Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 138: Meeting Daddy.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

“Such uncouth words from a tiny chi-” The daemon’s words were interrupted.

Elizabeth kicked off from the ground and shot toward the daemon with a flying kick. The daemon casually blocked with his forearm. He smirked before his face scrunched into a grimace as he felt himself suddenly lose his footing as he was sent flying off the roof from the force of the girl’s kick. The daemon looked down as the ground that was getting increasingly closer and closer. He flailed around wildly as he rapidly flapped his wings.

As he stopped himself from a painful fall, he looked up to see the insides of a child’s skirt. It wasn’t until her foot connected with his face that he realized the target of his gaze was in the wrong place entirely. Elizabeth’s foot smashed into the daemon’s face until they both crashed on top of one of the cars in the parking lot. The daemon’s eyes lost focus as the upper half of his body was buried through the roof of someone’s car.

The sound of something crashing into a car was not a quiet one. Along with the resulting car’s horn blaring in response to the damage it sustained, multiple teachers ran to the parking lot to see what was happening. Elizabeth didn’t even give them a passing glance as she lifted the upper body of the daemon with absolute frustration filling her eyes. The one opportunity she had to do whatever she wanted with her boyfriend, who had been gone for so many fucking days! This piece of shit asshole interrupts her and ruins her whole fucking day! He didn’t know what kind of freaky shit she was about to do to her boyfriend and how many fantasies she was about to make a reality up there.

“Elizabeth Sinclair! What are you---” The teacher’s words fell on dull ears.

Elizabeth plunged her arm through the daemon’s chest, grabbing his magji shard. He spat purple blood onto her face. The last thing the daemon heard was the sound of his heart shattering to pieces. With an annoyed look on her face, Elizabeth placed her legs over the edge of the ruined car and pulled out her phone to make a call.

“Daddy. I need you to come deal with this. A daemon attacked me at school, and like the teachers are making a big fuss out of it. It would be better to come wipe the whole school, and don’t forget to tell them to wipe their phones too.” She spoke with an annoyed tone.

While this was happening, the teachers already had their phones out. Some were recording, some were dialing the police, and others were shellshocked from witnessing a murder directly in front of them. None of this seemed to bother Elizabeth any more than what had already happened. Unknown to Elizabeth, there was a figure watching down from the rooftop.

“Your girlfriend is a magjistar,” Tink told Everett while they healed him.

“Yeah, I think I know…” Everett now realized how she got past that chain lock.

“Should you tell her your secret now that you know her secret?” Tink seemed giddy for some reason.

“It’s pretty freaking cool that my girlfriend is a magjistar, but I’m not going to say anything about it.” Everett decided.

“What? Why not? She probably even knows about Zoey!” Tink was super curious.

“She’ll tell me when she’s ready, and if my sister is as good as a magjistar as she is a fighter, I’m not really worried about her,” Everett responded.

“Zoey is pretty strong.” Tink wasn’t worried about Zoey either.

“Should I go back to being unconscious?” Everett suddenly realized something.

“I don’t think it’ll help.” Tink also caught on.

“Can’t you use magic to make it look like I’m injured?!” Everett rushed over back to the wall he was knocked down on.

“I don’t have any magji like that.” Tink shrugged their shoulders.

“Guess I’ll play ignorant.” Everett went back to the position he was knocked down in.

“Move your left arm to the left and bend your legs more,” Tink advised.

“Like this?” He didn’t seriously fall down like this, did he?

He felt like he was playing twister with his limbs. “Curl your legs!” Tink advised. He also had a feeling that Tink was messing with him because he was pretty damn sure he didn’t fall like this. “Like that! Stay exactly like that!” Tink suddenly yelled. 

Everett felt Tink use some magic on herself and go invisible. He then felt something slip inside his clothes as the roof door opened. Just like when his mom burst into his room while he was playing games on his game under the covers, he went limp and acted like he was asleep. A sigh entered his ears.

“You’re so cute when you’re asleep. You can’t imagine the things I would do to you right now if my Daddy wasn’t on the way.” She gave an irritated sigh.

Then Everett felt himself being lifted up in quite an embarrassing position. He felt Elizabeth nuzzle her face on his face as she carried him like a princess. Was this more embarrassing than having her straddle him in the middle of the hallway? Everett was hard-pressed to answer.

“Is that Everett?”

“What happened to him?”

“Is he okay?”

“Maybe it had something to do with the teachers running out during lunch.”

Everett felt like curling up and dying. How could he call himself a man in the future being seen like this with his girlfriend? He would prefer her straddling him than losing his masculinity points! At least that way, he wouldn’t be made fun of. But Everett stood his ground.

He continued to act asleep until she dropped him off all the way to the infirmary. A skill he’s gained plenty of experience in thanks to his mother, who doesn’t believe in knocking or locked doors. He could feel her watching over him while he slept, occasionally playing with his face. Squeezing his lips, poking his cheeks, and running her hand through his hair.

“I didn’t hit you that hard, did I? I might have to ask Daddy to help fix you up…” She lifted his hair. “I don’t see any blood, though. Maybe I’m getting stronger than I thought because of how much we love each other so much.” She chatted.

Everett was confused about what she was talking about. Their love made her stronger? He wasn’t even sure if he loved her because it was the first time he’s ever been in a relationship. While he knew he would do a lot to keep her happy and satisfied, he didn’t know if it was love or not. Everett didn’t even know how a person even decided if they loved someone or not. Did they just say it and assume they did because that’s what he was doing? He liked Elizabeth a lot and couldn’t imagine a life without her but still. Was that love, or was he just dependent on her?

Elizabeth’s ringtone sounded. Everett nearly jumped out of his bed when he realized that it was a sound clip of his voice from one of his streams. “I love you.” It was his voice saying that over and over again. He really didn't know what to think about that one...

“Yes, Daddy?”

“I’m in the school. Why?”

“No, I'm not hurt.”

“What do you mean I shouldn’t have been able to handle a daemon on that level? It was just some weakling.”

“There’s no way it could have been a B-Grade daemon. It died too easily.”

“No, I haven’t been…” Elizabeth’s voice took on a strange tone. “No, you don’t need to see my boyfriend!” The voice coming from Elizabeth’s phone stopped speaking, and Elizabeth shot up from her seat.

Everett felt the cover being thrown over his face as Elizabeth raced out of the infirmary. Tink giggled, and Everett’s heart started pumping. Elizabeth’s magic dad was looking for him, and Elizabeth didn’t want her dad to meet him. “Hey Tink, what kind of magic could her dad do to me?” Everett asked.

“I think it's better to ask what could of magji he couldn’t do to you. The Sinclairs are a powerful family in the Connate Faction. Super duper powerful.” She informed him.

“...” Everett anxiously tried to calm himself.

He didn’t do anything wrong, so why would anything bad happen to him? He treated Elizabeth as well as he could. When he tried to hang out with her outside of school, it was her family that didn’t allow her to hang out with him. So he couldn’t be faulted for not spending more time with her. She wasn’t allowed to come over to his house, and he wasn’t allowed to go over to her house. No matter how Everett looked at it, he didn’t see any reason why Elizabeth’s dad would use magji on him.

“Daddy, no! Hurry up and wipe the school! Go do your jobbb!!! Oh my gawd, you're being so freaking stupid!” Elizabeth shouted outside the room.

The door soon opened, and he heard powerful footsteps approaching his bed. Everett desperately tried to control his heart from beating like crazy, but it was going off like a drum. It was all over. He was going to be discovered. The curtain to his bed was opened, and the cover on top of his face was tossed off.

“So this is the boy that’s strengthening your magji.” A deep voice spoke.

“Daddy…!” Elizabeth whisper yelled.

“All this time, you’ve been trying to hide him from me when all I wanted was to take a look. What’s the big problem, princess?”

“Don’t say anything!”

“I don’t need to say anything at all with how red your face is.” He gave a brief chuckle.

“There! You saw him, now leave already!”

“Oi, boy. I know you’re awake. Mind introducing yourself since my daughter refuses to?”

Everett shot up from his bed onto the floor, bowed, and shouted his introductions. “Hello, sir! My name is Everett Winters, and it's a pleasure to meet you!!!”

He laughed at the sight of Everett. Tink giggled as well as they revealed themselves. “A fairie companion to a normal human. I’d say I was surprised if I didn’t investigate your background beforehand.”

“Daddy! You said you wouldn’t! And Everett! You were awake the whole time!?” It seems like Elizabeth didn’t know who to turn her anger to. “This is totally not how I wanted this to go!” She stomped her feet.

“You can call me Mr. Sinclair, Winters.”

“He’s really famous. Not even important people can meet with him when they want.” Tink told Everett.

“Not helping…” Everett muttered under his breath.

“Listen, boy, you may not know the danger you’re in, but I do realize the danger it could bring to my daughter.”


“What are you talking about, Daddy?”

“You aren’t aware of the situation your sister is in?” Mr. Sinclair asked.

“I know she’s involved in something with demons, and it could be dangerous,” Everett answered.

“Daemons, huh? So you think there might be an attack as well?” Mr. Sinclair pulled out his phone.

“Attack? I have no idea. Zoey just said she was going to do her job and left the house.” 

“Hahaha, on the verge of starting a war between factions, and it's nothing more than just a job to her. If I couldn’t see just how much my daughter cares for you, I might’ve killed you now out of anger.” At those words, Elizabeth jumped in front of Everett with pink mahna covering her entire body. Tink was also prepared to use Overdraft.

“I said might, princess. If I wasn’t sure you’d hate me for the rest of your life, then I would’ve done it.” Mr. Sinclair tapped on his phone as he turned his back. “So, you better make sure my daughter never falls out of love with you, Winters. Otherwise, the constant annoyance that your sister is bringing me will fall on your head. Farewell, kids. My job here is done, and I have some business to attend to.” He walked out of the infirmary, leaving the two lovebirds alone.

“Your dad is freaking scary.” Everett honestly shared while holding his beating chest.

“Yeah, he’s a fucking dick sometimes.” Elizabeth reigned in her mahna. “Where does that asshole get off threatening my boyfriend and future sister-in-law?”

“Is everyone in the magji world like that?”

“Sort of.” Elizabeth shrugged. “Just the strong ones.”

“Is Zoey like that?” Everett asked Tink.

“Like what?” Tink had no idea what Everett was talking about. “Scary? She can be.”

“Huh…” Everett couldn’t see his sister as scary for some reason. She was kind of a dork at home.

“And who the hell are you?” Elizabeth suddenly turned her attention to the naked, flying, feminine-shaped magji creature on her boyfriend’s shoulder.

“I’m Tink! Zoey’s friend and Everett’s friend!” Tink introduced herself.

“Friend, huh…”Elizabeth latched herself around Everett’s waist. “He’s my boyfriend, fairie. Don’t you ever forget that.” She glared at Tink.

“Elizabeth,” Everett spoke up.

“Just kidding!” She put on a wide smile.

You know, until know, I've kept daemon biology kind of ambiguous to make things easier for me. But in this chapter I said screw it. Daemons have inner organs just like humans.

Also again, yes middle schoolers do grow fast.


Besides that, I'm officially releasing my Patreon! If you like my works and want to support me, feel free to head over to my Patreon. There isn't much to see right now but I plan on fixing that in time. Trying to figure out how to balance everything without overworking myself.

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