Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 170: The Life of an Injured Gal.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24,

A giant 50-foot version of Zoey could be seen rampaging through Luminaurora. Daemonic fire-breathing hellhounds from her hands unleashed purplish-black flames across the magji city. Her feet stomped and crushed anything unluckily enough to be caught in her path. She laughed as she saw the magjistars rise up in defiance to protect their city. Pathetic spells reached her gigantic body, doing nothing to halt her destruction of this infuriatingly backward society. Sometimes, she would hesitate seeing the innocent magji races fleeing or suffering damages from her attack, but with the sea of spells constantly flying at her, it was easy to take her mind off of such things.

“You damn gully! We should’ve killed you when we had the chance!” A survivor shouted.

“A gully should have never been allowed into our society in the first place!” A magjistar firing a fire spell at her yelled.

“This monster should’ve been given to the Learned Faction to dissect! Gullies aren’t supposed to be able to wield magji in the first place!” A fellow wearing glasses muttered while healing injured survivors.

A smaller version of Zoey could be seen standing on her shoulder, constantly shouting into her ear. “They killed Victor. They’ve been trying to kill you all this time. They even tried to kill your family the other day! How much longer are you going to sit by and let them walk all over you like some little bitch?! We have all this power, all this potential, and you’re just going to waste it?! Break them all! We’ll build a new Organization of Magjistars. One that will be better suited for good, kind people like us. One that doesn’t kill and try to hurt the people you care about.” She tempted her further. “But first, we need to raze everything that this place stood for into the ground. Before creation comes destruction, remember?”

The giant version of Zoey looked at what remained of the Luminaurora. The desperate survivors fleeing to the best of their ability, the remaining Peacekeeping Order fighting to the last man while insulting her with their racist remarks, and those from the Connate Faction and Learned Faction using everything in their arsenal to put her down. “Who knows who they’ll take from you next? It could be Bruce, it could be Everett, or it could even be your new little niece or nephew…” Small Zoey continued. “Do you think they would spare any one of them if given the chance to hurt them or use them against us?” Small Zoey pointed at the magji cop, hurling insults at her while doing his utmost to kill her.

Giant Zoey could see a myriad of expressions looking up at her. It wasn’t until she was blasted in the gut with a combined spell from the Learned Faction and Connate Faction that she got closer to her decision. They cheered at the success of their attack. Zoey was knocked to her ass from the impact of the spell. Their shouting and cheers to kill her, finish her, and destroy everything that was related to her reached her ears.

Big Zoey raised her fist in anger but hesitated just before swinging in their direction. Small Zoey couldn’t allow this to happen. Tiny Zoey was just about to bring up images of what the magjistars would do to her family if they found them without her around but felt her influence weakening.

“Fuck… I ran out of damn time…” Little Zoey cursed in frustration.

Zoey woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring at five in the morning. She yawned in anger as her sleepless streak was broken once again. The first time it happened was during the joint case, the second time was after the trial, and this was the third time! Why did sleeping have to feel so damn good?! That brief frustration erased the faint memories of whatever dream she just had. It didn’t feel like a nightmare, but it didn’t feel like it wasn’t as happy as a normal dream either.

She sighed as she felt the terrible ache and painful spasms of her muscles screaming as she stretched. The only damn thing she could train when she was injured like this was her mind. Finals were coming up soon, and their results would be sent to the colleges of their choice. Not that Zoey was worried about which college would accept her. It was probably harder to find a college that wouldn’t accept her when they learned about her background besides her grades.

Training magji was out of the question because magji was linked to her body’s state. Magji uses the body as a pathway. An injured body makes it more likely for magji to injure the body further or have her magji go out of control. As a fighter, Zoey knew the importance of properly resting. While she had the Box to cheat a bit for her, Zoey still couldn’t push her body as much as she wanted to. Pretty damn close, but she didn’t have unlimited energy.

Zoey spent the rest of the morning reluctantly studying since she was already up. There was always some fucking test or quiz even when they were like a week or two away from Graduation. It wasn’t until around ten in the morning that she received a text from Alexander inviting her to come study for finals with him and Lindsay. She didn’t know why in the world was this cute bastard inviting her for something they both knew she didn’t enjoy doing. But she was more than thankful to have someone by her side to distract her while she suffered. 

She was really good at complaining. Maybe it was a part of her generation or something, but it felt good to complain. Even when she was only being slightly inconvenienced, like it wasn’t even anything major, it could be like someone slightly bumping into her, apologizing, and then going about their way. She could use that incident as motivation to whine about the degeneracy of today’s youth, and no one could stop her. Free speech was really amazing when you think about it.

Alexander and Lindsay lived in fancy ass apartments in Krey instead of living with their families in Luminaurora for some reason. Zoey didn’t know how they managed to convince the landlord to rent out to some kids, but money was a superpower of its own. The money she got from daemon cases was no joke. Maybe they flashed enough cash, and the landlord just decided to let them be despite their age.

Back when she was a poor bitch, there were probably only a few things she wouldn’t be able to turn a blind eye to with enough money flashed in her face. Zoey sighed. Money was truly one of the greatest things in the world and the cruelest villain. She used to be a part of the eat-the-rich crowd, but now that she was rich, it was an entirely different story. No longer did her stomach hunger for the green dolla bills of the wealthy.

As Zoey took a riding app on the way to the richy rich apartment complex, she listened to music on the way there. When she approached her friend's upscale apartment building, she was not too surprised by the modern and stylish exterior. The building's architecture is sleek and contemporary, with large glass windows that reflect the city lights. A doorman stood at the entrance, offering a friendly nod as she walked in.

Entering the building, Zoey stepped into a lobby that was more like a chic lounge. There are comfortable couches and trendy artwork on the walls. The atmosphere is casual yet sophisticated, with upbeat trending music playing softly in the background. A digital kiosk allowed visitors to announce themselves, and there was a small café corner with coffee and snacks.

She headed to the elevator and was greeted by a touch screen that let her select her friend's floor. The elevator had an urban, minimalist vibe, and the ride was quick and smooth. Zoey arrived at the 18th floor, and as the doors opened, she was met with a corridor lit by modern LED lights that changed colors subtly.

Lindsay opened the door dressed in something a lot more fashionable than what Zoey was wearing to her surprise… She wore some high-waisted, tailored trousers paired with a tucked-in button-up blouse in a muted yellow color. The blouse had a subtle pattern of small stars, and she stepped into a living space that perfectly reflected their youthful luxury. The glasses with a slightly oversized frame didn’t dissuade from the cool beauty look she was giving off. 

“Hello, Zoey.” She greeted her in that serious voice she always had.

“Hey, Lindsay. Nice outfit.” Zoey complimented.

Zoey was wearing a sleeveless tank top made of a soft and breathable fabric for her girls and during training. The tank top had a scoop neckline and fit her comfortably. Paired with the tank top were some black leggings. The leggings fit closely to her legs and were made of a comfortable fabric that allows for easy movement. They were a solid black and showed off her nice perky little butt pretty well. For shoes, she just had a pair of sneakers. The sneakers had a sporty design and provided support and cushioning for her feet. 

“Thanks… you too?” The bitch worded it as a question. So they weren’t close enough to be honest with each other yet, huh?

“Mhmm.” Zoey made her way inside the apartment.

Inside the apartment, Zoey saw bean bags and plush couches that invited her ass to lounge on them as soon as possible. The sun brightly shined through the large windows, lighting up the room. They also provided a view of the city below, and there was even a hammock hanging on the balcony.

There was a mini-fridge stocked with an assortment of sodas, energy drinks, and water. Snacks were spread across the apartment in various places. The entertainment setup was a centerpiece. A large TV that was hooked up to a gaming console, surrounded by bean bags and floor cushions for comfortable lounging.

“Zoey! You made it!” Alexander greeted her from the living room, playing a video game. “I was scared you weren’t going to come because of how much you hate studying.”

It was a rather surreal sight to see magjistars living it up in such a modern setting. She still held a grudge against most magjistars, but Lindsay and Alexander weren’t included in that. They haven’t done anything wrong to her and have always treated her well. Sure, they still had their faults as magjistar-raised people, but everyone had little faults like that. You can't control the environment you're raised in.

“I gotta pass finals if I want to graduate,” Zoey explained.

“I don’t think the school would be willing to force the local supercelebrity into repeating the 12th grade even if you just didn’t show up anymore.” Alexander laughed.

“I’d rather not take my chances.” Even if Zoey knew Alexander was right.

“Now that Zoey is here, let’s begin studying. We can play after we finish.” Lindsay stood in front of the giant TV hung across the wall.

“Awh! Lindsay! Come on! Just wait until I die, please!” Alexander moved his head to try and get a better view of his character. “We have all afternoon to study and play!” He argued.

Lindsay rolled her eyes as she stepped out of the way. While she’d loved to get their studies out of the way, she supposed there was no reason to be in such a hurry to do so. She took a seat on one of the XL bean bags and scrolled through her phone. Zoey did the same, sinking herself into the comfortable bag chair and almost immediately falling asleep from how soft it was.

‘A quick nap wouldn’t hurt. I’m still an injured patient…’ She reasoned to herself as her eyelids drooped.

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