Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 12: Tracy’s Night of Training

When it came to volleyball, I stomped the enemy team almost by myself. Some of the girls on both teams were on the volleyball team the school had. The problem for them was that I had the body of a bodybuilder. When I hit a spike, you are safer letting it hit the ground than your body.

Only one girl on the other team had the technique to be able to receive my spikes. I felt sorry for her at the end of class, too, as she had utterly red arms. I frowned, and I apologized to her. The teacher, about halfway through, even forced me to the back so that I couldn't continue the single-handed beat down of the enemy team.

I smiled as I arrived in the Locker room to see Jake, who was frowning. "Jake, I have no time strip and show me your caged clitty and leave. I have shit to do, and I don't want to see your stupid ass here for long." I told him. Jake continued for a second to stare at me resentfully before turning around and pulling down his pants. I saw the pink jewel and the caged dick. I nodded after the inspection, and I said as such, "Good, A caged sissy clitty and a properly accessorized asshole." I smirked, "Just like a good sissy," I finished quickly before continuing, "You know Football season should be starting after this," I said as Jake had already pulled up his pants to leave; froze. His future rode on the scholarship and football.

"You know, Jake; I still expect you to be caged during your games, right?" I said, and I saw his face pale. "Oh, You didn't think about that, did you?" I asked him. "You will go into a room full of well-muscled jock's with their cocks out naked surrounding you while you are caged like a little sissy. Oh, and you're the quarterback too! They will see you as a little beta Sissy too! That is excellent what I would do to be in the room when they discover that Jake!" I happily exclaimed.

Jake turned completely pale, and I remembered something. I went into my backpack, and I pulled out the enema kit that Crystal gave me when we first met. "Oh, and Jake," I said, regaining his attention again, "Take this enema kit; you need to start keeping that sissy hole clean at all times. Starting tomorrow, if it isn't clean each time I use your sissy ass, I will punish you in increasingly harsher ways. Maybe even spreading some nice sissy photos of you around. I am sure some of your friends would be very interested in your new hobby," I finished before starting to leave with a smile.

Jake was left inside the Locker room with a pale face after the short interaction. Jake finally started to think about all the consequences that my control over his life truly had. I had so much blackmail and videos I could use against him that it started to look consensual. The advice that woman sent me really started to work faster than I thought it would. The Video that Jake sent me was almost the final nail in the coffin. I was beginning to feel more assured of my position.

Meanwhile, Jake would feel like he was drowning with the amount of control I could impose on his life. With each interaction that he lost to me was another nail on the coffin of amounting evidence, I had on him. It would be incredibly difficult for him to change the narrative at this point as well.

Then Football season was about to kick off, and he would still have to follow my orders, or the truly good bits would be released to the public. He even already knew I was sharing it with my Girlfriend, who he had no idea who she was.

I left a sissy, finally realizing the circumstances he was really in behind me leaving school property before starting my run home. It was a quick jog, and I found my mother in her studio. I reeked of sweat from the morning, and I knew I had an advantage with my mother on this. She hated it when I interacted with her just after doing so.

As I entered, she turned to me. "Hey, Honey, Please don't stink up my studio." She reprimanded me.

"Hey, Mom, Sorry for the last couple of days, And I am very sorry about hanging up on you..." My voice trailed off, and I knew I had my mother's attention.

"What are you doing?" My mom no longer paid her art to mind, and her attention now was completely stabilized on me.

"What do you mean?" I asked back, and I knew I might have messed up.

"I mean, you never start this way. You usually are way more stubborn, and I have to track you down for apologies. Now, Here you are, starting it on your own. You only really do that if you have truly fucked up and want to get ahead of the issue or have something you want. It's only those two things. So," My mother stared me down, "Angela Brown, What have you done, Or what do you want?"

The dual started between my mother and me, and the opening salvo hit directly at my core. My mother knew me well, and I started to think quickly. I had many paths to go about this and a timeline I was on.

"Mom, I just wanted to let you know that I have decided to come out as Bisexual," I said.

My mother's eyes narrowed, "Honey, both your father and I have already known that. We have your internet history," My mother said casually. This was a hard blow that I already knew about. "No, You are here about something else, and you are trying to lie to me without lying to me, Angela Brown."

I gasped in shock, and I knew I was already on the losing side of this war, "Mom!" I exclaimed, faking outrage, "I can't believe you watched the porn I watch just to learn what I like!" I faked outrage.

My mother was a powerful opponent, though, and snorted, "Angela, Your attempts to change the subject are amateur at best; your father and I already told you, in the past, we don't mind as long as it isn't truly sticking crap like child porn. No, you are faking that outrage, and you want something but are either embarrassed to say something rich from such an open lady like you. Or you did something and are trying to get me on the back foot, so I make concessions. Now, What do you want?"

I realized all my opening salvos in this argument were losing me ground instead of gaining anything. My mother brought up completely valid points, and it was no secret I was BIsexual in the family. I cursed my younger self for coming out early and not saving it as an argument point later.

Then again, that was kind of stupid to hold for a one-time agreement with especially with my parents being so accepting of my sexuality. I finally decided to test how accepting my mother and father were.

I started to contemplate how to get out of this with a win. Soon my eyes narrowed, and I smirked, "Mom. Remember that night a month ago?" I asked her.

My mother's eyes narrowed under my new tone. She could tell I was now playing offense in this war of words, "I remember something very loud over the night coming from upstairs..." I trailed off, and my mother's eyes widened. I knew what my mother and father were doing, something upstairs, but I didn't know what. My mother's cheeks started to flush as I brought something out into the open.

With my mother on the backfoot, I pressed forward using the blackmail, "I am going to be having someone over. I want nothing to be said about this person, mom; In exchange, I will forget the night month ago where you begged-"

I was cut off by my mother with now very flushed cheeks, "Okay, Fine, You win this round, lady." My mother said, still embarrassed, "But you better never bring this up again or let me catch you with something like this to hold over your head!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled at the stark contrast my mother was or thy hypocrisy that she unintentionally shows. My mother is proud that she knows almost anything there is to know about me, including kink and sexual preferences. With this, I have always been very open and comfortable with my body, except for my lack of muscles to show off; still, even as kids in school tried to make fun of me, I knew I was attractive regardless of what others think.

They can suck my cock, and my worst tormentor now does that as well. Without knowing it, that thought sent a shudder through my body of pure pleasure. Forcing Jake to submit to my cock was a very satisfying experience that sent thrills through me still.

I quickly turned my attention back to my mother, who seemed upset that I won this small exchange to keep what I was doing a secret. "Mom, in a concession, I would like to bring my friend over on the weekend to meet you, my parents. Is that okay? I think you would really like this woman I met." I finished.

"That sounds nice," My mother started before turning to me again, somewhat appeased, "Now, Young lady, what do you want me to cover up so that your father doesn't know?" My mother said with gritted teeth. I knew my mother was pissed. I rarely asked things of her, and I knew my mother was a closeted masochist now that I had done the research. My mother was trying to cover up the thing right now was her shouting out so loudly that I heard it in the basement. It would make me chuckle if it wasn't kind of sad. My dad was very vanilla since I heard him question my mother on these things.

I stopped thinking about it at this point and got to my own point. My mother, although strict, was open about things sexually. Just not about her own sexuality. This was okay, if a little hypocritical. Still, I buckled down and told her, "Mom," I said slowly, wording it in a way that painted me in the best light possible. "I am having a person come over. Recently I discovered I like dominating my partners," I said and noticed my mother's eyes widen and were about to say something, but I cut her off, "I have been very safe and using a condom," I told a small lie easily, "But, I need to put a pet in place tonight, and I need a safe place to do that..." My mother's surprise grew, "Can my home be that safe place?" I asked her.

My mother's brain probably stalled at this moment. Her eyes widened further under this surprise, and she just looked at me. "W-What?" My mother stammered; her face began to blush even harder.

"Fine, Mom, I want to train my little pet tonight, and I need a safe spot to do that with no interruptions. I know dad would be absolutely annoyed at this, so I came to my much more kinky mother." I said, hiding a smirk.

My mother's blush grew darker before she finally seemed to grapple with what I was asking of her. "Y-You want me to play cover-up while you bring a person downstairs to have sex?" My mother's mind seemed to catch up.

"Well, Calling her a person when it comes to our interaction is a bit of a stretch but essentially; Yes. Yes, mom, I would like you to help me run interference with dad so that I can have sex with my pet in the basement. That is what this is all about." I finished with confidence making this all sound normal. This made my mom more flustered as when it came to me, and she wanted me to be open about it. I was always more honest than she expected each time, so she always felt embarrassed for me. This made the task of convincing her easier, though, so I really liked this about my mother.

"Fine, Be careful for your father not to see you 'pet' then." My mother finished blushing, and I hugged my mother. I knew that I just put her through a lot of embarrassment. She liked to think she liked this topic, but she really couldn't handle it when it came to someone as shameless about it because I feel I am.

"Thanks, Mom, How about I send you some good videos I am sure that voice I heard would enjoy later?" I finished before My mother erupted at me with her face completely flushed. I knew I would pay for it later, but I couldn't help myself; my mother was charming when she was this embarrassed. I then kissed her on the cheek before running out of her studio. I heard something hit the door as I left, chuckling as her embarrassment reached the peak.

It made me feel dominant, too, to control my mother that way, and I suppressed the feeling. My mother was my mother, and I would not try to dominant her. With that aside, I started to run to the park, knowing I was probably going to be a couple of minutes late.

My feet hit the pavement in a jog, and I realized that I never took off my weights. They were starting to feel almost light to me lately, and I felt the flush of pleasure knowing that. Still, annoyance came over me that I couldn't find something heavier at this moment. Dad also refused to help me. I might have to get something custom, and for that, I needed money. I kept coming back to Crystal's offer, and the more I thought about it, the more onboard I was. I decided on it as I went to the park.

On the bench, I saw Tracy in a normal T-shirt and shorts for the late summer weather, that I needed that cash. This skank was dressed improperly for meeting her Mistress. She should be doing whatever she could to make me happy. Tracy was still attractive, but nothing that made me forget what a skank she was.

"Still look like a normal Bitch, Tracy; you should start dressing up more like the slut you are," I told her, my tone condescending. Tracy looked pissed at those words, but I turned, not caring. "Come," I told her, beckoning her towards my house. Tracy looked peeved but followed nonetheless. "Beside me," I told her, and Tracy took a step up. I slowed to what felt like a crawl beside Tracy. It took me eight minutes to run took almost twenty with Tracy beside me.

I never really walked with others in the past, and Tracy stayed silent until I asked her a question. "So had to cancel any plans?" I asked Tracy, hiding my smirk.

Tracy's resentful look turned slightly angrier, "Yeah, My boyfriend really wanted to come over and spend some time together," She said, annoyed she had to come to see me.

"Well, a cheating bitch like you doesn't even blink an eye on that, do you?" I asked back. Tacy's face turned red at that question.

"You're the one who is blackmailing me to do this." Tracy retorted but didn't yell it. She knew what I had on her and apparently wasn't stupid enough to announce to the world what I had over her.

"You always have the option of going to jail or being a Cheating skank. You have made your choice; Live with it." I turned to her and told her sternly. Tracy turned meek under my gaze as we were arriving at my house.

I walked into my house, and I heard my mom upstairs with my dad talking about something. I knew my mom had brought him upstairs and knowing here it would be about me. My mother would get me back for the extreme embarrassment earlier, and I guaranteed it would come upon me soon.

My mother was one to hold a grudge, and with the little things I did, I knew I was in for payback. I still had no regrets as I brought Tracy downstairs before locking the door. My dad and mom knew to leave me alone when it came to that since I rarely did it. My mother knew what I was doing, but I would pay for it later. I loved my mom, though, and I knew I had it coming. Once I had some money, I decided that I would buy her that paint set that she had her eyes on for the last couple of years.

Still, that would take some time, and I dreaded the inevitable fallout from my recent decisions. That was something future me would have to deal with, though. Present me had a skank to train.

Tracy looked around my pretty bare room with the exception of all the workout equipment. She looked around, surprised at looking at my private area. "Wow, What do you do for fun?" Tracy asked curiously.

"Work out," I told her frankly, "You think my muscles were not earned?" I asked her.

"No, I definitely think they are earned, but this is all you do?" Tracy asked.

"Hmmm, Well, because of assholes like you and Jake, I never had any friends. So I find quite a bit of enjoyment from working out. The slow progression and noticeable returns from a good workout are something that nothing can beat. It is only unfortunate that my body hides it all, so I look weak. The thing is, I am sure I could beat any football player in the school when it comes to lifting Iron." I finished with a smirk.

"That's kind of sad, though," Tracy said with sympathy in her voice. I turned to her, and my eyes narrowed.

"Do you know what is sad?" I asked her. Before she could answer, I answered myself, "Boy's and girls calling someone born with both genitalia Dick Girl. Then ignoring me for something I had no ability over. Banning me from sports since I look like a woman but have boy parts too. That is fucking sad, Tracy." I told her, my voice harsh.

Tracy backed up as I stepped up to her. "Tracy, I think we need to get something clear between us," I told her, now towering over her. "I don't need the pity of someone that tried to have me assaulted and raped." My tone was frosty, "You are the reason for everything happening. You are someone who deserves scorn as the person you are is disgusting. I am doing humanity a favor by turning you into something useful. That thing might only be useful to me, like being my cumdump, but something useful nonetheless." I told her.

"Now, Tracy, Get the fuck out of those clothes. You need to shower too since I don't fucking want my stuff dirty with whatever you brought in from outside." I finished telling her, and Tracy looked at me in shock.

Tracy saw the genuine anger I had for her. The true disgust as I looked down at her showing her my true feelings for what I thought of her. To me, she was nothing but a fucking low-class skank. I didn't want to keep fucking a low-class skank, so I had to do something to give her some value. That just happened to include a lot of training.

Tracy's clothing hit the floor, and I took off mine as well as I brought her into my shower. It was large enough to fit two, and I thanked my dad in my head. It was always good to have a larger shower, and I brought the now down Tracy, who was looking meek and lost in her thoughts.

Inside the shower, she woke up and turned to look at me, "Why?" Her voice asked.

"Why what?" I asked back.

"Why are you doing this to me? I haven't done anything to you; that was Jake." Tracy retorted.

The condescending look I must have given her made her flinch. I couldn't believe the number of times I told her that, and she still asked this question. It was like something snapped in my head, and I decided to ignore her. My anger peaked, and I just couldn't look at her like a human anymore. She was a fucking animal needing to be trained back to be a human. Her utter lack of empathy made me sick of talking to her like a rational person.

My voice came out cold, "Present yourself to me."

Tracy looked confused. "What do you mean? Why did you ignore my question?" She asked.

I grabbed this animal in front of me by her neck as the warm water poured down upon our bodies. My hand let her breathe, but the animal now knew that I meant business. "You have been told I no longer will repeat myself," I said with a cold tone and a hint of finality. "I have been patient with you and answering stupid questions. I realize my mistake now; you need obedience training first."

I then shoved her body by her neck against the shower wall. "You are a cumdump to me. You will present yourself to me by happily wagging your ass and spreading your pussy. If I want to take you raw in your pussy. You will accept it with a 'Thank you, Mistress, for your precious semen.' My steps will be ones that you worship as the grace of God. I don't care anymore if you understand me. Your body will understand when I am done with it."

I let go of her neck, and her feet touched the ground again. She looked at me with wide eyes. Tracy finally understood that she had done something to piss me off beyond her recognition truly. Even when she confessed to me that she tried to have my rape, did she not see me like this.

I stepped out of the shower turning to her and saying, "Use the fucking cleaner in there to fucking clean yourself up, Sow. I have things to prepare." I left the shower, and I heard soft sobs in the shower. I couldn't care less, and I started to prepare my webcam for Crystal to watch the recording later if she wanted to. I also plugged in my phone and got it ready to record. I made sure my condoms were prepared and available for the marathon I was about to put her through.

I finished setting up what I wanted, and I wished for being in Crystal's dungeon. The number of toys she had available was incredible. I really wanted a couple of the whips I noticed in the cabin that I noticed. Still, That was for Crystal, and she spent that money so they would be used on her body. I wouldn't use those things on others; they were for my amazingly hot girlfriend.

I slipped back into the shower while Tracy had suds of soap on her body from my body wash. Instead of letting her complete slowly like she had been doing, I pressed my breasts against her back as I stepped behind her. "You're taking too long," I told her as my hands pressed around her body. I then pulled her back, and my hands started to move around her body.

Tracy was surprised, but I couldn't care less; my anger with her was at the peak. She protested as my hands touched her all over, recleaning some parts, but soap had been spread in no time. I then took the showerhead off the handle and used it while touching her all over to remove the suds. I also heard some soft moans as I did so roughly across her body. I spent some extra time playing with her pussy at the end, acting as if it was filthy.

In the end, I now had a clean bitch still in my arms. Still, Tracy was attractive in her own way, and after treating her like a filthy whore that needed a deep cleaning, she seemed meek. Tracy gave some token protests, but I brought her out and started to use a towel to dry her off. Her hair took longer as it was long, but I had no problem with a bit of wetness on my bed.

I dried myself off with another towel, and Tracy stood there naked, covering her breasts with one arm and the other her pussy. I scoffed at this look, saying, "You are trying to act modestly now?"

Tracy opened her mouth, but I put a finger to her lips before closing the rest of the distance. "I don't care what an animal like you has to say. I have lost all my respect for the words out of your mouth. You need to be educated about your position now," I then pointed at the bed. "Lay down on my bed with your head off the bed laying back," I ordered her.

Tracy opened her mouth only to close it before then opening it again, wanting to say something. The scathing look in my eyes, though, eventually made her follow my orders without saying anything. This was the first actual show of submissiveness tonight, and I intended it not to be the last.

I watched as Tracy moved those lovely wide hips to the bed; she took a second to contemplate how to go about it before getting on the bed on her knees. I had a fundamental bed that was a boxspring lifting it off the ground. Tracy showed me her pussy that I noticed glistened with wetness even after I made sure to dry her properly there. I saw some hair's around there, and I decided I would mandate her to keep it clean-shaven. Crystal had that, and I liked the look of it really clean down there from hair. I then hit the record button on my phone.

Soon though, Tracy was on her back with her head tilted back off the bed, her C cup breasts looking juicy to play with has her wet hair dropped to the cement floor. I stepped up to her, and her head was just below my balls. "Suck my balls," I commanded Tracy as I stood above her head. I then lowered my hips, filling her mouth.

To her credit, Tracy started to suck on them, and it was a weird pleasure to feel. I never had this done for me before, but I felt kind of good as she did it. I gave off a soft moan as Tracy started to do so, and my hands grabbed her free breasts. I began to play with them and groping them. I could hear the soft moans from Tracy as I did so. I wasn't here for soft sex, though, and I started to put strength into my grip. Her moans turned to both groans and cries with a slight scream as I pulled her nipples up with a little twist.

Tracy increased her suction on my balls and started to lick them inside her tongue, probably hoping I wouldn't twist her nipples again. Instead, I pulled my balls out of her mouth, hearing a 'pop' as the suction was released from my balls with a gasp of air seconds afterward. I took a step back, looking down at Tracy before I told her, "Breathe when I tell you. Every command I say from now on is absolute. You will have no questions in your mind at all, only orders." This was vital to her training and her safety.

I looked down and told her, "Take a breath," I ordered. Tracy took a breath, and I put my hard cock into her mouth. The night festivities started at this moment as I pushed my cock deep into her mouth. Tracy's mouth was hot and filled with saliva from sucking my balls. I shoved myself deeper, and I heard her slightly gag but stop as I shoved eight inches down her throat. I then pulled out and entered right after starting to skull fuck the skank under me. Tracy seemed to understand much more about sex as she began to suck on my cock and use her tongue to increase my pleasure.

Soon the sounds of sucking filled the room, and I started to play with her breasts more as I fucked her throat. Then I pulled out all of a sudden, "Breath, Skank," I ordered, and I heard her release before taking a deep breath, and I shoved myself back in. I proceeded to fuck her throat even harder as Tracy took nine inches but any more, and she seemed to gag too much. I took it as the fact that she could only take nine at this moment as I continued to build up pleasure using her throat. In the meantime, I reached and started to play with her clit as I fucked her throat.

I began to play her clit, earning a moan as I pulled out of her throat, "Breath, Skank," I ordered again, and I heard her take a sharp breath before I plunged in, feeling her mouth and throat wrap around me. I moaned as I started to make her moan on my cock as I played with her increasingly wet pussy. I then slapped her breast with my hand while I fucked her throat, earning a loud exclamation on my cock as I drove it into her throat. Her breast rippled back and forth from my slap, and My hand hit the other breast, making it ripple. Something about watching it made me shudder, and my pleasure started to increase.

I pulled out again, my pleasure-filled brain still taking precautions, "Breath, Skank," I ordered. Another sharp breath sounded inside the basement, and I plunged my cock right back in. My hips started to trust, and I slapped her clit, making her back arch as I thrust into her throat. With the ripple of her breast and another slap on her clit her body ached even higher; Tracy screamed on my cock, and I released with a loud moan into her throat. Tracy moaned, vibrating her throat as I released straight down her esophagus. I pulled out as I almost finished releasing, ensuring that Tracy got a mouthful of my semen.

Her mouth received a large amount as I pulled out, and she started to cough on my semen as I left her mouth with a sigh of pleasure. Semen began to litter the floor as Tracy turned onto her stomach and started to cough out semen onto my cement floor off the bed as she struggled for a bit to regain her breath.

I squatted as Tracy regained her breath for a moment, her lungs filling with air. When Tracy looked up, she no longer saw my face that was showing my pleasure. Instead, she saw displeasure and anger on it. "Who the fuck said you could waste my semen?" I told her, and I controlled my strength to slap her, getting semen on my hand as it landed across her cheek. Her head moved after my slap, and her hand came off the bed to hold her face. "To you, Skank, My semen is the precious exliar of the gods. The fact that I use a condom should be your shame." I told her harshly. "It means you are not good enough to be the Cum bucket you should strive to be!"

I then grabbed her by the hair, and her body moved with my harsh movement forcing her head to the floor, "Lick it up, Skank; each second that my semen lays on the ground outside your stomach, I will spank your ass an additional time!" I announced. Tracy looked up, surprised.

"One," I said a second later and continued to count out loud. Semen laid on the floor, and my count got up to five before Tracy moved into action, her body pathetically crawling on the floor. First, she tried to gather it with her hands before she learned it was faster just to lick it up directly. Tears formed in her eyes as she went from drop to drop, licking it up.

"Fifty-six," I announced an increase in the number of spankings each second. The amount of semen started to be cleared, and it wasn't until I reached seventy-three seconds that each drop of semen was cleaned hastily.

As Tracy licked up the last drop, I stopped counting, "Seventy-three spank's on your bottom, Skank," I announced; she looked up at me with a pathetic face.

"Please, Mercy?!" Tracy said only to see my cold face looking down at her.

My cock twitched in excitement at the pathetic display in front of me. I wanted to fuck Tracy right now, but the training had just begun. I grabbed her by the hair and squatted before her. "No, Mercy, Skank," I told her harshly, "Stand up," I ordered as I stood up, pulling her wet hair as I stood on my own.

Tracy complained about the pain for a second before shutting up and finished standing with me. My hand never left her hair as I pulled her back over to the bed, and I sat down. My cock dove into my cleavage as I did so since I was rock hard, but I still didn't act. Tracy's eyes were on my erection as I sat, and she leaned forward with my hand continuing to bring pain to her through her hair.

I then started to slap her thighs until she was on one side of my body before forcing her head back to the ground, placing her ass in a perfect spanking position. "Hold this place, Skank," I ordered as I heard a soft sob of acknowledgment. "You will thank me for every slap to your ass, Skank," I told her, "You will Directly thank me with a 'Thank you, Mistress, for my rightfully deserved punishment,' then proceed with the number of times. You miss a number or undercount or, even worse, overcount, and we will start again from the beginning."

My hand then landed harshly on her ass with a resounding sound throughout the basement, followed quickly by a yelp from Tracy. The start surprised Tracy and my second spank to her ass resounded, followed by her yelp not long later. My cock twitched with the ripple from her ass. I then told her something that brought sense back to Tracy, "The count doesn't start till you start counting, Skank."

"Thank you, Mistress, For my Rightfully Deserved punishment, Two," Tracy cried out.

My hand landed upon her ass along with a firm reprimand, "You have the wrong number Skank. You miss one. You start from the beginning!" I told her, "Start from the Beginning," I followed it up with an order.

"Thank you, Mistress, For my Rightfully Deserved punishment, One," Tracy cried out with tears dripping onto the floor.

"Better," I told her as my hand was coming down upon that nice ass again.

"Thank you, Mistress, For my Rightfully Deserved punishment, Two," Tracy cried out with a growing puddle on my floor.

The ripple of her ass made me choke back a sigh of happiness as I continued to punish her ass. Soon the cries littered the room, and the rhythmic sound of her ass being spanked sounded throughout the room. My cock twitched with each slap as it rippled lovingly in my hand. Tracy's ass turned an increasingly deeper shade of red as time went on, making me happy. Still, She no longer missed a count after the first time. The 'hands-on' learning worked much better for her as she cried out, "Thank you, Mistress, For my Rightfully Deserved punishment, Thirty-three!"

Tracy's cries increased in volume as her ass turned a burning red under my hand. My hand came down mercilessly as she cried onto the floor. "Thank you, Mistress, For my Rightfully Deserved punishment, Forty-eight!"

Her pussy glistened with fluids as I brought my hand down in the middle of her ass with both ass cheeks giving off a satisfying ripple. Her crying continued as she cried out, "Thank you, Mistress, For my Rightfully Deserved punishment, Sixty-Five!"

The tears continued to stream onto the floor, and I heard it. I loved those tears; something about her pain spoke to a part of me that made my already hard cock stiffen even more inside my cleavage. "Please, Mistress, Mercy!" Tracy would sometimes beg as she cried. My hand still came down with merciless abandon as I sat silent, my palm speaking more volumes. Her cry of "Thank you, Mistress, For my Rightfully Deserved punishment, SEVENTY!" Continued as my hand laid down the law.

Tracy then cried out of happiness with tears flooding the floor, and her final cry of, "Thank you, Mistress, For my Rightfully Deserved punishment, Seventy-Three!"

My hand came down slowly and started to rub her sore ass, "You understand what you have done wrong?" I asked Tracy with a gentle tone.

"Yes, Mistress, I wasted your Precious semen. It is the elixir of the gods!" She cried out; the tears had not stopped yet.

I pulled her up softly and brought her to look at me, the stream of tears continuing. Looking at her face, I had a peculiar thought enter my head, and my tongue lashed out, licking her face. A large amount of her tears entered my mouth. The salty taste made me feel excited even further, making Tracy's eyes stop tearing up as I did so out of surprise.

"Good, You understand your first lesson, Skank," I said before continuing, "Hopefully, You will remember this lesson in the future when I tell you things." I smiled, making her already large eyes widen further. My tongue then licked the other slightly more dried tears. My cock pulsed in pleasure as I took in the salty flavor.

"Yes, Mistress," She said, looking at me with a mix of fear and some other emotion. I pulled her up with me gently, knowing I just put Tracy through a lot physically. Still, I turned us around before pushing Tracy onto the bed. My cock twitched in excitement and anticipation after dealing out the punishment. I stepped away to grab a condom and gave my phone a good shot of my rock-hard cock. I grabbed one condom before checking and smiled as my phone continued to record.

I unwrapped the condom before placing it on slowly. Tracy's eyes followed me with that same mix as I neared. She knew what was coming, and I came to her like the inevitability that I was for her. I stood with her legs spread willingly without her noticing. I finished wrapping my cock with the condom showing her I was done.

I lined my cock up to her pussy, feeling with my finger as I did so that she was dripping wet. I stopped at that with the tip teasing just a little of the inside of her vagina. "Skank," I said, my voice grave. Tracy's eyes that were on the penetration about to happen turned up to look at me. I could no longer tell the emotions on her face, and I couldn't care less. "Every time I wear a condom fucking this Skank pussy is your failure. You from the moment this enters you means you are my cumbucket. Each time I wrap myself with rubber, your life goal is a failure!" I told her.

Her mouth opened to retort, seeing resentment resurface at my declaration. Instead, my cock drove all the way in without warning. My cock hit her wombs door, and the tightness kept me out temporarily. "OH FUCK!" She screamed out at the sudden entrance instead of whatever retort she wanted to say. Expletives were all she could say after that as I pulled out to my tip before banging her tight secondary corridor inside her pussy again.

New cries erupted in the room, and my hands covered her breasts as I continued to ram her wombs door. Her cervix opened, and I barged into it as I pinched her nipples. Tracy's pussy spasmed on my cock at the sudden second penetration and her back arched. I felt her orgasm all over my cock as my balls slapped her pussy. Tracy's hand's wrapped into my blankets, gripping them for something, and I began to increase my pace.

Her pussy spasmed on me again quickly as I started to increase my pace to a faster rate. Tracy began to cry out into the room, and her back hit the bed again. My hand then landed on her breasts, slapping it and her body trembled with a much smaller orgasm. I then slapped the other breast, and I felt my head start to lighten as my anger began to dissipate in favor of pleasure as I continued to rock her tight pussy for more pleasure.

At this point, I forgot everything, and I continued to slap Tracy's breasts, watching them jiggle while her screams echoed without regard. My pleasure peaked, and I erupted inside of her. I directly filled the condom inside her womb as it sucked on my cock with her feeling it fill inside her as well. She loudly moaned as I slowed my movements in favor of a slow pump of hips.

I pulled out with a groan as Tracy's pussy held onto me tightly. I grabbed the condom that was still inside her with just the opening sitting outside. Her pussy seemed thirsty for it as it almost swallowed it as I exited. I grabbed it quickly, pulling out the fat load of cum from staying inside her.

Tracy's eyes seemed hazy, but she looked at me, seeing the full condom of semen, and I present it to her, "Open your mouth, Skank," I ordered.

"That-" Tracy started to say when she thought better of it and just opened her mouth while she laid there. I placed the opening of the condom in her mouth then emptied the contents into her mouth. Tracy's nose scrunched, and I knew she didn't like the flavor that much.

"Swirl it in your mouth while showing me," I ordered Tracy. Her scrunched nose spoke how she didn't like the taste but did follow my orders. I watched as an enormous load of semen swirled in her mouth, mixing with her saliva before I ordered her to swallow. Tracy closed her mouth, and I noticed her gulp twice, "Show me a clean mouth," I told her. Tracy opened her mouth, and it was clean of my traces.

I nodded, "Good, My skank's should be a high-class Slut," I told her, "I need to get you properly trained first," I continued with a smile, "Maybe one day you can be my high-class Slut Cum bucket and will deserve a semen injection straight to your womb. First, though, you need to start enjoying your calling." I finished and stepped away with the used condom throwing it in the trash bin.

I then moved towards my bag to grab another condom. My hard cock glistened with leftover semen and some female ejaculate. I showed it to the camera before I reached down, grabbing another condom. I grabbed it and moved back to Tracy with a smile on my face.

Tracy watched me with dread as I opened the condom and started to slip it over my cock. "Skank," I began, "Your already ready for another round, I see," I said as the condom was half on and I was slipping it down, "Get off the bed," I told her before I pointed at my bench press, "Put your hands on the bench, I want to fuck you like the bitch you are," I ordered.

Tracy laid on the bed, surprised at the new order. With the derogatory name, she opened her mouth, wanting to refute but closed it before opening it again, "Yes, Mistress," She replied meekly. Tracy stood on shaky legs before placing her hands on the bench, and I turned the webcam on my computer to watch it. I then did the same with the phone. "Y-Your recording this?" Tracy asked, astonished.

"Yup, Girlfriend wants to see a skank fucked into submission," I told her as I finished adjusting, "I like her and decided to fulfill her request. I am sure she will love watching it as I fuck her even harder." I told her as I traveled behind her.

"B-But I never gave you permission?!" Tracy retorted, and I shoved my condom-covered cock into her pussy, hitting the end of her womb, "ooohhhhh! FUCK!" Tracy cried out as I hit the back and pushed her womb inside of it.

"Skank," I began her after she cried out and I was sitting balls deep inside her, "I think I have made it more than clear." I started to clarify my position, "I don't give a fuck what you think!" I announced to her, and I began to fuck her pussy hard. Her ass was still sore, making her cry out with pleasure and pain as I started to slap her ass with my hips.

Renewed cries started in the room, and I pulled her hair as she began to scream. Tracy lost herself, and I took her hand as I started to fuck her harder. Her other hand lay limp, and I turned her to look at the phone as her face was in full view. Tracy lost all control of her body, and I felt her spasm on my cock, proving an orgasm. With that, I felt something warmer on my hips, and I stopped for a second.

I let go of her other hand and started to fuck Tracy harder as that hand landed upon her sore ass as I pulled out to thrust back in, "Skank, You fucking pissed on me!" I told her as Tracy lost control of her lower muscles. My hand repeatedly landed upon her as even her legs trembled under the hard fuck I was giving her. "You fucking naughty bitch!" I started to curse her as a pool of urine fell to the ground, "Are you a fucking child?" I asked her, "Do I need to potty train you?" I started to ask her derogatory questions.

Meanwhile, her pussy had started to constantly spasm as I must have hit multiple g-spots from behind like this. Tracy had nothing to say to anyone other than god, at this moment, as she cried and screamed in pleasure and pain as my hand landed upon her ass.

Tracy's legs buckled, and she fell to her knees. I took precautions and help her head lower at a slower rate so she didn't hurt herself. Instead, I changed my position and placed a foot on her head, using my knee to force her ass to point to the sky before I continued to fuck her even harder.

Tracy continued her moans with her head right beside the puddle of urine she created as I fucked her soaked pussy. Her cries no longer rang out to god as she began to become more animalistic as she had her world rocked from orgasm to orgasm. Her pussy started to squirt out more fluids as I fucked her pussy from behind, and I learned something new about Tracy sexually. Her body loves being fucked from behind.

When I fucked Tracy almost in missionary, she didn't seem to squirt. From behind, her pussy seemed to erupt with newfound fluids almost constantly as Tracy had her world rocked. Her legs trembled under the constant barrage of pleasure I continued to pound into place. A puddle grew, and I ejaculated inside her womb filling another condom full with my sperm with a loud moan of my own.

I began to pull out as her pussy spasmed harshly at my withdrawal, and as I exited, my finger moved quickly. Tracy's pussy seemed insistent to suck up the condom. I pulled it out from the spasming pussy and stepped back. My other leg was holding her up without realizing it, and her body dropped into her own urine and female ejaculate when I stepped back.

With Tracy falling into her own fluids, I was a little annoyed. I grabbed my phone, giving a close-up of a skank in her liquids before showing the full condom. I then flipped Tracy over. Her eyes were hazy, and I slapped her face lightly, making her wake up.

"Skank, Open your mouth; your soon-to-be favorite treat is here." Tracy thoughtlessly opened her mouth, and I dumped my enormous load of sperm into her mouth. Her mind woke up more when my salty load entered her mouth, and she seemed to want to spit till her eyes landed on me. "Show me thoroughly taste my load," I ordered with my camera pointed at her.

She opened her mouth. I caught it all on film as the sperm moved in her mouth with the saliva mixing in before until my words, "Swallow, Skank," Her mouth closed, and two gulps later, her mouth opened on its own, showing me a mouth empty of sperm. "Good, girl," I said with a condescending tone, but I noticed a slight smile on her face. She tried to suppress it seconds later.

"Shower time," I told her, picking her up forcing her on trembling legs, "You smell like piss, Skank. Round three is in the shower." I told her, and I grabbed a condom before heading over.

I moved towards the shower, slowly slipping on another condom. I smirked, knowing I was going to have more fun this evening.


I have released the Second book of Life of a Dominant Futanari. It is Week 2 Growth. I have released an extra Chapter to both announce and Celebrate its Release. Enjoy!

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