Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 2 Chapter 38/ 9: Hair Trigger

I sat down in class and started to pull out my notebooks. Due to Jake's enthusiasm when I decided to reward him, I got to class a little earlier than I planned. This wasn't a bad thing, though, since I could get more studying in.

The best chance to excel in school I learned and maximize the time I had out of it was to utilize the time inside the school. I could hear students talking to each other outside. While they wasted time doing that, I was making more practice questions in my notebook. I would then solve them to the best of my ability. This engrained the knowledge inside my head and forced me to memorize the process.

I didn't actually think I was good in school. That was even though I was constantly one of the top scorers in school. I was segregated from the rest of the students due to Jake, and I decided years ago that I wouldn't waste my time in school. I took every extra second in school to learn more and more. I would review when I couldn't learn more and my grades rose with it.

My constant review and studying allowed me to have time to stress relief with more exercise. However, this has changed more recently with the inclusion of Crystal, Jake, and Tracy. This didn't change the fact that I utilized my time as best as possible. I rarely had homework since I would finish it in classes and handed it in when the teacher gave us time for it.

The only time was when the teacher purposefully wanted us to take it home and not do it in class. These teachers pissed me off, and I started after being a freshman to avoid these teachers. A couple of times with the guidance counselor and moving classes around, I got away from some of them, but I couldn't always do it. It was a shame, too, since I saw the teachers that did that sort of thing were usually assholes. They told us that they wanted us to utilize our time in school to learn and homework at home. Then they rarely handed back that work since it took such a long time to grade things.

I huffed audibly, thinking about it as more classmates came into class. I looked up when I noticed someone tapping my desk, looking annoyed with me. I raised an eyebrow and leaned back from a now-filled piece of paper from my review of algebra questions.

When I looked up, I noticed Sarah looking somewhat annoyed, her arms crossed now. I felt a pang to stand to make her lower than me but felt that would be petty. "Yes?" I asked her, my tone neutral.

"Why did you run from me yesterday?" Sarah asked, her tone inquisitive but had another emotional undertone to it that annoyed me.

I looked at her and thought back to yesterday. I took a moment then remembered at some time in class; she was about to get us in trouble with the teacher. I told her that I would talk to her after class. Then I noticed that I didn't have my textbooks because I got to school late. So I ran to the teacher's locker room, where I usually fucked Jake.

I leaned back and looked up at her with the memory fresh in my head while she looked down upon me while I sat at my desk. "I forgot my textbooks since I was almost late yesterday. So I went to get them for second class." I told her, simply explaining the reason, "So, That is why," I said, finishing my explanation. I then looked down and grabbed a fresh sheet of paper and putting the last one into my notes of finished self questions.

Meanwhile, Sarah looked at me with an odd expression. "That's it?" Sarah said her tone was something I didn't really get as I put away the questions that I answered.

"Yes, That is it," I said, looking at her, "Did you want me to bust out into song or something to explain myself?" I asked her with an incredulous tone, "I have classes during school, and I need textbooks to follow the lessons the teachers teach."

"W-Well, I wanted to talk to you," Sarah said, trying to keep her tone normal, "I wanted to talk to you about Volleyball practice tomorrow and integration into the team."

I looked at her funny and raised an eyebrow, "How can I do that when I never met any other teammate than you?" I asked before adding on, "And the Coach, of course."

Sarah blanked out, looking at me. Her face turned serious, and she was in thought, "Well, You know you need to be in the gym after school, right? You haven't done any clubs, so I wanted to confirm with you," Sarah continued, and I was trying to keep a mystified look off my face.

"Yeah, I will be there..." My voice trailed off, and I put down the pen, and I leaned forward, putting my elbow on the desk and tilting my head even higher to continue looking at her face. It was an uncomfortable position, but so was this conversation. "I know you are the Captin Sarah. I understand you want to talk to me, but this whole conversation is weird. So please, Out with it." My tone left room for no more nonsense.

Sarah looked astonished at my blunt tone at the end. "W=" She cut herself off and continued a second later, "Well, Since you are part of the team now, I was hoping to get to know you a bit more," Sarah said, leaving me a little astonished. "No one really knows you in school. You tend to keep to yourself, and no one really knows who you are other than a bit of a nerd. A nerd that seems to be very active in physical activates and studies all the time." Sarah blurted out her words, moving faster as she talked. Her face started to blush as she said it with embarrassment.

"You do realize that this is because the majority of the school was bullying me, right?" I asked, my tone turning back to incredulous.

Sarah opened her mouth to speak when the bell rang, cutting me off from hearing what she said. As that happened, the teacher walked in actually on time instead of early or late and told everyone to sit down.

Sarah began to move back to her seat before saying, "This isn't over yet," Then left, leaving my impression of her to become that of a brat. I was annoyed with her attitude, but I wasn't about to lash out at her.

I listened to the teacher's lessons and felt bored again. This teacher wasn't teaching me anything new and was going over things almost word for word inside the textbook. This wasn't the first time they did it either. The only reason I hadn't changed classes was that the other teacher who taught this was notorious for giving out a ton of homework to the students while giving them no time in school to do the work.

This wasn't the first time that I thought about it and decided to start reviewing my third-period class when I was surprised when someone knocked on the door. The teacher answered it. The teacher then stepped out into the hall to talk to the said person for a minute then came in.

"Something has come up, and I have to go deal with the problem. Tomorrow there will be a test on this, so read pages forty-five through to fifty. Study it for the test tomorrow." With that, the teacher left to deal with something.

The class erupted into madness, and I felt a chill of dread up my spine. Soon while the students erupted from their seats, the desk beside me was occupied by Sarah.

Fucking Figures.

"So, To continue, who are you, Anglea?" Sarah said, sitting down.

I turned to her and raised my eyebrow at her, " I am Angela Brown." I countered without missing a beat.

Her face turned red, and she looked at me with a scathing look before it was trying to turn more friendly. "Please, you are not my dad, and I really don't want to hear jokes like that," Sarah replied.

"Joke?" I replied, getting annoyed with Sarah. I know she was trying to get to know me, but something about her was annoying me, and I couldn't put the finger on it.

"I know you were kidding; now tell me about yourself," Sarah said again, and I felt an overwhelming urge to hit something. It was like I was talking to someone who didn't get a hint. I was glad that she recommended me to the coach but something about her demeanor.

My eyes narrowed, and I got a smirk on my face. Fine, She wanted to get to know me. I will be honest with her. "I am a sadist that exercises a lot," I replied.

Sarah's eyes widened at my sudden blunt reply. Her mouth opened and closed for several seconds before I visibly saw her get ahold of herself. "That doesn't match what you have been going through for the last couple of years with Jake and a lot of the Jocks, well the school really, Bullying you." Sarah countered, and I felt the conversation change to a weird angle.

"Well, It isn't really like that anymore, is it?" I asked her, feeling like I was being interrogated. "Have you seen a single person come and bully me lately?" I finished with a second question, and Sarah looked more in thought now.

"No, No, I haven't, although the year has only just started," Sarah said.

My eyes narrowed with those words, "So your thinking that it will all start back up again? Maybe you can join in on the fun this time?" I asked her, "No, there might be a reason that you haven't thought of yet. Still," I paused and smiled at her, "I would almost welcome someone to try again. It would give me an excuse." My tone was full of promises that I gave to myself over the summer.

Suppose someone tried bullying me this year. They would regret it. Jake was already learning that regret, and Tracy was now my Skank that is at my beck and call. Running over to my place so that I can fuck out my frustrations. I smiled, knowing I fulfilled part of the promise to myself. My first week of school was very interesting over my last year, and I was going to make sure I didn't backslide.

I watched Sarah, and she seemed to be taken back by my smile. It was a malicious one that promised damage to those that crossed me. "Fine, I can see that." Sarah acknowledged, "Still, I have to wonder what you did to make them back off?" Her tone turned the last word into a question.

I scoffed and replied, "That is none of your business." My tone was flat ending the subject, and I pushed the textbook pages to the ones the teacher told us to review for the test tomorrow. "If you don't mind now, I am going to make sure that I have reviewed for tomorrow," I said, wanting to end the conversation in total.

"Why?" Sarah asked, "Just do it after school when you get home."

"I do not have time after school," I replied tartly, "I have a job, so I have to do this type of stuff at school." I finished.

"Where do you work?!" Sarah exclaimed excitedly, "I can visit you at work!" She continued happily attracting some attention in the classroom and regretted my words.

"No, you cant now shut the fuck up and talk to someone else." My tone was no longer light in any way. I was getting sick of her after already telling her and showing her I was done with the conversation.

Sarah looked offended, "I can't believe you would say that I was trying to be friendly," She replied, her tone offended.

"No, You were prying," I replied, my tone announcing how annoyed I was. "If you want to be a friend with me, you need to learn something, Sarah," My voice was filled with restrained fury from this conversation, "I am an honest person. If I want to tell you something, I will. If I don't, then don't fucking ask since it is none of your fucking business. Do you understand this point?" I didn't remember when I stood up, but I was genuinely angry at her prying.

Sarah finally stomped off, and I sighed, sitting back down. I started to review the pages. I felt some stares while the class continued to do whatever they wanted. Soon as I reviewed yet another time, the bell rang, giving me freedom from this class.

I felt my shoulder get heavily brush past as Sarah stomped by me in some childish way to let her annoyance known. I didn't want to put up with this annoyance any longer and packed my stuff into my backpack and left, finishing the smoothie Crystal made for me on the way. I was still hungry, though, and I looked forward to it after this class.

I smiled, thinking about what Crystal would make for me as the second bell rang and got into listening to the teacher. I was writing notes, and the teacher gave out homework, and I looked at the time. There was little time, but It was only two pages of work, and I set out to do it quickly.

When the bell rang to end the class, I had only two questions left and decided to do it after training Jake tomorrow morning. I put my things away quickly and set out of the class to the parking lot. Some students were heading out of the school to some nearby stores when I noticed Crystal's BMW. I moved towards it with a smile, and she got out.

I grabbed her by the hips, and our lips met in greeting. Crystal wrapped her arms around my neck for a couple of seconds before I broke the kiss. I felt a bag on my back, and I tried to turn my head. Crystal instead pulled back and brought the container in front of me.

"I brought you a large lunch," Crystal told me, "I also thought that I could join you today." Crystal smirked as she added on the second line. She then brought her face beside mine, "I want to watch," Her grin became larger after that whisper. "I also want to see if I can catch that voyeur," Crystal grinned, and I shrugged.

"I don't see why not, Although," I said, pausing, "I still need to eat; follow me."

With that, Crystal walked into the school with me. No one seemed to care, and I heard the horn of her car as she followed me into school, letting her know the car was locked. We walked through the halls, and I looked back at my girlfriend. I didn't even notice when she took my hand, but we were getting a couple of stares.

I then realized Crystal stood out because she wasn't wearing a school uniform. This took me by surprise for some random reason until I realized that I just assumed she would have had a schoolgirl costume and would have worn it here. That was a stupid assumption, and I brought her to the teacher's locker room even faster. The locker room was near the gymnasium, and I brought Crystal to it.

As I brought Crystal in, I noticed she had a smirk as I pulled her in. I closed the door behind me, but I didn't lock it. Inside, Tracy was there with a half-eaten sandwich. With our entrance being so sudden, Tracy was about to bite into the sandwich paused. She then smiled before losing that smile when she noticed Crystal.

Crystal walked forward with a grin looking around. "This is where it all started," Crystal said, and I stepped forward, landing a slap to her ass giving her a stern expression. Crystal looked at me, startled only to realize and smiled. Crystal sat down and opened the lunch that she made for me.

"I made something basic that you could eat quickly while a skank takes your cock deep down her throat." Crystal said with a grin.

I was surprised by how Crystal was acting. This was much different from her usual personality that I had seen so far. She had already let me know that she wasn't expecting sex today with me. She wanted to watch and maybe catch the girl that watched yesterday that I told her about.

I stepped forward, taking a seat beside Crystal putting my arm around her shoulder. I turned my head over to Tracy, "Finish that. I have some cream for you to wash it down with." After that, I ignored her, looking into the lunch box that my girlfriend made for me. I looked inside, and my smile turned huge.

"Burritos!" I exclaimed happily, and I took one out, and my teeth tore into it. Inside there were six of them wrapped up, and two of them were smaller. Crystal took out one of the two that was smaller and smiled.

"These two are for me; the other four are for you. You said you ate more, and I didn't feed you enough last time. I am ensuring that doesn't happen today," Crystal told me before taking a bite of hers.

Before I could even thank her again for the great lunch, I had finished one and tore into another with a giant bite. Although I had that smoothie for breakfast, it wasn't as good as solid food. I had a lot of practice coming up, and my stomach felt empty the entire morning. After the second Burrito, I finally started to feel it and kissed Crystal's cheek before grabbing the third while Crystal was still eating her first.

Then I felt someone pawing under my skirt. I looked down with crumbs on my mouth to notice Tracy looking up at me while pulling my panties to the side. I was somewhat troubled since I didn't even have sex on my mind for the last three to five minutes while I was filling my stomach as fast as I could.

Tracy started to kiss my thighs, and I remembered that this was a new normal for me. Hand freed my cock from my panties which was always a relief. Her lips started to kiss up my flaccid cock as I wasn't at the moment excited for sex. My mind was full of the food that Crystal brought uncharacteristically.

My eyes leveled on Tracy, and I swallowed the food in my mouth, "Striptease Skank. I want you to show me your body today," I ordered, making the kissing stop. It wasn't really working at that moment anyway, and Tracy got up and nodded.

"Yes, Mistress," Tracy acknowledged, and she started to dance in spot. Her hips moved to an unknown beat when some electro dance music started to play in the bathroom. I turned, surprised, only to notice Crystal putting it on with her phone.

"What?" Crystal said, "some music will make it better and help her move her out a little bit." Crystal finished by taking another bite of the food she brought and watched Tracy.

With three buttons off her white buttoned shirt, her cleavage started to show, and the Beat of the music started to build. Tracy started to move her hips more enthusiastically and turned her body, bending down. Almost showing her panties as the skirt moved up, barely covering her ass. The barely concealed depth did more than actually showing it off as her ass twerked to the beat. The Skirt danced as her ass moved side to side in front of my face enticing me to move my face forward into it.

I could now even see a smile on Tracy's face as she noticed that I was starting to enjoy her little Dance. Her hand slipped to her sides, and her body came back up straight, turning. The hand on her side stealthily unzipped her skirt, and with another turn, it spun on her hips and fell to the floor, where she kicked it away. It revealed a blue G-string panty that disappeared into her pussy lips that hid the fabric from sight while the top covered her white, asking in a neat little triangle.

Tracy then stepped forward out of her skirt towards me and put her pussy close to my face to the point I could smell her. It was starting to dampen with the scent of pheromones as Tracy got excited for what was to come soon. Her body moved, and she kicked away her skirt as she moved away from me, showing me her ass. The Blue G string did nothing to hide it, and the white shirt fell to cover that nice ass slightly.

That white shirt fell a second later, and I felt my cock slightly harden as I noticed the blue bra strap on her back. The white skin free for me to gaze at, and her ass swung like a pendulum to the beat, trying to hypnotize me back and forth in an inelegant movement that was meant to entrap sexual partners.

Tracy then turned to show off her bust as her hands moved behind her head, her breasts pressed out. The bra came loose, and her arms moved forward, letting it fall to the ground. Tracy then followed it to the ground and started to crawl towards me at the pace of the beat. It was sexy, but I really couldn't help but think it wasn't really a dance, more like showing off her body to me.

Still, I was turned on, and the fourth burrito was forgotten as she reached me again. "Mistress, May I please your cock?" Tracy requested as the music continued to fill the room.

"Permission granted, Skank," I told her and moaned as her lips touched the head of my cock. I leaned back, and my hands stopped me from falling back.

On the other hand, Crystal looked turned on watching, and I noticed her second burrito was forgotten to enjoy what I found was a dildo rammed up her ass. Crystal winked at me, and the girth of it was slightly below my own girth as she fucked her ass. It was sexy as hell to watch, and I wanted to fuck her myself, too, when I felt my cock enter the moist entrance of Tracy's mouth.

I moaned, and I turned to her, no longer interested in a blowjob. I thrust into her throat once before I pulled it out and looked down at Tracy, "Get on the bench and thrust out that skank pussy for fucking." I ordered, moving to my bag while I still had the ability to think properly without the cloud of lust over my mind. I pulled out a condom and opened it. I slipped it on while Tracy was on the bench, trying to help her balance on the wood. Her ass was pointed out, and I grabbed her by the ass cheeks.

"This fucking naughty enticing ass," I said before my hand came down spanking the right ass cheek. I then pulled aside the thin blue string in the way and found a damp pussy ready for penetration. I spread the ass cheeks open and lined up my condom-covered cock, and waited. "What do skanks say when they want cock?" I asked.

"Mistress, Please, Fuck my pussy; take my skank pussy that only you can satisfy. I want your girth in my womb firing me to submit!" Tracy said without thought, begging for my cock. Tracy's begging made me smile, and I needed only to train her to get some initiative when it came to begging.

It didn't matter at this point, though, and I thrust my cock into her pussy without another thought. "OooohH," Cried throughout the room, and I felt some movement behind me as I pushed deeper into Tracy. Her cry of pleasure coming out even louder. My mind blanked for a moment feeling the pleasure through my cock, and I pushed deeper until I felt that resistance of going any deeper that was her cervix.

This was a usual blockade from me going balls deep that needed less and less prodding from me, and I pulled back out in anticipation. Tracy moaned loudly, seeming unable to control her mouth as I thrust deeply back into her hitting that spot that didn't let me through on the second thrust.

It was wanted to challenge me today, it seemed, and I set to work pulling back out hearing the wail of pleasure from my skank. I thrust into her, hitting that wall over and over when it finally relented again, allowing me to smash into the back of her womb, making her cry out even louder. Then the cries stopped, and I wondered what was happening.

I looked down as I found Crystal had joined in and shoved her ass into Tracy's mouth. This ended her loud moaning that might have gotten us caught, and Crystal gave out a light moan. "Yeah, Suck it, Skank. Use that tongue for what it was made for. Bury it deep into my ass and taste me bitch." Crystal said, Talking dirty to the skank.

Crystal was getting into it, and I was turned on from how it felt like I was pleasuring both women as I thrust deeply into Tracy. I moved my hand forward, grabbed Tracy's hair, and pulled it back, making Crystal moan as it seemed more of her tongue entered her ass while I fucked the skank. Moans were much quieter in the room relatively when I turned to see the door slightly open.

I smirked and continued to fuck Tracy without regard for the person watching us. Crystal moaned as she rubbed her ass in Tracy's face while Tracy ate her ass without shame, it seemed. I Felt Tracy tighten up on me as I fucked her pussy while pulling her hair back. I heard her scream into Crystal's ass and her pussy ejaculated fluids onto the bench and my cock. Her pussy spasmed, and I thrust until my balls hit her pussy. Her loud moan was muffled as she orgasmed while she continued to eat Crystal's ass.

Crystal moaned too, but her head was no longer paying attention to the skank eating her ass. She was watching the door with a smirk as I took the skank even harder while she continued to cum on my cock. I felt myself nearing the edge when I heard a yelp come from the door. I heard a slight argument and then Crystal coming back in, dragging a girl into the locker room.

"Hey!" The girl cried out, and I looked at the girl. I had no memory of her, but she looked to be the same age as me. "Let me go!" She cried out, and Crystal looked happy.

"This is the girl that was masturbating to you, Mistress," Crystal said, and I knew it was deliberate.

I turned my attention to her for a couple of seconds and noticed the girl's panties and the skirt was around her ankles when she came in, and juices were on her thighs. This girl had at least came once. This was a surprise to me since we thought she hadn't been there for long.

I turned my attention back to Tracy as she moaned loudly as I thrust into her faster. I wanted to ejaculate soon, and I felt the pleasure hitting my head as I thrust into her. I moaned, and I turned to Crystal, "Giver her a proper close-up view," I ordered, and Crystal brought her right up to where my balls hit Tracy's ass.

The Girl went from complaining to silent as she watched me fuck Tracy's pussy. I moaned as Tracy was getting close to reaching her second large orgasm, and I was soon going to release when I noticed the girl reaching for her crotch to masturbate again.

"Stop her from touching herself," I order Crystal, who was watching too with lust in her eyes.

"Yes, Mistress," Crystal replied, and her hand slapped that hand away that was reaching for her pussy. The girl yipped but was more enthralled in watching me.

"Fuck," I cursed as I was reaching the peak and felt my balls twitch, bringing my semen out as I began to fill the condom inside Tracy.

I heard her moan and felt her spasm as the Condom inside her womb expanded as I moaned loudly. The increased grip made me moan even louder as I made smaller thrusts into her pussy as I moaned. I continued to make short Thrusts into her pussy until I felt drained. Before pulling out and grabbing the condom just as it was about to slip into her pussy.

"You have such a greedy pussy wanting to be inseminated, Skank," I said to Tracy.

Tracy blushed and turned her head at the comment. It was an odd reaction that I decided to equate to the new guest in the locker room. I sighed and turned to the girl who was now staring at my cock with her mouth open in surprise. "You are bigger than I thought," left the girl's lips, and I smirked.

I nodded to Crystal, who was using the girl's hair brought her back up to standing. I looked at the girl and realized that as Crystal let go of her hair, she was taller than I realized, and the only reason Crystal could have gotten her hand in her hair was that she was probably masturbating when Crystal grabbed her.

The girl was even taller than me by an inch. It was a surprise, and I looked down and realized the girl was also decently muscular. Her arms were soft muscular, more for flexibility and agility than pure strength that I had been working on. "So, The pervert watching me fuck my slaves has been found," I said with a sly grin.

"I- I wasn't," The girl replied, not sounding truthful at all. I raised an eyebrow and looked at her like she was stupid.

"Do you think I am stupid?" I asked her, closing the distance to her looking up into her slightly more elevated eyes. "What the fuck do you think this is then?" I asked her, and my hand landed on her pussy.

Her hands quickly went up to her mouth to stop a moan, and I slapped her pussy a couple of times. "Huh?" I said, "What the fuck is this? Is there a broken fucking facet coming from between your legs then?" I asked her, slapping it a couple of more times, making her moan into her hands. I then pinched her clit, and that moan turned into a scream, and I felt liquid spray onto my leg.

"What the fuck?" I said, getting into it now, my cock lifting my skirt as the girl started to have tears in her eyes. "Did I fucking say you could cum while I questioned you?" I asked her.

The girl shook her head but remained wordless with both hands covering her mouth as she came down from her orgasm. I then smirked as I thought of something fun with this girl. My fingers moved back down and slipped into her while she was recovering.

"Not answering, huh?" I said, making her eyes widen as she felt the fingers slip inside her. She looked down at me, and my fingers shoved up hard into her making her gasp behind her hands. "Well, such a fucking naughty pussy needs to be punished." I finished, and the girl moved her hands away to say something when I started to finger blast her pussy with all my might. I moved as fast as I could, and her pussy reacted instantly by spasming on my fingers and squirting all over my leg.

"On a fucking hair-trigger cumming like this over and over again," I said, making my tone sound condescending. "Well, tight lips on your head means I will need to loosen your lower lips." I continued, not able to hide my smile as I looked into her eyes that were watering and wide.

I felt a fresh spray as she orgasmed on my fingers, and finally, words left her mouth, "Please, Mercy!" She cried out, and I continued.

"Beg me bitch. Properly like the voyeur you are." I replied while blasting her pussy with two fingers then curving them to scrape her vaginal walls. A scream answered the change, and my leg by now was soaked, and I wondered how much water she must drink in a day.

"Please, Please, Stop. I can't take anymore!" She cried out, and I continued. Instead of stopping, I started to spread my fingers, scraping both sides on each entry. She moaned even louder, and I realized that as she sprayed both urine and female ejaculate, I would need to wash my leg off after this.

"You will call me Mistress," I said.

"Mistress, Please! I beg you, Mercy!" She cried out, and I stopped while backing up instantly. The girl fell to the floor, her legs spasming as she crumbled with me, no longer holding her up by her pussy. Now the girl huffed on the ground recovering from the chain of orgasms.

I turned to Tracy, who was now on the ground spread-eagled. I saw a small puddle under her ass and realized she liked the show that she just watched. Crystal, on the other hand, had disappeared, and I heard a shower turn on. I noticed the pad and realized what had happened, and said nothing about that. "Tracy, clean up, then go to class. Remember to study. I will be checking to see if you are worthy of being a high-class skank later." I said.

"Yes, Mistress," She said, gathered her clothes, and moved over to the sink to clean up. I looked at the new girl in the meantime.

"Name?" I said, expecting to be answered.

"Alex, Mistress," Alex answered.

"You're on quite the hair-trigger cumming, Alex," I commented with a smirk seeing her already blushing face blush even darker. The girl had white skin that seemed slightly tanned the more you looked at it. I took that in thinking that she wasn't just a white girl, though, and I asked, "So, Why were you watching?"

"I-" Alex cut herself off while looking away. I looked back and saw Tracy looking remarkably well put together after a short time leaving.

"Thank you, Mistress; I will see you tomorrow," Tracy said, looking at Alex. I almost turned my head to question when she walked out. I felt like there was a competition or something in that stare, but I wasn't sure.

"I saw you yesterday with..." Alex turned away, "It was the hottest thing I ever saw. I-" Alex seemed to choke on the next words. "I never masturbated before then, but I just couldn't help it when I saw him taking your cock before being forced to cum inside that little cage. I-" Again, she choked on the words, and her blush covered her face in red. "I wanted to be him at that moment." Her words came out as a whisper, and I smirked.

I heard the shower turn off behind me, and I turned back only to hear Crystal moving around in the showers, not coming out of them. I looked back at Alex. "Well, A jealous little girl wanting to be caged by me," I replied. My smirk turned to a grin, and I couldn't help it. No amount of me trying to frown would make the smile go away.

I felt a feeling that I hadn't had in a while. It was like finding free money or getting a brand new toy that you loved at Christmas. It was exciting. This felt like a toy I could have fun with.

"Well, Alex. I am not sure what to do with you yet. Pass me your phone, though, unlocked." I told her.

Alex paused and looked up at me as I stood above her, "W-Why?" Alex asked.

"I need a way to contact my new bitch don't I?" I asked her.

She shivered and handed me her phone after unlocking it. I found her 'Me' in contacts adding it to my phone, and put my number in under 'Mistress.' With that, I handed her back her phone, "If you get a message from me, you will follow it absolutely." I said, "Now clean up and get the fuck out," I ordered.

I walked away and the girl looked confused what to do with herself as I took my bag into the showers area putting it in a spot it wouldn't get wet while I washed off my leg. I walked by Crystal who had a smirk on herself watching the confused gil as she put back on her shirt.

"Ah, A new girl to your growing Harem. I wonder how much of a hair trigger that pussy actually is." The grin Crystal had as she asked me that matched my own.

"I don't know," I told her, "But I plan on making it even more sensitive."


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