Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 160: Boundless, Diablo, and Glutton!

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

Zoey had Focus activated as a shower of bullets headed directly for her. She watched in slow motion as the bullets impacted against her suit. She could feel an ache, but that was from the bullet's force rather than the bullet tearing through her suit. Wanting to avoid her students seeing the deaths of multiple gangsters, Zoey rushed toward the center of the men.

“Stop shooting!” A bullet whizzed by a gangster’s head.

“You fucking idiots are gonna kill me! Stop shooting!” A gangster said while still shooting.

“She’s there! Kill her!” A gangster was unloading his magazine toward the costumed freak.

By bringing herself to the middle of them, they had to stop shooting, or they’ll hit each other with their gunfire. It also induced a mass panic among the well-dressed criminals. Some of the men didn’t stop shooting even when Zoey got in the middle of them. So, they started running when bullets started flying their way.

Diablo and Glutton used this opportunity to their advantage. They swooped down on the criminals without hesitation. The fear they felt being held at gunpoint was already being processed through their system. Through excessive violence done in the name of justice, of course.

Glutton smashed his weighted gloves down on the head of a man who tripped, knocking him out for a good long while. Diablo drilled her fist into a man’s stomach for aiming his gun at her. The man screamed in agony from his internal organs being affected by the punch. As the two junior heroes were cleaning up the scene, they both looked toward their mentor every now and then.

“We have a lot more training to do if we wanna be effective heroes…” Glutton muttered while looking at the droves of bodies left behind by Miss Devil.

“Save some for me, Boundless!” Cindy kicked some of the bodies out of her way as she chased behind her mentor.

“I guess I’ll clean up here…” Glutton looked at the dozens of bodies around him.

He started by taking all the guns of the criminals and dismantling them like a professional. At the beginning of his hero career, Mr. Theo taught him how to handle guns. Jack took the critical components of the guns and left behind the bodies. So, if they did get up, they couldn’t shoot at them. The criminals weren’t the focus of this mission but ruining the source of their money. Mr. Theo said the core of Tears’s criminal gang was here in Club Neon.

Jack eventually caught up with Cindy and Miss Devil. They were stopped in front of a doorway. When Jack made it next to them, he was shocked out of his mind by the size of this place. Was this place really underground?! It looked like a giant factory!

The large drug factory was a sprawling underground complex hidden beneath the city's surface, carefully concealed from prying eyes. Accessible through a series of hidden entrances and secret passages, it existed as a clandestine hub for illegal drug production, distilling substances that fueled the criminal activities of the Tears gang.

The factory's entrance was camouflaged behind a nondescript facade, leading down a narrow, dimly lit tunnel that stretched deep underground. The further one descended, the more the air became tinged with an acrid smell, a mixture of chemicals.

Upon reaching the heart of the facility, the enormity of the operation became apparent. Vast chambers opened up, each dedicated to specific stages of the drug-making process. The air hummed with the sound of machinery, creating an eerie symphony that resonated through the corridors.

In the first chamber, large metal reactors stood tall, resembling the imposing figures of a dystopian world. They hissed and emitted clouds of vapor as chemical reactions took place within, transforming raw ingredients into the precursors of the illicit drug. The dim, reddish glow of various indicators and screens illuminated the room, adding an ominous aura to the scene.

Moving forward, one would encounter the distillation column, an impressive tower of gleaming steel that reached the ceiling. It served as a vital component in the purification process, separating different components based on their boiling points, allowing for the extraction of the purest substances. Thick glass tubes crisscrossed the room, conveying the distillates from one level to another, creating a mesmerizing display of flowing liquids.

Venturing deeper into the labyrinthine complex, the next chamber housed the extraction tanks, where skilled chemists carefully extracted active ingredients from organic sources. The space was filled with rows of vessels containing various plant matter and jars filled with potent chemicals.

Amidst the chambers, walkways, and platforms provided vantage points for the supervisory personnel, dressed in protective gear to shield themselves from potential hazards. They monitored the process with a cold, businesslike demeanor, ensuring that every step of the operation ran smoothly.

Throughout the factory, the pungent scent of chemicals and drugs permeated the air, an ever-present reminder of the illicit activities taking place within its walls.

Finally, at the core of the factory, stood the packaging and distribution station. Here, the final drug product was carefully processed, measured, and packaged into various forms for distribution. Pill presses thumped rhythmically, shaping the drugs into small, potent pills, ready for the streets.

The entire facility operated like a well-oiled machine, each component working in sync to produce a large volume of drugs, fueling the illegal operations of the Tears gang. The factory, hidden beneath the surface, remained a significant and dangerous center of criminal activity, perpetuating a cycle of violence and addiction that plagued the city.

“Do we have any explosives?” Zoey asked her students.

They both shook their heads. “We’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way then.” Those were the only words the two junior heroes heard before Boundless punched a large metal rack that towered near the ceiling. The two watched in absolute shock as the rack started a domino effect and began crashing into other racks filled with taped boxes. A pleased grin appeared on Boundless’s lips as a worker in the factory came over to them. The men above seemed to be yelling and taking out their phones.

He was shouting something at Zoey, but with the sound of many things crashing and falling, it was impossible to hear him. It was only when he walked up and harshly grabbed Zoey’s arm that she reacted to him. Considering he was an enemy in the war on crime that Zoey was participating in, she saw little reason to treat him innocently. It would be different if he was being forced here to do drugs, but from how he was acting underneath that protective costume, he looked pissed off that Zoey was ruining the drug-making process.

Zoey lightly socked him in the face and knocked him out cold. “I’ll handle the assembly line. You guys try and destroy whatever you can over here.” Boundless gave the order. “Yes, Boundless!” Cindy and Jack got to have some fun wrecking a factory.

Zoey effortlessly knocked out any workers that came her way as she began pulling shit, pushing shit, breaking shit, throwing shit, and generally, whatever else she could do to fuck up the huge ass assembly line. Once a pile of bodies lay wherever she came, the workers suddenly got the idea that she wasn’t one to fuck with, and maybe it was time to get the fuck out of here.

Some of the fuckers got the idea that since they couldn’t do anything about the sparkling bitch, the kids would be easier targets. “Sorry, kids, I need some reason for Tears not to shoot my brains out. You little fuckers ruining his shit is going to save my life once I get out of here.” The drug-making worker in a protective suit said while closing in on Diablo with his co-workers.

Diablo just got done pulling multiple fire alarms, causing water to shower over the entire factory. Glutton made his way back to the elevator. He was waiting for their backup to arrive to take them out. After all, there was only one exit out of this place. Either they would be waiting for them to come up, or he would be waiting for them to come down.

“I’m at the elevator,” Glutton told Boundless and Diablo through their wireless communication device.

“Got it!” Diablo responded as she tackled a grown man to the ground.

Her fists pounded into his face until another man grabbed her by the arm. At the interruption, she thanked him with an uppercut to the chin, freeing her arm. She grinned at the other men, using her finger to gesture at them to come at her together. The men were momentarily confused about how to proceed.

A little girl just kicked the ass of two grown men. They were grown men as well. Should they risk getting their ass kicked as well, or just say fuck it and hope these costumed maniacs deal with Tears before he can deal with them? Unfortunately, Diablo didn’t give them the opportunity to think about their next action. She decided for them, and she decided that it was way more fun to beat them up. And ran at them.

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