Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 37/ 8: Training Needs Work

I awoke to the sound of an alarm. It was my own, and I moaned, trying to move. My body was heavier than I was used to, and I felt something clinging to me. My eyes opened, and I realized my phone was far away. I looked over and didn't immediately recognize where I was. The starting of dawn was in the window, and the soft curtains fluttered in the wind. Something soft and clinging to me. I looked down, and my expression softened as I noticed my girlfriend clinging to me.

I also started to feel something wet, and the smile faded. I grimaced, but I knew it would come soon. Crystal was clinging to me, and I started to pry off her tight fingers that were on me. As I tried to do so, Crystal's eyes fluttered open, and she smiled for a second before grimacing.

"Morning," Crystal said, and I kissed her forehead.

"Are you okay?" I asked with sympathy.

"Yeah, It's honestly a relief at this point. I have been late by a couple of days, and with how active we've been, I wasn't expecting the best. I care for you and all, But I don't want kids right now." Crystal replied. Her grimace deepened, and her arms tightened for a moment.

"I understand your pain," I told her.

"HOW WOULD YOU, UNDERSTAN...." Crystal shot back before unexpectedly stopping. I merely raised an eyebrow while she took a deep breath. "Sorry, You do understand the pain I am in. I- I am not used to a partner that can stretch me, as you can also understand this pain. I shouldn't have yelled like that. I just feel a little off at the moment." Crystal said.

"No worries, I have the same reaction whenever my father says to suck it up and things like that during it," I told her, my expression darkening. "The whole I understand that you are in pain bullshit he tries to pull isn't something I like to listen to. I found it is easier just to ignore him than tell my mother what he said." My smirk turned vicious. "He has learned to keep his mouth shut after doing that a couple of times."

Crystal chuckled as I told her how I dealt with my father's idiocy. She grimaced again a couple of seconds later. "This is going to be annoying," Crystal commented.

"Here, Let me get you some things, but I also need to turn off that alarm. So, can you let me get up?" I asked her softly.

Crystal let go and nodded. I kissed her forehead and got out of bed. The sheets would need to be changed, but that wasn't something I would need to deal with. I didn't want to be crass, but I had to get to school soon, but to help Crystal out, I could help change them with her. I started to rummage her medicine cabinet, and I found the pills she kept. I grabbed them and looked in the mirror as it closed. I noticed the blood on me and grimaced. It wasn't exactly a thing I wanted to keep on me. Still, I rummaged for more supplies, and I moved through her drawers. I quickly gathered what Crystal would need and noticed I was missing water.

"I will grab a cup from downstairs for the pills in a moment. I will also help with making your bed. Here are some supplies to start with, though. You can put them on while I go get some water." I told Crystal, who nodded.

"Thank you," Crystal said.

I moved down the stairs and got to her kitchen and filled up a cup of water from her fridge, and brought it upstairs to take care of my girlfriend. Honestly, what Crystal said was a relief. When I met her last week, she told me that it wasn't a safe day. That meant that it had to come soon. It came now meant that we were good. It should have been this much of a relief, but I was nowhere near ready for kids at this point. Knowing that I wouldn't have them right now, at least with Crystal at this moment, was a relief.

I came back up, and Crystal was standing with the blue panties I found for her. I passed her the glass of water, and she took it and swallowed the pills. Crystal sighed and looked at me before grimacing. "Okay, I am sorry, but Please shower. I feel weird watching you walk around with it on you. Thank you for taking care of me, though." Crystal said, and I nodded.

"No problem. I expected this at some point. Honestly, I was somewhat hoping for it. Although I like you, Crystal, I don't want kids yet either." I told her with a slight smile.

Crystal blanked and gave a soft smile. "Okay, Thank you again. Go shower, though. I know you have school soon too. Are you going to see the sissy today?" Crystal asked, and I started to move to her shower to clean up.

"Yup, The little sissy bitch is back playing football again. I will admit he is skilled in it and already has promised a university. I don't remember that he will be on their team. It is a done deal, basically. It is an ego boost for him, and I need to keep him in control so that his tiny ego boost doesn't make him too big for his tiny cage." I replied to Crystal as I turned on the shower. "You want to see the Videos that he sends to me?" I asked, suddenly turning back to her as I see her at her vanity washing her face, "I haven't had time to review them all. But I am sure you would probably enjoy them," I smirked, and she looked at me through the mirror.

I saw a smile appear on her face and Crystal nodded, "You are asking me if I want to see a sissy humiliating himself for his mistress?" Crystal asked, "Of course I do." Crystal answered her own question and grimaced. "Sorry, Bad cramps."

"No need to apologize." I replied, "As I said, I understand. I have had my own bad ones too. I am jumping into the shower, though." I old her and I got into the shower. I heard Crystal outside doing things instead of joining me. That was a shame, but I cleaned up with her stuff before jumping out clean. We had showered last night, but I knew that after this morning, Crystal would jump in soon after I left. She looked tired, and I couldn't blame her. She was brushing her teeth when I got back out, realizing that I forgot to do that last night myself. I frowned in thought about that and moved behind her.

"I have a toothbrush here, right. I can't remember," I told Crystal, who shrugged. She opened up a drawer and pulled out a pack of manuals. I raised an eyebrow at her and took out one from the pack.

I started to brush while Crystal finished up. After she finished, Crystal replied, "I use to have doms come over. Of course, I have extras. Most of the time, I just throw them out afterward." Crystal's tone was a matter of fact, and I noticed that she watched me in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. It was like she was watching me for a reaction. I continued to brush my teeth though and spat out the leftover toothpaste.

"That makes sense," I replied before leaning over to get some water to wash out my mouth. My breasts pressed against her arm as I did so. "Cheaper in the long run, and if they stay a little longer than a couple of hours, you don't have to deal with morning breath." I finished. I saw her smile, "Were you expecting more from me?" I asked Crystal.

"Honestly, I am still getting to know you," Crystal replied, leaning back, and I put down the toothbrush before holding her. My arms went around her breasts as she leaned onto mine. "I haven't seen any jealousy from you, though." Crystal finished.

"Well, If I am honest. How can I be jealous when I have nothing to be jealous about. I like you as you are," I replied, thinking carefully, "If I am jealous you were with others before me, then how much of a hypocrite would I be. I am with you now, and I am still sleeping and fucking others." I continued, "I also am getting a job as a Mistress for those who pay. I don't know what else to say about this. You are who you are, Crystal. I like who you are, and that means accepting what I know about you. What I know about you is that mainly, You are a pervert!" I exclaimed.

Crystal blushed, and I kissed her neck, "You are my pervert now," I continued to kiss her neck multiple more times, "And this discussion can continue later since I need to meet up with that sissy to put him in his place some more. I wonder if that ego has inflated at all?" I wondered out loud.

Crystal giggled and pushed me back, "Fine, You can escape this time, And you are right. I am a pervert; make sure to record what you do to that sissy today. I want to see it." Crystal finished, and I started to move to grab my stuff and get dressed. I noticed the time, and I started to calculate in my head, and I put on my gym uniform. My hair was still a bit wet, but I could deal with it at school. I got my clothes and strapped on the weights and was about to head out when Crystal came downstairs without her top and in those same blue panties.

"Hey, You were about to leave without saying bye to me?" Crystal said with a raised eyebrow.

I smirked in reply, "Honestly, I am starving." I told her, and Crystal's eyes widened in the realization of something.

"What are you going to eat?" Crystal asked, and I realized that I had no lunch either. The Debit card from the bank with my money wouldn't allow me to purchase anything at the cafeteria either.

"Pussy?" I replied to make a joke and only got a stern expression from Crystal.

"I can't let you go hungry the whole day; follow me before your run. I might not be able to get you full, but I at least can make you a healthy shake." Crystal said. "Also, that joke was crass," She then chuckled, "Tracy going to get some action from you today?" Crystal asked.

"Yup, That skank got a break yesterday at lunch. I played with the sissy bitch instead. In fact, I found something interesting on my way out too." I told Crystal.

Crystal was grabbing things from the freezer and fridge as she listened to me and turned to me with a raised eyebrow, "What was that?" She asked before crouching to find something in her fridge.

"Well, I found someone made a mess of female ejaculate outside of where I was fucking that sissy," I replied, and Crystal came out of the fridge with a plastic container of fruit with a raised eyebrow.

"That is interesting," Crystal replied, "What are you going to do about it?" Crystal asked, her tone now really interested and had a smile.

"At this point, nothing. Although," I smirked as Crystal began to toss things into a blender, "I am wondering if they will visit today at lunch." I replied; the smirk on my face grew. I felt something like anticipation as I talked about it. I was genuinely curious who it was. They watched me fuck the high school quarterback that was wearing panties and caged and masturbated. Multiple times, remembering the size of that pool of female ejaculate.

I woke up from my thoughts as I heard the blender start and looked at my girlfriend. Crystal shook her head, and I moved over to her and kissed her lips. She returned the kiss, and our tongues intertwined. I didn't let the kiss break until the blender stopped, and my panties felt a bit tight. Still, I backed off, and Crystal started to move again. Her smile grew, and there were no words exchanged as she got a thermos for me to drink while she took a portion for herself.

"What time is your lunch?" Crystal asked me, breaking the silence. I told her the time with a questioning face, "I will bring you a lunch. That way, you can still train your skank properly during lunch. You need calories, though. How is it going with volleyball?" Crystal asked.

I smiled with a huge grin, "I am excited; Mrs. Grendier is giving me one on one tutoring during Gym class. Team practice is on Mondays and Thursdays. I don't know how late I will be on those days, but I will also discuss this with Samantha." I told Crystal.

"One-on-one practice; That's great, isn't it?" Crystal asked.

"Yeah, I am excited about it. I have a lot to catch up on, and Mrs. Grendier is really helping me out. I am happy with this favoritism. Still, she is drilling me hard on the court, but I am enjoying it." I told her, and I took the blended concoction and took a swig. "Tasty!" I told Crystal what I thought of it.

"Good," Crystal replied to my compliment. "Now, Although it feels weird to be saying this, Go, You need to get to school. Teach that sissy whose boss today," Crystal smirked.

I moved forward again, grabbed Crystal by the hips, and I took her lips. Crystal seemed surprised but returned the deep kiss. I broke it soon, though, and Touched her forehead with mine. "I hope the cramps let up and you feel better. Thanks for breakfast. I look forward to seeing you at lunch." I told Crystal, who blushed at the sudden intimacy.

"Thanks, I look forward to it as well," Crystal said, Then pointed at the door out. I smiled, made sure I had everything, and put the container of breakfast with the lid sealed shut in a side pocket of my backpack before going out the door. I headed to the gate opening it. I started to run towards school with my feet hitting the pavement. I smiled as the wind started to dry my hair as it started to dance in the wind.

My heart lightened, and I felt good as I ran. It was these morning runs that kept me sane some days, I felt. I loved raw exertion as I ran towards my destination—each step bringing me closer to my goal. I always arrived at that destination as long as I continued bringing one foot in front of the other. The exertion of it always brought me closer to my goals, and the sweat was proof of my efforts.

The school came too quickly, and I took an extra lap around before running down the deserted halls. I wondered who opened the school this early? I never really saw anyone, and I knew that they would lock it up sometime in the evening. I wondered who unlocked it in the morning, though.

That thought left my head as I reached the teacher's locker room and entered. On the bench was Jake. I heard a video playing on it talking about football. The announcer was talking about things that I guess they're related to football too. Jake turned though as the door shut behind me. This time I wondered if I should lock the room or if the peeper knew about the mornings too. I didn't want to let her think she wasn't welcome in the morning either.

That thought brought a smirk to my face as I stepped into the room. I took out the shake, and I unsealed it to take a large gulp. I watched the sissy and said, "Well, Why haven't you greeted me?" I asked with contempt dripping from my tone.

"Good morning Mistress, I hope you had a good sleep last night?" Jake said as he jumped up off the bench, trying to put his phone away.

I held out my hand and waited. Jake was confused until something dawned on him about ten seconds later and pulled out his phone. He put it in my hand, and I looked at it for a second before putting it off to the side. I then grabbed my phone and hit record to show my girlfriend later. With the phone on record, it was time to start. I then put the phone off to the side so it could see as much of the scene coming up as possible.

"Time for inspection, Sissy," I told Jake.

Jake paused and turned as he saw the light from my phone that I activated and knew I was recording. He paused for another moment before taking off his shirt. A purple bra was on his chest, covering his nipples, and I smirked, "Good, Girl, Wearing your bra today. Don't want your breasts to sag before you can find a man." I commented, making Jake blush, and I could see his fury at the comment. I noticed that fury immediately, "Oh, Angry this time, are you, sissy boy?" My tone was mocking.

Jake visibly was fighting his anger. It seemed, for some reason, my comment truly made him angry. "Oh, Look at you," I replied, my tone condescending with a hint of scorn. "The little sissy knows his place but is shaking in anger." My tone suddenly sobered, "Come on, sissy boy, how about you show that anger to your mistress? Show me what a man you are. Attack me, little bitch. I will put you out on the floor again like last time." My tone was much more serious.

This time alarm showed on Jake's face. He realized I wasn't joking. He looked at me with fear instead of wondering why I changed my attitude toward his anger. "What?" I asked, "You are angry at me. Now you are scared," I commented, looking at him turning my head. "Why are you suddenly changing your attitude?" I asked him.

Jake seemed confused as I confronted his anger, "Tell me, you sissy bitch!" I ordered him, "Tell me, why are you angry?" I asked.

Jake's mouth opened and closed, lost for words as I had confronted his anger head on. He was angry and humiliated; I didn't need him to tell me that. I knew it, and I wanted him to feel that way. Confronting that source of anger, though, was something I would do eventually, even if it weren't today.

Suddenly Jake stood tall to my surprise only for a moment. "I am not looking for men." He told me seriously, "I am not into men. I like women!" He loudly told me, bordering on yelling.

I closed the last little bit of distance. "You are a Sissy bitch," I told him as he avoided the argument with me, "You like big fat cocks up your sissy ass." I continued, "If you don't like men, then you have a peculiar habit of sucking cock." I finished.

"You're a woman," He countered.

My smirk remained. You could argue my gender both ways. I classified myself as a woman, and I wasn't planning on changing that. His argument was sound, and his smug look made me want to hit him.

My smile grew, "Your right," I told him, "I am a woman." I replied. My fist then hit him right in the kidney.

A gasp of surprise and pain left him as I hit him. I crouched to join him as Jake fell to his knees. "Jake," I said, my tone serious, "You seem to think you can be a smart ass with me," I said, my tone conversational. "You are wrong; you are my sissy bitch; in a minute, I am going to put my cock deep in your ass and fuck you till you sissygasm all over these tiles like you have done dozens of times before." I continued as Jake groaned in pain from the sudden hit. "You are my sissy little cum bucket, and I will dump my cum into your intestines whenever I feel like it. You already are beyond help loving anal sex." I paused by head neared him, "But, You are right," I whispered, "I am a woman. Maybe it's time to find some boys that want some action too." I finished.

His groaning came to a stop, and he looked up at me. He was surprised and horrified. I took off my weights, and I set them aside before taking off my pants. My cock was flaccid, and I put it on top of his face covering it. "This is my cock, sissy," I told him slowly, "Thank me for the chance to pleasure me and start sucking," I ordered.

Jake looked at me, not understanding what was going on. Then his mouth opened, "Thank you, Mistress, Thank you for the chance to please your large cock," then his tongue started to lick the edges of my cock, then up and down the length.

I smiled as I watched him start to pleasure me more and more. My cock started to harden, and I pushed his face to my balls, and he sucked on them before I let him go. "We don't have time today for you to give me a good proper blowjob," I said in the silence of him spreading saliva over my cock. "You will lube me up to insert it into your little boy pussy." I smirked, and I saw the sissy now suckling on the tip of my cock shudder. I could feel it too, but he didn't respond. My hand came down and smacked his face lightly. "What do you say when you hear an order?" I asked, feeling annoyed. 'Didn't I just go over this yesterday?' I thought, 'Here I am going over everything again. Is he Stupid or obstinate.'

"Yes, Mistress," The sissy said, taking a breath afterward and started to lube my cock up with his tongue. I took off my gym shirt and bra, tossing them to the side by my bag, and pulled my cock away. I took a seat behind him, my cock standing strong.

"Present yourself for inspection, now," I ordered. Jake got up, and his hand came to where I punched him. He looked much meeker than before, but I wondered if the attitude would be back tomorrow. The game of constant putting him in his place was getting old quickly. I expected to be listened to by my sissy. He was constantly fighting back. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

While I was in thought, Jake dropped his trousers showing matching purple panties to his bra that he still wore. He moved it aside to show me a clean-shaven asshole that had a large black plug in it. My fingers reached out as his hand then showed the sissy cage that contained his sissy clitty. My fingers gripped the anal plug and pulled it out. Jake gasped as I pulled it out with a moan erupting from his mouth.

I put the plug to the side and ordered him, "Penetrate yourself, sissy. You are going to be doing all the moving today, any you don't get to leave until I ejaculate and fill your intestines."

Jake moved without question, but I knew today that this lesson wasn't going to sink in. I was doing something wrong with this sissy, and I didn't have the time this morning to figure it out.

"Yes, Mistress," He said, but I knew his attitude wasn't in it till his knees were on the bench and my cock lined up with his sissy bitch hole. He pushed his hips down and moaned as my cock slipped into his asshole. Jake brought his hips down and pushed my cock deep into his asshole. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pressed his chest to my breasts. He got closer and moaned into my ear as his ass cheeks landed in my lap, taking my length and girth fully into himself.

"Move, Cocksleeve," I ordered, and Jake started to move. It was slow, and his ass felt good as he took small movements. Still, I held back as he moved his hips up and down, "Move faster," I ordered as it would take too long. I still didn't want to be late for classes.

The Sissy moved on his own, his caged clitty moving up and down when I told him something, "You get me to ejaculate, in the next five minutes, I will unlock your cage till we are done this morning." The sissy paused and looked at me, surprised for a second. Then he started to move more enthusiastically. His moans became louder, fueled by the want of freedom, however brief.

I then realized what I had been doing wrong for the last couple of days. Jake was a natural sissy bitch with something that fueled his ego. That was what kept him trying to rebel here and there. But I was doing things wrong as well. Jake being controlled only by the stick will only fear you. I will never accomplish my goal if I only harass him and punish him.

The sissy bitch needs incentives to follow my orders enthusiastically. I need positive reinforcement. I felt like facepalming myself as I heard moans, and my thoughts were fogged as I felt pleasure come up to my head as the sissy was making long fast strokes with his hips. I loudly moaned in response, letting the sissy know he was doing a good job.

"Mistress, I want you to cum for me," The sissy whispered in my ear, surprising me. "I want you to fill me up inside, Shoot you fat Load deep inside me," He begged, and I looked at him. His movements increased in speed, and the length of the movements shortened as his moans became even louder.

Letting the sissy do all the moving was annoying, but the sissy continued, and his moaning reached a peak, and I felt liquid dribble onto me while his ass tightened and spasmed on me. I moaned loudly, and I let my instincts fly. My hands landed on his ass, and I forced his ass up and down all while he came on my stomach. I forced that ass up and down till pleasure filled my head, and I released a fat load into his ass. I moaned with a hint of a growl and stood carrying the Sissy in my arms. I then pumped into his ass while my ejaculation released, and the sissy moaned in my arms.

As soon as my ejaculation finished, I pulled out of his ass and put him on the bench. I felt my legs shake only for a moment from the release, and I heard the sissy huffing for air behind me as I reached my bag. I picked up the key, and I moved back. "Stand on the bench," I ordered, "I am not kneeling for a sissy bitch like you."

Jake moved quickly on wobbly legs and stood on the bench. I unlocked the cage and helped his clitty out of it. The smell from it wasn't great, and I pointed at the shower before retrieving my phone. I hit the stop on the recording, and I didn't even wait to send it in an e-mail to Crystal. I then put in the email, "I learned something from this today," The quick blub wouldn't do much for Crystal, but I wondered if she would ask later what it was.

I then joined the sissy bitch in the shower. I started to clean up my body, making sure to wash my cock properly and the semen off my stomach. It was annoying that he came on me, but it wasn't a big deal to me. I was lost in thought about how to change my training style, though. At this rate, I would constantly be punishing Jake. That wasn't something I wanted to happen because it would be counterproductive.

This morning wasn't even that great session. I didn't feel satisfied at all and only annoyed. Still, I rewarded him for making me cum faster. He put in the real effort with the chance to be out of the cage. I was still lost in thought when I finished washing up and got out of the shower.

However, Jake was taking his time. He was washing himself, Very thoroughly, and I knew it was to purchase more time out of the cage. His cock was hard now, and as I was moving out of the shower, I stopped outside of it and watched as he 'washed' his clit. He was getting very enthusiastic about it, too, until my voice cut in, "If you cum, I will put you in that chair over the entire weekend."

Jake turned soap suds covering his cock with surprise. Then looked downcast and washed off the soap. He continued to clean, and his cock remained hard. I allowed it, though, although keeping watch to make sure he didn't try anything stupid.

Jake didn't seem desperate at this point, though, and I smirked at the thought of a new training regime for him. Maybe, just maybe, that would work better, I thought and smirked. Many of my plans were not working the way I wanted them to. That didn't mean they were bad plans, in my opinion, just I didn't have the right experience to do it right.

My smirk turned evil as I thought I would need to recruit his girlfriend to help. Maybe it was time to tell her soon. My smile turned more sadistic when I thought of the changes. Still, I couldn't implement this right away. Jake wasn't at the stage I needed to be for this to work. He needed to be more malleable to my orders. Right now, he still only follows them because of the blackmail.

The shower turned off, and the sissy clit was still hard. I pointed out the shower, "Clean your anal plug, put it back in, then you can put on your cage and hand me the key. If you act like a good sissy for the rest of the week, I will let you out again this weekend. If you don't follow my orders, though..." My voice trailed off, and I didn't continue.

The threat was issued, and the sissy looked down at his member and started to clean the plug. I moved to my bag and opened it up to grab my uniform. Inside though, I found a couple of dozen condoms that I didn't remember putting there. I then found a note with my clothes.

Crystal: Don't forget to use them, Don't need a knocked-up skank yet. ;D

I smiled and shook my head. Crystal was a mystery that I really liked. I wasn't sure what she thought of everything, but her being a pervert was something that I took for granted. I dressed with a smile, and the Sissy was finished getting Dressed.

I held out my hand. Jake hesitated, and a key entered my hand, "Show me," I told him simply.

He blushed, opened his pants, and his purple panties were on. He then moved them down, showing me a locked chastity cage, "Yes, Mistress," He said a little more meekly again. Still, I didn't buy his obedience as long as I could check; I didn't care.

"Good Girl, Go to class now," I told him. He turned, and as he was leaving, I spanked his ass. He tipped and looked back at me before rushing out.

As he left, I packed my bag thinking about how I needed to change my training regime on Jake. Maybe I would have some extra time to talk to Samatha tonight and ask about it. This thought really lightened my mood. Samantha had been really nice about my questions and actively encouraged them. It was nice to have the ability to ask someone.

I left the room with my stuff and checked the corner. No puddle of fluids today, and I rushed back in remembering Crystal's thermos and took another mouthful as I walked to classes.


Thank you all for the support. I do read all the comments, and thanks for the chapters. I really do appreciate your support on this platform and others; if you wish to support me further, you can do so on my Patreon or on Amazon by looking up my stories posted there.


Life of a Dominant Futanari Week 1 through 4 are on Amazon, and Week 5 will be available Hopefully in July or Early August. I will put out a release date soon.


If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read my Short Story: I Sissified My Step Bro

 I also have recently completed another short story that I will release on Kindle Unlimited Next Month called: The Bullied Masochist Futanari

I will announce when that story is available soon.

 Thank you all for reading my Stories; you have no idea how much it means to me.

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