Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 197: Payday?!

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24, Xedron, Cindrra

Krey's Big Bank was one of the most visited buildings in the large city, its exterior a marriage of imposing modern architecture and the subtle prestige of a corporate emblem. The building's facade, etched with the bank's name and logo, loomed over the streets in a grand manner. Its sleek lines and reflective surfaces caught the sunlight, creating a play of shadows that danced with the pulse of the bustling city. As the group of masked figures pushed through the towering entrance, a hush enveloped them, the atmosphere transforming into a blend of quiet anticipation and the faint hum of financial transactions. The lobby unfolded before them. The marble underfoot, cool and smooth, echoed their footsteps, while the air carried the faint scent of polished wood and the distant whir of electronic transactions.

The banking hall boasted towering glass partitions that created a sense of openness without sacrificing privacy. Natural light filtered through, casting a warm glow on the leather-clad chairs placed for customers going about their business. The soft rustle of papers and the clink of coins against counters could be heard as they moved further in. Teller counters and service desks, manned by professionals in clean attire, exuded a quiet efficiency. The rhythmic tap of keyboards and the occasional murmur of conversations created a backdrop of business as usual. 

Security was heavy, with discreet and obvious cameras positioned like vigilant eyes and the occasional presence of uniformed personnel blending seamlessly with the backdrop. The controlled access points, both physical and digital, added a layer of tangible security, emphasizing the bank's commitment to safeguarding not just money but also the trust of its clientele.

Almost immediately, a security guard walked over to them with his hand on his holstered gun. “STAY RIGHT THERE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND DO NOT RESIST!” He demanded. The group mostly did as he said and as he motioned to call this in on his walkie-talkie while apprehending them. With a swift and brutal movement, Butterfly's brass knuckles met the officer's jaw. The metallic taste of blood and the visceral crunch of bone collided, and the unsuspecting officer crumpled to the ground with his jaw out of place. The dissonance reverberated through the once peaceful lobby, announcing the beginning of the heist. “Tch. Diamond jawed shithead…” Butterfly angrily muttered while rubbing her aching fist.

Ricky stepped forward, his automatic rifle commanding attention. The metallic echo of multiple gunshots reverberated through the grand space as he fired into the air, the sharp report cutting through the ambient sounds of the bank. The abrupt explosion of sound acted as a signal for the heist to commence. The previously composed patrons and staff now found themselves thrust into a disorienting whirlwind. Gasps and startled cries filled the air, blending with the shrill ring of the gunshot's aftermath.

"Alright, listen up, folks!" Ricky's voice pierced through the commotion, carrying a mix of excitement and nervousness. "We just want some cash, so no sudden moves if you value your pretty little lives. Now, everyone on the ground, hands where we can see them!"

As the patrons hurriedly complied, their faces etched with fear and terror, Ricky continued his domination of the scene. "You, lady in the blue dress, toss your purse over here. And you, sir, with the handsome mustache, hand over that fancy watch of yours. Like I said before, we ain’t here to kill anyone if we can help it; we just want money." The atmosphere shifted from anticipation to compliance, the patrons reluctantly parting with their possessions under Ricky's watchful gaze. Jake collected all of their belongings in the large duffle bag he placed on the ground. He was the strongest out of everyone in the group. Ricky’s every command echoed off the polished walls, creating a surreal scene of subdued pandemonium.

With a swagger matching her bold personality, Queeny took charge alongside Ricky. "And don't forget those cellphones! We don't want any heroes. Hurry up before my finger gets itchy."

The metallic clatter of phones hitting the floor added a percussive layer to the unfolding drama. Butterfly collected all of the phones with a small pistol in her hand. For anyone taking too long, she would punch them across the face or pistol whip them. Ricky, maintaining an air of control, surveyed the chaos with a grin. "Good, good! Now, everybody stay down and keep those hands where we can see them. This is just a small inconvenience, folks. You’ll be able to leave in no time as long as you act right."

"Jinx, we need eyes inside the bank. Please help this lowly peon find out where the security officers are stationed, especially any armed guards. We can't have surprises," Ethan instructed, his voice a low murmur.

Jinx, though looking like a fox, possessed intelligence on par with humans. Her ears perked up as she acknowledged Ethan's request, and with a flick of her bushy tail, she vanished in a blur. The small daemon maneuvered through the crowd, weaving between legs and beneath the teller counters, avoiding notice like a ghostly presence. Stealth was an innate skill of any daemon.

Ethan's gaze remained fixed on the hostages, calculating every potential outcome. Jinx skillfully navigated the interior space of the bank, disappearing momentarily behind the teller counters and emerging with a clear view of the security setup. The fox's eyes, sharp and observant, took in the information. As Jinx returned to her perch on Ethan's shoulder, Ethan received the intel he sought. "We've got three armed guards trained on us, two more near the elevators, and a lone officer stationed at the back near the vault entrance," Ethan relayed to the rest of the group, his mind already working on the next steps of his meticulously planned heist.

“Oi! Security guards, if you don’t wanna see one of these innocent people killed. Get your asses on over here, please. I know I don’t wanna see someone’s brains ejected from their skulls on this beautiful morning.” Ricky shouted.

In the distance, the three security guards with their weapons trained on the group looked between themselves before making a decision. “Be prepared…” Ethan whispered to Jinx. Although it would violate one of Poison’s rules for him, he didn’t want to lose any of these guys. They’ve been good employees. They don’t deserve to die over something like this.

Thankfully, the three made their way over to them. Tyler took their guns as they joined the group of hostages. Everyone but Ricky, Butterfly, and Natalie made their way to the elevator. It was the only way to access the vault down below. With multiple guns trained on the guards by the elevator, they stood down and surrendered. The group went down the elevator together and also subdued the vault’s security guard with the threat of death. 

It turns out people are a lot more persuadable when you point a gun or few at them. Disregarding the numerous security systems in place to unlock the vault, Ethan simply splashed a few vials of Poison’s poison on the vault until there was a path directly into the interior. Once inside, the group began to get to work. The money that wasn’t hidden inside the deposit boxes was being stuffed into their duffle bags. Ethan began using Poison’s poison to unlock the locked deposit boxes. By melting the metal hinges, the boxes were able to be pulled out without much hassle.

It took a while to stuff all their duffle bags full of money, but once they did, Ethan had them put on the blindfolds he specifically ordered them to bring. After securing it tightly around their eyes, he looked at the security cameras. He took out his gun and shot all of the security cameras inside the vault. Ethan gently patted Jinx’s head, and she made one large portal for them. One by one, he pushed each of them into the portal, including himself.

“Don’t talk. Just follow the sound of my voice.” Ethan ordered in an uncharacteristically serious voice.

The group did as he asked until they were finally allowed to take off the blindfolds. They were surprised to see Natalie, Ricky, and Butterfly with them inside this… Where were they?! How did they get to this place from the bank vault?!

“How did-” Ethan interrupted Ricky’s question by placing his finger over his own lips.

“No questions. Drop your stuff off here and go home. Lay low until I contact you.”

“But what about-” Ethan shushed Queeny.

“No questions. Leave now. I’ll send you your pay when the heat dies down, and everything is calm. Oh, and put on those clothes before you leave. Unless you want to be arrested.” Ethan pointed to the pile of clothes varying in size next to the door. “The bathrooms are to the left and right of the main entrance.”

The group didn’t fight Ethan and diligently followed his instructions. On their way out, they chatted to each other. “How the hell did we get here from the bank?” Ricky had to ask someone. “You heard the boss. No questions.” Jake repeated for him to understand. “I was wondering how we were going to get away when I didn’t hear anything about a getaway vehicle in the plan before we went in…” Queeny muttered. “Whatever. With this job, we’re probably going to be well off enough to do anything we want for a long time.” Butterfly didn’t care what unfathomable methods her boss used to get her out of being arrested. All she cared about was the money that was going to be coming in soon. 

“I’m grateful they didn’t take off our masks when they were arresting us,” Natalie mentioned.

“Arresting you?” Pinkie questioned. 

“Ricky, Butterfly, and I were the scapegoats. Because Butterfly and I are minors, we would be treated more leniently if we were caught. The boss promised that nothing would happen to us as long as we screamed that we were being forced into participating in the bank robbery. He would ensure that people knew that he specifically forced us into the gang. Lawyers would be hard-pressed to tell if it was the truth or a lie as long as we showed remorse and cried when they questioned us.” Natalie explained.

“I really wanted to show off my acting skills.” Butterfly parted her hair to the side with complete confidence.

“I guess we’re lucky he snatched us up before they unmasked us.” Ricky laughed.

“I guess we’re just going to ignore HOW THE FUCK HE MADE US DISAPPEAR FROM THE BANK!?” Queeny yelled, frustrated that she was seemingly the only one going crazy about this.

“Yes,” Jake said.

“Yes,” Tyler agreed.

“Some things are better off not knowing…” Pinkie was curious, too, but not that badly.

“As long as I get my cut, I don’t care.” Butterfly shared.

“Boss is probably a magician or something.” Ricky shrugged.

“Why would a shut-in be a magician?” Natalie questioned.

“He doesn’t seem like he has the personality for that job either…” Tyler added. Magicians were charismatic. The only thing charismatic about Ethan was how lenient of a boss he was and how big of a check he gave them for each job.

“No! He has a point! A long time ago, I was watching this streamer! She was livestreaming, right? And on her livestream, she was investigating some weird ass noises coming from that abandoned subway downtown. And then when she went down there, there were some actual ass fucking real monsters that showed up!!!” Queeny explained.

Everyone looked at her without saying a word. “Video editing has come a long way…” Even Ricky didn’t believe her. “It was a fucking livestream! You can't edit a livestream in progress!” Queeny tried to convince them. “Even if what you’re saying is true. Are you saying the boss is a monster or something?” Butterfly couldn’t help but snort. “No, but… I’m just saying! It’s possible he may be actually magic or something! If monsters exist, what’s so hard to believe that supernatural powers wouldn’t either?!” Queeny explained.

“I’m sure if magic existed, scientists would’ve found a way to prove it existed in some capacity,” Natalie informed.

“Plus, it wouldn’t make sense for Boss to be a criminal if he had magical powers. He could do anything he wanted if he could do magic.” Tyler supported Natalie’s point.

“Why would a shut-in who could do magic be a shut-in in the first place, also?” Butterfly added.

The group eventually split up to change their clothes and met back up at the entrance of the building. They continued their discussion on the boss’s origins, with everyone thinking that Queeny was crazy and collectively refusing to discuss their own thoughts on how the hell Ethan got them halfway across town in an instant. It was safer for their income not to question it. Queeny, unfortunately, didn’t seem to understand that.

Ricky suggested they go out to eat to celebrate their successful job. Everyone agreed to the suggestion as this was their biggest job to date. It was also going to be their last biggest job and the start of a life of easy money and easy living. Why shouldn’t they celebrate?! It was a cause for celebration!

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