Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 98

4-10 Self-weight nuclear warheads don’t make masket guns.

◆ 4-10 Self-weighing nuclear warheads do not make masket guns

But if it’s not a cannon, what is it for?

When I saw it, my grandmother was staring at us.I’m sorry, you’ve been acting strange.

I’m so embarrassed. I want to go into the void and escape.

When she tries to apologize for doing something strange, she points at me.

“Do you… do you know what this is?”

“I don’t know.”

“Eh!? Bigger”

“I don’t know.”

I say the same thing out loud so that I can hear you from afar.Then the old woman stood up and approached with a sure step.Taller than I thought.



“Let’s get it over with.”

As I was told, I stood up for what looked like a gun I was putting down.

What is it? It’s definitely not the right way to hold it.

“Heh… don’t know anything about that attitude.It’s amazing. ”

“How do you use this?”

“What do you think it is?”

“Think something’s gonna pop out of here?”

“It’s a hit. It’s a flying tool that stands up like that… well, it looks like a powerful bow.”

It was a gun.

That’s right. This is a magic shop, so it’s powered by magic stones, not gunpowder.Even without artillery technology, magical instruments should be able to develop weapons as close to guns as possible.

But if this is a cannon, I don’t know why it’s left in a small shop.It seems to be more widespread, and if Lemrest is secretly developing it, it can’t be left untouched.

“I’ve never seen it before. If it’s stronger than a bow, why isn’t it coming out?”

“It’s useless garbage.”

“Huh? You’re stronger than a bow, right?”

“Only power. Use up a Class 1 Magic Stone to shoot a single shot.One shot at a time.There are so many wizards with the same power that they rot.That’s why it’s garbage that doesn’t even become a drying rod. ”

Why is energy conversion so inefficient?Just listening to the story, I became curious about the detailed mechanism.The magic stones you use are expensive, so you won’t be able to shoot them, but I’d like to ask you a few questions.

“The bullet… uh, what jumps out of this hole?”

“Pure magic, don’t you understand?”

“I see. Does flying pure magic lose its power?”

Yeah? Can you handle magic?

“… just a little fire attribute”

Since it is not a dark attribute, I can use the magic of fire.

However, I don’t know what it means to fly pure magic.The power attenuation is terrible and should not have been used properly.

“Would you be able to release pure magic outside your body?”

“Yes, but it’s too inefficient to let out pure magic.It’s normal to convert attributes into magic and put out fireballs. ”

“Normally it is.Even if the magic is used as-is, it sprays into the air.It’s enough to move the cotton even if you cut out all the magic. ”

“… I see.”

It seems that some people have gone outside the atmosphere using pure magic that can only move cotton.I will not say it because it has nothing to do with the subject.

“So magic tools are also converted into each attribute, and then they light up the fire and lights up.I wish Nuke could have put out a fireball. ”


A mysterious word has emerged.

When I twist my neck and hear back, she laughs at KeraKera.

“Shoot the enemy, Nuke, it’s like a nickname for this magic tool.How’s it going? Isn’t it crazy? ”

“… yes, that’s right.”

The person you think about has a strange sense of naming.

Even though it’s an experimental weapon, what kind of stupid name is that?

“Hmm? So, Nuke, I’d like to put out a fireball, but I’m sure Category One and Category Four will interfere?”

“Class I? What is that?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I feel like I’m talking to an old colleague of mine.I can use magic, but I was an amateur when it came to magic tools.I don’t know how to explain it… The various powers of the magic tools are sorted, and I have to use two incompatible ones to make a fire ball.We can’t make an object that acts as an arrow and fly it at the same time. ”

“I see. You only use pure magic to omit the process of making arrows.”

“That’s the way it is.”

You know what? If you don’t want to make arrows, why don’t you get them from the beginning?

If you’re loading a lead bullet and trying to fly it, there’s got to be one kind of force.An explosion of fire attributes in a confined area would be a substitute for gunpowder.Energy efficiency shouldn’t be so bad.

It seems that the person who developed this tried to use magic tools from one to ten, but once we physically solve some of them… maybe it’s better not to say anything?A pattern in which the world changes with the influx of technology from other worlds?

It may be a way for researchers to understand that it is impossible to do so by listening, but it is also possible that researchers can reproduce it by listening to it.

I noticed an unusual premonition of a technical cheat, so I shut my mouth.

“Thank you for your valuable story.You know a lot about Nuke. ”

“Well, I’m the one who made this.”

I was glad I didn’t have to tell you about the gun.

This old lady can develop magic tools.I thought it was a shop that sells inexpensive magic equipment that is within the reach of the general household and only makes simple repairs.

At first I thought she was heartless, but she seems to like to talk.The old woman talks in a fun way.

Now I’m the owner of a shobo shop, but I used to be a researcher at Daiichi Plant.

“Factory number one?”

The factory must have meant something like a munitions factory.

It’s a word I’m not familiar with, and it should be the same for the general public.But she seemed surprised at me who didn’t know what to do with the first factory.

“That’s the number one thing. The first place to waste your meal.”

“Uh… I’m sorry, I don’t know.”

“Almost all the windows in the aristocratic mansion have been broken, that’s the first factory.It’s been a while, you remember?As soon as I retired… oh, it’s been ten years. ”

I’ve never heard of it, but it seems to be famous in Remrest.

I’m just asking you again because the bad people that break the window glass are just floating in your brain.

“I’m a rural man who recently moved to King’s Landing.Tell me about the first factory. ”

“Oh, I thought it was the son of King’s Landing because it was stained.The Lemrest Daiichi Factory is a state-run magic equipment research institute.There’s a first and a second.Deficit first, deficit second. ”

“… is it a deficit?”

“That’s a deficit. I buy rare magic items from the dungeons as research materials, they’re expensive, and I use big magic stones more and more… I don’t need any money.”

Research is going to cost you a fortune.

“Well, the second factory sells research results and exports them to other countries to support Remrest’s finances.”

First factory, don’t you want it?

State-owned research institutes don’t have to make profits.But if one is running a deficit and the other is making a profit, I think it’s good to lose the former.

Of course, I’m not saying it’s unnecessary in front of an old woman who used to be a researcher at Factory No. 1.But she seemed to see through my thoughts and laughed invincibly.

“I thought you didn’t need the first one anymore.You’re a dull girl, but I know how that is. ”

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

“Anyone who hears it for the first time thinks so.Some of the aristocrats in Lemrest want us to destroy the first factory. ”

That means that some people think it’s necessary.

I thought I didn’t need it reflectively, but I wonder how different it would be from researching the same magic instrument.The second factory that is making money should be as expensive as the first one.

“These two labs aren’t doing the same thing, are they?”

“Fufu, that’s right. Nook, that’s how you stand up. You look good.”

Nook-kun… Ah, shoot the enemy, Nook-kun.Point your gaze back at the unique named gun.

Speaking of which, this was developed by my grandmother.In other words, it was made in the Daiichi factory.Certainly, it seems impossible to put out a deficit with this garbage.If research progresses and mass production can be deployed, it will yield enormous profits.

Moreover, it was not the grandmother who made the profit, but the one who succeeded in making it practical.She’s supposed to be the biggest contributor to this development…

“Ah, is this what you’re making?Something that uses incredible technology but can’t be sold elsewhere. ”

“Hmm… it’s amazing to get there on your own.As your daughter said, the Daiichi Factory aims to develop technically superior magic tools.It’s possible to sell goods, mass production, and so on.Using the technology that was born in the process, the second thing is to make things that are in demand. ”

“Isn’t the second one cheating?Aren’t you a technology thief? ”

“Maybe, but I’m not at Plant One.”


After all, the purpose was different in the first and second place.The former did not consider financial gain, and the latter sought profit from the beginning.

It would be a second factory to be evaluated externally.She says, however, that there are no researchers who are dissatisfied.

In a world without gunpowder, the old woman who invented something close to a gun answered with her best smile today.

“After all, it would be much more fun to think only about magic instruments, but only to do research.The nobles who give me money say it’s an investment in the future, but that doesn’t matter.Research is fun, that’s all. ”

She was an entrenched researcher.Perhaps this is the only person who can become a magical instrument researcher in this technological power.

Afterwards, the grandmother who was in a better mood told me that I would have tea, but it was too unnatural not to take off my hat, so I refused to cry.

I wanted to hear a lot about magic tools.

There is only one thing I am concerned about before I leave the store.When she explained the first factory, she heard about breaking the glass and going around.

“What do you mean you broke the glass around the Mansion?”

“Oh, that’s right. My apprentice… he’s a loud kid, and he’s making my ears worse…. oh, the window glass broke because I tried to run the magic equipment that my apprentice was developing near the noble city. ”

“Ah… why bother in the middle of King’s Landing?”

We’re close to the lab.

“Ah, I see. Incidentally, what kind of magic equipment was it?”

“Sound weapon,” he said.We’ll make enough noise to break the glass to destroy the enemy. ”

“Does that mean your side won’t get hurt?”

“That’s right, because we can’t be directional, and we’re going to have a big sound in all directions.The closer you get, the more damage the friendlies do.The experiment tore his eardrum. ”

I’ve been experimenting with problems that amateurs can imagine in an instant, unsolved.

First factory, I didn’t think it was such a bad crowd.If you think about it, some grandmothers try to do ranged attacks with pure magic alone.Well, it’s a gathering of people like that.

Watch out for magic researchers, especially those at the Daiichi Factory.I don’t think it’s a good idea to have a chance to see you.

“Is the apprentice okay?”

“Health and research are the only things that matter, so it healed quickly.Is it louder than before? ”

Good for you.

“But you haven’t shown me your face lately.When I met you before, you said that you would recreate the magic equipment hundreds of years ago, but… research is the best thing.It’s good news that you don’t hear from me. ”

“Hundreds of years ago, you have a romance.”

“Right? I want to get back to work, too.”

I talked about it for a long time.

Put the gun back where it was, and I’ll leave the store.

“Thank you for today.I hope your apprentice’s research will be successful. ”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve talked to you.I’m sorry if I got involved in her experiment.Because she’s like breaking a window from one end. ”

Yes, I’ll be careful.

“Come back later.”

Unfortunately, I say goodbye to my grandmother.

It will be difficult to come here again, and I will not be involved in my apprentice’s experiments.

I carved a lovely encounter into my chest and left behind a small magic shop.

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