Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 119: Gaming is Good for the Soul.

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“I hope we have a fun time, everyone. Let’s have a good game.” Inner Zoey evilly grinned behind the monitor. 

Zoey was streaming right now while playing a video game. She was on an alternative account that her brother didn’t know about and using a virtual reality avatar for facecam. You’d expect a girl to use some pretty, beautiful, or cute anime girl for a VR avatar, right? But Zoey says fuck you to conventional stereotypical things like that! Her virtual avatar was of a giant robot mech while she was using a voice changer to that of a deep-voiced mechanical man that dripped with testosterone and oil.  

Why was she streaming video games on an alternate account while disguising her voice and face? Well, that’s because Everett has become very prominent in the streaming world as a professional gamer. He’s gained millions of followers with an average of tens of thousands of watchers every stream. Zoey regularly played games with him on his stream with her real face and voice since she was on magji house arrest and wanted to help her brother accomplish his dream of becoming a famous streamer and professional gamer. 

People knew about her. Zoey was hesitant to admit it for some reason, but she was undeniably famous. Her voice, and her face, were known to a lot of people. And what she was about to do in this four-player platformer game was not something she wanted, getting out to people and being attached to her name. 

Inner Zoey wanted to have a little fun and terrorize innocent gamers online since she couldn’t beat the shit out of anyone in real life. No daemons and no fights coming up anytime soon. Zoey had to do something to pass the time. She’s done this plenty of times off-camera and found it exciting to use Fighting Aura while doing her best to bait reactions out of innocent people just wanting to relax and play video games. 

“Is that a voice changer or something?” greedyhounddawg asked as they stood at the starting line. He sounded like a young adult. 

“A streamer! I’m really in a game with a streamer! Is that your channel name?!” FroggySplash saw her username. He sounded like a kid. 

“Hey, can you freaking let go of me?” Zoey was currently carrying DemonSquad over her head. 

The race started, and as soon as the starting line allowed them to pass, Zoey immediately tossed DemonSquad to the back and in last place.  

“Thank you! Thank you so much!” DemonSquad didn't hide his frustration at being thrown to last. 

There was a feature in this game that let players pick up other players and carry them or throw them. Carried players could jump out of being carried, but that was only when they had enough time to react. It barely took a second for someone to be picked up and then thrown. A player would need to know that they were about to be carried and thrown beforehand or have fantastic reaction skills. 

As the group progressed through the level together, Zoey focused solely on her target instead of trying to win the race. Zoey threw items at him that either killed him or made him lose his health and slowed his momentum. She jumped on his head and fucked up his coordination, making him fall down pits to his death or run into enemies. If he ever got close enough to her, she would throw him into a death pit or an enemy. 

“What the fuck are you doing?!” 

“Hey, you streamer fucktard! You’re supposed to be trying to win the race, not fuck me over!” 


“If I want to win, I can’t let you beat me.” Inner Zoey calmly responded as if she wasn’t being the most annoying fucker ever. 

“THEN GO WIN! LEAVE ME ALONE! GO WIN!” DemonSquad literally stood still after respawning, waiting for her to run forward and try to win. 

“I am.” Zoey ran toward him, picked him up, and tossed him off a ledge. 

“FUCK YOU! You cock-sucking faggot bitch. I hope you die. I hope your parents die. I hope your friends die.” His voice lowered to a whisper as he gave in to his darkest emotions. 

“It’s just a game.” Inner Zoey reminded him. 

“YOU FUCKING NIGGER! YOU STUPID CUNT!” He exploded, and Zoey literally died laughing on her mic. 

She muted herself in-game as she laughed her guts out on the mic to her stream. Oh god, if there was one thing raging gamers hated to hear, it was that they were getting so worked up over a video game. You know, something that literally doesn’t matter at all? Something that will not affect someone’s life in the long or short run at all? 

“I’m gonna get your stream taken down, you fucking nigger. I know you can't have certain words said on your stream, or they take down your stream. Faggot, nigger. Hey, my address is 47 S. Newcastle Ave. Goose Creek, SC 29445. Try to upload this streamer bitch! I’m taking your fucking stream down!” He started manically laughing like one of those old-school villains. 

Normally, this guy would be right. Those types of slurs aren’t allowed on the website that her brother streams on. It didn’t matter if Zoey didn’t say those words. That website didn’t care. They only cared if the words were said on your stream, period. If they were, you were banned. A normal streamer would have frantically been trying to mute the guy the second he called her a faggot. 

But Zoey wasn’t streaming on the most popular streaming website like he thought she was. No, Zoey was actually streaming on Beetube. It was way less regulated when it came to streaming despite being the biggest video-sharing website in the world. If StreamIt was the biggest name in live streaming, then Beetube was the distant cousin that fewer people knew about. 

It was probably why she only had about a dozen watchers in her stream. Either that or finding enjoyment in the suffering of others online is a very small market that she planned to capitalize on with her Fighting Aura and Gaming. So far, it seems to be working. One of her small number of viewers has already donated a dollar to her for the great rage. 

PonyHorse345: Great rage! Loving the content!

“Settle down, okay?” Zoey responded to the guy while thanking the donator. 

“No! No, I'm not going to fucking settle down! What is your goddamn problem?! What did I do to you for you to ruin my entire day!?” 

Zoey found it hard to breathe at this point. She thought she was just ruining his match, but here she was, ruining his entire day by doing this! “Relax, okay? It’s just a game.” Zoey told him again. He couldn’t handle it anymore, and rage quit. 

Zoey couldn’t let such an easy source of content run away that easily. The other two finished the level, with FroggySplash taking first. Zoey sent DemonSquad a friend request while browsing his profile. FroggySplash sent her a friend invite, and she was sure it was because she was a streamer. She sent a few messages on DemonSquad’s profile page since it wasn’t private. 

BTMechGiant: Where’d you go? 

BTMechGiant: Did you go to cool your head? 

BTMechGiant: Did you settle down? 

BTMechGiant: It’s just a game, okay? There’s no need to rage quit over not doing well. 

BTMechGiant: Add me as a friend. Let’s have a chat. 

Zoey left him with those messages, and sadly her little content farm wasn’t as stupid as she thought. He blocked her, and if she didn’t know a little trick, that would’ve been the end of their adventure together. Thankfully, she didn’t have to look for a new target as she scrolled through his profile page. While she couldn’t comment on his wall anymore or contact him at all while blocked, there was still something she could do. At the top of his profile, there was a funky little green button. Next to the green button, there was the name of the game the user was playing. On that green button, it said the words, Join user's game. 

Zoey clicked that green button despite being blocked, and she soon found herself in a lobby with DemonSquad and two others. The countdown was on one when she joined, and the next second, they were loading into the level. Now it was the exciting anticipation of wondering what would set this guy off perfectly if he didn’t explode when they loaded in. Zoey’s work was done for her as she didn’t have to say anything when they loaded into the level. 

“YOU STALKING BITCH! YOU FUCKING FUCKER FAGGOT NIGGER BITCH! STOP FOLLOWING ME! LEAVE ME ALONE! I BLOCKED YOU FOR A REASON!” He screamed into their ears. It was like a heavenly symphony to Zoey’s ears. 

You just can’t get that kind of rage anywhere else but gamers. If someone talked like that in real life, they’d get fucked up. The anonymity of the internet was both its greatest benefit and biggest flaw. People just say anything. Zoey only laughed to her 20 viewers as Fighting Aura leveled up to level 7. 

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