Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 206: Being Accepted! Kinda!

“I believe that’s enough.” One of the organizers clapped their hands.

Zoey's keen instincts tingled, warning her of an impending threat that would threaten her life. In a seamless motion, she pivoted with unparalleled swiftness, her body a blur as she unleashed a 180-degree rocketing fist. The force of the movement displaced the surrounding air, creating a gust that ruffled the hair of the person standing perilously close to the tip of her lethal strike. Just barely, she managed to stop herself.

The would-be victim displayed a wide-eyed expression with a mischievous grin on her face, undeterred by narrowly escaping death. "Wowie Zowie. I think I'm falling in love," she chimed with an exhilarated tone, seemingly enamored by the sheer prowess of Zoey's near-lethal blow. Her eyes, wide and gleaming, locked onto Zoey's fist as if it were a mesmerizing work of art. 

Zoey reigned her fist back under control like it was a dangerous creature as she looked the girl up and down. Purple hair, sword on her waist, slimmer than herself, and possibly younger than her too. Zoey narrowed her eyes at the girl. She felt like her life was in danger a moment ago. And it excited her…

A person even younger than herself could give her a sense of danger? A threat that her life could end if she wasn’t careful? It’s been too long! She didn’t even feel this way when she was on trial surrounded by dozens of experienced magjistars. But this one girl could make her skin tingle? 

Inner Zoey couldn’t help but lick her lips as she thought about how much her skills would increase fighting against this girl. Unknowingly, her inner desires were pouring out of her as she naturally positioned herself in a subtle fighting stance. The girl’s pupils dilated. She knew what Zoey was planning! She could feel it!

Zoey’s eyes scanned her body, looking for which flaws to attack first. But found absolutely nothing. Normally, that would frighten the average fighter. A person with no obvious weak points meant that they were in a league above you. But Zoey knew that she was already an S-Grade magjistar or just a few points shy from it. This only made her even more excited to find out why her body was acting like this toward the girl.

Just as Zoey was about to pounce on her tantalizing prey, no, this wasn’t prey but another predator like herself… But before she could enact on her instincts, a wall of mahna appeared between her and the girl. “I will not repeat myself.” The handsome guy from earlier put some authority in his voice. But Inner Zoey was a bad guy right now. What bad guy would listen to some random fucker who hasn’t proven themselves? That guy didn’t even give her half the feeling of the girl in front of her.

So, Inner Zoey played into her bad guy act. She pounced toward the man on stage, intent on tackling him. His eyes widened in shock or disbelief when he saw her coming his way—several mahna walls formed in front of him as he chanted. Zoey shattered them all with nothing but her physical might.

She grabbed the magjistar by his throat as she looked in dead in the eye. “Who the hell are you to be commanding me to do anything?” Zoey questioned, squeezing the side of his throat. The girl from earlier loudly cheered her on. “Yeah! Rip his head off! Teach that jerk a lesson for interrupting our date!” To be honest, Zoey thought she really meant it, too. The rip his head off part, not the other thing.

Most magjistars were downright helpless if you managed to stop them from chanting their spells. If you exclude the talented ones. It would take more concentration and talent, but it was also possible for magjistars to use their magji without chanting. A fact Zoey just found out as a horizontal three-dimensional mahna square crashed into her waist, causing her to slide away from the man as he caught his breath.

He glared at her before deciding to unleash his full power to teach her a lesson or get revenge. Zoey didn’t know which, but he did look like a uppity asshole. Before he could give in to his deeper emotions, his friend placed a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. “What, scared? I’ll let you both take me on if it makes you feel better.” Zoey chuckled.

The guy she nearly choked out took a second to gather himself before asking, “Why are you here?” Zoey audibly sighed. It seemed that he wasn’t going to fall for her taunt this time. She felt a hand on her shoulder, consoling her while she was feeling disappointed. “There, there. I know you would’ve kicked both of their butts, Panda.”

How the fuck did this girl just sneak up on her? No sound, no mahna emanating from her, and a complete lack of presence. It reminded her of Hayato in a way, but way better. She must be an assassin or something! Zoey ignored it as she kept her guard raised completely around the girl.

“I came here because I smelled that there was some fun to be had,” Zoey answered.

“You do know this isn’t like an organization for having fun? We’re planning to change the world of magji!” The guy who calmed the other guy down explained.

“My nose has never led me wrong.” Zoey took that as confirmation that she was right.

“You pull anything like that again, and I’ll kill you.” The guy she choked out threatened while rubbing his throat.

“I’d like to see you try, baby skin.” His neck was really soft and smooth.

Before he could respond, his buddy pulled him away and started whispering something to him. Inner Zoey put her hands on her waist. That guy was pissing her off. But whatever, fine. She wasn’t going to play nice, but she was definitely going to stand on business if someone pushed her.

“You’re pretty strong…” Adoration was present in the girl’s voice as she felt up Zoey’s arms and body.

Zoey swung at her. “I’m not into women.” She made herself clear. “Have you ever tried it?” The girl responded in a sing-song manner while effortlessly avoiding her punch that would’ve dropped a physically fit adult man. 

“I can show you the world…” She sang. “The pleasures that a man could never understand!!” Zoey pushed her face away and focused her attention on the others in the room.

A Minotaur, a Viperian, a Luminari, a Succubi, the crazy girl, and Zoey were the only ones who passed. It only made Zoey realize that she didn’t even notice the crazy girl in the middle of the battle, either. She didn’t have a scratch on her. Even Zoey was slightly bloody. It wasn’t her blood, but still.

“Okay!” The calming guy clapped his hands. “My name is Lector, and this is my buddy, Adrian. Our other friend from earlier was Selena. Congratulations on passing the test, and welcome to the group that will change the world.” Lector smiled with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Before we go, you all do not mind if I request something of you, do you?” Lector politely asked.

“You can ask all you want.” Zoey shrugged. He ain’t say anything about doing it.

“Yep! Yep! Ask us anything!” Crazy girl stood close to Zoey.

“Ask!” Minotaur seemingly allowed.

“Tough crowd, haha.” Lector leisurely laughed. “I’m just going to need you all to make a Heart-Bound Contract with me to ensure your loyalty to the organization. An easy little thing that won’t take more than a few minutes.”

“Sounds like a pain in the ass, forget it.” Inner Zoey flipped him off.

“If she’s not doing it, I'm not doing it!” The crazy girl stood by her side.

“If they don’t have to do it, I don't want to either.” The Succubi softly spoke up.

“I’ll sign it.” The Luminari was the first to give in.

“Sign? Contract? Why?” The Minotaur seemed confused about what was going on.

“It is a little confusing. This whole event was a public advertisement. My friends even know I came here. If something happens to me, they’ll know that there was something fishy about this group and let the Peacekeepers know. Why would we need to keep secrets if you publicly advertised this recruitment drive?” The Viperian questioned.

“Never mind then. Let’s go, follow me.” He nearly dropped the fake smile as he turned around and asked them to follow.

“Did this dumbass not even think about the Peacekeepers catching on? I mean, these people still on the ground unconscious are going to spread what kind of group this is when they wake up. And if something happens to them where they don’t go back home, their loved ones and friends are going to inform the Peacekeepers.” Zoey insulted them for fun. “You gotta be a special kind of DUMBASS to not think of shit like this.”

She saw all three of their shoulders tightened. This was good. It wasn’t making her any friends, but that wasn’t what she was here for.

“I like you, Panda. Please go out with me.” Crazy girl asked.

“I don’t even know your name. But still, no.” Zoey denied her without hesitation. She was strictly dickly, not a clam diver.

“You can call me Tiffany!” ‘Tiffany’ introduced herself.

“You can keep calling me Panda.” Zoey didn’t mind the name.

“Panda, I think we’re going to be the best of friends.” Tiffany latched onto her arm.

“Maybe.” Inner Zoey was very interested in why she felt danger from this girl. She wanted to see it. Really, really badly…

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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