Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 137: Everett Winters’s Magical Adventure!

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

When Everett closed his locker, he was promptly glomped on by his girlfriend. Using his developed muscles gained from training with his superstar fighter sister, he caught her with ease as she latched around his waist with her legs. Everett was helpless to resist as she peppered his face with kisses. A great warmth filled his chest as other thoughts began to slowly creep in from the position they were in. 

“Elizabeth Sinclair! Everett Winters! I will write you up this instant!” Ms. Scott's shrill voice screeched at them from down the hall.

“What a fucking noisy bitch.” Elizabeth cursed as she got herself down before wrapping her arms around Everett. “I missed you. Where the fuck have you been?” Her light green eyes stared into his.

“I will not repeat myself, Elizabeth!” Ms. Scott didn’t like hugging either.

“Oh my fucking god!” Elizabeth threw her arms up as Everett smiled.

“I missed you too, Elizabeth.” Everett closed his locker.

“That stupid old bitch can’t mind her own business just because she can’t get any fucking dick of her own!” Elizabeth dragged him away from Ms. Scott's hawk-like sights.

“...” Everett truly didn’t know how to respond.

He just knew that his favorability points went up every time she talked like that. Her golden locks bounced every time she walked, the way her green eyes could turn from piercing to loving in moments, the way her red lips curled up into a self-assured smile no matter what. Like, even if she got written up by Ms. Scott, nothing bad would happen to her. Sure, she might get detention or in-school suspension but nothing that would really affect her. Everett was sure she was like super rich and her family was supporting the school or something. She didn’t talk about her family much.

“Did you eat breakfast yet?” Elizabeth asked.

“I ate at home,” Everett answered.

“Eugh, I wanted to feed youuu.” She dropped her shoulders.

“I shouldn’t miss any more days of school, so we can do it tomorrow,” Everett suggested.

“Nope. We’re doing it at lunch. Tomorrow is too far away.” Elizabeth decided.

“What? How?” Everett asked.

In the cafeteria, the boys and girls were split from each other. The boys had one side of the cafeteria, and the girls had the other. There was absolutely no mixing of the genders at lunch, and they didn’t have anything like recess at their school during lunch. He was envious of his sister’s high school. Their school didn’t give a crap about boys and girls doing whatever they wanted.

“I’ll sneak over, duh,” Elizabeth said as a matter of fact.

“That’s not going to work, Elizabeth. Even if my friends don’t say anything, someone will say something. And then you’re going to get talked to by a teacher, talk back to them, and get in trouble. It would be better for us if we just saved it for tomorrow.” Everett tried to convince her.

“...” She took a moment to think. Everett felt her kiss his cheek. 

“You’re lucky you just told me you’re not going to miss any more days; otherwise, I would’ve still gone through with it.” 

Everett was happy she was willing to get herself in trouble just to spend time with him, but at the same time wasn’t happy about it. He didn’t think it was worth it for the stress it made for her. Sure, she might feel great when it happens, but when something comes to, interrupt that immediately. She got really, really pissed, and he had to be there to listen to her air out her anger.

“I’m lucky?” Everett just realized what she said.

“Yeah. For some reason, you care more about me getting in trouble than I do.” 

“I think that’s normal?” Everett thought it was.

“I think it's because you wuv me so much you can’t bear to see me in trouble. And I think that’s totally adorable and sweet.”

“I think it's normal not to want the people you care about to be in trouble.”

“Just say you love me!” Elizabeth demanded.

“Yes, I love you.” Everett laughed.

She wanted the things in their relationship to be special when he was sure they were just normal things everyone went through. It was cute, though.

“What’s so funny, huh? You think it's funny that my boyfriend cares about me so much? You wanna fight, funny man?”

“Maybe later. We’re going to be late to class, though.” Everett could see other students going to their classes.

“Do you think I give a shit? I will literally straddle you in this hallway in front of everyone right now.” The scary part was Everett didn’t know if this was a threat or a promise.

“Please don’t.” He pleaded.

“Beg with a little more sincerity, and I’ll let you go.” She grabbed his hand with a terrifying look in his eyes that made certain thoughts slither from the darkness of his mind.

Everett picked her up like a surfboard and started taking her to her class. He could have begged. He had no problem with begging. It was just that they were in the literal middle of the hallway in front of everyone, and he couldn’t tell if she was joking or not.

“Put me down!” Elizabeth struggled fiercely.

She kicked and flailed around like a captured fish, but Everett’s grip was tight and filled with care. This was for her sake and his sanity. He didn’t spend all that time being trained by his sister not to be able to handle a girl as small as Elizabeth. His training was for actual monsters! 

Elizabeth was putting up a hell of a fight, though. She was a lot stronger than he thought. He even had to rearrange his grip around her waist at one point while everyone laughed at them. She glared up at him when he dropped her off in social studies.

“Everett.” She put her hands on her hips.

“See you after class. Love you!” Everett dashed to his class, probably definitely late.

“Nice of you to join us, Elizabeth. Please take a seat.” Ms. Griffin told the girl, who was almost habitually tardy.


It wasn’t until lunchtime that Everett received a text from Elizabeth. “Get to the roof. Now.” Everett sighed with sadness as he looked at his untouched food. He told his friends they could eat his food if they wanted as he made his way to the school’s roof. It was normally blocked off, so Everett expected to meet Elizabeth on the stairs leading to the rooftop.

It turns out he was wrong all along. When Elizabeth said to meet him on the roof, she really meant to meet him on the roof. The door was even unlocked somehow. Everett’s heart jumped out of his chest when he opened up the door and walked on the roof.

He was instantly attacked by locks of golden yellow. She pressed him to the wall without giving him a chance to breathe. All those restrained thoughts from earlier this morning came racing to the front of his mind as his pants got uncomfortable. Everett took the time to realize there were no cameras on the roof, unlike the ones in the hallways, stairways, and around the school. So, he gave up and embraced the moment.

Time passed as his girlfriend sucked his soul dry, and just as he tried to go further, he was stopped.

“Wuh?” Everett tried opening his eyes only to feel something blunt hit his head and drop him to the ground.

What the fuck? His head spiked with pain. It felt like his brain was trying to grow out of his skull. Everett’s vision grew blurry, and he felt something leaking down his forehead. 

“What the fuck is this?” Elizabeth turned as she felt the presence of something that shouldn’t be here.

“Well, lookie at what I found. Should I call myself lucky or damn lucky?” A winged person came floating down to the rooftop.

Bat-like wings, pink skin, and humanoid in appearance. They wore casual clothes. A graphic t-shirt with a middle finger and camo shorts. He grinned as made eye contact with Elizabeth.

“How the fuck did a daemon get in the school? Where the fuck are the bodyguards?!” Elizabeth seemed more annoyed than scared.

“Oh them? You shouldn’t look forward to seeing them anytime soon.” The daemon licked his lips. “They were delicious.”

“Useless motherfuckers! I knew there was no point in having them around if they couldn’t even deal with shit like this.” Elizabeth cursed.

“I wouldn’t worry too much about them, heir to the Sinclair Family. It is you that should be worrying about yourself. And that valuable little human behind you.” He slowly walked forward.

“You know him?” Elizabeth’s tone changed.

“Of course I do. My entire purpose in being here was to capture that human.” He told her.


“Hmm? You care for that human, right? How about this… I’ll give you a choice. One of you will be leaving this rooftop with me while the other stays here. You decide who stays and who goes.” He laughed.

“How about I give you a choice, shithead? I rip your throat out and feed you your own esophagus, or I tear out your intestines and hang you by your neck! Heart Volume I: Love is Strength!” A pink aura coated Elizabeth’s arms and legs.

Yes, middle schoolers are more vulgar than you'd think.

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