Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 212: Roy, The MLF Leader.

"So, this is our mysterious leader, huh?" Inner Zoey mused, crossing her arms as she sized him up.

The mysterious leader of their group appeared rather handsome through Zoey's eyes. Towering at a height of 6 feet 5 inches, he boasted a well-proportioned build, with decent muscles. His stormy gray eyes, set beneath sharp, arched eyebrows. A cascade of midnight-black hair, sleek and slightly wavy, framed his face, falling gracefully around his shoulders. His facial features, observed by Zoey, were distinctly chiseled and angular, showcasing high cheekbones and a well-defined jawline. A thin scar etched across one cheek. Wearing a tailored, onyx-black suit, it hugged his form. A crimson-lined cloak billowed behind him. Polished leather boots completed his outfit, their echoes resonating with each step he took. In Zoey's eyes, he certainly fits the look of a bad-guy leader.

“Panda. You will treat Roy with respect or else.” Selena threatened. They were the first words she’s said to Zoey since they met a week ago.

“Or else what?” Zoey arrogantly challenged her, her body language screaming for a fight. “Your boyfriend seems up for a round or two.”

“Do not make baseless remarks!” Her voice slightly rose as mahna formed around her. 

“I think your crush can speak for himself.” Inner Zoey found her sensitive spot.

Selena hasn’t said a damn thing to her all this time. No matter who she argued with or threatened or what she did at the mansion, She silently looked on and never said anything or did anything. But now, when Zoey finally met their mysterious leader, she wants to pipe up and start yapping? Oh, not without Zoey having her fun first.

“C-Crush!? I’ll shut that nonsensical mouth of yours like the barking dog you are!” But before she could rush toward Zoey, someone intervened.

Both Adrian and Lector tightly grasped her wrists. She fixed them both with a vicious glare before seeing Roy approach Zoey. Zoey got out of her fighting stance and looked up at him. He had a faint smile on his face. It kind of pissed Zoey off. Sure, he was handsome, but he wasn’t really her type. She’d have a one-night stand with him but contact him again afterward? He’d need to have done really fucking well in the bedroom for that.

Neither said a word to the other. They silently stared at each other. Then, in an instant, a harsh gust of wind exploded within the room as Zoey and Roy’s mahna clashed against each other. The others were forced to ground themselves as some slid back from the clash. 

Tiffany excitedly clapped her hands and bounced in place while cheering for Zoey. The wind blowing back her clothes and hair was of little concern to her at the moment. Gork scratched his head with a dazed look on his face. Millie rolled her eyes. She was not surprised at this outcome in the slightest. She gently pressed down on her snake hair to keep her serpents from wildly flailing in the wind. Also, to comfort them. Star, the Luminari, was shifting between colors for some reason while this was happening. Emi was just happy Panda wasn’t bothering him.

“Why did you interrupt me?” Selena questioned the two.

“For things like this, the leader should handle it,” Lector informed her.

“She will be a good example for the others,” Adrian added.

“I… I understand.” Selena went mum as she watched her leader show why he was the leader of their group.

The intensity of the wind produced by Zoey and Roy’s clash rose even further as the two took it to the next level. Now, those watching had to actively protect themselves with mahna to avoid being blasted away just by the immense force these two were producing. Roy still had that small smile on his face, although it seemed to be growing by the minute. Zoey would’ve liked to compare their strength in a far more physical manner, but this was fine, too.

“Tch.” Zoey clicked her tongue as her panda head was about to be blown off her head. If she tried to go further, it would fly off. “Fine, I’ll follow you for now.” She reigned back in her mahna as she fixed her mask.

“I’m glad to hear that, Panda. I’m looking forward to your cooperation.” He held his hand out for a handshake.

“If it ever gets boring, I’ll kill you in an instant.” Zoey reminded him, playing into her role. She shook his hand, crushing it momentarily. 

“Having someone as scary as you to motivate me is a blessing. I’ll be sure not to waste it.” Roy’s face didn’t change in the slightest, even with Zoey crushing his hand. 

“Not bad…” Zoey let go of his hand.

“Many thanks, Panda. Now, let’s get to business, everyone.” Roy shook his hand as he began walking to the front of the group. 

Zoey felt Selena’s glare on her. Probably wished to slice her into a million pieces or something. Even though Zoey didn’t know what her magji was, she didn’t feel wary of her. Roy was strong enough to be the leader of this bad guy group. Zoey didn’t think she’d lose to Roy if they went all out, but she felt like she couldn’t walk all over him with ease. Selena felt like a stereotypical magjistar- arrogant, fights at a range, close-minded, and would get stomped in a close-ranged fight.

“For our debut, we must make quite the statement for everyone. The Magji Liberation Front is not just any organization but one that will change the world. So, I had an idea.” Roy gathered their attention with his words. “Feel free to chime in with any ideas of your own after hearing mine.” He politely added. “So, I was thinking, before we begin our journey to change the world for the better. It would be more impactful if we started with our own people instead of the gullies. The gullies are utterly helpless against us, while magjistars and magji creatures are more than capable of stopping us.” Roy explained.

“What exactly are we going to do?” Millie questioned.

“There’s a group of magjistars known to discriminate, enslave, and harvest resources from magji creatures within Dhara. The black market for magji creature organs, skin, fur, and more is very lucrative. No matter which OM branch, this disgusting practice is always in motion. It would be for the best if we eliminated these people from our city. What do you all think?” Roy turned to them, interested in their answers.

“I’m willing,” Millie responded.

“Gork tear them apart!” Gork roared.

“Sounds good to me.” Star chuckled.

“I’m in…” Emi clutched his fist.

“I didn’t expect us to be doing something like this for our first mission!” Tiffany was on board.

“Me either…” Inner Zoey was genuinely surprised.

“Disgusting criminals. They bring shame to magjistars everywhere.” Selena nearly spat in disgust.

“We will be sure to show them the error of their ways.” Adrian viciously smirked.

“Since the Peacekeepers won’t do it, someone has to, I suppose,” Lector added.

“I’m relieved.” Roy smiled. “They’re having an auction very soon. We will crash the auction, free those who we can, and wipe out the magjistars present.” 

“How will we prevent them from escaping?” Millie questioned. “I’m sure they will have more than triple our numbers at that auction.”

“That’s a good question. Adrian, can I trust you to handle that, or will you need additional help?” Roy turned to the suited man.

“My Barrier Magji is unrivaled when it comes to creating barriers.” Adrian confidently responded.

“Good. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you do when we arrive. I care more about ensuring that everything goes right than an overestimation of your capabilities.” Roy reminded him.

“If even one magjistar manages to escape, I will-” Roy interrupted him before he could finish.

“There is no need for anything as drastic as what you were about to say. Simply prepare to your best ability.” He turned to everyone else. “That goes for the rest of you as well. We will be heading out in three days. The auction will take place late at night.”

“Prepare what?!” Gork asked.

“To fight for our right to live as we should.” Roy gently smiled at him. “If you have any more questions, please feel free to stay and chat. If not, you may return to your rooms.” Roy placed his hands behind his back.

Adrian, Lector, Selena, and Emi were the only ones to stay. Zoey and Tiffany made their way to her room. Honestly, Zoey wasn’t expecting things to turn out this way. A group of bad guys wouldn’t go about trying to stop slavery and killing slavers. She inwardly sighed. This would be a lot more complicated than she thought since they were more than just bad guys…

Zoey was going to participate in the raid. She had no reason not to. Hell, she would’ve done it even if she wasn’t involved with this group. Slavery was bad, period. She didn’t even need to try and act like a hero to want to participate. The average person with common sense understood that owning another being was wrong.

“Are you excited for the mission?” Tiffany asked.

“It should be fun,” Zoey answered. Beating up a bunch of assholes who deserve it? Fuck yeah, she was excited.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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