Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 99

4-11. No bad kids.

◆ 4-11 There are no bad children

The magic shop was fun.There is nothing else I would particularly like to see, so I wander the street without hesitation.A walk in the King’s City of Balshine.

Normally, we’re just about to gun down dangerous air vents, but we don’t want to cause trouble here.Wander around looking for interesting things without entering weird back alleys.

It was the blacksmith who entered my eyes.From the outside, it seems to be a shop that deals mainly in weapons rather than household goods.

When you get to the new city, you start with the weapons dealer.I almost forgot the basics.I would like to run a “polite life” that values these small stacks.

The closer you get to the boss, the more complete the weapon shop is, the more you push the heavy wooden door.

It’s been a long time since you’ve been a weapons dealer.All the weapons stores in the King’s City of Balshine have been banned from entering and leaving.


Dive through the thick doors to the store.There is no one but me, and there is no one at the store.

I looked around the store, but it didn’t feel good.There were swords, spears, and armor lined up, but the whole thing was covered with light dust.

I also feel that there are few assortments. Blanks are noticeable in display spaces such as shelves and walls.

When I was thinking rudely about whether it was a shop that was not popular, a person from the store came out from behind.

A big man with his hair cut up.Yeah, I feel like a parent when I look at it.

When he glanced at me, he let go of his discomfort.

“What is it!? It’s not the place for women and children!”

“… did you just tell me?”

“Who else is there besides the girl?”

I remember. The first time I brought my foot to a weapon dealer, I thought I had a similar reaction.

Recently, he said, “Please go home.” “Don’t come back, demon!”I feel so fresh because they only said that.

“You told me.”

“Yes! Go home and sew!”

Here, the usual me would say, “You can’t sew with such a brittle sword,” and the blacksmith would say, “My forged sword is brittle!?”And then,” If I shake it, it’ll break “and” If you can do it, do it “…. and then the blacksmith who cried with a kettle will kick you out.

If you do the usual thing, you’ll notice a lot of evil.A young black-haired woman… but dangerously, if you add stupid stiff arms, it’s Yumeela.

There’s nothing to see, so let’s get out of here.

“I’m sorry, I came with interest.I shouldn’t have come. ”

When I lowered my head lightly, he opened his eyes in surprise.

“Miss… you’re strange.”

“Huh? Is there something weird?”

“If you yell at me like a lady, I’ll either run away scared or I’ll get angry if I don’t treat you like a woman… but I’ve never felt so calm.”

I didn’t think a polite Lady Move would go behind my back.

What did you return? When I am poor in words, he points to the sword with his jaw.

“If you just calm down, you’re qualified to handle weapons.Come on, shake it. ”

“… sweeten your words”

It is unnatural to refuse, so I nod.

I held a sword standing as I was told.Lift it with both hands like it’s heavy.

I was supposed to use an orthodox, double-edged sword with a shield, which seemed very light and brittle.

With a careless look at him, he looked at me with serious eyes.

You have to shake this, right?If you pretend, my sword arm will be exposed.When he was thinking of an excuse, his parents burst into laughter.

“Hahaha! I thought you knew the sword, but you’re an amateur.It was like hitting a stick.I can’t cut anything like that. ”

Patience. Patience.I knew myself as an amateur when it comes to swordsmanship.

Strong when hit with a heavy, hard iron stick.I can’t say that swords are like sticks.Where they laughed, there was no psychological damage.

However, as a little frustration, I put a little force into my sword holding hand.


The part of the pattern was chattered and snapped.

Only the part of the blade falls to the floor and makes a dry sound.

“Oops!? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“Yes, I’m fine, but the product…”

“I’m sorry! Though a few mass-produced products, it looks like they were defective.But this way of breaking….. ”

Safe. I thought it was out of boulders.You won’t find out.

He offered me his hand, so I gave him a piece of metal that was the pattern of the sword.He looks at it and says, twisting his neck.

“Were my forged iron weak?… no, that’s impossible. I put a lot of force into the weak spot… no. ”

There are no shards in his brain of the theory that I was an idiot.I’m sorry.

The shop owner looks very enthusiastic behind the lonely line-up. I was a little surprised.

Looking at the sword in half, he groaned and noticed that I was out of hand.

“I’m sorry, you must have been surprised.I’ve never done anything like this before… my forged sword isn’t brittle… hmm, is it all made of mass production and my arms dull?But this one was made before…. ”

“Never mind. What do you mean, it was made of all the mass products?”

Asked if it might be related to subtle displays, he answered immediately.

“I’ve been making all the genuine Royal Army stuff here lately.Swords, spears, armor.What are we going to do with so many troops? ”

“I think it’s good to have orders from the country.”

“It’s not boring to make things according to standards, is it?My shop is like this because it doesn’t take long. ”

That said, he looks around the store with a thin pile of dust.

I see, was there such a situation?Though mass-produced, handmade by craftsmen, just a few sets will consume a lot of time.

“That happened, didn’t it?I’m sorry to push you where you’re tired. ”

“Oh, be careful on your way home.”

He said so with a careless voice and turned his gaze back to the broken sword.

… I can’t wait to go home like this.A rather gentle uncle, who seems crazy, doubts his own arm because of me.It’s a sturdy sword that doesn’t break for ordinary people.

But I can’t tell you who I am….But, no…

After a short tour, I made up my mind.

“Um, what are we going to do after this?”

“This? It’s a thorough study.We blacksmiths keep the swordsman alive.This can’t happen again. ”

“There is no need for research.This is usually a strong sword.It’s fragile enough for me to use. ”

“Whatever you say… it’s dangerous!”

A sword where the pattern and blade are separated.As he grabbed the blade that was falling on the floor, he shouted in surprise.

I have trouble getting injured trying to force it to be taken away.

As soon as I grumbled, my skin became swollen and sharp.In other words, the steel blade was crushed with bare hands.

“That’s what this is about. I think even a medium level monster can be slaughtered normally.”

While the owner of the weapon shop is stunned, I leave the shop to run away.

He hurriedly opened the thick door, closed it gently, and began to escape with his fast feet.

Now, the legend of the woman who destroyed the weapon dealer’s merchandise has crossed the border.Don’t think I can be separated by borders… that sounds good, but you’re just a rioter who doesn’t stay in the country.

Ah, I wasn’t supposed to leave any traces of Yumeela.Is it okay because I haven’t shown my hair?

I walked for a few minutes. I wonder if it would be all right if we were this far away.Restart your sightseeing with your hat back on.

“… the usual city”

It’s really normal. The food market is on the line right now.There are open-air merchants selling cereals and vegetables on both sides of the road.

Peace. The realm of Lemrest was thrilled by the impression of attacking Patrick’s parents.It’s a good thing.

Countries are different, and the people who live there are the same.I feel like I can live in peace more than the Balshine kingdom.Looks like we don’t have much bias against black hair.

If I hadn’t met Patrick at school, I would have fled the country.Maybe there was a future where this would be my home.

“No, no, no! Buy it!”

There was a voice like mine.Looking at you, there’s a boy scrambling in front of the stall.

That stall… seems to be selling candy.Mother is dragging a noisy boy along.

“I won’t buy it. Here we go!”


Is it the usual thing? Mother pulls her child’s hand at the top of the Buddha.The boy was resisting with all his might, but the ground was being dragged cheating.

The mother finally cut out the numbness and let go of the connected hand.

I’ll leave you now!

That’s how her mother walks with Sta.The boy swallows his teeth with crying eyes and stays there.

Oh, I have guts. If I were a kid, I’d catch up with my mother in a hurry.Well, I wasn’t the kind of kid who would waste his time like that.This is the first time I’ve done this in front of Patrick a few months ago.

… is it possible that I’m getting childish? No way.

Her mother looked back as she was watching over her parents and children while they were being harassed.Naturally, there is no way to leave it in words.

Do I break into boulders and buy confectionery?Will it drag you again?

What is educatively correct?Someday I might be in the same situation… ah, I’m your mother.Senpai, what will your mom do?

“If you’re a bad boy, Yumeela will come.”


The boy cries out louder than he thought to be the biggest voice.Wherever you’ve been, run to your mother with all your might.

“Yumeela, are you coming? Yumeera’s not coming, is she?”

“Be a good boy and Yumeela won’t come.”

The boy buries his face in his mother’s skirt, whimpering and crying.

Yumeela, you’ve come this far.

I understood that the idea of being able to live in peace here was shallow, as I dropped off the parents and children walking hand in hand.

I’m Yumiera Dolkness! I’m being treated like a bald beard in a neighboring country!

… haah, go back.

Completely depressed, I went back to the inn for a few days.

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