouble when it comes to revealing who I am.I don’t think I should go too far.

It would be nice to jump out and go back to the country right away, but I’m a little tired from going to space.It’s helpful to be able to rest here.

“Thank you for your help. So, just now….”

“You’re talking about compensation, right? I told you not to worry.”

They turned me down right away, but I still think you should pay for it.A hole in the roof looks like a lot of repair work.

Furniture. Some things just fell, but the shelves I replaced with cushions are totally broken.I think it would be that much if I included other small things.

I’m a rich man, but I don’t have any money with me because I came out without any preparation.I keep some of my forehead in my pockets, but this is something I always keep for suddenly wanting to eat.A few silver and bronze coins are unlikely to be enough.

I am ashamed of my inability to pay for what I destroyed while telling myself to pay for it.

Again at a later date, he will definitely hate it.I don’t want to risk crossing the border again and again.It might be dangerous to ask a merchant to travel around the country…

“I don’t have any money with me right now….”

“It doesn’t make sense. I’m telling you, I’m not charging anything.”

Look for things that could be redeemed by turning your gaze towards your body.

Left hand. Ring with wind attribute magic.It’s a testament to an important engagement from Patrick.It’s not very good, but I can’t sell it anyway.

If there is anything else, I can’t find it by looking around my body.For the first time in my life, I wanted to wear jewelry on a daily basis.

There’s almost nothing I always carry… ah, there it is.It can be exchanged for cash, and it is acceptable to let go.

I can’t help but give this to you.I had a spare, but I don’t have a spare.

What I took out was an example crystal.I always have the ability to measure my level anytime, anywhere.

“I can’t stand it.Take this instead. If you redeem it, it should cover the cost of repairing the roof. ”

“… where did you hide it?Where did you get it? ”

“Don’t worry about trivial things.”

“And this…?”

“It is a magical instrument that can measure the level.A store that handles magic equipment will probably buy it. ”

I’ll explain that I didn’t know because this crystal isn’t out there in general, but he shakes his head if he doesn’t.

“I know what this is.Why are you carrying this stuff?Even if you’re obsessed with the level… you’re the one with the black hair!? ”

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