Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 139: Zoey’s Magji Adventure in a ****!

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

“So, you know I’m a magjistar now. Let me tell you this now. I didn’t give a damn about your sister and didn’t even know about her when I met you. I fell in love with you because you are Everett Winters, who just so happened to be the brother of magjistar Zoey Winters.” Elizabeth stared into his eyes.

“Cool?” Everett’s mind didn’t even go down the route of his girlfriend using him to get closer to his sister.

Elizabeth sighed as she gently ran her hand down Everett’s face. “You’re lucky you’re so cute. I could’ve been lying and taking advantage of you this entire time. You need to be more suspicious of people! If I could’ve done it, then some other slut could easily wrap her fingers around your innocent ass.” Elizabeth suddenly got angry at the thought of some other girl manipulating him. “We need to set some ground rules about other girls.” She sat him on the bed while she stayed standing.

“First off…” Everett suddenly realized the depths of his girlfriend’s love for him went further than he could ever imagine.

Hours passed by with her words going in one ear and not even allowed to go out of the other as she would frequently test and quiz him on what she said. If he got it wrong, they’d start over from rule one. Just to ensure that they weren’t interrupted and he knew that no other girls could even get close to him without his permission, she locked them inside of the infirmary. When Everett saw her going over to lock the door, he got excited for different reasons. He thought his suffering was over for one and two. The pleasure was just about to start. Unfortunately, Elizabeth was absolutely serious about him understanding the boundaries he needed to have with other girls.

It wasn’t until Everett could repeat her rules word for word that he was finally rewarded, and the things they’ve always talked about in their texts could come true. As young teens riddled with hormones and constantly having to repress those feelings deep inside for so long, thanks to their family situations, an opportunity like this came once in a blue moon. The only time to meet each other was at school. A place utterly lacking for a young couple to develop their relationship. There were always other people around, the teachers who knew about their relationship were always watching them as well, and the slightest shows of affection would bring so much attention to them. They couldn’t go on dates, couldn’t meet outside of school, or anything! 

Elizabeth likened their relationship to those old-fashioned tragic romances. The world itself seemed determined to keep them apart. To prevent their overflowing love for each other from blossoming. As if they were meant to be apart. Two souls from two different worlds never meant to be together.

Everett just thought she was overreacting. It was stifling, annoying, and sometimes infuriating, yeah. But it wouldn’t be like this forever. They were still just in middle school, after all. When they could drive, get jobs, and have money of their own to do stuff with. They wouldn’t need their parents' permission nearly as much. Elizabeth was just being impatient, but Everett thought her behavior was cute as long as he thought about the reasons why she felt the way she feels.

“Do you have a condom?”

“What the hell is that?”

“Nevermind. Let me do all the work. I’ve been dreaming about this moment since forever!”

“Zoey Benjamin Winters. You’ve been an annoyance ever since Victor took you under his wing. Not too long after becoming his student, you began to attack other magjistars around your age without rhyme or reason. After that, you kept quiet until the Joint Case at Middleton High. The details surrounding that case are scarce after your teacher made a mess of things afterward, but we have high suspicion you were at the heart of this case and not in a way that would help solve it. Then not too long after this, you nearly expose the existence of the magji world to thousands of gullies. We decided to be lenient on you there when normally one would have their magji gates sealed immediately for putting the world of magji at stake. But if that wasn’t enough for you, you-” 

“Wah wah wah.” Inner Zoey stood up inside her cell and locked eyes with the Head of Magji. “If I wanted to hear some grown man crying and blaming me for the problems in their lives, I would’ve stayed home and played games. Let’s be honest with each other. You’re scared of me, right?” Inner Zoey mocked his yapping with her hands.

“You really are a splitting image of that insufferable man.” Xavier didn’t take the bait.

“You’re scared of my potential and talent. Even if I acted like the perfect little slave for the OM, you still would’ve found some bullshit to throw on me to keep me under your control. You don’t have to admit it. We already know it's the truth.” Inner Zoey stepped toward the cell’s bars.

“Let’s suppose what you say is the truth. Then what?” Xaiver humored the child.

“I’m not surprised magjistars are losing the war against daemons with stupid motherfuckers like you in charge. Instead of trying to help prevent more deaths from daemons and building up the magji community, you pussy motherfuckers are too busy trying to protect your own asses and keep everyone with potential down.” Zoey was relieved to know that the person in charge was an asshole.

“The magji world has been perfectly fine for centuries before, and it’ll be fine for centuries going forth. We don’t need little upstarts like you and Victor going around trying to decide what is best for the magji world. Magjistars have always had ideas for improvement. That’s innate to every magjistar. But it comes to a problem when that improvement is a danger to those in power. Those in power don’t need to change. Change only brings uncertainty, panic, fear, and more. Frankly, if it wasn’t for the fact that our existence would be revealed to the human world, do you think we would’ve ever bothered learning about human technology? What use could those contraptions have to us when we have mahna at our fingertips? You will be the perfect example to be made out of. A delusional clueless little girl going around causing trouble and chaos to those in the magji world. The magji world has rules, laws, and traditions that need to be followed. Anyone that steps out of line will be taught a swift lesson about not following what needs to be followed.” 

“It’s all about control, huh?” Inner Zoey could barely follow whatever the fuck he was talking about, but she got the gist of it.

“Take it as you will. I’m done here. Enjoy waiting until your public trial.” Xavier began walking away.

Zoey sat on the floor of the old-timey ass jail cell they tossed her into. She took out her phone and started texting Prometheus. He only told her that she had to wait patiently. Things were now out of her control, and she’ll know when its time to make a move. Zoey would’ve laughed at these stupid motherfuckers for letting her keep her phone, but they would have taken it out of spite if she had done that. They did take her magji tools and stuff, though.

So, Zoey started to prepare for the attack. With the magji snake cuffs wrapped around her wrists, they drained Zoey’s mahna to levels that would prevent her from performing even the most basic spell from the Basic Volume spells. While Zoey could still use Overdraft, she decided to keep that information a secret in case of an emergency where she needed to protect her own life.

Zoey got into a handstand before doing handstand pushups. It was a bit difficult with her hands bound like this, but she was going to make it work. She was going to train like crazy until the time came for her to break free. There were a few skills she could train inside here. It was going to be difficult, but she could train her body stat, Endurance skill, and Mahna Manipulation. Besides those, the others wouldn’t see any use. 

Her body stat would rise just by pushing her body to its limit. Endurance would rise alongside that as long as she didn’t fall asleep. Mahna Manipulation would be the hardest. Zoey wasn’t sure what kind of mahna control exercises she could do that would raise that higher. She typically raised it in Overdraft since Overdraft gives her a much larger amount of mahna to control and use. Overdraft was maxed out, so controlling her normal amount of mahna took no effort, basically. Since she chose Combo Magji as her magji, Zoey couldn’t draw out her mahna from her body like Alexander or Lindsay could when using it. All of her mahna control was internal unless she was using the higher levels of Overdraft or Basic Volume spells. But maybe there was a way she could train Combo Magji without having to fight someone…

Chapter 139: Zoey's Magji Adventure in a Cell!

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