Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 215: Bringing this Raid to a Conclusion.

Emi, the captivating Succubi, moved freely through the chaos that enveloped the auction hall. Their androgynous beauty, a unique blend of soft features, and an irresistible allure made them stand out amidst the frenetic commotion. As Emi reached the back of the stage, the focal point of the auction's security shifted toward the formidable figures of Panda, Tiffany, Roy, and Gork, causing chaos in the stands.

Behind the scenes, amidst the merchandise ready for sale, Emi encountered a mix of upset buyers and auction staff. The people backstage displayed a range of emotions, from frustration to confusion, upon seeing the enchanting Succubi. One particularly entranced individual even succumbed to an immediate surge of lust at the mere sight of Emi, providing an unwitting opportunity for Emi to employ their innate magji abilities. Subtly invoking their mahna, Emi cast a spell called "Lust Volume I: Love Obsessed." A distinctive mark branded itself on her forehead, a visible manifestation of the enchantment at play.

The sudden outburst of confusion and protests among the surrounding crowd erupted. Angry demands for the auctioned products they had rightfully paid for filled the air. Amidst the growing tension, Emi's connate magji worked its subtle magic, allowing them to manipulate the emotions and reactions of those within their sphere of influence. As the commotion reached a peak, the masked lady, driven by the force of Emi’s will, revealed her own connate magji, and violently flailed her arms. In a horrifying and surprising display, her limbs stretched beyond their normal limits, reaching out to ensnare and constrict everything within her grasp. Panic ensued as the crowd struggled against the unexpected onslaught.

Emi, ever the opportunist, seized the opportunity. While chaos unfolded around them, he focused on a different mission – rescuing the magji creatures trapped in the cells.

"Plant Volume II: Emerging Forest!" Selena, with an air of icy determination, deftly tossed several seeds in front of her. In an instant, the auction hall transformed into a battleground as colossal green tentacles erupted from the seeds, rapidly spreading throughout the crowd. Buyers and auction security alike found themselves ensnared, whipped, and entangled by the relentless growth, the verdant onslaught showing no mercy to those tainted by the sordid dealings of the auction.

Selena's mastery over her botanical minions was absolute. The giant tendrils, fueled by her mana, executed their deadly dance, piercing through bodies, smashing souls, or squeezing the life out of their unfortunate victims. The ruthless efficiency of the onslaught mirrored Selena's disdain for the denizens of the auction hall. It mattered not how they met their demise; Selena only cared that they did. Faced with the botanical onslaught, magjistars scrambled to counter the encroaching green menace. Spells were cast – some severed the tentacles, others burned, froze, or electrified them. However, Selena's calculated preparation allowed her to maintain control. Mahna-infused seeds ensured a steady supply of energy, enabling her plants to regrow and persist despite the efforts to stop them. The magjistars, realizing the futility of focusing solely on the vines, shifted their attention to the orchestrator behind the botanical onslaught – Selena herself.

But Selena had already foreseen such a retaliation. Swift as the unfolding chaos, she invoked another spell. A small tree sprouted from the ground, enveloping her stationary form. Layers of bark formed a protective shield, infused with her mahna to repel assaults from all directions. The arboreal sanctuary allowed Selena to continue her calculated assault on the malevolent elements within the auction hall, while her allies wreaked havoc among the flustered auction security. Briefly, she thought back to Panda’s words toward her. Would anyone notice if she attempted to kill her here? However, Selena didn’t go through with her plan. It was too risky. She would save it for another time.

Roy gracefully settled into a seat as if attending a leisurely social gathering. His stormy gray eyes surveyed the chaos with an air of detached amusement. In the invisible dance of mahna, the very air submitted to his connate magji – an imperceptible yet overwhelmingly potent force under his control. While his comrades embarked on a rampage against the auction's employees and buyers, Roy seamlessly integrated into the unfolding carnage. The atmosphere thickened with an aura of death as heads were sent spiraling, bodies cleaved at the waist, and various grisly methods of execution unfolded, all orchestrated by Roy's manipulation of the air. Amid this lethal carnage, only those adept at sensing mahna stood a faint chance of survival.

Roy's calculated demeanor, lounging in the seats with unsettling ease, left some of the auction's magjistars perplexed. They questioned whether he had suffered a cognitive malfunction or if he belonged to the assailants attacking their profitable enterprise. However, any attempts to decipher his motives were swiftly thwarted. Those daring to approach the maskless man found their fate sealed – their heads severed from their bodies as if by an invisible executioner. Lifeless forms crumpled to the ground, leaving no room for reprisal against the enigmatic figure orchestrating the unfolding chaos.

In less than an hour, Zoey and friends finished half of their mission by killing those working at the auction and attempting to buy at the auction. With the actual bad guys dealt with, Zoey and the Magji Liberation Front turned their attention to the caged magji creatures. Emi already beat them backstage with a bunch of lifeless corpses. Zoey didn’t consider herself the most empathetic or sympathetic person, so instead of trying to comfort and aid the less fortunate, she focused on the shiny pile of goodies that were sold and owned by the dead magjistars.

In the aftermath of the frenzied melee, the auction hall lay in disarray. Broken artifacts and scattered items adorned the floor, creating an unintended treasure trove amid the chaos. Zoey found herself drawn to this unexpected opportunity – a chance to embark on a lighthearted quest amidst the pandemonium. Zoey, practical and no-nonsense, surveyed the scene. Greed etched on her face, she assessed the bodies and items strewn across the floor. An idea sparked in her mind – a makeshift bag. She began tying several pieces of clothing together, crafting an impromptu container for her plunder. Literally stripping the corpses of their clothes for this bag.

Tiffany approached Zoey with a playful gleam in her eyes. "Whatcha doing?" she asked, her curiosity piqued. Zoey, focused on her task, replied, "Treasure hunting." A big grin appeared on Tiffany’s face, “Can I help?” “If you want. I can’t take all of this even if I wanted to.” Zoey could be an asshole and try to hoard all of this, but unless she was willing to fight with everyone, she didn’t see it working out.

Yes, she was willing to fight everyone in the group at the same time, but not for something like this. As Zoey struggled with her makeshift bag, she muttered to herself, "I really should’ve paid attention in Girl Scouts…" Tiffany excitedly pipped up, "I can do it! Let me do it!" Zoey shrugged and let her start tying their loot bag.

“I was an Ambassador. The highest rank of Girl Scouts. I learned leadership, budgeting, marketing, basic survival skills, cooking, first aid, and especially typing knots. I had over a hundred badges, multiple awards, and was the only Girl Scout in my county to earn a Gold Award!” Tiffany shared enthusiastically.

“Wow,” Zoey responded with a deadpan voice. “I didn’t make it past Daisy Scouts.” She admitted.

“Well, Girl Scouts isn’t for everyone. Only the best of the best can hack it!” Tiffany’s voice was just as chipper as before.

With each piece of clothing tied securely, Zoey and Tiffany began their treasure hunt, collecting magji tools and other important items with excitement and joy. Tiffany, the proudest Girl Scout, tied their loot bag so well that she was confident it couldn't tear. Zoey wasn’t the most knowledgeable about magji tools, but she knew this stuff had to be really good. 

These were the richest people in Dhara! If they didn’t have the best magji tools, who did?! It just didn’t make sense to Zoey that these people would own things not worth taking. When they finally collected everything, Zoey started to think that maybe she shouldn’t have gotten so greedy… Most of this stuff would be shared among the others and only make them stronger. Zoey shrugged. Oh well, it was too late to just drop everything now.

She figured that it would just make her battle against them that much more fun. When this spy mission was all done and finished, Zoey was picturing herself facing off against these guys, either by herself or alongside whoever Peter and Jelena managed to convince to join their cause. Well, she did have a lot more information to share with them tonight now that she had a chance to see mostly everyone’s magji. These guys didn’t make it through that brawl for no reason. Although she missed out on seeing Lector, the Luminari, and Emi, she kind of knew what the last two could do. Lector was still a blank for now.

“We should do this more often.” Tiffany pleasantly sighed.

“The fighting or stealing?” Inner Zoey turned to her with their giant loot sack over her shoulder.

“Just anything.” Tiffany nearly blinded her with that smile.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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