Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 2 Chapter 36/ 6: Dressed for Success

The bell rang, and I sat down in my seat, pulling out textbooks. I remembered the text that was most likely from Crystal. I was looking forward to meeting up with her tonight and remembered that I would have to bring the car home before I ran over to Crystals. I didn't want her to come to pick me up and would rather get a run-in today since I hadn't done so yet today.

I wondered what was for the gym class today, too and who was the voyeur outside that watched me fuck the sissy bitch into tearing up. The sissy bitch even had the audacity to ask why I was treating him like this. What a fucking idiot. I had told him many times, and with it, I felt the anger return. I took a deep breath, and I concentrated on the blackboard and taking notes in the class.

It was more review of things I knew, and I made myself some practice questions to answer as I watched the teacher lead the class. I was bored, but I kept making up more questions to answer independently, and my anger was gradually suppressed.

My anger was becoming a problem, and I knew it. It was building it up, and it all started with the sissy. That wasn't the main reason for my anger now, and I knew the only way to get over it was time. I couldn't get revenge on my parents. This was not like dealing with the sissy bitch whom I immensely enjoyed mentally torturing. It was even fun to think up sadistic things to do to the potential rapist.

It was a form of justice in my point of view. Except it was very illegal. It made me wonder about that conversation with Samantha when she talked about forced sissification. Wasn't that illegal in many ways? It used many different mental and emotional blackmail forms to make a man turn into a sissy bitch.

It made me wonder, though. The things to get that man to do that was something that the man probably wanted himself. The blackmail that she talked about was things like the man wearing panties or other feminine things that they didn't want to get out. They were interested in those things and wanted to feel them. Wear them and enjoy the femininity that came from them.

In the end, they would embrace their new master or mistress. They would love what they were essentially illegally forced into. I didn't know how to deal with this is just my mind inside the class. The teacher was moving on in the lesson, but I couldn't care less as it was all review. I would have much rather have a teacher like Samantha teaching me all about the differences in making a Sissy learn his place in the world.

I felt a buzz in my pocket with a muffled text tone letting me know I received another message. I tried to hide my annoyance, but my teacher looked towards me and asked me to answer a question. She probably thought I was the one with the beeping phone. She was right, but I wouldn't let her know that. I moved up to the front of the class, answered the question with a quick calculation and a calculator I brought with my other supplies, and sat back down.

For now, the teacher was appeased, and I thought about the differences in sissification. Jake was obviously a forced sissy. I didn't want him to be a maid, though. His muscular frame did nothing to make him look like a girl, and I would need to start changing that. I was Bisexual, obviously, but I had a projected preference towards women.

It felt weird if I thought of fucking some buff guy at the gym. I shuddered with all those muscles, and I didn't like the thought. In fact, I wasn't really that much a fan of Jake's body. I usually got hard with the anger that I felt towards him and the domination. The revenge was a sweet taste every time I fucked his little rosebud further into submission. I wasn't going to lie to myself. That didn't mean that I couldn't force him to look more towards my taste.

The panties and the bra were the very beginnings of me making him wear women's clothing. Yesterday in the morning, he wore a bra without prompting showed an increased interest in wearing women's clothing. This, coupled with the fact he didn't wear it today, showed that he didn't want to seem enthusiastic about wearing it under orders. In fact, that was probably a subtle way to attack my Authority over his life. If I probably didn't say anything yesterday, I wouldn't be surprised if he wore it himself.

If the start was already beginning, then I can start with the snowball effect and get him interested in makeup. With that, he would want to begin to look pretty for me. He was, in fact, much more interesting to look at after Crystal had her way with him. He was decently attractive and showed that he had potential as a sissy crossdresser.

My smirk grew, and I almost jumped when I heard the bell. The class was over, and I lost myself in thinking about how to sissify Jake further. I almost wanted to blush, but instead, I got up and headed out of class towards the teacher's locker room.

The Teachers locker room was starting to hold a sentimental value to me as I fucked both Tracy and Jake in there often. It was my usual sex spot even more than my room at home or Crystals. However, Crystal's sex dungeon was hands down the best. I mean, she had a ton of equipment, literally. Probably more than a ton with all that was in that warehouse in the 'secret' room. Crystal was probably even more proud of that space than I was.

I wanted to jump her, and I opened my phone and read my texts as I walked to the locker room.

Crystal: Hey, I finished the piece, and I cant wait to see you in it. This naughty bitch needs Mistress's Punishment BAD! <3<3<3

I smirked, and I ignored the photo that she sent along with it. I didn't need a hard-on for gym class.

I opened up the second Text that I got during class and read it quickly, only to want to smack my head.

Samantha: So, We are still on for Tomorrow. I will come to pick you up at school and go over some things. You are scheduled for Eight PM with me on a client. I will not text you their name, obviously. I wanted you to get some make-up and things but realized you never gave me bank information to send money to. You need to get your bank account settled and make sure that you are the only one with access to it. I personally have seen too many problems with parents in the community to feel comfortable sending this amount of money to someone that their parents to get ahold of. Too many stories, so please send me an account that only you can access.

I reread it once more, and I couldn't agree with her more. Samantha didn't tell me how much she was sending me, but I knew it would be in the thousands of dollars. Probably not over ten thousand, though. In a movie I watched once, I remembered that the IRS tends to want its cut when you transfer over a large amount of money. It also starts to wonder where that money came from and whether it is legal.

I thought about it and the only account I have at the moment was something my parents do have access to. The amount of money that I was being promised from these clients was large, and I would need to save for taxes too. I needed to make sure to protect myself, even if it was from my parents.

I reached the locker room and started to change into my Gym uniform as I continued to think about it.

Although I was eighteen right now, I was sure that my parents had control over my debit card. Hell, I have a debit card, but I don't think there is even any money inside it. I spent everything I could save on Weights and equipment for my love of Fitness. That didn't mean, though, that I should continue to allow this to happen. I didn't want my parents to be able to access my bank account, especially if I am making thousands of dollars in a night of fun with some horny client.

I would need to solve this either tonight or tomorrow. I had some time, and I could go after school. I just hope the coach doesn't want to see me tonight since I need to do this now.

The more I thought about it, too, The more I decided to find even a new back. Something that my parents couldn't even attempt to try it out on. Samantha said she heard many stories about this type of thing, so I don't think it would be wrong for me to do that. Stopping the issue from ever arising is the best policy. If the temptation is never there, they can't do anything about it and all those other lines.

I sighed and realized I was putting on my weights for class, almost ready for the class. I finished strapping them to my arms and legs and headed to the gymnasium. When I got there, I heard the second bell telling me that I just got there in time not to be late. I cursed to myself, and I started to Strech when Mrs. Grendier came up to me.

"I am taking you from this class to start training in Volleyball. Team practices are on Monday and Thursdays. You will be given practice in Gym class. I talked to Mr. Timmers, and he agreed to allow me to train you every day. Well," She paused for a second, "With the exception of some classes for grading. Although he already said you are more than fit enough to pass those tests. In fact, I tend to agree with him. It is more about testing at this point than about ability." She finished.

I nodded and continued to stretch. "Well," I said after a couple of moments. "I am in your hands then. I am ready and willing to learn after getting my muscles all limbered up a bit more. Running a bit late today had a rough time sleeping last night." I technically told the truth here. I had a hard-on and was more busy fucking Tracy's ass and pussy multiple times till I decided to sleep regardless of the fact of how horny I was.

"Are you sure this is a good day to practice then?" Mrs. Grendier asked. "I don't want you hurting yourself."

"I should be fine; I never injured myself before when exercising, and I don't plan to now. Although, I would like to keep the weights on." I replied, pointing at the weights. "I slept through my first two alarms and had to drive to school instead of my usual run. Feeling like I haven't moved my body enough today. Mind if I run three laps to?" I asked her.

"Go ahead, Rare to get a girl that actually wants to do the runs." Mrs. Grendier replied.

"Perfect!" I happily said and jumped to my feet. I then started to sprint around the Gym three times, enjoying the loosening of my muscles under strain. I soon ran back up to her after my third lap with a half lap to cool off into a walk, making my way back to her. "Okay, thanks, I really needed that," I told the Coach with a smile.

"Okay, That wasn't a run. Those were sprints and damn fast ones too. Are you looking to become a track and field runner?" Mrs. Grendier asked quizzically.

"Nope, I contimpated it, though. I do love running just prefer the skill in other sports like Volleyball and Soccer." I told her with a grin.

"Don't knock the runners, girl," Mrs. Grendier said seriously, "They have just as much skill in their sport as any other. They use techniques and practice it with just as much need to practice and need to regulate their bodies. Go look up some interviews about that, and you will see how much effort many Olympians put into those small techniques to make themselves run just a little faster, even over a short distance. Cutting a tenth of a second is serious business for runners." She scolded, and I nodded.

"I never said there wasn't. In fact, I did watch a lot of those videos. I even started to incorporate as many techniques as I could in my long-distance running as I could. I thought for the longest time I couldn't engage in sports, so I just practiced on my own." I told her with a grin. "I don't know if you noticed, But when I was running, I was also practicing a technique that Usain Bolt does in order to increase Sprinting time and, although slightly slower, increases stamina," I told her with a grin, "Instead of continuing to use your knees to propel you forwards, which is the fastest way to sprint I leaned back and used my hips to continue to propel me forward. I am utilizing other small tricks even in breathing in order to increase my sprinting speed and duration, Mrs. Grendier. I am not just running or sprinting. I am loosening my muscles up and practicing every time I do so. Almost every morning, I practice, and I feel that I do a pretty good job in the running." I paused, "I don't slack in anything related to exercise, Mrs. Grendier. Please don't forget that about me."

The coach watched me for a while, and I stretched my muscles again as I heard Mr. Timmers take the girls out to do something. The gym went quiet, and I felt a bit sorry for them. The field probably was a mud-covered mess. It would have made an interesting run, but the day outside was pretty sunny, so it might have mostly dried up by now.

"You are interesting," Mrs. Grendier said finally, "You might want to think about joining the Track team anyways. I am pretty sure that It wouldn't interfere with the Volleyball season. The Team practices are Mondays and Thursdays. Tournaments and games usually are Fridays. Keep them open." Mrs. Grenider paused as I nodded and went to the equipment room.

I joined her and helped set up a net, and we started to practice. The Coach was strict with me and showed me when I messed something up. I enjoyed it, though, and I was practicing my bumps and volleys. The coach was on the other side of the net and at some points and others making me set up for her. She wanted to make me practice everything to see where I was.

The biggest pain came to my breasts, I found later in the class time when she started to make me dig balls out. "You will only dig. You will need to time it and bring it high up in the air to recover for your team. They need to be able to catch the ball. Then you need to get up quickly so that you can either spike or dig the next ball!" Mrs. Grendier told me.

Soon I was digging out balls out or just flat jumping into spots failing. I started to sweat with the increased weights as I jumped into random corners and recovered for the next in seconds. The bell rang, and Mrs. Grendier came to a stop with me. "Help me clean up; then you can go home. Good work out there. When we finish cleaning, though, do at least a lap around the gym to cool down." Mrs. Grendier told me, and I nodded.

Balls were littered around the gym, and I walked off the exertion of the class. I didn't shower today knowing I would at Crystals. But I had the car today and would need to stop at home. I was out of the locker room after collecting my bag and getting in the car. I sent a quick text to Crystal before I started to drive.

Angela: Hey Bitch, I know that slut pussy needs some punishment tonight. I will be there to make sure you are put in your place again. Got a couple of things to do before I get there. Get that pussy ready.

I smiled, knowing that would rile her up a bit and increase her anticipation. Crystal was predictable, at least in her anticipation; how she would prepare herself, though it would be a surprise. I had only known her for less than a week, but I knew I would be surprised every time.

My smile grew, and I drove myself to a bank nearby that wasn't the one my parents went to. It wasn't a local bank but a national one. I also think it was in Canada too. I wasn't sure, but I signed up for a card and asked to got the information squared away quickly.

Well, relatively quickly. Things never go fast in a bank, but I was out and sent Samantha the account number she could transfer the money to within an hour.

Angela: Took the advice and started a new bank account only I can access. Please Deposit into this one, please.

I finished the Text and received a text five minutes later while I drove home. When I pulled into my house's driveway, I got out and checked it.

Samantha: Hey, Good to hear that you took my advice. I deposited a couple of thousand into the account. I want you to understand this, Angela. This is a cash advance. This is money you haven't made yet. You will make it with one or two clients. But that is only if you take clients. I am not saying this because I think you will run. I am saying this because my fingers have been burnt before.

I thought about it, and I understood her position. I needed to grab some things, and I was also planning on seeing Crystal. Technically I should pay Crystal too. I also needed to appease my mother even though I felt betrayed by her.

I took a deep breath, and I walked into the house only to realize I don't have a card to spend the money on anyway. I would have to borrow from Crystal again and pay her back. I had no alternative without talking to my parents. That was a hard no for me, so I put the keys away. I then shot my mother a text.

Angela: Hey Mom, Staying at my Girlfriend's place tonight. Please don't make me dinner tonight. I will be out and staying at Crystal's place. I brought a change of clothes and all my things, so you don't need to worry about me. Thanks! P.S. I left the keys in their usual spot.

I moved and grabbed the things I would need for school tomorrow except for a lunch, and I grabbed some extra casual clothes to leave at Crystal's place. I took a last look around, had everything packed in my backpack, and left out the front door. I just heard something behind me and ignored it when I started to run down the street.

My feet hit the pavement, and I kept it to a casual run instead of a full-blown sprint. The Coach did have me doing things I wasn't used to today, and my breasts were somewhat sore from all the jumping and leaping I did today. My breasts hit the floor each time, cushioning my chest and rubbed my nipples through my bra. It was uncomfortable, but I enjoyed the practice otherwise.

Mrs. Grendier was pointing out dozens of flaws but seemed quite happy with my progression today. My volleys were what needed the most work. My bumps, she said, were already in quite a good shape but needed a bit of refinement on accuracy in placing them where I wanted them. I took her word for that since I was still tumbling around. We did no spike practice or blocks, but I was looking forward to that. When she was trying me out, I loved the feeling of spiking that ball.

I wondered what a good block would feel like? I wondered about a couple of things while I ran. Soon I was at the door. I was running too, and I pressed the buzzer. The gate opened, and I didn't even hear a peep from the other end of the speaker. My eyes narrowed, and I knew Crystal was up to something. This was the first time she wordlessly didn't confirm it was even me.

I went through the gate, and I put my hand to the doorknob. It opened, and I entered Crystal's house. My eyes felt like they narrowed further. I locked the door behind me, and I put my bag off to the side in anticipation of what was to come. I moved inside the house only to see a note.

It Read:

I have been a Naughty bitch. I need my Mistress to punish me like the Naughty slut I am. I have the outfit ready for you upstairs in my room on the bed. I am in the basement as your naughty whore pussy quivering in anticipation.

I could almost feel the anticipation Crystal felt, and I wondered what she was dressed in downstairs. I moved up into her room, and I showered without wetting my hair and thoroughly dried myself off. I then found the outfit.

I smiled when I saw it.

It was Leather and completely black. I was starting from the arms that were actually gloves that looked like they attached to the outfit. They were easy to remove, too, it seemed, and from the shoulders came to my collar bone that was opened up. It would show the top of my large breasts, and it seemed that the piece would hold them up too. My breasts would be covered in that black leather, but there was a cut along the under breasts to show them off. My magical abs would be covered, I thought with a sigh. I then looked at it and realized that it was all loose. There were leather stings in the back to tighten up the outfit. This was meant to show my curves. I looked at it, and that was only the top of the outfit, and this was no one piece. It came with black leather panties that had a zipper down the center. It also came with Leather high heels that went up halfway up my thigh.

I took in the outfit, and I liked the look. I started with the top, and it was all loose and baggy, thank god. When I tightened the leather strings, everything quickly became tight. It pressed my breasts together, but I didn't feel uncomfortable since it seemed to tighten all-around simultaneously instead of in a single place. The second string tightened around my abs until you could see the hint of them. It wasn't that uncomfortable either, and it hugged my skin tightly. I started to enjoy the feel as I put on the panties learning to start with that next time since my flexibility was somewhat affected by the top.

The panties were simple and fit perfectly on my body. They were tight, though but hid my balls and cock if I tucked them behind. I then realized I didn't feel the zipper and only leather. Crystal must have specially created these panties for me to look completely female. This might mess with the perception of the client that they were dealing with only a female Dominatrix until I unzipped the panties. Then Surprise, a cock comes out and a large one at that.

What a Mischivious little Minx I have.

I then put on the high heels. They were a pain in the ass, but I got them on with a little work, and the leather was tight. A simple string in the back seemed to run down the length, and I realized I could have made my life easier loosening that string up. I then tightened the sting, and it looked really good in contrast to my skin. It filled the gap to my cock, and I started to slip on the gloves.

This came with the realization that it didn't attach to the top. Instead, the Sting just tightened there, and with that single tightening, it became skin tight. Everywhere the leather was, I felt like I was being hugged tightly, but not too tightly. The longer I felt it on my skin, too, the more I enjoyed it, and I found a new Love for leather outfits.

I moved to the Mirror and saw myself in the mirror, letting my hair down. I smirked, and I could see a Dominant woman ready to deal with naughty little sissy boys and naughty little sluts. The woman in the Mirror knew how to deal with them, and I felt powerful.

I liked what I saw and felt a weird sort of power flow through me, and that smirk remained.

I loved how I looked in it! There was one problem, though.

I took another step and almost lost my balance. I haven't walked in heels before. These were platform heels, but I needed some time to walk it out. As I did so, watching in the mirror as I got used to them, I found a note.

I walked over feeling a little in control, and I read the note. I didn't notice before.

It read:

Hey, Just to let you know, I knew that you would need to pick up some make-up for your skin tone and some things like that for Tomorrow. I talked to Samantha and picked some of them up from some specialty shops. You can pay me back when you have the cash advance from Samantha. So Don't worry about picking things up tonight. Just punish my naughty Pussy extra hard to make up for it! :D

I smiled, realizing that I had forgotten all about preparations for tomorrow. I thanked her in my mind even as I thought, 'What a naughty girl. I will let her anticipate a little longer.'

Yes, That is why...

Nothing to do with the fact that I have almost tripped sixteen fucking times in these heels.


Thank you for enjoying my Novel. Please Check out Amazon, as I have a Short Story called:

I Sissified my Step Bro

If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read it for free. It helps support my work and I hope you will enjoy it. You can also find the my Books on Amazon if you wish to support me further.

I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.


I would love to thank 

AchlysApep, Fate Hydrax, Xenor, Fightnguru, Royce321, Stormrall, Soundsmad, Grangel, Smile, Nightrise, Curtis1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Havoc, Ritsu 229, Celeng_Liar, Arl, Julekule, Z. T. Wyen, ShadowReader, С. Закиров, BIGSHOTSWAG, Hydra587, Prodigal211, Error, Belkoth, Deviantgamer9, tiffy tang, jon dumey, Yanuut, Ez Gipten, Tnarb, A baker, Czelphaghor, Deerfaced, Mr.Tiemos, Dannyzee123, Hugo Dehesdin, Dallas Rachal, The Theoritizer, Kaizer, EXORAVANT, Von (the closeted futa kink), Chris, Za'afiel, MaraH87, Caid, Bertako, C. Panagis, J. Thomas, David Gillotte, Unholy Valkyrie, Sam, Bearagon, Aniyah Frazier, Blueecho, DarKSoulS, Skorno, HutchTheWolf, J. J. Betts, Key, Raggedcastle, AnarchyBellic, Myr, Rodimus Scoop, GamerDude, Akashihestia, Keyku, Valkyrie, Mjkenstock, C. Spiller, CrusaderHandrail, S. Simons, C. Nielsen, J. Baker, EvilPotatoOverlord, Iron, søren Frost, Satei, Ceymour, Ferdinand Schon, Tyler, Fantasy12, Franie, Justin "Johnist" Johanson, QuantumServer, D. Ozols, W. Arnold, ReclamerS117, Sir Hellington, K. Bengier, aj honeck, Prasad Hettiarachchi, Ryuse Ikejima, Plus1, Yuna, The Crimson Maid, horus scope, John Doe, Srdjan, Fynir, Mr Ares, Story Seeker, Piter Parker, The Absorber, daemon, cardrunder, David Gillotte, M. Jean for supporting me on Patreon. I couldn't do it without all of you!


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