Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 36/7: Hold it!

I felt finally able to walk properly. I needed to walk in a straight line, and I could only keep it up while walking deliberately. The good thing about this is that I looked Confident while walking like this regardless of how much of a hard time I was having.

I have decided, though. If heels are about to become a regular thing for me, I WILL BE PRACTICING. Fuck it, and I will make sure I can fucking sprint eventually in these things. They were cursed items that could make a person like me trip a fucking dozen times, and my temper flared looking down on them.

I almost again tripped, making it down the stairs too, and although I looked fucking fantastic, I was seriously questioning the fucking necessity of them for the outfit. My cursing of the heels survived and even thrived up until the basement door, where I knew Crystal was waiting after my little practice session upstairs.

Although she must have been waiting some time, I had no idea what she had prepared on the other side. I wouldn't blindly follow what she wanted. That would ruin things. I knew from what was set up though what she would want in general. Crystal would enjoy those things, but I was the dom, and she would be under my foot tonight.

Right where Crystal wanted to be.

I took a deep breath. I got my balance yet again on these retarded heels that I absolutely loathed at the moment. I then opened the door.

My stride came confidently and was measured. The heel-toe sounded measure and assured as I strode forth into Crystal's dungeon. I was in charge and confident. I moved with measured grace that looked like I actually knew how to walk in heels. I felt like me at this moment, and the thought of the heels was gone. My chin was high, and my expression stern looking for the naughty girl waiting for me. Inside I found a Giant X shape sitting in the middle of the room with straps ready to tie someone down. Behind it on a bed was Crystal, her face lighting up with my entrance.

Crystals eyes glinted instantly with lust as I strode into the room. Crystal was looking amazing, laying down on the bed on her side. Crystal looked amazing with Brown hair that flowed to her shoulders, and her petite body was showing off. Her breasts were contained in leather straps that held them in a circle, making them pop out. They looked ready and wanting to be teased. Crystal was in shape but not muscular like I was. Her body curved when it should and looked amazing. Crystal was soft, and I wanted her as those straps were tight around her body.

Other than the leather straps around her breasts. They went to the side to the back and seemingly came back around, crossing that lean stomach. They were tight and moved down to a strap that went around her hips. That strap then crossed down towards her pussy, disappearing between her thighs. Crystals tight little pussy remained shaved clean like always, and I had never seen a hair on it. Her legs were just as smooth, to my surprise—something that I would need to deal with tonight for tomorrow, I realized.

I put that thought out of my mind as I looked at the amazingly charming woman across the room for me. I could tell there was impatience, but that all left as soon as I stepped into the room. As I stepped into the room with a click of the heels, I took her attention, and I could see the lust enter her eyes looking at me. No, It was not lusting; it was a form of awe meant towards their superior deciding to bestow their presence to you with a mix of that with lust. I could see the excitement start to shine, and I let the click of the heels continue as I walked into the room confidently.

The click of the heels continued as I moved into the room, seeing the Giant X in the middle of the room. I saw what Crystal wanted with her outfit and the X in the middle of the room. I could even see the logo of that Crystal C that was the trademark of her work.

I moved to the cabinet while thinking about what I was going to do to my Girlfriend. Crystal was a Masochist who knew how to deal with things kink. Crystal seemed to know her limits and what she liked and didn't like. I remembered the first time she told me her safe words, and they were a work of wonder, in my opinion. They were three different ones, Each meaning different things.

'Green Light' Was the first one when with new plays. It strictly was a Greenlight to continue the new play since she was enjoying it. It was a, please continue and don't stop.

'Yellow Light' was the second, and it was Continue but proceed with caution. It meant that I was near her boundaries of what she didn't like. If this were said, I would continue, but I wouldn't go to an extreme in the play any longer, and afterward, we would need to talk about it.

'Red Light' Was a full stop to sexual activities. Everything would end for that moment, and we would need to go over what was it that made her stop the play so that it wouldn't happen again. This was not only for her physical safety if I was going overboard but for her mental safety. I didn't want to break Crystal's mind either.

All of these made me feel better as I arrived at the cabinet, opening it up to see a variety of whips and tools to punish the minx laying on her side. Crystal's body was enticing me and seducing me without even saying anything. The tension in the room even increased as I looked at those whips. I finally picked out a long Riding Crop that was as long as my leg. The whips whistled through the air sharply as I put some strength behind its movement. A smile came to my face, and I left the Cabinet open.

I turned slowly with the click of the heels resounding in the quiet room. The tension increased with each click of the heel.

"What a Naughty little slut do we have here?" I said, breaking the building tension in the room on my time. My confidence grew as I took a step forward toward the girl on the bed, "This naughty little slut isn't even doing her best to greet me," I said with scorn, now entering my tone, seeing Crystal's eyes widen a little. A blush then appeared on her cheeks. "This is my mistake," I said, taking the blame to myself.

Although neither of us noticed it, I finally realized a point I never noticed before. Crystal was a Masochist who others had trained. Not by me. This meant, in many ways, Crystal was my superior in the relationship even though I was the dom. This was okay when not playing with each other, but Crystal, seemingly without noticing it, acted like the superior.

Crystal had more experience after all, and I had already punished her once for this before. But that didn't mean that I could slack and let this continue. If it continued for a long time, I might even Lose Crystal since she wouldn't get excited from my presence.

The fact that she waited for me in the basement wasn't a bad thing. The fact that she made the outfit wasn't a bad thing either, I contemplated. No, It was the fact that I followed her instructions from beginning to the end without taking the initiative. This whole night was a reward for this amazing outfit for Crystal. That was also why she put out that X and left the rest to me. There wouldn't be any fun for her if she planned everything.

Crystal realized her mistake when she blushed but to be honest, and we hadn't set anything up for greetings in play. "I will be rectifying that tonight, my little slut. You have been a naughty girl, and I will make sure you remember your training after this." I told Crystal and Started to close the distance before stopping about three strides away. "Stand up, Slut!" I barked an order demanding her attention. Crystal was startled but got off the bed and stood before me.

I was already taller than Crystal. Now with the heels, I towered over her looking down upon her naturally. I had the crop aimed straight down, and I let it trail up Crystal's leg slowly up the leg to her thigh. It then slowly went between her legs, "Spread your legs," I ordered Crystal.

"Yes," Crystal replied, her voice traced with heavy lust as I took charge.

My crop whistled and licked at her thigh. "Yes, Mistress to you!" I told Crystal.

"Yes, Mistress!" Crystal cried out, the lust in her tone only growing.

I knew some of what Crystal was doing was for my benefit. It probably for my benefit, as she usually did without outright expressing it. Then again, it was one of the things that I didn't know about my girlfriend. She liked to do things that I never expected, and this could very well be one of them.

Crystal slightly opened her legs and increased the distance that they were spread when the crop lashed her thigh to force her to open it more. The liquids that I could see coating the leather of the straps that surrounded but didn't cover her pussy showed how excited my Girlfriend was getting. Crystal was getting into it as the crop whipped her thigh once again, leaving another red line across her thigh.

"This is the distance should look to be when I tell you to spread your legs, Slut!" I said, trailing the crop along where I just lashed her. Crystal's legs were now shoulder length apart and her arms down. I didn't like that, and so I told her so, "Those arms need to be in better positions too. Put them behind your head and puff our you slutty breasts!" I ordered. Crystal followed this time without incident for me to find to whip her.

I looked her over, and I was sad I didn't have a place to walk around behind her as I inspected her since she was so close to the bed. Something to remember for next time, I thought and filed it in the back of my mind for next time. "Yes, This is better; Whenever from now on, I tell you to spread your legs and Present. This is what I want to see. Do you understand?" I said, realizing I needed something to call Crystal whenever I play with her. I didn't want to call her slut and Whore as much. I wanted something that put her in place without making her in the same position as Tracy. Tracy was just my cumdump, My whore and Slut. Crystal meant more for me, and it felt weird to continually use the same demeaning words on her as I did the Skank.

It wasn't that I didn't want to call her that, and it wasn't that Crystal didn't appreciate being called that. The increased amount of fluids soaking the leather I saw spoke of that. It was like I wanted a specific term that I would use just for her. It was something that I would have to think about.

"Yes, Mistress," I saw Crystal's eyes glitter with lust as I told her something that would remain throughout our relationship.

The crop moved slowly up her thigh to her dripping wet pussy, and I heard a soft sigh of delight as my crop moved through her wet cunt to her clit. The leather on the end of the crop touched her clit, and I noticed her body retreat from the sensitive touch ever so slightly.

"Oh," I said, noticing that retreat, "Why are you moving away from my touch?" I asked her, my tone sounding malicious. I then moved the Crop back and forth lightly across her Clit.

"Ah!" Crystal's voice let out a slight squeal as the leather moved back and forth along her clit. Her body then tried to retreat.

As her body tried to retreat, the Crop stopped playing with her clit, and I lashed her thigh, making her yelp. "Did I say you could retreat?!" I loudly said. My tone was absolute in its decisiveness.

"No, Mistress!" Crystal cried out, shaking her head.

"Then why are you moving your body, Slut?" I asked her as I lashed her hip with the leather this time. "You will remain absolutely still," I ordered. I then moved the crop back to her pussy, wetting the leather with her pussy juices before playing with her clit. The smell in the room was now filled with her pheromones of a bitch in heat needing cock inside her to satisfy her lust. Crystal watched me as I played with her clit lightly with the leather and tried to hold herself still.

I could see the struggle as the leather moved back and forth on her exposed clit. Crystal whimpered and moaned as I flicked the leather back and forth along the tip. She cried out, "Please, Mistress, Forgive me!" Crystal cried out.

"Forgive you for what?" I asked her. I was having a hard time with a hard-on in my panties. It was trying to break free, but the Panties stopped it with its hard leather. This was both a blessing and a curse, as I was uncomfortable with it. It was riding my ass, but I never let that show on my face.

"Please, Mistress, I Want More!" Crystal begged as I then moved up the short length of the Clitoral hood. This reduced how much she felt, and Crystal groaned as the pleasure decreased.

"And, I should care why?" I asked her, "I never said you could cum or not. I never said should feel pleasure from this Slut." My tone was strict, "Why should you feel pleasure while I get nothing, Slut?" I said and realized it almost sounded like complaining from me. Therefore I cut off that conversation and decided to move on from teasing her clit with the crop.

"Fine, though, You want more, Slut?" I said, my tone questioning.

"Yes, Mistress, I Want More!" Crystal cried out.

"Okay," My tone was conversational. It showed nothing else, and I strode forward in the heels like a pro and grabbed Crystal by her hair. I pulled her towards the Giant X in the room. Crystal gasped in surprise as I forced her towards the X. I wasn't nice about it, and the heels clicked on the floor as I moved her towards that position. When she was before it, I took each arm, and I put them in the leather straps that were on the X. I put her right arm first while Crystal was still startled at my roughness with her body.

Crystal allowed me to do so without a fight, though, and soon, each limb was bound on the X, with me taking my time to bind her legs. I was very careful as I got on my knees with the heel and bound her legs to the X. I almost lost my balance getting back to my feet, but I did it without much trouble. My calf muscles were starting to hurt in places that I didn't realize lacked working out. Or they never needed that type of workout before.

"Well, My little slut," I Slowly said as I got to my feet with my smirk growing, "Are you ready for the fun about to begin?" I asked her.

Crystal seemed curious, "What do you mean?" Crystal asked wonderingly.

I brought my head closer, "Until I say, You are forbidden from cumming. If you do..." My tone turned menacing with the last three words as they trailed off, "I think since Samantha has been so kind as to give me some liquid funds, I will purchase a Chastity belt for you." My grin turned wicked as horror at the thought of not even being able to masturbate rolled through her. I leaned down to her chin and licked up her face towards her ear. I could taste her sweet skin with the slight taste of salt from sweat, "I think one day in Chastity for each orgasm?" My tone was questioning. "Yes, I think that will be a suitable punishment tonight if you fail," I told her, bringing myself back up to my full height.

My cock hardened as I saw the horror and lust as I took control of the play. Crystal shook her head, "No, That's too mean." Crystal said.

My hand slapped her across the face with controlled force, "You don't get a say, Slut," I told Crystal harshly, "You're under my control now." I stepped back and carefully walked over to the selection. I was about to take out the toys when I decided against it. It all felt wrong tonight. Instead, I wanted to feel it myself.

I was in front of Crystal again, and my hand brushed against her cheek. My hand then slipped down her face to her neck; a finger then trailed to her breast, and I gave it a hard smack. "My little slut, You are so delicious looking. I will give you a test," I said before slapping her other breast with equal strength making Crystal squeal with pain. "You will get a reward if you hold out till I tell you to cum. You already know the punishment if you fail," I told Crystal with a wicked grin. My hand trailed, and I had to lean down slightly as I found her dripping wet pussy.

My fingers spread her pussy lips open, my gloved fingers becoming moist from her wetness. The leather of my gloves glided over that sensitive clit as I grinned. I pushed a finger into her pussy, Hearing Crystal gasp with the new sensation of my leather finger entering into her. I hooked my finger, and I started to fuck her.

Crystal's moans started to sound in the room as I started to fuck her faster and faster with my fingers. I could feel the heat as her canal tightened. I pushed a second and third finger into her as she easily took it from my cock, stretching her pussy out. Crystal's moans increased in volume, and I increased in speed. The sound of fluids being repeatedly moved sounded in the room as I finger fucked her harder and harder.

Crystals' cries filled the room, "Mistress," Crystal gasped, "I want to Cum!"

"Hold it!" I ordered Crystal harshly, "You will not cum until I tell you too!"

My fingers dove in with liquids splashing out onto my leather-covered hand gliding in and out of her pussy, "Please! Mistress, I want to Cum!" Crystal cried out as I continued my movement mercilessly. She was not given her a single moment of rest.

"Not yet!" I responded, continuing to finger fuck her pussy. Crystal's face was one of desperation, and she bit her lip. Her arms strained against the restraints as my fingers moved faster and faster inside of her.

"God, Mistress, I NEED TO CUM!" Crystal cried; tears streamed down from her eyes as my finger mercilessly moved inside her making her gasp and beg, "PLEASE, I NEED TO CUM!" She cried the amount of fluid as she bit her lip harder to hold back the orgasm that was building inside her.

My fingers never stopped, and I didn't respond as I moved closer and closer while her begging increased in volume. Her Cries rang loud in my ears as I heard her pleasure-filled begging while she was helpless in my arms.

Finally, I whispered in her ear, "Cum, Slave. Cum like the slutty little slave you are," My tone was soft and stern as the order rang in her ear softly.

A scream that rang my ears erupted, and my fingers fucked her as she squirted all over my leather-bound hands. My cock strained inside my panties. The beginning was just her squirting all over my fingers, but she lost control of her bladder as her hips bucked as my fingers continued to move inside of her. Her pussy spasmed on my fingers as I continued to push in and out of her without restraint.

Crystal's scream continued, and right after the golden liquid stopped spraying out, it turned clear again, and her Scream refreshed as my fingers continued to fuck her into oblivion. I stopped thrusting into her spasming pussy with the second Squirt as I watched her hips thrust forward. I wanted more now. My cock was hungry for pussy, and the smell of female pheromones with urine started to litter the room.

I didn't care about the stink, though. My slutty slave's pussy was ready for my cock, and I wanted to fuck her more. I regained control quickly, though, as I found Crystal's body go limp after her orgasm. I smirked as something even hotter came to mind.

My leather-gloved hand moved towards the panties, and the zipper unzipped audibly in the room. With the loosening of the panties, I saw Crystal look up quickly. Her eyes shot immediately to my cock as it sprang free. With its freedom, it would have whipped whatever was in its way. I remembered that for later, and I moved away from Crystal. I sighed, hidden from Crystal in relief that my cock wasn't held in the panty cage anymore. It was no longer comfortable in there and was riding me.

I got to the cabinets and found one of the magic wands we used on the Sissy bitch., I moved over to Crystal with it and turned it on. The vibrations sounded in the room. "Reward time, Slave!" I told Crystal.

"I Just Came!" Crystal exclaimed, her arms straining against the restraints.

I ignored the plea, and with another two clicks of my heels, I was in front of her passing the wand against her sensitive pussy. "You will not cum without permission, Slave!" I ordered, and a look of horror and desperation covered her face before pleasure racked through her body from her pussy. I pressed it to her pussy, hearing the sound of vibrating fluids throughout the room.

"I about to Cum!" Crystal yelled, and I moved the Wand away quickly.

Crystal loudly groaned as I edged her and her hips pushed out, looking for the pleasure that was just denied, "Did I say you could cum, slave?" I asked.

"Mistress, please! Let me cum!" Crystal begged.

"I didn't ask the slave," I said, slapping her face with a controlled level of strength. "I asked, and don't make me repeat myself, Did I say you could cum, slave?" I asked one more time slowly.

"No, Mistress," Crystal said with a whine as I had denied her.

"Your right," I told her clearly, "I didn't give you permission to cum, and you still don't have it." I pushed the wand to her pussy again, and Crystal gasped.

"Oh, God," Crystal cried as her fluids vibrated with her pussy. Her gasps and cries to god filling the room, "Mistress," She started to someone who might listen, "Please, Let me Cum!" Crystal begged.

I watched her preparing her pussy for what I wanted and said flatly, "NO, Slave, Hold it."

"PleSAe!" Her voice strained so much desperation and want in that tone. "PleaSE! Mistress, I am about to Cum!" Crystal cried out, and I moved the wand away from her pussy again. Her Groans were filling the room.

"No," I told her, "You do not have permission to cum yet, Slave," I told Crystal flatly.

"Please, Mistress, I need IT!" Crystal begged loudly, and I pushed the wand to her pussy again. The vibration shook her. The dripping fluids increased in volume as the wand vibrated against that wanting cunt.

"Hold it," I told her instead. Crystal groaned with my order and gritted her teeth. I watched, and her groans and moans sounded even louder. I then removed the Vibrator, and Crystal's hips bucked again in the air. Her arms strained against the restraints, and she cried.

"Mistress, Please," Crystal sobbed. "I want to cum; I want to cum, I really need to cum, MistresssssssSSS!" Crystal begged pleadingly.

I felt my cock twitch wanting her pussy so bad as I saw the fluids drip to the nasty smelling ground. I moved the wand back, and Crystal couldn't contain her voice as I told her, "Hold it in, Slave, Hold it in. You are not allowed to cum." My voice was loud, and she heard over her screams.

"I NEED TO CUM! PLEASE MAKE ME CUM, MISTRESSSSS!" Crystal's cries and begging continued. I felt so good watching her strain against the restraints, and a wicked smile grew on my face as I pulled the wand away from her pussy again. Her hips bucked again, and Crystal Cried, "PLEASE! I NEED TO CUM!" Her voice was hitting a pitch that I never heard from her before, and I moved.

With five clicks of the heels, I grabbed a couple of condoms from the condom drawer and ripped open a package with my teeth and dry hand. I then slipped the condom onto my cock and strode back as Crystal sobbed. Her sight seemed to have failed her for the moment, "Please, Mistress, I want to cum," She sobbed, and I didn't say a thing as I pushed the wand against her pussy again. "MISTRESS!" Crystal screamed as the pleasure filled her head again. Her screams echoing in the basement, and I watched her near the peak of cumming again. Right as she was Screaming out she was going to cum I removed the wand.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Crystal screamed as the wand moved away. The despair in her voice heard to anyone within earshot.

"You may cum," I told her as I bent my knees to get myself under her and I shoved my cock up into her now spasming pussy with the fresh insertion of my monster cock. Crystal didn't even scream; her mouth opened wide, gapping in wordless pleasure as her pussy erupted with fresh fluids all over my leather outfit. Fresh pussy juice dripping down the shirt and down my leather heels.

Crystal's scream of pleasure came a full two minutes later as my cock continued to push into her, and I started to move as pleasure roared through her pussy to her mind. "AHHHHHHHHH!" The scream sounded suddenly as I roughly fucked her spasming pussy, deliberately making her cum over and over again on my cock. The pleasure filled my mind as I finally took my sweet slutty slave.

I Finally erupted as Crystal seemingly continued to squirt with each thrust. My cock filled the condom inside her womb as her scream continued.

I pulled out as the condom slipped off and pulled out the full condom. Crystal's scream finally died down. Her voice sounded hoarse from the screaming. I tied up the condom and ripped open a fresh one. I watched as I slipped on the second condom waiting for Crystal to recover.

Minutes rolled past, and I closed my lips to hers. The kisses were returned a couple of seconds later as Crystal seemed to come back to herself.

"Oh, My God," Crystal said as I broke the kiss.

"Ready for round two?" I asked her seriously.

I didn't want to give her that choice at this moment, but something told me I needed to ask. Crystal looked down at my hard condom-covered cock and shook her head, "I, I need a minute." Crystal said, huffing in the air, "I, I think I saw my dead Great grandparents there. I never met them before either." Crystal said, and I chuckled.

I opened the restraints legs first, allowing her arms to carry her weight before I then released them. Crystal continued to gasp, and I brought her over to the bed. I sat her down on my lap. I then kissed her lips. Crystal greedily returned the kisses, and soon my Cock was in her pussy staring the next round as her arms wrapped around my neck.

Crystal took it at her own pace for round two. That wasn't true for the round three through Six.

After Six, we were in the Jacuzzi naked together, lounging. Crystal held me tight, her naked body refusing to unlatch from me.

"That, Was, Hot," Crystal said, breaking the silence. Nothing had been while we cleaned up after the sex finished, but we needed this cooldown time to talk.

"Thanks, I struggled to maintain things though, Although." I paused, "Watching you beg to cum got me so hard I had to let myself out." I told her truthfully.

"I didn't fake one ounce of that begging," Crystal replied; the exhaustion and the slight hoarseness to her voice spoke of the amount of screaming she did this evening.

"I believed it, and I could hear the desperation in your tone. It had me hot and bothered wanting to take your pussy right away." I told her.

"That was hands down the best series of Orgasms I have ever had. When that cock struck straight to my womb. I can't even begin to explain the pleasure I felt. It was like the world collapsed. I had no idea what happened; all that I knew was my pussy felt so much pleasure. I could only scream to convey the feelings." Crystal finished.

I leaned down to the clutching Crystal and brought her more onto my lap. I then took her lips softly. I didn't want her to think I was restarting sex. I just wanted to convey feelings to her.

Crystal didn't seem to care what the kiss was for and returned it. We lost each other in that embrace, and our tongues played together for minutes before our kiss broke. We both took deep lungfuls of air and smiled at each other.

"Bedtime," I told her, picking her up after that hot soaking in the jacuzzi. "I have school tomorrow. I also am going to Samantha's place. Can I ask you a favor?" I said as I helped her towards the towels.

"Let me guess," I heard Crystal say with a sly tone, "Clean up the outfit and Drive you to Samantha's Funhouse?"

"Well, Yes," I said, slightly embarrassed for no reason. Then I realized there was a reason, and that was the fact that I was getting my girlfriend to clean up the outfit she made so that I could play with someone else.

"No worries," Crystal said with a chuckle as I helped her clean up, "And don't worry about the optics. I would never have told you about Samantha's job if I had a problem with you playing with others." Crystal said as I finished drying her body off.

We moved slowly towards the stairs, and I noticed the mess of fluids in the basement. I winced, realizing I never cleaned up after the messes I made Crystal make.

Crystal didn't say anything, though, and soon we were upstairs into her bedroom. I helped her to bed, and I laid down beside her and pulled her close. Crystal turned so that she faced me, and we kissed. "Good night," Crystal said.

"Good night," I replied as I felt so good my eyelids closed as our arms held each other tightly, breasts pressed together.

I slipped easily into unconsciousness as I heard the soft breathing of my Girlfriend.


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I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.


I would love to thank 

AchlysApep, Fate Hydrax, Xenor, Fightnguru, Royce321, Stormrall, Soundsmad, Grangel, Smile, Nightrise, Curtis1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Havoc, Ritsu 229, Celeng_Liar, Arl, Julekule, Z. T. Wyen, ShadowReader, С. Закиров, BIGSHOTSWAG, Hydra587, Prodigal211, Error, Belkoth, Deviantgamer9, tiffy tang, jon dumey, Yanuut, Ez Gipten, Tnarb, A baker, Czelphaghor, Deerfaced, Mr.Tiemos, Dannyzee123, Hugo Dehesdin, Dallas Rachal, The Theoritizer, Kaizer, EXORAVANT, Von (the closeted futa kink), Chris, Za'afiel, MaraH87, Caid, Bertako, C. Panagis, J. Thomas, David Gillotte, Unholy Valkyrie, Sam, Bearagon, Aniyah Frazier, Blueecho, DarKSoulS, Skorno, HutchTheWolf, J. J. Betts, Key, Raggedcastle, AnarchyBellic, Myr, Rodimus Scoop, GamerDude, Akashihestia, Keyku, Valkyrie, Mjkenstock, C. Spiller, CrusaderHandrail, S. Simons, C. Nielsen, J. Baker, EvilPotatoOverlord, Iron, søren Frost, Satei, Ceymour, Ferdinand Schon, Tyler, Fantasy12, Franie, Justin "Johnist" Johanson, QuantumServer, D. Ozols, W. Arnold, ReclamerS117, Sir Hellington, K. Bengier, aj honeck, Prasad Hettiarachchi, Ryuse Ikejima, Plus1, Yuna, The Crimson Maid, horus scope, John Doe, Srdjan, Fynir, Mr Ares, Story Seeker, Piter Parker, The Absorber, daemon, cardrunder, David Gillotte, M. Jean, L. Petersen, K. Wulfe, G. Brown  for supporting me on Patreon. I couldn't do it without all of you!


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