Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 205: A Fun Ass Brawl!

Inner Zoey was pretty damn happy about this development. Since the other side of herself sucked at acting, she was perfect for a spy mission like this, where she had to act on the bad guy’s team! She wouldn’t have to restrain herself at all! And now these guys want them to fight in some big ass brawl in this cramped ass room? Zoey couldn’t be happier! The thought of why they wouldn't want more members didn't make sense to her, but she wasn't a bad guy, so how could she!?

When the guys on the stage gave them the go-ahead, Zoey’s eyes caught sight of the huge minotaur guy swinging his arms around like a cyclone. She couldn’t help but grin as she ducked underneath his thick arms while others went flying into the crowd around them. “Oh, you survived that!?” He smiled at her. “I’m not that weak.” Zoey got in a low, wide stance resembling that of a grappler. “I’ll be the judge of that!” He mimicked her stance before rushing toward her.

The collision of strength between Zoey and the minotaur sent tremors through the immediate vicinity. The physicality of the confrontation was evident in the bulging veins that adorned their muscular arms, each vessel pulsating with the exertion of power. Beads of sweat glistened on their foreheads as they poured their physical prowess into the showdown. The minotaur's expression revealed a mix of surprise and respect. This pipsqueak was a lot stronger than she looked! Haha, what the hell?! In response, Zoey's equally manic expression was no different from the bull’s joy. However, it was hidden underneath the panda mask she was wearing. 

The seemingly equal clash changed in an instant as Zoey put to use the grappling skills she gained from fighting daemons and the training from a world champion grappler. She stopped using her own strength in an attempt to overpower the minotaur, allowing him to push her backward. Moving with the push, Zoey fell backward while also locking her fingers around the back of the Minotaur’s hands. Using her legs, she lifted the Minotaur above her feet. At this point, it looked like they were performing a circus routine.

The minotaur was being held in the air by Zoey’s feet before she rolled backward and was now standing on his chest while looking down on him. In this position, it was far more difficult for the minotaur to exert his strength compared to Zoey, who just had to press down. She ground her feet in his chest to keep a better balance. The minotaur couldn’t even speak as he gritted his teeth and did his utmost to reverse the position he was in.

A feat that was only accomplished thanks to someone intervening in the middle of their tussle. Zoey attempted to stop holding hands with the minotaur, but he doubled down despite her pressing down on his ribcage. He, too, saw the incoming leaping Viperian aiming to attack Zoey. In the blink of an eye, Zoey and the minotaur teleported into the air. A flying body passed by them as Zoey pulled the bullhead toward herself and repositioned them.

The Viperian looked around, confused at the sight of her prey disappearing in front of her eyes. Then she heard the sound of something above her, seeing both Zoey and the minotaur falling directly toward her. Before she could move out of the way, the two landed directly on top of her, with the Viperian’s hair snakes biting the back of the minotaur instinctively as she was crushed.

Zoey finally got her hands free from the minotaur as the venom ran amok through his system. She left them on the ground as she rushed into the crowd of brawling magjistars and magji creatures. Pure excitement and adrenaline were running through her veins as she had some good old fun for the first time in a while. 

There was nothing like a nice, simple brawl to get the blood flowing. A brawl that reminded her of the fights she got involved with back in her delinquent days. Just this time, there was a lot more magji flying around and different races involved. 

“You don’t want to hit someone as cute as me, do you?” Zoey locked eyes with a Succubi cutely posing at her, looking very vulnerable and weak.

A species known for manipulating the desires of other species with magji. Zoey felt her mahna poke at her head like a tendril, seeking to drill its way inside. Both of them looked at each other when her attempt at magji failed to breakthrough Zoey’s thick forehead or mahna. One smiled. One trembled with fear and disbelief. 

“H-How…?” She asked.

Zoey snatched her by the throat and lifted him high up in the sky. “A possible side effect of mental instability.” She lied. It was thanks to Abnormal Conditions that she wasn’t affected. “Crazy people are more susceptible to our magji!” She yelled. “I’m next-level crazy?” Zoey chokeslammed the Succubi into the floor.

They were out like a light, twitching on the ground. When Zoey readied herself to jump into another fight, she was blasted in the back by someone. The power of the spell knocked her to the floor. As she picked herself up off of the floor, her body was suddenly surrounded in a bubble of light. A prison that was slowly rising into the air. Zoey’s eyes locked on to the green light in the shape of a human. A Luminari was targeting her.

But this wasn’t a bad situation for her when she thought about it. After all, the last one standing were the winners in this brawl. Although she wasn’t tired in the slightest, a quick break wouldn’t be so bad. In fact, she could search for her next opponent from this high up. It gave her a nice view of everyone still fighting. Zoey smiled and waved at the Luminari as she got into a more relaxing position.

The Luminari was displeased by this development. They were probably expecting her to be panicking and attempting to break her way out of this bubble made of light magji. As soon as Zoey stopped paying attention to them, they popped their bubble, and Zoey nearly fell face-first to the ground. She angrily clenched her fist, locking on to the bright fucker. Like a bull who could only see red, Zoey smashed her way through the crowd to make it to the Luminari.

Without even relying on her Combo Magji, Zoey was like the Great Divider. Nothing but pure physical prowess and combat experience was enough to handle most of the people inside. And since they weren’t daemons, Zoey mostly didn’t have to worry about any dangerous tricks as she mainly used her grappling skills to deal with these people. A hulking summoned daemon charged towards her, determined to run her through or trample her flat. With a quick sidestep, Zoey expertly avoided the brute's powerful charge, seizing the opportunity to utilize her grappling skills. In one fluid motion, she wrapped around the daemon’s waist and, with a burst of strength, executed a flawless body slam on the creature that no doubt weighed three times her weight or more. The ground trembled as the daemon crashed into the floor, falling to the level below them.

Nearby, a magjistar attempted to coordinate an attack on Zoey. Undeterred, she engaged them without any fear. A daring suplex unfolded as Zoey effortlessly lifted the guy into the air. The unfortunate magjistar found themselves airborne, helpless against the force of Zoey's effortless control. Even as they chanted a spell to unleash on her from above, it was nothing compared to the devastating impact as they smashed into the ground.

In the middle of the chaos, the Luminari from earlier attempted to confront Zoey with bursts of solidified light. Undeterred despite the slight burns on her skin, she closed the distance, her movements swift and unstoppable. As the Luminari prepared another more powerful magji spell, Zoey swiftly caught them in a standing sleeper hold. The once defiant Luminari now struggled within Zoey's grasp. Their attempts to break free met with resolute resistance. Zoey had to utilize mahna to keep hold of the Luminari otherwise, they would slip right through her grip. Unfortunately, as she was choking the Luminari, it turned out she was just giving them a painful squeeze. Luminari didn’t need to breathe.

“Sorry.” Zoey ended their fight by wrenching its neck and slamming them into the ground. It wasn’t her fault she was ignorant about magji races…

For Zoey, each fight was another chance to raise her skills. Another opportunity to get stronger, experience more, and become better. A grin adorned her face as she happily dispatched opponent after opponent, reveling in the satisfaction of applying her grappling techniques in a magji-infused setting. The thrill of the real fight atmosphere fueled her every action, turning the chaotic battlefield into an arena where Zoey's physical prowess and combat experience reigned supreme. Eventually, it got to the point where the remaining fighters stood in exact opposition to Zoey, completely willing to team up and eliminate her from this brawl for their safety.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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