Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 96

4-08 Wonder House

◆ 4-08 Wonder House

After Mr. Gilbert went out.I was in a suited room, but I had no choice but to be free.

It is impossible to spend three days in a room with nothing.It is Patrick who thinks while looking out the window at the view.

I’m sure you’re worried.But now that you’re back and you can’t go to the moon, you’ll be seriously angry and forced into a wedding in the stream.

Patrick got lonely and said, “I wish Yumiera hadn’t been right about the wedding.And let’s not complain about the strange things she buys.And then I’ll record the sleep introduction whisper and give it to you. ”

It feels like he needs time to reflect.

Tracking back to the beginning, I was not aiming to go to the moon.We rubbed about the wedding, so we tried to cool each other’s heads.To that end, I declared that I would go home to my parents, until I broke through the atmosphere with some kind of kettle and fell into the kingdom of my neighbor.

Yes, Patrick as well as I should be cool.

Let’s think calmly. When you think in a quiet place like this, another way of thinking is acceptable.

… to cancel the wedding, you’ve arranged the reasons for the wedding.In the wedding dress, she said she couldn’t eat curry udon, but she just didn’t have to eat it.There is no curry udon in this world.

The other reasons… I didn’t want to go out in front of a crowd, I didn’t want to see His Majesty the King because I was careful, all because of my feelings.It could be my wagamma, but what about it?

The wedding is meant for the bride and groom, so if the bride doesn’t want it to be held, she should cancel it immediately.If the groom Patrick wants a wedding, he should do half of it.

What is a half-sized wedding?The groom and bride are half, that is, one Patrick.Half the relatives, only the Ashbatons.Only His Majesty’s wife and His Majesty’s wife participated in the event, considering proportionality.Half the priests, God or father… God willing, let’s get you out of here, Remun.

The King and Queen, invited to the Ashbaton Home Party, and the Dark God Remun.The gathered Mysterious Men are celebrated only by the Dolkness Man.

Yeah, it’s okay, right?I don’t know because I don’t participate.

… and Patrick was free to come up with a compromise that would never convince him.

Even if you think about avoiding the wedding for a long time, you just feel depressed.

Well then, why don’t we explore the house?The landlord, Gilbert, told me to use whatever was in the house.We can legally fish the house.

It gets a little tense. When you stay at a hotel, it’s just as fun as opening a room drawer from the edge.It’s also fun to go right and left without knowing how to set up an alarm clock or use a safe.

Let’s get started. Jump out of the sleeping bed, lurk in the footsteps, and get out of the room.I don’t need to be quiet, but I’m in a good mood.

Walk down the hallway and start with the next room.Given the lock, gently turn the door knob to avoid accidentally breaking and entering the key.

The door opened quickly.

What jumped into my eyes was a desolate room.Apart from being destroyed and exhausted, the furniture is almost the same as where I was.

Is there more than one room like a business hotel in a normal house?And what are the signs of this destruction?You think a rioter comes to stay regularly?

Furniture is not the only thing that is broken.The roof is also missing, and the blue sky is visible…

“Ah, where I fell.”

I knew she was guided to the neighborhood, but I thought it was the other side.My first home feels strange about direction.

I shut the door quietly, wretched boy.A small noise called pattan rang nearby, while a loud noise was heard from afar.

The doors of the front door are opening.Like an empty barrel, one place closes and another opens, or…

“He’s back.”

Either the landlord came home.Definitely the latter.

About an hour after Mr Gilbert left?I’ve spent so much time thinking that I can barely explore the house.

I went back to the room where I was, and didn’t look for a house, so I kept quiet.I sat on the chair with that feeling.Looking out the window with a sad look is perfect.

The footsteps went straight to me.The door is knocked shortly after climbing the stairs.

“Yes, please.”

“… are you still there? I was hoping it would disappear.”

“I’m going to sit down for three days. Thank you for your help.”

Mr Gilbert sighs in trouble.However, unlike the previous ones, it also seemed to contain feelings that it could not be helped.I know because it resembles what Patrick does frequently.

“… you haven’t eaten anything since last night?”

“Excuse me, sir.”

“I have stockpiles of preservatives.Leave me alone. ”

There are no other signs in this house than his.Mr. Gilbert doesn’t even look like the type to cook for himself. Maybe he’s been eating stockpiled food for a long time?

In this world, food that can be eaten without saving food or hassle is generally bad.I’m starting to worry about his diet.Okay, do you want me to return the favor of a single night’s meal?

“Would you like me to make something?One and two people together. ”

“Don’t do anything extra.I don’t want to put other people’s stuff in my mouth, and if there’s a fire, I’m in trouble. ”

You should be able to taste it now… it’s a waste.

When I cooked a little while ago, it was thought that poison gas had occurred, and I became noisy, but I am also growing up.I don’t have the opportunity to wave my arms because I’ve been banned from the Mansion’s kitchen, but I think I can taste it now. There is no basis.

And the fire… I don’t cook such eccentric food.I’ve heard that any kind of heroin that burns black has been extinct for a long time.

Did you think he was too hard on the boulder? He turns away from me.

“Besides, there are only cooking utensils for camping.”

Cookware for camping? Why is there only such a thing again?

Don’t cook because you’re going to hate it even if you stick it in too much.I’ve spent a lot of time at the same time… but I guess I’ll just have to go sightseeing now?

“Okay, I’d like to ask you another question, is it okay for me to leave this house?”

“Yeah? I thought you didn’t leave for three days.”

“Just look around and I’ll be right back.Um… this is my first time in King’s Landing. ”

“… weren’t you running away?”

“We haven’t been able to search this far.It’s a mystery they’re looking for. ”

Hmm, I hate being desperately searched, but I hate not being worried at all.Nobody thinks I might be in danger.I am convinced if they are looking for it to cause trouble to people if they leave it alone.

Gilbert, who is in trouble with the ongoing system, opened his mouth after a while.

“No problem. It’s always the case that an unspecified number of people enter and leave this house.It won’t stand out because you’re superfluous….. ”

It was my head that he said that and turned his gaze.Ah, black hair stands out after all.

I have heard that there is less bias against black hair here in the Kingdom of Lemrest than in the Kingdom of Balshine, which is home to the legend of the Devil King.Nevertheless, it’s not unusual.It would be helpless to stand out.

Does it stand out after all?

“Of course, especially the King’s City of Lemrest.If we’re unlucky, we could call the guards. ”

The boulders and the balshine didn’t call you?

How does the legacy of the Devil King pass down in neighboring countries?

Will I be notified?

“People in King’s Landing are sensitive to rumors.I have no choice but to mistake you for Yumiera Dolkness. ”

Oh, that’s right, Devil. I’m sorry, your misdeeds had nothing to do with it.

Me? Ah. If they think I’m me, they’ll call me.That’s right. Someone with the same sex, age, hair color as the last weapon in the neighborhood.

“If the Count can make a mistake, I can’t help it.”

Look, this is not a natural Yumeera appeal.I knew I was an actor.

Gilbert’s voice softens as if she was struck by my sad, sad act.

“I don’t think you’re that Yumeera.Don’t be so angry. You’ve never tried to scorch Lemrest, have you? ”

No, I’m not angry.Huh? I can’t help it, it’s my sad destiny to create an atmosphere like…

Also, the real Yumeera never tried to scorch Remrest.

“If you wear a hat, you’ll be fine.There must have been something just right. ”

Gilbert tells me to follow you downstairs.

Even if you think I’m angry, what if it turns out to be Aurai?

Even if it’s a hat, I wonder if it fits.It may be difficult to hide my hair with a men’s hat.

I walk behind him with a little anxiety.We arrived in a room close to the entrance on the ground floor.

Gilbert stops to think. And I said it.

“This is a private room. Inside…”

“Okay, you’re going that way.”

Before he finishes, I’ll go to a far place in the hallway.

It’s the hardest part of being curious and not being able to lend me a hat.

Mr. Gilbert takes the key out of his pocket and enters a secret room.

Did you tell me to let go of the house stuff because there’s a lock on the important place?But won’t you break the keys in a few moments?

… Watch out. Watch out. One side of Yumeela just popped out.I am no better than Yumeera now.We don’t do anything as barbaric as Yumeela, who says we can’t break the key.

Mr Gilbert leaves soon and locks again.

Enough is enough, walk down the hallway and approach him.What he had in his hand was a broad, pure white hat with cuckoos.

… it was for women anyway.

“Ah, that’s what private is like… No, it’s fine.Because clothing is personal freedom. ”

Everyone has a hobby. Even if Gilbert turns into Gilbert… well, it doesn’t matter if you can look him in the eye.

Putting on a nice white hat and showing his raw feet from his skirt, I can think of him running on the beach.Then I was stared at by Mr. Gunshot.

“What’s wrong with you?This is a woman’s private room, right?It’s been free for a while, so you can use it on your own. ”

Oh, yeah. I don’t see the family structure of this house at all, but… going out is a priority right now.

Receive a hat from Mr. Gilbert and wear it deeply.The hair on your back is perfect when you put it in your clothes.

“Thank you! Oh, I’m sorry I mistook you for a feminine costume!”

I was thrown out of the house by Gilbert’s bitter, crushed face.

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