Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 13: Watch and Learn

Tracy's cries echoed out from the shower as water rained on our bodies. Her breasts were pressed against the tiled shower wall as a small phone filmed in the background watching. My hand tangled in her hair as I continued to thrust my hips into her at an increasing rate. Tracy's legs gave out on her, and as I pulled out, she would fall upon my cock where I would then push her up with my hips.

Tracy's screams increased in volume as I pressed my hips against her sore ass that I had given a very good spanking to. Her ass showed slight bruising signs as I released another load into her as I felt a new stream of warm liquid onto my body, not from the shower. My hand landed upon her ass, swiftly making her cry out louder as I filled the condom inside her womb directly.

With a groan slowly pulled out, holding Tracy in my arm as I pulled out of her dripping pussy. My arm held her just under her breasts, and with my other hand, I grabbed the condom that seemed to continue slipping off my cock after I released it from her pussy. I caught it just in time as Tracy's skank pussy tried to swallow it back, and I pulled it out with a loud moan from Tracy.

The water of the shower stopped as I hit the handle to make it stop. Tracy was jello in my arms, and I brought her out in my arms. Her eyes were hazy, and I looked at the time. With footsteps upstairs, I decided it was probably time for some dinner. I started to dry Tracy off with a towel before laying her on my bed to rest a bit before the next session. I grabbed my phone, and I smiled into it before giving it a shot of my cock with water glistening on it. I saved the recording, and I started to dry myself off. I then shot a text to Crystal.

Angela: Hey, I have a long video I am sure you will get off to. It is only part one of a series. My question to you, though, is... Want part 1 or the whole series together?

I sent the message, and I started to get myself dressed in a tank top and shorts that I rarely wore. When I did, it was for when I was doing things around the house. I arrived at my computer, and I ended the recording on that while I heard a soft moan from my bed. I looked over to see her body move to spread her legs to reduce the amount of contact from her pussy. With the number of groans I heard, it wasn't probably all that much.

Not long later, I got a message back as my phone buzzed multiple times quickly. I opened up the texts seconds later.

Crystal: ... I want all parts, but I am at the toy store at the moment...

Crystal: But I want to see them...

Crystal: But I can't do anything even if I see them...

Crystal: But I want them so badly...

Crystal: Please send it...

I smirked, and I started to send the file to her email that we exchanged and send the one on my PC too. I then composed a message to her while the email was sent.

Angela: Don't regret watching it... I sent it to the email you told me. ;D

With that, I slept my phone and stood up from my computer. I looked at Tracy one more time, twitching on my bed before heading up to the Kitchen. Inside, my mother and father were cooking silently; that was odd, I thought. Still, I walked to the cupboard, grabbing a cup before filling it from the sink, looking at them as I started to empty it.

Still, silence reigned with water boiling in the background to add to the eerie atmosphere. "Okay," I said, making both my mother and father cringe a little as I broke the silence. "What is wrong?" I asked them, "You both have been silent since I came up." I finished.

My mother's face flushed a deep crimson, and my father's look was mixed with many emotions; it seemed hard to decide on any one of them. Finally, my father looked at me, "Angela, Your soundproofing is good, But not that good," The simple words out of my father attached into my head, and I realized what happened.

"Oh, You could hear me," I said, my brain turning into overdrive as my mother's blush deepened further. "Well, That's awkward..." My voice trailed off as my mind came up with nothing, "Can I get another plate for one more. I am on a break, and I think she could use some food to help her for the rest of the night," My shamelessness kicked into overdrive, and somehow my mother's face turned a deeper shade of red that I didn't know could exist on a persons face.

My father's expression started to change at an incredible speed as well. Finally, It settled on anger, "Okay, Angela, You are in big trouble," My father said without yelling.

My voice cut in to manipulate my father's thinking before he got on a roll, "Daddy," I said to start, "What have I done wrong? I am an eighteen-year-old woman. You told me that I couldn't be active until I was an adult. Here in this country, I am considered an Adult. I have brought a woman over with mum's permission," I effortlessly threw my mother under the bus as I played damage control with my dad, "I then have that woman over for some intimacy. I fail to see any problem since I am using protection, and there will be no kids made if I have anything to say about it. If Grades are involved, then I am in my school's upper levels and qualify for scholarships. I believe otherwise I wouldn't work so hard." I took out ahead while my dad was still in wind-up mode.

For seconds my dad took time to process. All valuable time for me to think of more arguments in favor of my side. My Father, when angry, took time to wind up. If you allowed him to get fully in the swing of things, he would become unreasonable. This was why I cut him off to start to argue, "Daddy, I am practicing safe sex inside our home. Not out on the streets or in other places where you don't know what I am doing," I began again as I saw he was still angry and about to start up, "All you would be doing by banishing it from the house is making me do it in less safe places where you can't see it. I am a sexually active woman who is practicing safe sex. Why are you shaming this?"

I couldn't think of a better argument at this point. To my father's credit, he stopped to think about it. I turned to my mother and noticed her anger as well. "Daddy, How about this? I got a Girl I want to introduce to you both on Saturday; how about that? You will really like her as I do. You will get to see her and make your judgment."

In the end, I included something my parents both never saw before; bringing home a friend. This was revolutionary to them as I don't remember when I had a friend to bring home. I had relationships with people at gyms and my Dojo master. That was about it, and I brought no one home to meet the parents. The fact that I hadn't brought Tracy to meet them probably was one of the main reasons my dad was angry.

My father seemed to calm down with the last statement before he finally spoke. I didn't cut him off any longer in fear of not letting him get a word in edgewise, "Angela, I-" He paused for a second, "Fuck it, Fine I do not know what you are doing to that girl downstairs," he began, "You clearly are two consenting adults otherwise she wouldn't be in our basement. You young lady need to bring it to my attention first and get both our permission. But your mother didn't refute that she knew that you were bringing someone over. Therefore I will let you get away with it this time." My father said I started to jump over happily, trying to act like his cute princess. His hand stopped me, though, "You young lady can hug me later. Also, I want to see the lady when she can probably stand from the amount of noise you are making downstairs and your size. I highly doubt she is in a condition to come to talk to us."

I blew out a sigh of relief as I played the cards correctly on my father this time. He was a wild card when it came to arguing, though. My relief disappeared, though, when I noticed the side-eye I was receiving from my mother. I then blanked, and I knew I took the large gain of my father not ending the fun for the inevitable problem of my mother.

I knew she was going to do something. My skin crawled as I thought about my weights downstairs. I remembered a time she took all my twenty-five irons. It was my most plentiful iron I had, and I was lifting puny weights under two hundred for weeks, feeling my muscles cry. My mother's revenge made me sweat ever since then. She took what made me squirm the most with a ruthlessness that made my skin crawl with just the thought.

All that summed up to one thing. I needed to keep my father off my back. He reckoned himself as the person to dish out his punishments. Such as groundings, but most of the time tried to do things over the top. The only reason I feared his reaction this time was the fact that it would be so over the top that it would make my life inconvenient. Or since he tended to go overboard, he might even try kicking me out even though I am still in school. I doubted that would happen, but he makes unwise choices that he regrets later in fits of anger.

On the other hand, my mother dished out subtle painful lessons that made my skin crawl thinking of it. I knew I was in for something of that magnitude from her expression, and I recognized that I needed money. I wished I could have enough to move out, not because my parents were insufferable but because I wanted a space I could truly call my own.

Still, I kept my mouth shut as two plates of food were presented to me. Mine was piled high with a good amount of sauce on top. The second was a more modest portion meant for someone with reasonable portion sizes. I smiled and turned away from my parents, taking the food downstairs. As I did so, I could feel their stares on my back. My mother's particularly felt like it was burning a hole into me.

I came downstairs, and I noticed Tracy was no longer twitching on the bed. She was conscious and looking sore from our activities, and I brought over the food and placed both on my desk. I looked at her and pulled out the last condom full of my sperm. I cut it open with scissors I kept in my room before pouring it all over her food.

She didn't see my action, but it was clearly visible. I when finished, I poked her fork into it and grabbed my own, taking a bite. I pointed out the food for her and spoke, "Skank, I got some proper skank food for you here." Tracy groaned as she got up, moving to the side of the bed. With her feet hitting the floor, I took the plate and handed it to her. She looked tired but grateful for the food.

"Thanks," Tracy said politely and took a bite before chewing slowly. Then it turned to confusion as she continued to eat. Then looked at me, "What is this?" She asked.

"It is pasta with a meat sauce, and for my Skank, in training, I added an extra ingredient you should be very thankful for; my semen." I finished. I smirked as she looked at the food before looking at me. That was then followed by looking at the food.

"Really?" Tracy said, "Even in my food?" Her voice was shocked.

"Yes, You are such a low-class skank. You even coughed up my cum all over the floor. You scrunch your nose as you taste it. You will learn to not only enjoy it but love its creamy texture and swallow it with a religious fervor." I replied, my tone making it sound like an order. I then looked at the clock and took note of the time. "You have thirty minutes to finish the food. Otherwise, I will spank your ass once per every ten seconds after. This time starts now," I finished.

Tracy's face turned to dismay, but she understood what I said I would follow through. She knew that I would spank her sore ass as much as I wanted and would enjoy her reactions. She gagged a couple of times as she tasted it, but she ate the food covered with my semen as fast as she could safely.

Tonight if she didn't take anything else home for the evening, she learned one absolutely true lesson; I meant the words that I said. I never once deviated from them for a second. This was a valuable lesson to teach her as she wouldn't question if I was serious. Each time she tried to ask, that was her trying to lessen the authority I had over her.

Now, I pondered another problem I had while I ate some food. I needed to find something that made Tracy look more like the Skank she was. I didn't own this clothing and didn't have the cash flow for it. My girlfriend did, but that wasn't my money. Something about asking her for money for dressing up a skank just rang sleazy.

As we ate in relative silence, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, earning my attention. I smirked, knowing who was texting. I was about three-quarters through my food and decided to finish first. My large plate was emptied as I turned to see Tracy only finished half of hers. She had fifteen minutes left to my surprise, as I pulled out my phone.

Crystal: My pussy is dripping. I want you so badly right now. I want to know where you live... Fuck me tonight at some point. I am soaking wet, and you have a skank to relieve you. I have a Dildo that doesn't even come close. Tell me when you can stop at the toy store. I need a solid fucking from my girlfriend. My need is through the roof, and I am desperate.

I was surprised at the need that Crystal showed until a follow-up text with just a picture came through. I recognized the background being the store I first met her in the back. It was a little dark, but all of that left my mind when I noticed her pink panties drenched all around her crotch, looking like she wet herself.

I realized then what a plight my girlfriend was in. I also didn't want to go over for no reason. I already told her that I was fucking this skank the entire night, and she was okay with that. I was in a bit of trouble, I felt. I both wanted to and didn't want to at the same time. I hit the call button on my phone without much thought, knowing that I needed to solve this before it became a problem.

Crystal answered as soon as it rang once on my end, "Hey, Angela, Is it possible?" Crystal asked it connected.

"I have no way of getting there at the moment with this Skank," I told her without regard to said skank who could hear everything.

"Please, I really want to feel your large cock penetrating me right now. I was so envious of that spanking too. You were just the right level of brutal and caring; especially with your strength, all I could think about was being across your lap." Crystal replied, her tone desperate, and I think on it.

The pause was pregnant, and I turned to see Tracy eating while paying attention to me on the phone. I smirk and decide something in my head, and I replied to Crystal, "Let me see what I can do for my needy girlfriend." I heard her cheer on her side of the phone. I waited while the cheer ended before I spoke again, "I will need a favor, though," I began as I started to go up the stairs to the main floor with my plate in hand. "This skank has orders to look suitable for her place. I don't have the money at this moment, and I will pay you back for helping me properly dress this skank for her place in life." My words were cutting and meant for Tracy behind me as I opened the main floor door.

"Oh my god, you are a natural Dom," Crystal said over the phone, and I felt I could hear a shudder of pleasure from her.

"Yes, I am," I told her, my confidence in my voice, "Now, I am going to see if I can find a ride. We can talk about details when If I can get there. Either way, I will contact you soon." With that, I hung up the phone, feeling I missed saying something but shrugged it off as I came into the kitchen. My mother and father were still eating at the table, and I moved to grab the car keys. "Dad," I began, "I need to make a trip with the girl downstairs. Can I borrow the car for the night?" I asked him.

"Fine, You seem to do whatever you want anyways inside this house," That hit me where it hurt. My dad was upset since I was walking all over boundaries. The problem was that I hated those boundaries in the first place. I rarely use the car even though I was told I had free access to it. I was told I could have whoever I wanted in my room years ago. Today proved that false since I didn't tell them beforehand. It was a series of boundaries that made me wince.

"Dad," I began, "I never use the privilege you and mom gave me together. You both said that I could use your car as long as I keep my grades above Seventy percent. I have constantly gotten eighty-five percent or more. If one of the few times I use the privilege, you get mad at me while I know you won't be using it tonight. Why even have the incentive there in the first place?" I asked him. My anger started to shoot up, and I was starting to get really annoyed.

My dad was surprised at the sudden talking back I did. he turned to me and noticed my growing annoyance. He was also annoyed, and I noticed things would go south if I started things right now. I would take the double-edged sword for now and walk away with the keys into the basement.

I could hear an audible huff upstairs as I left. My dad wasn't happy with my 'attitude,' and I was annoyed with him. I couldn't even remember the last time I used the car to go anywhere, and he was making a deal out of it the one time I decided I needed to use it. I knew this mostly came from him having to hear my skank scream for the last couple of hours. I turned to Tracy as she looked at me with resentment.

"Good news, Skank," I began seeing her sour expression, "You get to meet my Girlfriend today. You look horrendous today, so it is time to get something for a girl of your skank class." I told her.

Still, Tracy learned today to listen to me. I then noticed the food was gone, and she finished it. I checked the bin near my bin, and it had no food in it. I nodded, accepting that she ate all my ejaculate. "Good girl," I said for once, "You ate all your precious nutrients. You still have a long night ahead of you. Get dressed in that clothing; no need to get charged for public indecency for showing a skank around town."

Tracy bit her lip slightly under the constant barrage of derogatory remarks I sent her way. Soon after a bit of work, she was back in her outfit from the park. It was still plain and made me look at her with contempt. This was my Skank, I thought. She was a low class at best at this point and needed a lot of work. She dressed plainly like she was going out for a nice walk. Not for seeing her Mistress that would fill her pussy with precious juice to make her life complete.

Until she reached improved, I could feel nothing but contempt for her level. I then hit the dial button and heard my beautiful girlfriend's voice, "So are you able to come?" Crystal asked as soon as the call connected. I could hear the excitement, and I felt the urge to crush it sweep through me. It was surprising as it was the first time that I ever had a craving hit me so hard that I suppressed it.

"Yup, I will be there soon. This skank is going to take some time to able to walk," I told her; the smirk was evident in my tone. I heard Crystal chuckle on the other end.

"Yay! I am happy to see you soon. Although, you asked me for that favor. I do have some roleplay things here at the store, but nothing will probably be suitable for what you want. That is something you will need to go to some clothing stores or online. It would be best to order online, though. Many things that I think you would like most will be locked up on the net for you." Crystal told me, and I thought about it. I couldn't help but agree that many things that purposefully made women look like a skank would be more fetish than having a retail store would make it hard to sell.

"Okay, I should be around within the hour. I look forward to seeing you soon." I finished.

"You can't understand how much I anticipate your arrival," Crystal replied with a tone that spoke volumes of the amount of lust coursing through her veins. I smirked as I ended the call, and to my convenience, I heard my parents leave the kitchen. This was a lucky break for me, and I started to help Tracy to her feet.

Tracy grumbled, and her legs bowed a bit, but within a couple of minutes, she could hold her own weight. I smiled and started to help her go up the stairs to make sure she didn't fall. Soon I heard my parents go up to their room, and I heard a small argument between my mom and dad. I didn't know the primary cause, but I knew the tensions lately with my parents were increasing.

I ignored that as I escorted Tracy out of the house without my parents seeing her struggling to walk. I helped her to the seat of my parent's Toyota car. I had no idea its make, but they have had it for several years, and it still worked like a charm. I sat in the seat, making sure I brought my documentation with me just in case.

I was feeling a little nervous since it had been a while since I drove. As soon as I pulled out onto the road, it was like riding a bicycle, and the feeling came back to me. With a bit of traffic, we were nearing the edge of town, with Tracy keeping her mouth shut the entire ride. Tracy seemed resentful and a little sore, all of which were things that I expected.

The little Toyota pulled into the parking lot of Crystal's adult toy store, and Tracy's face changed a little. It seemed she recognized the store for something; as I got out, I finally said something, "Out," I ordered, and she got out of the car.

We stepped inside the store with the door shut and a small honk of a horn as we left the car to indicate it was locked. Inside, everything remains the same to me. I turned to see Crystal's face light up with a large smile. She got out from behind the counter as I ushered Tracy inside, who was now blushing.

"This your Skank?" Crystal asked as she closed in on me. Her arms reached out, and she jumped, wrapping her legs around me as well. My reaction was to grab her ass as her pussy started to brush up against my cock, trying to remain hidden within. With that movement and Crystal closing in on my face, we kissed deeply with her ass in my hands.

Her legs touched the ground not long later as she let go of me and turned her head to Tracy. "Wow, you can tell she hold resentment for you," Crystal said, turning to me, "I can tell someone is forcefully training this skank," Crystal's expression turned more serious as she said it.

My face turned more serious as she noticed so quickly and so replied, "You are absolutely correct, I am teaching this skank to be a better human being. I am training her to be a high-class skank that treats my semen as the exliar of the gods. I have something that will make you agree with me, isn't that right, Skank?" I turned to Tracy, much to Crystal's surprise. "Skank, Why don't you tell my girlfriend why you need to be trained to be more human?"

Crystal was completely surprised when I started to turn to Tracy to explain. Tracy's face turned a deep red as if contemplating what to do in this situation. Crystal paid attention with a serious expression I had never seen on her before. Tracy's mouth opened and closed several times, and I hit the audio record on my phone, waiting for another piece of evidence against her.

"I helped plan and convince my boyfriend to rape Angela," Her voice came out, making Crystal gasp, looking at me.

"I didn't plan on telling you, but I could tell that you noticed something right away. Please, let's continue this conversation without a skank present." I told Crystal. Crystal seemed to contemplate for several seconds before nodding.

"Okay, I," Crystal paused for a moment. She seemed to be grappling with something for a moment as she looked up at me. Her expression softened, and her hand went down to my jeans. "Okay, My panties as still soaked, thinking about you drilling me. Let's take this skank so she can watch me take it. I want the voyeur." Crystal said with a renewed smile that hid something underneath. I looked at her as she dragged me back to her back room where we first 'Met.' Tracy trailed behind me as I hit the stop record button on my phone.

It was the moment when Crystal stopped for a second and ran to lock the door. "I sent my employee home for the night to get some accounting done. I got distracted by the video of you, Skank," Crystal said as she passed. Her voice sounded conversational, but I could tell it was anything but.

Crystal seemed to be angry now. Angry and horny, it appeared as I saw a wet mark on her pants still forming as the lock on the store came with a be back soon due to unforeseen circumstances. With that, she turned around and walked through the walls of pornos towards us. I could then feel her change of attitude as she looked at Tracy. It was something I have felt before; Contempt. She looked at Tracy like she was a piece of filth needing to be cleansed.

"Skank, Follow us. I need my shot of my girlfriend, and you can watch me do it properly." Crystal said and passed by Tracy. As she passed me to open the office door, she whispered in my ear, "Take my pussy, then my ass. I want to show her how to please you perfectly. Also," She paused, opening the door. "I really want your first load in my mouth," Crystal said, her tone sultry, and her voice carried a strong determination.

My cock hardened, and I allowed her to take charge a little as we entered the office, knowing she would lose that control as soon as I pulled down my pants. Entering into the office, Tracy followed us looking more ashamed than ever that she met someone other than the victim who knew her crime.

"Skank, Go sit on the chair and watch a real woman take this amazing cock." Crystal said. It seemed with Crystal joining in and continuing, and the derogatory remarks made Tracy even meeker. It was like a title, maybe, and I couldn't care less as Crystal took off her shirt showing me her pink-covered breasts. It was a lacy bra that you could see through, and my cock stiffened more as Crystal lost her pants, showing off matching Pink panties that were also see-through but soaked entirely. Crystal pulled them off, and she took them, placing them over Tracy's face with a smile.

I turned with a smirk of my own, "Skank, You will wear those until I say otherwise. Now enjoy the show," I told her as Crystal smiled. I picked her up, and our lips locked while Crystal started to invade my pants seeking out the object of her desire. The button popped open, and Crystal's hands invaded my pants while our lips locked. Soon I was stepping out of my pants, and my cock was free with Crystal's hands starting to stroke me off.

My hands grabbed her lace-covered breasts and started to give them a slight squeeze. My hands then trailed up from her breasts, and one landed upon her neck while the other ended up in her hair. My hand pulled her hair, breaking the steamy kiss as I reached full mast. "Get on your knees," I ordered, and Crystal didn't have a single millisecond of hesitation. Her mouth started to suck on my cock while she fell on her knees.

A hand stroked my shaft while the other moved to my balls, massaging them lightly. The sudden increase in pleasure made me moan, and I took off my shirt. My breasts came out jiggling, and they came into full view of both Tracy and Crystal.

Crystal then did something I didn't expect, and her hand left my balls and grabbed a bottle off the shelf. It wasn't labeled, so I didn't know what it was, but Crystal stopped sucking my cock and looked up into my eyes. Without a word, she squeezed whatever was in that bottle into her mouth and placed it to the side. My brain erupted in newfound pleasure as Crystal started to give me a blowjob again.

It took me a second as I went deeper down her throat than ever before. Crystal's mouth was warm, and her throat was tight as my cock started to glide in and out of it. My brain barely comprehended under the sudden, surprising influx of pleasure. Still, I recognized that Crystal probably used lube in her mouth, and my brain was struggling to catch up. My moan was still escaping without me knowing, and I was quickly nearing the edge.

My hands moved before my brain processed, and my hands rested upon the Back of my girlfriend's head. Then My hips swung without regard, my brain white with pleasure as I glided deep down her throat while her tongue played along the edges. I no longer knew what my name was or what I was doing as I continued to skull fuck my girlfriend before erupting down her amazing throat.

I pressed Crystal down my cock hearing her gag as I continued to release straight down without a thought. Then I pulled her off my cock as I finished my release. Crystal gasped for air, gulping down as much as she could while lube dripped from her mouth as my cock did as well.

I looked down, and something about that look made me feel primal towards my Girlfriend. Still, I pulled out a rubber suppressing my feelings of taking her raw this second, and the condom slipped down my cock quickly as Crystal regained her breath.

Just as Crystal regained her breath, my hand was in her hair, forcing her to stand up. My hand came down upon her ass with a satisfying ripple and sound making her yelp slightly in surprise. "Look towards this skank and show me what a whore you can be," I ordered, and Crystal turned to look at Tracy's and leaned forward, spreading her ass cheeks.

"Fuck me, Mistress, Treat me like the High-class whore I am for you. Show this low-class skank how a real high-class whore takes your cock." Crystal cried, and I paid no more mind as she cried out. I couldn't see Crystal's expression as I drove my cock into her pussy deep, but the small gasp from Tracy spoke more volumes. I could even see her hand start to reach down to her pussy.

I let her play with herself smirking in the back of my head while I started to fuck Crystal's fantastic pussy. Her womb even submitted to me without needing to breach the gates again. With my secondary entrance, my hand started to spank Crystal. Her cries got even louder as I felt that satisfying ripple.

"Fuck me, MISTRESS! IM YOUR WHORE!" Crystal cried out, and I knew that she loved to be called derogatory terms during sex.

My hand grabbed her hair, pulling her head back, and her body lifted with it as my hips swung into her ass with a satisfying slap at the contact. My hand slapped her face with controlled strength. "You already my personal fuck hole whore. Take it like the bitch you are!" I told her, and I let go of her sudden body movement made her fall forward, losing her balance, but my cock pushed her into Tracy.

Tracy's hands had removed her shorts, and she was masturbating while watching us at it. She looked like she didn't even notice; when Crystal fell forward into her body, landing in Tracy's breasts. I didn't care, though, and followed her forward. I pulled out, lifted Crystal's ass, and preceded to continue fucking her pussy again as her body rocked into Tracy's breasts.

Moans filled the room as I continued to give my Girlfriend precisely what she wanted. Cries echoed in the room, and I neared the edge. "Get on your knees whore, and get what you worked for!" I loudly ordered as I pulled out of Crystal. I pulled off the condom as I did so, and Crystal's mouth was soon on my cock after she turned.

Crystal started to please my cock with her tongue, and I was so close I erupted into her mouth, her cheeks puffing out. I could see her swallow it all down as I filled her mouth, and I let out a satisfying sigh. Crystal's eyes watched me as I finished erupting in her mouth, and she pulled back with a smile.

"My whore ass needs attention to Mistress," Crystal begged.

My cock twitched as that begin just hit the spot for me. It was so simple, though, but every time she begged, it made me want to make her beg more. "Whore," I said as her face got slapped, "Beg better than that," I ordered, and Crystal's eyes grew in happiness.

Crystal grabbed that bottle of lube and went face down while bringing her ass up as high as possible. She then used the spout to place it against her asshole; Then squeezed. "Mistress, I want you, I want you so bad. Please, Mistress Fuck my ass, Make my Whore ass stretch around your enormous girthy cock. Make me squeal in delight as you fill me up. PLEASE, MISTRESS, I BEG YOU!" She cried out, and I couldn't help myself. I lined my cock up, and I pushed deep into her lubed asshole.

The lube left her hand, and I heard moans from Tracy as I took Crystal's ass hard. My mind blanked as the pleasure filled my mind as I raided Crytal deep. Her ass took me entirely to my surprise until I thought about all the toy's around me. I then decided to forget thinking, and I started to fuck her ass harder to make Crystal scream. Her ass was amazing, and I focused hard on bringing both of us more pleasure.

Crystal's knees could no longer hold her up, and we both fell to the floor. Without care, I continued as I was now in a push-up position fucking her using my hips and arms to drive myself into her harder. "MISTRESS! I LOVE IT FUCK ME MAKE AN EVEN BETTER WHORE FOR YOU!" Crystal cried out as I continued. Her body spasmed on me, and a puddle grew as I knew she released either ejaculate or lost control of her bladder. I couldn't care less as I was focused on myself.

I grunted and moaned, feeling her raw ass made me moan as Crystal was tight and would spasm regularly on me, bringing me even more pleasure. I felt myself nearing the edge, and my surroundings faded to white as I loudly moaned, releasing into my whore girlfriend filling up her ass with my spunk. In my white-littered mind, an idea arose, and I pulled out, releasing a large amount shallow in her ass.

I pulled out after I finished ejaculating and stood up. I looked to Tracy, who was still masturbating. I walked over to her, my cock dripping with Crystal's ass juices, lube, and ejaculate. "Clean it," I told her.

Tracy didn't even hesitate, and my cock entered her mouth. One hand remained on her pussy while the other started to clean me inside her mouth. It was like she was in a trance of lust, and I moaned as my cock escaped her mouth so she could lick my shaft all around. I then could hear the noises of my girlfriend's ass as lube and semen reach the end of the track. I stepped back and pointed Tracy to my girlfriend.

"Clean every drop of semen that comes out, Skank," I ordered. This brought her out of the trance and as she understood the order. Still, after a night of listening to orders and obeying, her body moved, and her mouth started to lick my girlfriend's ass. Crystal moaned, but I could see the look in her eyes as I moved to check her condition. She began to help the process that was filled with moans and sounds from her ass.

I smiled and grabbed my clothes that miraculously were not dirty from what I could see. When I finished putting them on I, found some lube had gotten on a bit of my jeans, though.

I watched, and a couple of minutes later, Crystal said, "Skank, That's all go over to your Mistress for orders." Crystal got up slowly with a much more satisfying expression on her face.

Crystal then smiled before going over to a cabinet with some spare clothes and started to wipe with a towel inside. She then dressed in similar clothes that I was wearing now. "Let's go find you some supplies for that favor." Crystal said, and we both smiled while Tracy looked confused at her recent actions. Her shorts came back on, although damp with her wet pussy juices, as we went back into the store. Leaving the office.


I have released the Second book of Life of a Dominant Futanari. It is Week 2 Growth. I have released an extra Chapter to both announce and Celebrate its Release. Enjoy!

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