Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 171: Hanging with Magji Friends!

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24,

“So, like, are you two living together?” Zoey asked the question that was racing in her mind.

That would be so cool. Like Zoey didn’t know if these two were fucking or just crushing, but like could you imagine living with someone you weren’t averse to fucking? Like you’re literally next door from each other. She couldn’t see how they would be able to keep their hands off of each other.

They could be fucking in each other’s beds, on the bean bags, the couch, the kitchen table, the kitchen, the bathroom, the hallway, the closet, and shit, if they’re feeling risky enough, just outside their doorway in the hallway. It sounded so sweet. The freedom of it all blew Zoey’s mind. And in this rich ass place, Zoey knew they had insulated walls or something similar to block out sounds. They could be as loud as they wanted and do whatever they wanted!

If Zoey wasn’t going to live on campus at Starlight University, she would definitely start to think about getting a place of her own. Sure, she was the hugest fucking virgin in the world or whatever, but still! That didn’t mean she would be one forever. When she gets her cool-ass boyfriend or fuck buddy, she’ll be able to… Actually, maybe she shouldn’t show off how much of a freak she is to whoever might be the lucky boy to take her virginity…

‘Fuck that shit.’ Inner Zoey protested. ‘We’re fulfilling as many fantasies as we can with that lucky fuck. Who knows when we’ll get the chance to do it again?’

‘But we’re rich! We can have like any pick of guys we want, right? As long as they’re a good fuck, I might even keep a useless one.’ Zoey inwardly laughed.

‘Hmm. That’s a good point. We’re a rich, capable bitch who can take care of herself without the need of a man… I guess we can kind of do whatever we want, huh? We have so many options!’ Inner Zoey started to realize.

“What? No!” Lindsay was the first to respond in a surprisingly harsh rejection.

“Nah, she stays on the floor below me.” Alexander didn’t seem to take offense to the question like someone else.

Zoey might’ve stumbled upon something…

“I was just wondering. I mean, we are adults now. And rent do be expensive…” Zoey continued.

“You know very well that we get paid more than enough to be self-sufficient.” Lindsay adjusted her glasses.

“Doesn’t hurt to save some money. We are about to go to college soon and take care of ourselves by ourselves…” Inner Zoey picked up on Lindsay’s anxiousness.

“A girl and a boy that aren’t related shouldn’t share a place together! It’s completely inappropriate.” Lindsay crossed her arms.

“We’re adults, Lindsay.” Zoey reminded her.

“Regardless!” Lindsay stood strong.

“Besides, just because a man and a woman live together doesn’t mean they have to do inappropriate things together. They could just share a place and pay the rent together.” Zoey added.

“True. They could be great friends. Like you and me.” Alexander smiled while pointing at himself and Lindsay.

“I suppose you aren’t incorrect…” Lindsay took a moment to think about their words.

“Do you think a man and woman can’t be friends without doing nasty stuff?” Zoey had to fight herself to keep a grin from appearing on her face.

“I didn’t say that!” Lindsay defended herself.

“You kind of hinted at it, though.” Zoey needled her.

“Why are we even talking about this!? We should be studying! Zoey, stop distracting us! We can talk about this later.” Lindsay tried to take control of the situation.

“Come on, we’ve been studying for hours. We can afford to take a short chit-chat break.” Inner Zoey explained.

“I ordered some pizza on DashBoys.” Alexander knowingly or unknowingly helped Zoey out.

Lindsay let out an audible sound of frustration as she glared at the two of them. Inner Zoey literally had to hold Zoey’s lips to keep them from turning up into a smile. It felt like she was trolling Lindsay but in real life. This was kind of exciting…

“But, like, seriously, you don’t think a man and woman can just be pals even if they’re living together? Like what if you and Alexander were living together? Do you think you’d have sex with him or something just because you’re living together?” Zoey didn’t hold back.

“I’m not talking about this, and if you continue, I’ll leave.” Lindsay put up her ultimatum.

Zoey inwardly sighed as she had to give up. There was nothing she could do if Lindsay was going to rage quit. It was fun while it lasted, though. She could barely remember the last time she’d seen Lindsay on the backfoot.

“Fine.” Zoey agreed. She didn’t wanna ruin the mood by teasing Lindsay too much.

Inner Zoey wanted to go further. She wanted to pressure Lindsay. Maybe she should’ve said something like, “I’d probably have sex with Alexander if we lived together. I mean, he’s cute. But that doesn’t mean we still couldn’t be friends. Just friends who occasionally have sex with each other.” If she said this, she did not know how Alexander would react though. 

If he reacted negatively, it would ruin the whole vibe, honestly. It was probably for the best that she didn’t say that. Zoey was not a good gambler. Fixing social situations was not one of her skills.

“Starlight University… Isn’t that the college we’re going to, Lindsay?” Alexander suddenly remembered.

“Yes…” Lindsay was slightly in disbelief that he was asking her this question. Did he really forget which college he was going to?

“I didn’t think that magjistars would go to college too,” Zoey stated.

“Normally, we don’t. Most magjistars only go to school till the end of high school before starting their career in the magji world.” Lindsay explained.

“Why did you two choose to go to college?” Zoey wondered.

“I was going to work under my father and grandpa in the magji world, but I have kind of grown to like the human world…” Alexander sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

“My reasons aren’t too different from Alexander’s. The non-magji world is fascinating, and I believe holds a great amount of potential to change the magji world for the better. While I’m going to university, I also plan to join the government branch of the OM as an intern.” She shared.

“Don’t tell them you’re friends with me. You’ll have a hard time rising up if you do that.” Zoey advised.

“I’ll… take that into consideration…” Lindsay seriously decided to hide anything in her background involved with Zoey.

“I’m like public enemy #1, and recently, did you know those Connate Faction prodigies I beat up a long time ago tried to hurt me and my family?” Zoey shared.

“What?!” Alexander exclaimed with a look of anger on his cute little face.

“Yeah, well, I had some business in the magji world with my family, and when we were leaving, we were ambushed,” Zoey told the story.

“Are they okay? Is that why you’ve been looking like it hurts to do everything all this time?” Alexander pointed out.

“Everyone but me is fine. I had to use Overdraft in its upper stages just to make sure they were all safe.” Zoey sighed. “Everything seriously hurts…” Even now, there was a constant pain all over, even when just breathing.

“Overdraft…” Lindsay softly gasped as she heard Zoey utter the name of the forbidden magji technique.

“Well, it’s good that your family is okay.” Alexander let out a relieved sigh. 

“...” Zoey narrowed her eyes at him.

Missing Zoey’s hint to show concern for her, too, Alexander clenched his fist. “If you ever need help, don’t feel afraid to call me! I’ll back you up whenever!” Alexander somewhat made up for his ignorance with this touching statement.

“How fast are you nowadays?” Zoey wondered.

“I’m looking to get a tattoo that says Fast as Lightning on my chest.” He grinned.

“I don’t think… that’ll be a good idea,” Lindsay spoke up, to Zoey’s surprise. Zoey agreed with Lindsay.

But Zoey only thought it wouldn’t be good as a tattoo because she was a sexual deviant. Could it be that Lindsay was thinking that way too? No way, right? But it would be super funny if Lindsay played this super serious bookworm girl most of the time just to be an undercover freak like Zoey!

“Maybe just an image of a lightning bolt could work better,” Zoey suggested.

“That would be more fitting. The symbol of lightning would be more catching than just words.” Lindsay nodded.

Alexander agreed with their suggestion as the pizza finally arrived. The trio enjoyed their junk food as they turned on some shows on Alexander’s massive TV. Think of it like a baby version of the screen at the movies. That’s the type of TV that Alexander had in his home. Zoey was thinking about buying this big ass TV at her place, but she rarely watches TV unless her friends are over. It would be a waste of money when her TV now worked perfectly fine and could satisfy herself and her friends.

“I’m never leaving the human world…” Alexander said before burping.

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