Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 214: Not the Most Discreet Spy but Hey!

A rock-shaped prison swallowed Zoey’s figure. Darkness filled her sight. She could feel the earth cage climbing up her limbs. Zoey didn’t panic. As it was only rock around her. Calmly, she used the absurd strength given to her by the Box and her daily training to rip herself free of the rocky restraints. The rocks crumbled despite their attempts to restrain her entire body. Then, when the brute force method wasn’t working, the rock cage got soft like mud.

Zoey couldn’t brute force a semi-liquid substance like this with just any method. So, she relied on an old classic method of brute forcing that was appropriate for someone like herself. Gathering mana in her fist as she was sinking into the ground, Zoet performed a textbook haymaker that produced a violent destruct gale of mahna and wind to blast open a hole in the prison.

The female earth magjistar’s hair and mask were blown back as she made eye contact with Zoey. Zoey could see the fierce determination in her eyes to prevent Zoey from getting loose. But what could Zoey do? She was stubborn, just like her mom. She didn't want to think about whether that was a good thing or not.

Zoey split the mud-like ground apart by striking the ground and got herself free. She leaped through the hole and grabbed the lady by her face before slamming her into the ground. The ground cracked into the shape of spider web patterns as Zoey looked for her next target. Who knew being a spy would be so much fun?

Tiffany also didn't miss out on having her own type of fun when she witnessed Panda going wild right from the beginning. Panda’s excitement seemingly invigorated her. With a smile on her face, she unsheathed her sword and began cutting down magjistars. The sword that looked tiny in its sheath enlarged to massive proportions when out of it. In a single swing, Tiffany could cleave more than three bodies at once if they were bunched up close enough.

“Hey, I’m over here!” Tiffany revealed her position as she impaled her thick sword into a magjistar’s back.

“Now I’m over here!” Her sword decapitated another masked magjistar from the opposite side of where her voice came from.

“Panda! Panda! Look! Look!” Tiffany excitedly called out while chopping down even more men.

Tiffany was running across the wall, dodging multiple spells intending to kill her. Parts of the wall where she ran across were blown up or filled with holes, yet she herself was never hit as she leaped off the wall toward the underground magjistars. Swift and precise, each swing left a trail of body parts and insides. Her slashes were not mere slashes; they were executions, each with a purpose and a gruesome outcome. Tiffany, nimble and lethal, danced around her adversaries like a reaper claiming souls. The magjistars, once confident, had long since lost their composure.

The metallic tang of blood saturated the air, accompanying the sounds of steel tearing through flesh and bone. Tiffany's joyful slaughter now resonated with the sickening thud of severed limbs and the anguished cries of the fallen. She turned to Panda, looking for some sort of approval, only to pout when Panda was too busy happily beating some fat buyer’s face in.

Millie focused her sights on the buyers instead of the people in charge of defending the auction. Reaching into her bosom, she pulled out a tiny metallic bow. With an infusion of mahna, the toy-like object turned into a regular-sized weapon. Millie then began firing at the fleeing buyers who were willing to purchase, enslave, and slaughter her kind without hesitation.

Of course, an archer just standing out in the open firing magji arrows was an easy target for those defending the auction from attackers. Which is why she had a helpful partner to protect her while she was doing this. With a ground-shaking roar, Gork crossed his arms as he blocked a dangerous spell heading toward Millie. Without even being pushed back, he glared at the magjistar who sent the spell before ripping a chunk of the ground up and tossing it at the magjistar.

Gork, the Minotaur, stood tall, muscles bulging with raw power. His primal instincts kicked in as the magjistars faced the brute force of his straightforward onslaught. Gork's simple and brutal fighting style proved effective as he barreled through the defenses of the magjistars who were more used to fighting at a distance. His immense strength shattered their defenses, leaving them vulnerable to his lethal assault.

The Minotaur's movements were like a force of nature, unstoppable and overwhelming. With primal roars, Gork pressed forward, smashing through any attempts at strategy with sheer bullheadedness. As the battle raged on, Gork's straightforward mindset played to his advantage. Unburdened by complex tactics, he relied on his primal instincts to overpower and dominate his opponents. The magjistars struggled to counter his relentless assault, finding no room for negotiation in the Minotaur's straightforward approach. Their spells either bounced off his fur or did little to stop his rampage. the scent of blood, waste, and the sound of bones crunching filled the air. Gork's brutal blows left a trail of destruction in the once-orderly auction hall.

Millie calmly slithered her way around Gork’s barbaric destruction while firing arrows in the backs of hapless fleeing buyers. It didn’t matter where her arrows landed, as her venom would surely kill any survivors. All she had to do was make sure her mahna arrows scratched the skin.

At the entrance of the auction, Star, the glowing Luminari, stood like a beacon of radiant light. The air shimmered with the hues of their luminous aura, casting a surreal glow on the unfolding combat. They alone stood confidently against the group of magjistars attempting to lead their patrons out of the underground auction.

The battle commenced with Star's adept control over light. They didn’t hesitate to unleash a searing beam of light that forced the magjistars to utilize whatever defense they could lest they wanted themselves and their buyers to be incinerated into ash. Several magji tools came from their inner garments, forming a mishmash of defensive magji that blocked the Luminari’s attack.

Yet that was only the beginning of Star’s righteous fury. Just because they blocked Star’s attack didn’t mean that it was the end of it. They continued to pour more mahna into the laser beam, contesting just how far they could go against a Luminari. At the same time, two identical copies of Star split from their body.

Unburdened, they freely flew to the side of the auction’s magjistars and sent forward two more large beams of light. Then, when the defensive magji tools could withstand that, Star split up into four copies and continued to beam down on the group, fully intent on vaporizing them.

“You fools! Did you forget you’re magjistars yourselves! Help us out!” One of the auction’s security shouted.

Lector laughed as the buyers realized that they could help prevent their impending deaths. Although, before they could do so, he swiftly put a stop to them with his unique connate magji. Lector disguised himself as one of the buyers as soon as they dropped in. By slitting the throat of one and stealing his mask, he evacuated with the others who were being led by the auction’s security.

His unnatural laugh caught the attention of the others, but they were more afraid of the Luminari than one of themselves losing his mind to madness. Unfortunately, Lector was not a member of high society that had gone crazy due to fear. In fact, he was the farthest thing from it. Lector pulled out a glowing dagger and went on a stabbing spree. Screams rang out from the group of magjistars bunched up together.

Lector didn’t bother stabbing or cutting more than once. The guards couldn’t bother to spare any attention to Lector despite wanting to reduce him to bits. Star was still pressuring them with her light magji, not giving them the opportunity to do so even if they wanted to. This gave Lector free rein to tag every aristocrat in the group. 

“Multiplication Volume I: Times Ten!” Lector maliciously laughed as multiple blood spurts spewed from the elite buyers.

He didn’t hesitate to continue stabbing at their weakened or dying forms. Realizing that the people they were trying to protect were on their way to the afterlife, the auction’s magjistars gave up defending against Star’s beams of light. They got out of the way, leaving Lector to take the brunt of the multiple rays of light hot enough to vaporize anyone hit by it.

Lector simply chuckled as the beams closed in on his position. Just before they were about to engulf him with their searing heat, they abruptly stopped, turned upward, and homed in on the fleeing magjistars. Screams of terror were suddenly silenced as Star’s laser beams turned them into ash. Lector nodded at Star, who simply flashed at him with a green light. He did not know what that meant.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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