Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 97

4-09 Lemrest Sightseeing

◆ 4-09 Lemrest Tourism

The Kingdom of Lemrest. The size of the country, including its land and population, is said to be about one-eighth that of the Kingdom of Balshine.It is a small country surrounded by a small coastline and three countries.

The three countries surrounding them, one of which is the Kingdom of Balshine, and the other two are equally powerful.

It can be said that the element of luck is large that Lemrest, surrounded by a superior country, survives such a quadrant.

If the great powers, including the Balshine, put their hands on Lemrest, the other great powers will not be able to overlook it in silence.By becoming a buffer zone between the great Powers, we have survived the crisis of aggression to this day.

That’s what it feels like by force.

Besides, this country is doing a good job economically.Of course, it is not as large as the neighboring countries, but it can be said to be the most advanced country if the population ratio is taken into account.

Speaking of Remrest’s magical equipment, it is famous throughout the continent.Our lighting was made of lemrests, and there must have been a lot of other lemrests.

In addition to the popular magic equipment, research and development are also progressing.Some of them researched the rare magic equipment produced from the dungeon and paved the way to production.

I did a little research when I was in school, but I realized that the study of monster whistles was untouched, and I lost interest after that.

So here we are, technologically advanced country.

The carriage moves automatically, there is something like a train going through a mysterious transparent cylinder, a small plane is flying, and this is the figure of a person wearing a mysterious colorful full-body tights….

… nothing. Honestly, I don’t know if I’m foreign.The architectural style, the costume of the traveler, the language used.

I’m disappointed. I was as disappointed as I was when I went to school in my last life.

There is no near-future city imagined as a school city, and there are only natural residential areas and wasteful research facilities.The appearance of the research facility seems to be a normal university facility.

However, the particle accelerator I was allowed to visit was amazing.There is a donut cylinder and a large observation device underground.Collision of small particles to observe even smaller elementary particles.

… and it was such a disappointing town.Though much more prosperous than my Dolkness domain, it is much inferior to the king of Balshine’s capital.

Though it is good to be introverted about foreign tourism, I didn’t get on the plane and the words made sense, and the foreign feeling was zero.

Thinking of illegal immigration without a passport raises a bit of tension, but… that’s it.There are no passports in this world.

I came to the tech country, so I want to see the magic shop.I regret not having money with me.Give up souvenirs and enjoy window shopping.

Specialty stores exist because magic equipment needs maintenance.Large chambers of commerce sometimes have specialists, but basically they have magical equipment only shops.

Lemrest did not leak as an example, and there was no difficulty in finding the magic store.

In the magic shop and the shop where the sign is displayed, the paper on the door has the words “I will repair the lighting and take care of it”.There is probably the greatest demand for lighting repairs because it is so deliberately protruding.It seems that magic lights are quite popular in the country where magic equipment is produced.

However, it is a small shop. I feel like an appliance store in the city.I’d like to see a consumer electronics retailer…

I have to go to a big business meeting that deals mainly with magic tools.But that kind of place is checked at the entrance, right?To avoid being found out, we have to endure it in this small shop.

I come to the store thinking of being really rude to the people at the store.

It was my grandmother who gave me the store number.There is no hair left, but the posture pin sitting on the chair is stretched and looks youthful.

Turning to her desk in the back, she shifts her thick glasses and glances at me.



The old lady quickly put on her glasses and went back to work.It seems to be decomposing the magic equipment.I looked away at the small parts I picked with my hands.

I look around at the magic equipment placed in a mess in the store.Since there are no price tags or product descriptions, there are many magical instruments that are not clear about their purpose.Was it a face-to-face shop?Not very good for window shopping.

“If you’re cool, get out.”

“Sorry for the disturbance.”

The shopkeeper was angry at me for keeping an eye on my work.

Yeah, let’s get out of here. I don’t have anything to buy and I won’t have a chance to buy anything here from now on.If there is someone who is not a customer, it will get in the way.

I lowered my head and tried to leave the store, but something came into my eyes and stopped.

If you need anything, just tell me.

“Um, can I take this?”

“… it’s heavy, so be careful.”

The old woman checked what I pointed out and gave me permission to touch it.

What bothered me was a metal cylinder hung in the corner of the shop.Somewhere in a familiar shape.

The elongated cylinder of metal, the round hole, is empty only on one side.There was a wooden hand-held part, and there was metal workmanship like a trigger.

This is totally a gun.The tension is rising. I think a masket gun is the closest thing I’ve ever seen.However, it is quite thick and the size of the muzzle is about gold.It’s not a cannon, but if a normal person shoots, he’s going to get hurt with a recoil.

Grab a grip with your right hand and hold the barrel with your left hand.Put the stock on your shoulders and shoot.


I have some knowledge of how to handle guns.I once completed a special operation with the Captain, and I parachuted down to the uninhabited island and fought through it until I was the last one.Of course it’s about the game.

“DadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadaI don’t like one-shot guns. ”

Only shotguns are acceptable in one shot.

Moreover, since there is no magazine or loading mechanism at hand, it is thought that it is a front mounted gun.Every time I shoot, I have to put gunpowder and bullets in the tip.

Hmm, I think the bolt action type that snaps the lever is cool, but it’s not good to bullet it like a firecracker.

If I can only shoot once, I wonder if sniper operations are realistic.

I hold the gun tightly and aim at it with my cheeks stuck to the barrel.

“Distance 900 meters, no wind… Fire”

One shot, one kill…. What am I doing at a good age?

It would be much stronger to swing a masket like this as an iron stick… ah, you just have to assume a melee battle from the beginning.It’s cool to wear a bayonet.

For a moment, I remembered my age and almost calmed down, but the calories on my bayonet exceeded.

“Everyone, stand by…! Assault!”

The incoming enemies were fired at in unison, followed by a white battle with a sword at the end of the gun. It’s a burning development.

You shouldn’t say that it is better to have a proper sword separate from the gun, or that it is better to separate the military school because the required skills are different.

I like the way guns are transformed into swords, but I love the feeling that linear and smart guns collapse with the tip of a sword. Bayonets are good.

“So… don’t! It’s also good to shoot after stabbing.”

If you actually move your body, it’s interesting that swordsmanship is different.

While murmuring alone, I played alone.

Well, I guess this isn’t a gun.In this world, either because of magic or because the technology of gunpowder has not been developed.There is gunpowder itself, and there seems to be a simple bomb like the one coming out of the ex-boyfriend, but it is not very widespread.Given the cost of producing gunpowder, it seems better to train a wizard.

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