Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 211: Is it an Act or Something More?


[Name: Zoey] 

[Sex: Female] 

[Body: 20] 

[Mental: 3.5] 

[Magic: 15.5] 

[Skills: 17] 

[Zoey's Victorious Boxing Lv10] 

[Focus Lv12] 

[Teaching Maxed] 

[Abnormal Conditions Lv23] 

[Endurance Lv33] 

[Fighting Aura Lv7] 

[Gaming Lv20] 

[Mahna Manipulation Lv34] 

[Combo Magji Maxed] 

[Twisting Force Maxed] 

[Mahna Gathering Bomb Lv8] 

[Overdraft Maxed] 

[Dash Lv2] 

[Flexibility Lv2]

[Friends of the Oppressed Maxed]

[Meditation Lv2]

[First-Aid Lv1]

In the frost-kissed gardens of the mansion, where winter held the world in its icy embrace, Zoey decided to spend her free time to leveling up the skills she rarely used. The air, crisp with the scent of snow, provided the perfect atmosphere for the unexpected yoga session that unfolded amidst the amazing beauty of the winter landscape. Delicate flakes descended from the leaden sky, creating a serene atmosphere for the impromptu exercise, with nothing but the bare snow serving as their seating, and Winter's icy touch leaving no participant spared.

Undeterred by the biting cold, Zoey gracefully raised herself into the crane position, her breath forming formless wisps in the frigid air. The crane position demanded a delicate balance, akin to a handstand, requiring strength primarily from the arms and core. Remarkably, Zoey's limbs remained steadfast, and her breath, a visible testament to the chill, exhibited a calm and measured cadence. It was as if the frozen surroundings had no impact on her at all.

Tiffany, on the other hand, mirrored Zoey's resilience but with a visible struggle. Her cheeks took on a rosy hue, not from her natural innate genes but from the relentless assault of the unforgiving cold. The snow-covered ground beneath them seemed to intensify the cold, and Tiffany found herself shivering from the elements, her muscles protesting the unfamiliar exertion demanded by the challenging yoga positions.

As Zoey effortlessly transitioned from one demanding yoga pose to another, the snowflakes danced around them in a silent ballet, creating a magical aura around their wintry workout. The intricate and demanding poses continued against the backdrop of the serene winter landscape, with Zoey's body contorting in ways that seemed almost supernatural. Observing Tiffany's struggles, Zoey couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. "I told you, you didn't have to do this," she reminded her, the pity evident in her tone as Tiffany, with blue lips and a determined spirit, persisted in the face of adversity, her teeth chattering from the cold.

The contrast between Zoey's effortless grace and Tiffany's determined suffering continued to unfold as the snowflakes bore witness to their wintry exercise. Tiffany, though capable of performing the challenging poses, moved at a snail's pace, each movement a laborious effort against the biting cold. Zoey sighed, contemplating whether she was being stupid or just stubborn.

“I’m not going to forgive you for sneaking into my room just because you’re torturing yourself. Go back inside, warm yourself up, and wait for me to finish up,” Zoey instructed. She didn’t get any pleasure out of seeing Tiffany suffer. She wasn’t a weirdo.

“N-N-Never give up,” Tiffany managed to stutter through chattering teeth, her determination overriding the physical discomfort she endured. 

The snowflakes continued their descent. Zoey inwardly shrugged. If Tiffany wanted to torture herself for no reason, then that was on her. She was simply trying to raise the levels of Meditation, Flexibility, Abnormal Conditions, and Endurance. Zoey thought it was a good opportunity to level up several skills at the same time. 

She could raise Meditation and Flexibility through yoga. And because of the weather, both Endurance and Abnormal Conditions could level up. In fact, Zoey felt cold as hell, it’s just that she didn’t feel the negative effects of it. It wasn’t all that terrible to be outside right now in booty shorts and a tank top for her. She thought it looked nice and would be great for training.

Tiffany dropped to the ground, unable to continue, and Zoey decided to call it quits there. Meditation, Flexibility, and Endurance leveled up. Although she could definitely keep going, Tiffany was going to kill herself if she continued to be stubborn. Having someone’s death on her hands, even indirectly, wouldn’t feel good. So, she grabbed the nearly frozen Tiffany by the waist and carried her inside the mansion. Zoey handed her off to the fairies as she went back to her room.

In the swirling snowfall, Peter, Tink, and Jelena— started their movement against the suspicious silence of the Peacekeeper Order. The mass missing person case, shrouded in mystery, fueled their determination to get some answers. Tink, more than happy to let themselves be heard, actively helped the movement, leading the charge for justice.

The biting cold did nothing to quell their fiery spirits as they followed the instructions left by Zoey’s friend. Peter and Jelena gathered a group of concerned citizens, their hearts echoing the same plea for accountability and some transparency about the ongoing case. These were the people whose loved ones, daughters, sons, fathers, mothers, lovers, or friends were involved in the case. Jelena and Peter spent day after day visiting homes, asking people questions, and getting them involved.

Considering there were missing individuals from all walks of life, included in this case, Peter and Jelena managed to garner a lot more support than they thought they would. Both magjistars and magji creatures had people they knew gone missing after attending the recruitment drive for the Magji Liberation Front. Their first stop was the heart of the city, where they brought more attention to the issue with passionate speeches and compelling flyers, each bearing the faces of the missing individuals. As the crowd swelled with empathetic faces, Peter stepped forward, his voice resonating with a blend of justice and empathy. 

"People of the magji world, I stand before you not merely as a voice but as a vessel for the collective concerns beating in the hearts of every person gathered here today. The Peacekeeper Order, an organization founded on the principles of justice and honesty, has a duty to uphold those principles.” Peter’s voice was loud and clear. “We, the people, are the lifeblood of this city. We are its heartbeat, its soul. And in return for our trust, the Peacekeeper Order must offer not just enforcement of laws but also transparency and accountability. Our city’s safety depends on this delicate balance. Without it, anarchy and chaos would run amok through our streets.” Citizens cheered and supported his statements. “In the shadows, there are those among us, our friends, our family, who have vanished without a trace. The silence from the Peacekeeper Order is deafening. Today, we ask not for vengeance but for answers, for the truth that is rightfully ours. We call upon the Order to honor its commitment, to break the shackles of silence, and to let the light of transparency pierce through the darkness that has silenced these disappearances. Let our voices be heard, resonating through the corridors of justice, demanding the accountability we deserve. As citizens, we are not merely subjects to authority; we are stakeholders in the very fabric of our community. It is time for the Peacekeeper Order to remember that their duty extends beyond enforcing laws—it encompasses protecting the trust that binds us all together." He finished his speech with a deafening roar of support.

Jelena, armed with a thorough investigation into each missing person, seized the opportunity to expose the stark contrast between the Peacekeeper Order's lofty promises and their silence on this grave matter. "Alright, listen up, folks! Today, we're not just random faces in the crowd; we're the group determined to expose what the Peacekeeper Order's been hiding for way too long. These guys, sworn to keep us safe, conveniently forgot to keep us up to date with whether our loved ones are safe or not? Like, seriously? Big talk, zero transparency.” Jelena’s words began to rile the magji citizen’s up in a different manner from Peter. “We're not asking politely anymore; we're demanding the Peacekeepers tell us what is going on. Just to remind everyone, we're not here to cause chaos or be destructive; we just want to know what's going on. We've got a right to know what went down with our missing loved ones.” People were crying out for justice now. “We're not against the Peacekeeper Order; we're just reminding them of the commitment they made to us. The truth is our right, not a privilege."

The trio's efforts bore fruit as the crowd, now a sea of united voices, echoed their demand for answers. The snow-laden streets became a stage for a peaceful yet powerful protest, a testament to the citizens' refusal to accept complacency in the face of uncertainty. Word spread like wildfire, and soon, the trio found themselves at the center of a burgeoning movement. The missing persons case, once confined to the shadows, now cast a glaring spotlight on the Peacekeeper Order's questionable practices. The city, stirred by a collective yearning for truth and justice, demanded accountability from those sworn to protect them.

“I feel like punching something,” Tink was charged by the energy radiating around them.

“No violence.” Peter cautiously glanced at the fairie.

“I just said I felt like punching something, not that I would do it.” Tink rolled their eyes.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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