Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 220: Sammy Heights’s Latest Scoop!

Sammy Heights, a veteran reporter for the Dhara Daily Gazette, strode purposefully through the snow-covered streets, her breath forming misty clouds in the frigid air. With each step, her boots crunched against the frozen pavement. She knew that today would be no ordinary day in Dhara. She had to interview the Peacekeepers. Interview people who were present at the riots last night. Interview the most well-known protestors. And if she’s lucky, interview the Chief Peacekeeper, Amelia Patil. Sammy doubted she’d get that lucky, but she wasn’t the type to dwell on thoughts but make actions!

As she approached the entrance to make an appointment with Chief Patil, grabbing the door’s handle with her dainty hand. A deafening crash echoed through the air, sending shockwaves reverberating through the street. A scream ripped itself from her throat as she crouched to the ground holding her head. When she turned to see what the hell just happened, she saw multiple Peacekeepers lying on the ground outside of the station.

For a moment, Sammy stood frozen in disbelief, her mind struggling to process the surreal scene unfolding before her eyes. The Peacekeeper Station, a symbol of law and order, had been attacked! Someone was bold enough to actually attack the Peacekeeper Station! Who?! For what?! Why?!

As she stood there, still holding on to the door handle, she couldn’t help herself from peeking inside. Sammy's heart skipped a beat as she saw two people tearing through the Peacekeepers inside. The one wearing a panda mask didn’t seem to know the meaning of mercy or restraint. When she managed to get her hands around a peacekeeper, there was nothing they could do. It was a fighting style that Sammy couldn’t recognize but was horrified to see being put into practice.

As Sammy watched, her journalistic instincts kicked into high gear, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she fumbled for her magji tool. With trembling hands, she activated the device, the screen illuminating with a soft glow as she aimed the camera lens at the unfolding spectacle before her.

The panda-masked one grabbed fully grown men, hoisted them high into the sky, and slammed them with unbelievable force onto the hard ground. She grabbed them by the throat and dropped them on the floor. All sorts of high-speed powerful actions that didn’t resemble a typical magjistar in the slightest. 

With each passing moment, Sammy's focus sharpened, her mind racing as she narrated the events unfolding before her with a sense of urgency and purpose. "Here we are, witnessing an unprecedented attack on Dhara's Peacekeeper Station," she declared, her voice steady despite the chaos erupting around her. "As you can see, unidentified masked assailants are engaged in a brutal confrontation with the city's law enforcement." She zoomed in on Panda and Polar. "These individuals, are possibly associated with the rioters that clashed with the Peacekeepers just the other night, but as of now, that is only speculation! I have no clue who these two are!"

Sammy's mind raced as she analyzed the situation, her thoughts spinning with theories and possibilities. "The motives behind this attack remains unclear, but as you can see, they are very powerful and dangerous! I would advise everyone to avoid these two if ever spotted! If you can, memorize their body shapes and fighting styles! As of yet, they’ve yet to utilize any noticeable magji spells which is even more terrifying considering they’ve wiped out over a dozen Peacekeepers so far without it!

The interior of the station was a scene of utter chaos, with debris scattered across the floor and the acrid smell of smoke lingering in the air. With each blow, Sammy's stomach churned with a sickening mix of horror and fascination. She had witnessed violence before, but never on this scale, and never so close in person. As she fumbled with her camera, her hands trembled with a combination of adrenaline and fear, but she forced herself to focus, knowing that she had a job to do.

"Stay calm, Sammy," she muttered to herself, her voice barely audible over the sounds of combat. "You're a superstar journalist, first and foremost. Your job is to document the truth, no matter how terrifying it may be." 

With a firm and non-shaky hand, she aimed her magji tool at the two criminal magjistars, the camera lens capturing every brutal blow and decisive maneuvers. She knew that she was risking her life by staying here, but she also knew that she couldn't walk away. The truth was right in front of her, wanting to be documented, and she would be damned if she let fear stand in her way.

With a deep breath, she steeled herself and continued recording, her magji tool capturing every moment of the violent spectacle unfolding before her eyes. When all of the Peacekeepers were possibly killed or knocked unconscious by the swordsman and hand-to-hand fighter, the two of them made their way up the elevator with one of the keycards from the bodies on the floor. 

Sammy cautiously tiptoed her way inside, grabbed a keycard for herself, and patiently waited for the elevator to come back down. There was no way she could let them vanish like this. While what she recorded so far would be good enough to turn in for her boss. Sammy didn’t think it was good enough for herself. It was incomplete and unfinished. Completely unacceptable to someone like Sammy.

After what felt like an eternity, the elevator finally returned, its arrival heralded by a soft ding. Sammy's breath caught in her throat as the doors slid open, revealing a horrifying sight: a pile of bloody bodies stacked haphazardly inside the cramped space. With a gasp, Sammy recoiled, her hand flying to her mouth to stifle a scream. She could feel her heart pounding against her ribcage, threatening to burst from her chest. Summoning every ounce of courage, she forced herself to step into the elevator, her movements hesitant and cautious.

The camera lens captured the gruesome scene before her. It was a journalist's duty to record the truth, no matter how horrifying it may be. With a sense of dread gnawing at her insides, Sammy reached out to press the button for the top floor, her heart sinking when the button failed to respond. Panic rising in her chest, she tried again and again, but the button remained stubbornly unlit. It was only when she scanned the keycard that the button finally illuminated. The doors slid shut with an ominous creak, and Sammy felt the elevator lurch into motion, the slow ascent to the top floor feeling like an eternity.

As the elevator climbed higher and higher, Sammy's nerves were stretched to the breaking point. She could hear the soft groans and moans of the mostly motionless bodies behind her, each sound sending a chill down her spine. She kept her gaze fixed firmly ahead, refusing to acknowledge the horror that lay just inches away.

Upon arriving at the top, the only thing waiting in store for her were more bodies similar to the ones she passed by on her way up here. At least, that was what she first thought until she heard yelling coming from further ahead. Sammy recorded the bodies lying about in the luxurious main lobby of this floor as she made her way to the yelling. When she got close enough to peek and listen in on the sound, she spotted three figures surrounded by a whole bunch of motionless other ones. Panda, Polar, and Amelia Patil!

“I’ll give you only a single chance. Reveal who’s behind you to have the courage to attack me in my own building.” Amelia snapped her fingers, summoning several daemons.

Amelia Patil, the Chief Peacekeeper of Dhara, has been revealed as a Summoner! These creatures stood tall and imposing, their forms a twisted fusion of human and beast. With sleek, ebony skin and piercing yellow eyes, this daemon looked like something straight out of a nightmare. Their elongated limbs ended in razor-sharp claws, and their sinewy muscles rippled beneath their darkened flesh. Towering over the others, this daemon was clad in rugged armor seemingly forged from molten iron. Its face was obscured by horned helmets, and its massive fists clenched with an iron grip. Crackling with electrical energy, the third and final daemon seemed to be wreathed in a stormy aura. Its body was shrouded in swirling clouds, and arcs of lightning danced along its outstretched arms. 

The panda-masked magjistar glanced at Chief Patil before glancing at her partner in the polar bear mask. “Sure! I’ll deal with her!” The polar bear woman excitedly said before rushing toward the three summoned daemons. “I didn’t… My exp…” The panda lady stretched her hand out in resignation.

The polar bear girl clashed with the iron daemon. Her massive sword sprayed sparks after colliding with its fist. As this was happening the two other daemons moved into action as well. The long slender one rushed forward, its claws stretched out to mince the polar bear girl to pieces. Lightning gathered around the third daemon’s body.

“Oh wowie! These daemons aren’t weak!” She giggled.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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