Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 159: First Night Out as Heroes!

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

The city of Krey lay sprawled out before them, a sprawling metropolis of lights and shadows. The night was alive with the hum of distant traffic and the occasional blaring siren, a symphony of urban chaos. From their vantage point on a weathered rooftop, Boundless, Diablo, and Glutton gazed down upon one of the last remaining sources of darkness in the city – the notorious nightclub known as "Club Neon."

The rooftop was their vantage point, a place where they could watch over the place they planned to infiltrate and hit tonight. The chilly night air ruffled their costumes and whispered through the alleys below. Winter was coming in. It was late fall, and the weather was changing accordingly.

Glutton's costume was designed with a blend of practicality and symbolism, reflecting his commitment to justice and protection. The base of the outfit was a durable, form-fitting black material, providing both flexibility and protection from small arms.

Emblazoned across his chest was a stylized emblem representing justice. The emblem depicted a set of scales, perfectly balanced, symbolizing the fairness and equality that Glutton strived to uphold as a hero. The scales were surrounded by a golden halo, signifying the hope and inspiration he aimed to bring to those in need.

The emblem extended into a cape that cascaded down Glutton's back, flowing gracefully as he moved. The deep black color of the cape represented his unwavering determination and passion for defending the innocent, a seemingly stark contrast to the heroic ideals he planned to keep.

His arms were protected by reinforced gauntlets, bearing engraved patterns of interconnected links. The gauntlets were equipped with a retractable grappling hook, an essential tool for traversing the city's rooftops and accessing hard-to-reach places. Plus, they were really freaking cool. How could he be a hero without a grappling hook?

Glutton's lower body was covered by sturdy black pants with hidden pockets to store various gadgets and equipment. On the sides of his pants, there were subtle silver stripes, reminiscent of the sharp claws of a predator, reminding criminals that he was not to be underestimated.

Completing his ensemble were sturdy boots, designed to provide stability and support during combat. The soles of the boots were engraved with circular patterns, symbolizing the cyclical nature of justice, which Glutton believed would eventually catch up to the wrongdoers.

On his belt, Glutton carried a belt filled with miscellaneous goodies, a testament to Mr. Theo’s financial support. He also had a high-tech communication device that allowed him to stay in constant contact with his team.

As Glutton stood on the rooftop, his costume accentuated his transformation from an overweight, bullied child to a young, determined hero. The symbols embedded in his attire were a constant reminder of his purpose and the responsibilities he had taken upon himself to protect the innocent and uphold justice.

Cindy Armani, or as she was now, Diablo, stood ready and eager on the rooftop, her heart pounding with a lust for fighting. Her costume was a striking blend of sleek design and functionality, tailored perfectly to support her in beating the hell out of criminals.

The bodysuit she wore was a deep, obsidian black, emphasizing her hidden nature and muscular frame. The material was both form-fitting and flexible, allowing her to move with precision and agility during her missions. Small, detailed patterns adorned the fabric, resembling faint, dancing flames, a testament to her unyielding determination as a hero.

Across her shoulders and down her arms, vibrant crimson accents surged like fiery trails, symbolizing the inferno of her unwavering spirit. They seemed to blaze with an intensity that matched the fire in her green eyes. The accents seemed to come alive as she moved.

A tactical belt, carefully fastened around her waist, held an array of gadgets and tools essential to her crime-fighting efforts. Each pouch and compartment was strategically placed for easy access, allowing her to respond swiftly to any situation. She only had one because Mr. Theo listed a lot of good points about having one. She couldn’t solve all of her problems with her fists, a point that even Miss Devil agreed with.

Her dark, concealed mask protected her identity, its smooth surface giving no hint of the young girl beneath it. Only her round, bright green eyes peeked out from the mask, showing a mirror to the soul behind them. The mask not only shielded her identity but also added an air of mystery and intimidation to her presence. Diablo’s hidden brutality and eagerness for combat showed in her eyes.

On her chest, an emblem commanded attention – a trident engulfed in blazing flames. This powerful symbol embodied her burning fighting spirit and was a reference to the person who inspired her down this path. It served as a warning to criminals, a reminder that Diablo was always ready to collect their sinful souls. Her boots were sleek and sturdy, providing both comfort and support during long hours of patrolling. 

As the moon bathed the rooftop in a silvery glow, Cindy felt a sense of purpose wash over her. She was no longer just an ordinary girl; she was Diablo, a hero ready to pummel the hell out of evil and better herself as a fighter. 

Zoey Winters felt a little bit embarrassed at this situation she found herself in. Standing on top of rooftops, looking down on bad guys while dressed in tights. Maybe she really was growing up. Instead of feeling excited about this situation, she only felt how embarrassing this was.

Her bodysuit shimmered like the starry expanse, with deep purples, blues, and pinks blending seamlessly, reminiscent of a sprawling nebula. The fabric itself looked like it held the secrets of distant galaxies, hinting at the wonders of the cosmos. As she moved, the colors shifted and swirled, just like the dance of planets in the vastness of space.

Boundless's suit was made of a highly durable and flexible material that provided excellent protection without compromising mobility. It was designed to withstand various forms of attacks. The suit's texture, soft to the touch, concealed its remarkable strength, making it appear like any other ordinary costume to the casual observer.

Across her suit, countless tiny galaxy-themed patterns were carefully embroidered, paying homage to the stars without resorting to impractical LED lights. These intricate designs glowed softly in the dark, giving her a mesmerizing yet functional appearance. The luminescent patterns not only added to her alluring cosmic vibe but also served a practical purpose. They acted as a subtle source of light, enough to provide visibility during low-light situations without compromising her stealth.

Her cape cascaded down her back like a fluid, interstellar phenomenon. It was a beautiful chaos of colors, mirroring the breathtaking collision of cosmic entities. The edges of the cape seemed to extend infinitely, giving her an otherworldly appearance, as if she were truly a celestial being. Despite its majestic appearance, the cape was designed to detach easily with a swift motion, preventing enemies from using it against her in combat. She’s seen the movies. Zoey’s hero's boots bore the iridescence of mother-of-pearl, akin to the inside of a seashell.

Around her waist, a utility belt held essential crime-fighting gadgets she had personally crafted. Each pouch was strategically placed and protected its contents with a magnetic seal, ensuring nothing would fall or be lost, regardless of her physical exertions.

Upon her head, she wore a headpiece resembling a crown of stars, holding in place her galaxy-themed mask. The mask, designed with both aesthetics and practicality in mind, allowed for a clear field of vision and unobstructed breathing. Its material was reinforced, providing ample protection against potential attacks targeting the head.

Boundless took the lead in infiltrating Club Neon. She led the kids down the roof, across the street, and a bit of distance away from the entrance of the club. There was a line of excited people waiting to go in and have fun. Unfortunately for them, their fun tonight was going to be ruined by their heroic exploits. Well, if everything went right anyway.

With a casual punch through a bathroom window, the trio of heroes made their way inside Club Neon through the men’s bathroom. Boundless was greeted by a man pissing in the urinal who stared at her. She could see that his cheeks were flushed, and he didn’t react like a normal person would when seeing a costumed freak like her breaking into a nightclub. So, he was drunk or drugged up and wouldn’t run to the nightclub’s bouncers to report them.

"Ho th' hell're you guysh?" He slurred.

“Don’t mind us.” Zoey calmly told him off. “Diablo, led us to the back room.” She asked nicely.

Zoey already forgot the layout of the nightclub that Prometheus showed them. She was a C+ student at best and a D+ at worst. Do not ask her how she’s been recommended for several college scholarships despite this. Maybe some schools value athletic ability more than academics, a guess that Zoey was completely fine with.

“Alright.” Cindy took the lead after they left the bathroom.

Music reverberated through the air like a thunderclap after they left the bathroom. The club came alive with a symphony of wild cheers and hoots, echoing off the walls and mingling with the beats of purely electronically created songs. The atmosphere was electric, and the crowd responded with fervor, their hands raised in euphoria.

On the dance floor, men and women moved with abandon, some holding glasses of alcoholic drinks while others let their hands roam freely to perform lustful dance moves. The women, adorned in miniskirts and heels, matched the energy of the men, their hips gyrating seductively in response to the rhythmic music.

A diverse range of ages filled the club, with most falling between the vibrant ages of twenty-one and twenty-nine. Older patrons occasionally swayed awkwardly, donning forced smiles, and sipping their drinks at the bar. Their demeanor seemed to contrast with their droopy eyes and relaxed brows, hinting at hidden delight.

Meanwhile, the younger crowd exuded exuberance, puffing their chests and chatting animatedly with bright grins. They weaved through the masses, reveling in the thrill of the night, not even noticing the watchful eyes of the imposing men in black suits and thick shades stationed near the entrances and exits.

The club was a multi-level spectacle. On the upper floors, the black-suited guards maintained a watchful eye for VIP clients, sticking out like sore thumbs in comparison to the party animals littering the dance floor. The mid-level hosted the eccentric DJ, his extravagant hairstyle, and teal-colored sunglasses setting him apart as he deftly manipulated a complex sound system. His hands danced across a myriad of buttons, orchestrating the music that drove the crowd into a frenzy.

Descending to the lower level, the dance floor pulsed with sweaty excitement as bodies writhed and moved in sync with the pulsating beats. The thinly veiled allure and occasional flirtations added a layer of sensuality to the scene. Behind the bar, disinterested bartenders served drinks with practiced efficiency, their expressions betraying their detachment from the revelry around them. The flight of stairs and the single elevator at the top of it served as both entry and exit points, surrounded by the ever-watchful security personnel.

They needed to make their way across the dance floor to those stairs and eventually into that elevator. Zoey couldn’t think of a way to do so discreetly, and time was not on their side dressed up like they were at a costume party. Hopefully, Prometheus accounted for this during the planning stage. She kind of zoned out when they reached the third step of the plan.

“Diablo, Glutton, what’s the next step?” Zoey asked as if she was testing them.

“Distraction.” Jack happily reminded her.

“Let’s do it, then.” Zoey nodded, giving them the go-ahead.

Cindy reached into her utility belt and pulled out a tablet. “Get ready to run to the elevator.” She warned them before pressing on the screen a couple of times.

In an instant, all of the lights in the club went off. Boundless, Diablo, and Glutton rushed across the dance floor, knocking down people in their way with ease. Party people screamed and shouted at the sudden darkness blanketing the scene, giving the trio even more of a cover. Boundless used this opportunity to knock out several bouncers on their way up the stairs. People were starting to use the flashlight app on their phones. They needed to hurry, and taking out some of the bouncers would help them if they got caught mid-way.

The lights flickered briefly, and multiple bouncers saw them. They shouted at the sight of them. Boundless, Diablo, and Glutton fought to take them out as they came toward them. While the gangsters were well-built and large, they were no match against Zoey’s Victorious Boxing. Critical knockout blows, debilitating strikes that were good enough to momentarily incapacitate them, or just avoiding them entirely.

When the lights came back on, the three heroes were heading down the elevator as the well-dressed gangsters started pulling out their phones and walkie-talkies. “We might have company on the way to and on the way back.” Zoey chuckled. “Sneaking is a lot harder than I thought it would be.” Jack frowned. “They were set up pretty well. Good thing Mr. Theo said stealth was optional.” Diablo could feel herself shaking in excitement.

Zoey was glad to know that stealth was optional. She wasn’t really known for being sneaky or anything. Maybe it wasn’t the best first impression to her students. But no one could be good at everything, right? That could be a good lesson.

“Hands up, freakshows.” Multiple guns were pointed at them as they arrived at the bottom floor.

Jack and Cindy looked at Zoey while slowly raising their hands. Zoey only madly grinned as she felt herself getting amped up. Prometheus said these outfits can handle gunfire, right? Let’s see just how well they can do that.

Zoey rushed forward with her arms held in front of her face, covering her vulnerable head. Bullets fired, and her two students let out screams.

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