Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 118: An Exclusive Interview!

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“Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Krey at News! Today we are very excited to have snagged an exclusive live interview with our very own super celebrity! Born and raised in our good city of Krey, We are honored to introduce Zoey Winters! Or, as she’s better known across the world, The Devil!” Zoey’s face popped up on the television screen. 

Zoey gave a weak smile as she felt totally out of her element here. She was wearing a hoodie with Coach Scott’s gym logo on it, her hair done, her teeth whitened, makeup, and feeling totally stiff sitting in this chair. Angelica had her go through a lot when she decided to go through with this plan in hopes of reducing delinquency in Krey. It turns out it was a lot more annoying to get shit done, even when she had the money to do so. 

“Hi, everybody.” Zoey gave her greetings. 

“Before we get into the interview Zoey, we have to list some of your accomplishments first. It would be absolutely criminal if people just thought of you as just a famous fighter when you’re so much more than that!” The news lady excitedly chatted. 

“Alright?” Zoey responded. 

It wasn’t like there was a script she was given or anything. Zoey had no idea what she was about to say, and to be honest, now that she’s brought it up like that. Zoey had no fucking clue what accomplishments she had other than fighting! Does she do something other than fighting? Should she be worried? Zoey nervously looked at Angelica, who was standing by the door. She only gave her a neutral look with a thumbs up. 

“Some of you may not know this, but Zoey Winters actually donates more than half of her income gained from sponsors and her fights all to amazing charities across the world! More than half of that income is in the millions, even though she’s only seventeen years old! What an amazing, caring, and selfless young woman to donate millions of dollars to those starving, to people struggling to live in countries where basic needs aren’t guaranteed day-by-day, and to others needing the help they desperately need to survive.” She put Zoey’s information on straight blast. 

Zoey was embarrassed. She couldn’t imagine people thinking of her as some sort of savior or saint because of all the money she donates to charity and shit. It was just that, as a high school student, what the fuck could she actually use millions of dollars on? She still saved a lot of the money she earned from her fights and sponsors in the bank, but she made a lot of cavons when she first started training with Victor. Him taking her out on cases with B-Grade, A-Grade, and S-Grade daemons added up to a lot when converting those cavons to US dollars. 

She had the latest phone, the best home gym equipment, a high-end custom-built personal computer, and clothes, like what the fuck else could she buy without stupidly wasting it? Like Zoey was a straight-up middle-class citizen before getting involved in the magji world. She didn’t lack necessities, but she also didn’t have the most luxuries. Christmas and birthdays were the only days in the year when she could get something expensive like a phone or computer. Now that she had all of this money and could buy all that shit herself, what else could she do with the money? 

It was then she thought about the first controversy she got caught up in after breaking Donald’s leg. She received a lot of haters from that one fight and still has a bunch from it. Because of her stage persona, she’s actually seen as a bunch of stupid shit. Like some people actually believe that she’s racist, a feminist, satanic, or a giant fake built up by the Youth Fighting Tournament League. So, why not make things harder for those fuckers by doing unquestionable good shit outside the ring?!  

Sure, Zoey may not be doing good things for the right reasons, but at the end of the day, isn’t she saving lives anyway? Who cares how petty she may or may not be? Improving the lives of those less fortunate is more important than worrying about why she’s doing it. Do you think a blind person would question the person that’s helping them see again for the first time ever rather than just being thankful for it happening at all?  

“... Those were just a few of the charities that regularly receive donations from Zoey. On top of being a selfless little angel, and yes, I am aware of what I just said.” She laughed at her words. “Zoey is also planning to do another act of kindness for us right in Krey! Please tell us all about it, Zoey!” 

“Ah, yes.” Zoey was brought back into reality. “Since I live in Krey, I've been hearing all about the rising gang activity. It was when I was hanging out with my friends that I thought, why don’t I try and do something about it? One of my friends is absolutely terrified about what’s going on in the city. I knew that I couldn’t do anything by myself, so I looked up online what were some ways to fight gang activity in a city. After that, I decided to make a community center for everyone in Krey.” Zoey explained. 

“I’m sure many of us feel the same way as your friend. Can you tell us more about this community center? How will it help reduce gang violence and gang activities in Krey?”  

“Yes, I can. The core message of the community center is to make a place where people feel like they belong. Some people can’t feel like they belong and do whatever it takes to feel that sense of belonging, even if it means joining a gang or hurting innocent people. With this community center, there are a lot of things we plan to tackle. There will be educational services to help those struggling in school, scholarship programs, and tutoring services for those wanting to excel further in their studies. There will be classes on life skills like making a resume, how to do taxes, preparing for interviews, budgeting, cooking, and more. Like things not taught in school. Other than those, there will also be an employment program for those wanting to gain experience in their future career or make money. There’s going to be a lot more, but for now, that’s all I can say. If you want more information, there will be a website coming up soon. Just search Krey’s Community Center, and you’ll find it.” Zoey didn’t want to go on and on and on.  

Angelica already had someone making a website for the community center. Everything that was planned for the place would be included on the website. Zoey was sinking a lot of money into this place, considering it happened on a whim. She was grateful she had Coach Scott and Angelica doing all the annoying work for her. If she didn’t, she would’ve said fuck it as soon as she realized how much work was involved with a decision like this. Fighting gangsters would’ve been a hell of a lot cheaper and way less time-consuming. 

“And there you have it, folks at home! But Zoey, there is one question that I know everyone is begging me to ask. Well, two actually, and then we’re going to have to say goodbye to our local super celebrity.” She smiled. 

“Alright...” Zoey was uneasy. 

“First question! Will there be any fighting classes at the community center where people can learn from you?”  

“Yes, there will be self-defense classes available along with entry into the world of combat sports. I don’t know how often I will be the one teaching because I'm still just a regular fighter. I don’t have any belts or championships, so I don’t think anyone should really be learning from me yet.” Zoey lied. “I plan to hire experienced coaches and trainers for those positions.”  

She would teach the shit out of anyone. She’s already taught classes full of children and turned them into fighting monsters. Since Teaching hasn’t reached max level, she doesn’t plan to stop teaching anytime soon. Although, she has decided to be more careful when deciding who to teach. Those kids she teaches for her part-time job are really something else... Zoey was genuinely afraid for their future opponents if they got into combat sports.  

“Okay, and my second and final question. Do you have a boyfriend?” She smirked. 

“Uh...” Zoey was completely caught off guard. 

“I believe that will be the end of the interview. Thank you all for watching.” Angelica appeared behind Zoey and disconnected from the video call. 

“Thank you.” Zoey did not know if she wanted her business out like that. 

“Be prepared for it to happen again,” Angelica warned her. “Good work. You did well.” She said afterward with a pat on her shoulder. 

“My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest.” Zoey slumped down in her chair. 

“Better that it happens off camera than on camera. I’ll be going now and don’t forget. My team will deal with answering any questions or direct messages on your social media pages. You already handled the hardest part of this project. We’ll handle the rest.” Angelica left her with that. 

“Thank you.” Zoey was grateful Coach Scott hired Angelica. She was so serious about her job. ‘Now, what the hell am I going to do?’ (Lindsay's inspiration) (Alexander's inspiration)

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