Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 219: Sammy Heights!

As the winter dawn broke over the city of Dhara, the soft light of the sun struggled to penetrate the thick veil of clouds, casting a muted glow over the snow-covered landscape. Despite the frigid temperatures, life in the metropolis continued unabated, with bustling streets and bustling activity betraying the city's bustling heart. In the heart of the urban sprawl, the sounds of footsteps muffled by snow and the occasional scrape of a shovel against pavement echoed through the streets. It seemed as if there was never a clash between the citizens and the Peacekeepers just yesterday.

At the Dhara Daily Gazette, the newsroom buzzed with frenetic energy as reporters scrambled to piece together the events of the previous night. The air was thick with the scent of fresh ink and the clatter of keyboards as journalists furiously typed away, their eyes glued to computer screens displaying breaking news updates. Amidst the chaos, veteran reporter Sammy Heights sat at her desk, her brow furrowed in concentration as she sifted through stacks of notes and eyewitness accounts. With years of experience under her belt, Sammy was no stranger to the fast-paced world of journalism, but even she was taken aback by the magnitude of the story that unfolded last night.

Sure, they covered the protests about the Peacekeeper’s silence on the numerous reports on several missing citizens, but not even Sammy’s great nose for stories helped her sniff out the clash that happened last night. She didn’t think it would come to this. No, it would be more accurate to say that she didn’t want to believe it would come to this. That would mean that the Peacekeepers are not serving the citizens that they’re supposed to protect but instead following someone else’s wishes.

"Sammy, were you at the riot last night?" Hanuh Lights questioned excitedly. "It was freaking crazy out there! I heard people even died! On both sides!”

Sammy disappointedly shook her head. “I wish, but I was up all night writing about the protesters’s message. I blacked out while writing and slept through all the fighting.”

"I thought someone like you would’ve been there on the scene! I guess even Sammy isn’t perfect.” Hanuh happily hummed before walking away.

Sammy glared at her back before sighing once more. Sitting here in the office isn’t how she does things at all. She needs to get to the bottom of this! Why did the Peacekeepers ignore the protestors? Who is behind the mass missing people? For what reason did the Peacekeepers decide to attack the protestors? So many questions and so little answers…

Sammy abruptly rose from her cubicle and began preparing her things. She needed answers, and she needed them now. Staying in the office won’t help her at all! To get the best news, she had to get reports from both sides lest it be said that she was a biased reporter. Sammy cared about nothing but the truth and only the truth!

Regardless of Sammy’s feelings or personal ideology, newspapers still spread across the city for people to see.

"Riots erupt in Dhara as protestors clash with peacekeepers," one headline declared, accompanied by a striking image of protestors and peacekeepers locked in a violent struggle.

The Dhara Daily Gazette's headlines blazed across the city, igniting a frenzy of reactions among its diverse populace. In the teeming markets and bustling streets, the news of the previous night's riots sparked an explosion of voices, each expressing their own fears, hopes, and suspicions.

"The riot last night was insane, wasn’t it?" remarked a young woman to her friend as they walked along the crowded sidewalk, their breath visible in the chilly air.

"Yeah, I heard they clashed with the peacekeepers right in the middle of the park," replied her companion, eyes wide with excitement. "I wish I'd been there to see it!"

"What the hell is this?" chimed in another passerby, shaking his head in disbelief. "Can you imagine fighting with the Peacekeepers? Those guys are trained to fight magjistars. I’m surprised the rioters weren’t all arrested."

"I knew things were tense, but I’d never imagine that something so horrible would happen…" murmured an elderly magjistar to his companion, his voice tinged with concern. "We are going to have to start returning home sooner. Who knows how long this will last…"

"You know, I am curious what the hell the Peacekeepers are trying to shush up by attacking the protestors." a shopkeeper chatted with her customer. "You know, my sister was at that protest last night? She didn’t even return home because she was admitted to the hospital! Why did my sister deserve to be injured so badly just for protesting? Isn’t it a right to say whatever we want?!” Anger slipped from the shopkeeper’s lips.

For the magji creatures who called Dhara their home, the riots stirred a complex mix of emotions. Some viewed the unrest as an opportunity to finally unleash those unconscious feelings that have been bubbling from who knows when. Others viewed it as only trouble. Even if they got what they wanted, it wouldn’t improve their standing with magjistars or the Peacekeepers. They thought it would be best if they kept quiet, kept their heads to the ground, and to let this situation blow all over. 

Zoey and Tiffany openly walked through the streets of Dhara. Zoey with her panda mask that fully covered her head and Tiffany with a polar bear mask that only covered her face. Tiffany happily skipped alongside Zoey with their matching bear masks. Inner Zoey was conflicted about how to feel.

Tiffany has been great. Really great, actually. Ignoring all the times she hits on her or obviously stares at her body, she doesn’t seem like a bad friend. Notice that Zoey said friend and not person. Even before seeing her go on a rampage at the auction, Zoey could feel that she was a natural-born killer.

But did Zoey really care if her friend was a murderer? Yes, she did. But only if that person was like someone who killed innocent people. Did Tiffany kill innocent people? Zoey didn’t know. But for the sake of her psyche, it would be best to address this before they find Amelia.

“Don’t kill anyone.” Zoey told her.

“Why?” Tiffany innocently questioned.

“I don’t kill the weak or innocent.” Zoey had a lot more reasons that she wouldn’t kill people, but for Spy Zoey, this reason was enough.

“Weak or innocent…” Tiffany rolled those words over her tongue. “So I can’t even beat them up?!”

“I said kill. Not hurt.” Zoey corrected her.

“How are we going to stop them from finding out about us if we leave them alive?” Tiffany honestly wondered.

“They can learn about us. They just can’t find out about the group, remember?”

“Aren’t we in the group?” Tiffany looked confused.

“Yes, we’re in the group, but no one knows that we are.” Zoey didn’t want to say she was wrong just yet.

“I still think we should just kill em. Way safer.” Tiffany shrugged with a smile.

“I won’t stop you, but we won’t be friends anymore,” Zoey told her.

“Really?!” Tiffany turned and stared at Zoey with no doubt an exaggerated dumbfounded look on her face under that mask.

“Really.” Zoey nodded.

“But you killed like a bajillion guys at the auction!” Tiffany pointed out.

“I do not kill the weak or innocent. The people I dealt with were not innocent.” 

“But isn’t everyone weak to you!? You’re like the strongest person I know around my age! If you weren’t worried about your cute mask, you’d probably be able to stand up against Roy!” Tiffany pointed out a flaw in Zoey’s reasoning.

“When I said weak, I mean like people who can’t defend themselves or obviously need help from someone strong to survive or live.” Zoey tried to word it without sounding like a fucking idiot.

“People who fight against you can’t defend themselves and also need help from someone strong to survive against you.” Tiffany’s words were not absurd.

“...” Zoey took a moment to think. “If they’re innocent or weak, they have nothing to fear. If they’re strong or guilty, that’s their own fault.”

Outer Zoey also agreed with this line of thinking, although she wouldn’t have worded it like that exactly. Strong people were perfect for raising skills. Guilty people were perfect for making her feel like a better human. Weak people didn’t do much for her skills. Innocent People rarely involved themselves with Zoey. 

“Hmm… Okay!” Tiffany nodded as they arrived at the Peacekeeper’s headquarters.

Zoey and Tiffany walked in. Several Peacekeepers were in the main lobby, peering at them. “Must be a lot of nothing going on in Dhara for this many Peacekeepers to be just sitting around.” Tiffany happily observed. Her words caused their gazes to sharpen with hostility. “We need to meet Amelia Patil. Get her for us.” Zoey commanded the man.

“Excuse me?” The receptionist blinked in astonishment at the crass tone this masked freak was speaking to him with.

“Chop. Chop.” Zoey stared at him with her arms crossed.

“Yeah! Hurry it up! We don’t got all day, punk!” Tiffany supported Zoey’s actions.

The receptionist glanced toward the Peacekeepers surrounding them before nodding his head. And they rushed forward to apprehend them.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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