Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 198: Bank Heists are More Popular than Ever, Huh?

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Xedron

Emma Lee sat in the studio, her eyes focused on the prompter as she prepared to deliver the evening news. Beside her, Mike Young and Lisa Rivera, seasoned reporters, exchanged glances. Tonight's headline was no ordinary story—it was the most exciting piece of news since Tears’s arrest! A story on par with a big criminal gangster being locked up which will bring plenty of ratings!

"Good evening, viewers. I'm Emma Lee, and my colleagues, Mike Young, and Lisa Rivera, are with me. Tonight, we delve into the riveting details of the most talked-about event in Krey—the brazen bank heist that unfolded at Krey's Big Bank. This wasn't your run-of-the-mill crime; it was done by the up-and-coming criminal gang run by the mysterious crime lord Ethan! Still no last name, but law enforcement believes they have a composite sketch of Ethan’s face and body from those who refused to join his gang during his recruitment interview. Only time will tell if that will lead to anything." She said with playful doubt in her voice.

Mike leaned forward, his voice resonating with the weight of the unfolding drama. "Picture this: Krey's Big Bank, a monolith of financial security and wealth, its imposing facade has never been challenged. Until yesterday. Ethan’s gang, masked and armed, made their entrance with relaxation and ease as if the bank heist was already a success."

"Indeed, Mike. One of the criminals, known as Butterfly, a petite young lady, reportedly unleashed her brass knuckles on a security guard, dislocating his jaw in a single, brutal strike," Emma narrated, her eyes conveying the intensity of the moment. “He’s still currently healing in the hospital from his injuries.

Lisa interjected, "And let's not forget Ricky, the one who decided to fire his gun into the air. The most terrifying presence at the scene of the bank robbery. He had several people horrified and fearing for their lives. Some people reportedly said they thought he was mentally deranged and definitely didn’t want to push any of his buttons."

The studio filled with a brief pause, allowing viewers to digest the unfolding drama. Emma, however, brought their attention back with a knowing smile. "But behind the chaos, there's a layer of interest. Social media erupted with memes faster than you could say 'bank heist.' The internet's creativity knows no bounds." On the screen, snippets of memes showed with wit and humor, reflecting the public's varied reactions. Mike chuckled, pointing at the screen. "Look at this one: 'Ethan's gang walks into a bank with guns, asks for all of the cash. Somehow leaves with his entire gang.'"

Lisa joined in, laughter coloring her voice. "And here's another gem: 'Me trying to decide if I should deposit my paycheck or join Ethan's gang.'" Emma, bringing a touch of seriousness, continued, "However, let's not forget the seriousness of the situation. As funny as some of these things are, this was a serious crime. The National Bureau of Investigation and Security is supposedly getting involved in Ethan’s gang. I believe it's because they stole a lot of money. I mean a lot of money…"

“Now on to eyewitness reports from those who were there at the bank robbery.”

The television screen shifted to snippets of witness interviews, capturing the raw emotions of those caught in the crossfire. A woman's voice echoed, "It was like a movie, you know? Masks, guns, the whole shebang. Haha, I was bleep scared out of my mind! They had real guns! You know, like the ones you see in bleep action movies. I was crying. I think I even peed myself a little." She admitted.

"I was more sad about losing my phone than being a hostage," the young man said, sounding slightly upset. “When the law enforcement tracked our stolen phones, they were just in some hole slightly out of town. I guess Ethan’s gang skipped town or something.”

Emma, with a solemn tone, addressed the viewers. "Now, this next clip is distressing. The security cameras recorded Butterfly's initial confrontation with the first security guard, starting the heist. Viewer discretion is advised." A hushed silence fell over the studio as the footage played discreetly. Lisa winced at the visually stunning and audible blow, the impact of the hit sinking in. "That's brutal. It's a miracle she didn't kill the guy." Emma, steering the narrative, added, "Well, Lisa, they are there to rob the bank. I think the real miracle is that no one died at all. The public's fascination with Butterfly's brutal opener to the heist is undeniable. Apparently, she's become a girlboss celebrity with youths worldwide. There’s even a music video surrounding this video playing to music that’s strangely inspirational. I don’t know if it's because she’s a girl knocking out a man larger than her, or it's a form of symbolism I can’t quite understand."

As the studio played more clips, a diversity of perspectives emerged. A teenager, seemingly unfazed after the bank heist, stated, "Ethan's gang is, like, legendary now. It's insane, but I kinda get why they're doing it. If my mom wasn’t such a bleep, I'd probably be in Ethan’s gang right now, too. Not because I need the money but bleep societal rules, yo."

Mike, eyebrows raised, asked, "I hope all the youths of today aren’t idolizing these criminals, or I believe we have hard times ahead of us." Lisa, rolling her eyes, retorted, "Kids these days idolize everything. But we certainly can't overlook the fact that these criminals are striking a chord with a disillusioned youth."

As the news unfolded, the studio became a battleground of opinions. Emma, adopting a novelistic approach, began to explore the nuances of the debate. "Now, viewers, let's address the elephant in the room. Is Ethan's gang glorifying crime, or are they exposing flaws in our system?" Mike, his voice measured, offered his perspective. "It's a question worth pondering. Some argue they're people just fed up with the system. People are constantly saying prices are constantly increasing while our pay is staying the same."

"I don't think knocking a guard's jaw off is going against the system. The man was just doing his job," Lisa argued.

“He was hindering them from getting back at the system, I guess? I’m not a criminal. I wouldn’t know.” Mike retorted.

Emma, the voice of reason, mediated between conflicting opinions. "Strong opinions here at the station. Viewers, what's your take on Ethan's gang? Products of the rising everything or just simple, no-good criminals? Share your thoughts with us on social media. We'll be back after this short break to dive deeper into the public's reactions. Stay tuned for more insights into the aftermath of today's events."

The studio lights dimmed as commercials played, offering a brief respite from the intense narrative. Emma was mindlessly scrolling and tapping at the screen while the break went on. Not seemingly caring about this event at all.

Online, the bank robbery became a swirling tempest of whoever could garner the most interest by mentioning the bank robbery. Social media platforms were filled with people discussing the high-profile crime. Potentially citing it as the biggest crime of the year in terms of financial damages. On ChirpChat, #EthanHeist trended with an avalanche of chirps reflecting the public sentiment spectrum. Memes, GIFs, and biting posts flooded the platform, creating an atmosphere of both amusement and concern. One user, @Axew21, posted a meme featuring a scene from a movie with several criminals leisurely preparing to head into a bank while masked up and dangerous guns in their hands with Ethan’s gang masks superposed on them as a police officer is parked nearby, looking at them, captioned, "When you're robbing a bank but remember maybe you shouldn’t do your job today. #EthanHeist." The humor sparked a cascade of likes and retweets.

Conversely, @KyleLamb expressed a more somber viewpoint. "This heist isn’t a laughing matter. We shouldn't glamorize criminal acts. What happened to our society? Do you know how much of our money they stole from that bank?! Multiple millions!"

DigiConnect was where citizens aired their grievances. The debate was lively, with some applauding Ethan's gang as modern-day Robin Hoods, while others condemned their actions as a descent into anarchy for the citizens of Krey and those in cities similar to Krey. On GramShare, a visual feast of snapshots and short videos emerged. A user named @wCynic shared an image of graffiti portraying Ethan’s supposed appearance wearing a crown, the words "Gangster King" emblazoned beneath. The fusion of rebellion and artistry resonated with a younger demographic. Meanwhile, Flashtalk's Story Map showcased snippets of the bank heist's aftermath. Brief videos captured public reactions—shocked faces, hurried whispers, and shaky footage of the chaos outside of the bank. The immediacy of these clips brought an unfiltered and raw quality to the narrative.

On an online forum, users dissected the heist with surgical precision. The thread titled "Ethan's Bank Heist Discussion Forum." drew a multitude of responses, ranging from fervent support to vehement condemnation. UserRiskFan, an avid supporter of Ethan's gang, declared, "Finally, someone has the guts to challenge the corrupt system. We're living in a society where the rich get richer, and the rest of us struggle. #EthanHeist is a wake-up call we all needed. More of us need to be going out, doing crimes, and fucking shit up until I can finally fucking afford not to break my back just to afford rent and groceries." The reply button became a battlefield of ideologies as UserZakk retorted, "I never really got that anarchist type of thinking; we should just break, rob, and act like animals if we want change type of idealogy. If you want higher wages and better pay, go out and protest for it!"

Across social media platforms, influencers and celebrities added their voices to the discourse. The GramShare account of a popular lifestyle blogger showcased a photo of the graffiti mural depicting Ethan as a crowned criminal mastermind, accompanied by a caption that read, "In a city drowning in theft from those at the top, maybe we need a disruptor. What are your thoughts on #EthanHeist?" The comment section beneath the post became a battlefield of comments where users shared their opinions. Some echoed the blogger's sentiment, applauding Ethan's gang as modern-day needed criminals. Others expressed concern, fearing that glorifying criminal acts could lead to chaos and further attacks on those living paycheck to paycheck.

On a forum dedicated to city affairs, a user posted a lengthy analysis titled "Deconstructing #EthanHeist: Unraveling Motives and Morality." The analysis delved into the speculated motives behind the heist, with theories ranging from economic activism to personal vendettas against the banking elite. One comment under the analysis argued, "This goes beyond a simple heist. #EthanHeist is a statement against a system that benefits the few at the expense of the many. It's time we question the structures that govern us." A counterpoint emerged from another user, stating, "There are legal avenues for activism. This is nothing more than anarchy wrapped in misguided heroism. #EthanHeist sets a dangerous precedent. People just want to lash out but don’t have the testicles to do it themselves. So they cheer for a dangerous, deranged criminal like Ethan."

ChirpChat also became a battlefield where hashtags clashed. #EthanHero trended alongside #EthanTheMenace, reflecting the public’s divided opinion. Public figures, including politicians and activists, joined the fray. CouncilwomanHimby tweeted, "While I understand the frustration with rising prices, resorting to criminal acts undermines the very principles we stand for as a nation. Let's channel our energies into constructive change. #EthanTheMenace." In a direct response, ManiacPantser posted, "Sometimes, unconventional actions are needed to wake people up. Ethan's gang might be the jolt our city needs. What our nation needs. Discuss. #EthanHeist"

Ethan’s heist was being discussed all around. The city's streets pulsed with whispered conversations, debates in cafes, and discussions in the workplace. Ethan's gang became a talking point, a symbol of defiance, or a harbinger of chaos, depending on who you asked.

Inside a classroom, Cindy invited Jack to discuss something with him. An unedited video of the bank heist was playing on Cindy’s phone. An excited look was plastered on Cindy’s face as she brought up the idea of taking out Ethan and his gang. Jack wasn’t against the idea, but catching them now would be practically impossible, even if they wanted to go on the offense and ambush them. 

“We have no information, and Mr. Theo is completely against us going after Ethan and his gang.” Jack reminded her.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t go out and look for clues on our own,” Cindy argued.

“Cindy, do you really think they’re going to go out and do some more crimes after getting away with this bank robbery? No way, they’re going to lay low. And if they’re smart, they’re going to lay low for years. That’s if they haven’t already left the city.” Jack retorted.

“But what if they aren’t?” Cindy grinned.

“Do you know something I don’t?” Jack asked, curious why she was keeping him at school for so long.

“I heard rumors of a girl at a nearby high school.”

“Ahuh.” Jack was listening.

“A girl that is known to not come from money suddenly purchasing a MarBling!? And I did some investigating. Her parents didn’t win the lottery or anything. So, how is this high schooler suddenly buying cars, expensive purses, luxury brands, and other stuff without a job? She has to be a part of Ethan’s crew!” Cindy exclaimed.

“Or, she found herself a sugar daddy.” Jack retorted.

This momentarily stunned Cindy. She didn’t investigate whether the girl had a boyfriend or not… “Damn it! I still think we should go ahead and investigate her! It’s the only thing we have as a lead!” Cindy explained. “I really think we should listen to Mr. Theo and leave Ethan’s gang alone. If he thinks it's too dangerous for us, then I have to agree with him. He’s never steered us wrong before.” Jack shared his true feelings.

“...” Cindy’s blood was boiling to dispense justice. However, there was an unexpected benefit to Ethan’s gang's rising popularity. “Fine. You’re right. I’ll drop it.”

There were several criminals coming in from outside of the city, hoping to make their new start here after Tears’s downfall and the positive reception of Ethan’s gang. Cindy didn’t need to go after the biggest and baddest so soon. She could fill her craving for fighting with those who don’t know anything about how things are run in Krey with Diablo in charge. And once Ethan and his gang slip up, Diablo will be there to take them to Hell.

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