Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 3 Chapter 71/3: Gift

I apologized as I entered the classroom, and the teacher looked surprised I was late.

I sat down, and the teacher resumed today's introduction to the lesson. I sighed as I got out my notebooks and immediately started taking notes. The teacher looked at me once and smiled before continuing her lesson. It wasn't a long lesson, though, as we were given a large amount of work to practice on it. The teacher then told us that it was all due tomorrow.

I started immediately forgetting about everything else since I did not have time to do it tonight. I got right down to work applying what we had 'learned' the last few weeks, and soon I was done with the worksheets with a little time to spare. Instead of wasting that time, I moved to go through my other notes and some of the other work from other classes.

I lost track of time to the point that I almost jumped out of my seat when the bell rang. I looked up, and I turned to look at the door. I smiled as I realized that it was time for gym class. I smiled, thinking of practice, and some happiness returned. I packed up my bag, ignoring the whispers around me as I packed.

I didn't care about the whispers that were all around me. People at lunch seemed to talk about what happened this morning to the rest of the school. I wondered if I would be called to the faculty this afternoon instead.

Then like a light in my head, I realized that I would be in class with the teacher that broke things up this morning. I shook my head slightly and finished packing up. I hoped that things were not going to get complicated, but I couldn't guarantee a thing. As I finished and pulled up my bag, I sighed in the back of my head, feeling the familiar weight as I moved through the halls.

Soon I was in the locker room, and I was only slightly surprised to see Mrs. Grendier there waiting for me. I stopped in front of her, and she looked at me and sighed. "Follow me to my office. We need to talk about what happened this morning." Mrs. Grendier said simply, and I followed her off to the coach's office.

It was a clean room with only two desks—one for Mr. Trimmers and one for Mrs. Grendier. There was a fair amount of papers on the desk with a computer for each coach. Other than that, it was remarkably clear of personal touches.

"So," Mrs. Grendier asked as she sat down on her desk, looking at me in the small office. "What happened this morning?" She asked me bluntly.

"Well," I shrugged, "I was walking down the hall when I heard a rumor about me around the corner in the hallway," I told her with a sad smile. "As I turned the corner, they were talking about how disgusting I am and continued on with the rumor. When I came into their vision, the boy began to confront me and ask me if the rumor was true." I said, glossing over some details.

"What was the rumor?" Mrs. Grendier asked.

"It was the fact that I was hooking up or being sexually active with another woman," I replied.

"Are you?" Mrs. Grendier asked.

"I am not sure if that is any of your business," I replied flatly.

Mrs. Grendier shook her head and replied, "Nope, it isn't. It was more of a curiosity question since it almost came to blows."

"Mrs. Grendier," I began trying to show my slight annoyance. "The reason we almost came to blows was that whatever that boy's name was, he called me disgusting. It has nothing to do with whether I have a girlfriend or not. I will not accept someone calling my body disgusting because I have a cock. I might add that I am willing to bet it would make him feel ashamed to call himself a man in front of me. I will not tolerate personal attacks on me for no reason. I do not know him or who he is. Instead of apologizing, he doubled down and got in my face when I showed myself. Then insulted my potential Girlfriend saying that she must have self-esteem problems if she is with me." I looked at her, now showing my annoyance. "I did not start anything, Mrs. Grendier; he did at every step of the way to provoke me."

Mrs. Grendier nodded, "Good," She replied, "I thought it was that way since I have always thought you had a good head on your shoulders. I also took some time to ask your teachers about you today and talked to the principal. I talked to him and told him that since you are part of my team, I wanted to first chat with you. I will talk to him and have things straightened out. But try to keep things as they are from now on. I don't need you getting in trouble, okay? We should be having a couple of pick-up games scheduled for next week, and I want you there."

I nodded while knowing I wasn't about to let that asshole go in the back of my mind. Nope, I wouldn't, and I would just not do it in front of others. Instead, I looked at Mrs. Grendier and asked, "Okay, do you want me to go warm up as you talk to the principal?"

"Yes, don't go too hard on yourself, though, and I will see you in a little bit." Mrs. Grendier replied, and I turned to walk out of the office.

I sighed once outside, and I couldn't help but sneer. I moved towards the teacher's locker room and started to change once inside. I leaned against the locker and chuckled a bit after some thought. It had been years of bullying, and I never once had seen them dish out a real punishment on those that bullied me. I shook my head again as I finished stripping to put on my slightly sweaty gym clothes. I sighed as I wished I could bring more gym outfits each day, but I would settle with one. I put it on and strapped on my weights. I began to stretch a little when I heard a knock before Mrs. Grendier entered.

"Hey," Mrs. Grendier said, looking at me stretching with my weights. "So, I have got something for you that I forgot to give you in the office." Mrs. Grendier was carrying a box and moved up to put it on the bench. "This is for your love of weights and is better for your back than carrying a backpack with the absurd amount of weights that you carry around."

I moved to the box, and I felt excitement pour through me. It was a weight vest for women. I couldn't believe that I got one of these, and I looked up at Mrs. Grendier with a large grin. "For me?" I asked.

"Technically for the Volleyball team, but yeah, It is a maximum eighty-pound weight with all the weights included for up to that amount. Since this was around a three hundred dollar purchase, I will have to leave it as something for the team in the equipment budget. But since you are on the team, I think it will work best for you." Mrs. Grendier grinned.

I pulled it out of the box with a smile and started to strap it on. The weights were remarkably flat, and I wondered if I should purchase something baggier to cover it up. Still, it was a piece of over-shirt equipment, and I put it on over my gym outfit. The vest was one that went under my breasts and actually held them up a little relieving some of the pressure off my bra as the back covered almost down to my ass. It was black, and it was light without the weights. I looked at Mrs. Grendier, and she shook her head and walked over.

After a minute, I felt weighed down by all the weights and grinned. I now had forty pounds on each limb and eighty around my chest. I felt the weight surround me, and I loved it. "Thank you, I love it," I told Mrs. Grendier, looking up at her with a significant smile. I felt delighted at this moment, the day's bullshit going away in a flash.

"Go out and warm up by trying it on. See if it inhibits movement at all." Mrs. Grendier replied, and I didn't need to be told twice.

I moved out to the gym and saw that it was empty, and I saw the door opened to the outside field, where I could see Mr. Trimmers having the girls prepare for a game of Soccer. I turned and smiled as I started stretching a bit more, feeling the flexibility around the vest. It impeded me a little but not very much. It was mostly around my breasts as it rubbed a little when I leaned down. It would move my breasts up more, and I nodded to myself as I got back up to my feet and started running around the gym.

The extra weight was a little unfamiliar, and I started to feel it faster than normal as I did a couple of laps. I didn't want to wear myself out as I waited for Mrs. Grendier, so I slowed my pace, came to a walk, and realized I had warmed up without Mrs. Grendier being back. Instead, I moved to the equipment room and started to get everything ready to practice except for things that would be easier for two people to do.

I turned when I heard the gym doors open to see Mrs. Grendier walking in and coming up to help me finish setting up without a word. We set up as Mrs. Grendier said, "Okay, That took a little longer than I thought, but everything is dealt with. We will be working on some defense today, and I want to see you digging all over the place. I want to see how well you can move with that extra weight."

"Okay," I replied, realizing that I was about to go through a lot with practice today.

Mrs. Grendier smirked, and the practice began with her moving up and Spiking the ball to my side of the court using a step stool. It was a hell of my giving and the weights roughly sliding against my body. I felt like I was getting to everything a little slower than I had been the previous week, and I needed to use more effort to get in the right place.

It didn't take long for her to blow the whistle she had and called a halt with me a sweating mess. I grinned as I felt the excursion all over my body. I knew that I would be slightly sore all over tonight, and I couldn't be happier with the result as I came back to Mrs. Grendier.

"Good effort. I noticed that you are a little slow to many of the farther balls. It seems that the extra thirty pounds are getting to you. Do you want to take out some weights?" Mrs. Grendier asked.

"Nah, I will take em' out later." I told her with a huff catching my breath, "I like the extra weight, though. I will take them off for team practice later. For now, though, having two hundred and forty pounds extra is nice." I told her with a grin.

The grin only stayed for a second as I took in more air. I needed it, and I knew that things would only get more challenging as the night went on. Mrs. Grendier nodded, "Okay, then let's get you doing some volleys and bumps." She told me.

Soon I was running around the court trying to line up spikes to imaginary players, and I was running around in short bursts. Sweat dripped off me, and I started to feel it more and more as the practice went on. Still, I felt incredible as I moved around the court, and I became even more of a sweaty dripping mess as I moved around.

Soon the bell rang as I ran around, ignoring it. Mrs. Grendier didn't make me stop as she continued to hit balls around. "Set up center-right!" She commanded. As the girls came in, more girls started to show up and witnessed me being a sweating mess. I kept following her commands till she blew her whistle.

I stopped then, and I took deep breaths as the other girls on the team watched me. "Ladies, in the infinite wisdom of the school, they have messed up our gym timings. So we will have to make do. All of you start to warm up. Angela, you cool down a little by walking it off." Mrs. Grendier told me.

I nodded and started to walk around the room. I was cooling down, and a lot of the girls looked at me with pity. I saw Sarah run up beside me, seeing me a dripping mess. Her look, though, didn't seem one of disgust or pity. I knew that look, and I knew it was one that carefully hid that she was turned on, seeing me a sweaty mess.

"Are you wearing a vest of weights?" Sarah asked as she jogged to the spot beside me.

"Yup, Continue your warm-up. Mrs. Grendier looks like she wants to take advantage of our time today." I replied.

Sarah nodded and called out to a girl that looked like she was half-assing her run around the gym. I started to feel myself cool down and moved to the corner to take off the weights. Suddenly I lost two hundred and sixty pounds as I stripped the weights off. I felt amazingly light, and it was almost a shock to the system.

I bounced on the balls of my feet, and I started to walk it off, and Mrs. Grendier grinned at me as I moved without the weights. "Everyone gather!" Mrs. Grendier suddenly called out, and I moved with the rest of the girls over to her. I moved in and saw Alex come up beside me on the right when I saw Sarah come up on my left shortly after. Alex had a serious expression on watching the Teacher while Sarah seemed a little distracted, taking peeks at me. "Ladies, Next week we have a pick-up game on Thursday. The Girls from the next county over will be coming around the end of the day to play a game. Tournaments will be starting next month, and I plan to get some more teams over here to play." Mrs. Grendier told us no one spoke, "So, I want a hustle in practice today! I will put you, ladies, on another game with each other after some more practice. I want to see if any of you got rusty before we move on to the game. Now, Line Up! Spike Practice!" Mrs. Grendier called out.

The Volleyball practice without the weights on made me feel light as a feather as I moved around. I started to make more mistakes than I did earlier when Practicing alone due to how much easier it was to move my body. One thing was for sure, though, was that I had power in my shots. Mrs. Grendier couldn't help but compliment my spikes power, but I still needed to work on accuracy. I nodded as practice moved on.

Mrs. Grendier started pointing out flaws in everyone as we continued. Soon everyone had gone more than once, and she changed up the drill. Soon everyone was sweating as we ran around the gym doing various drills. I lost myself with a smile on my face as I continued to work through them until Mrs. Grendier brought us all back for a game.

This time Sarah was on my team, and that Black haired girl that looked at me with a sneer was on the other Team with Alex. The game this time was much less exciting than last week as we practiced all over the court. I hardly got any good hits in, but one I did get was to a tall blonde that barely dodged the ball ricochet back up into her face. It was a close call, and the girl yipped as the ball moved past her face.

In fact, whenever I hit the ball, the girls on the other team were starting to look a little wary after they tried to bump it. The strength on the ball made it much harder to dig out, but my team didn't set up that often for me to hit it because of my accuracy.

I knew my problems when it came to accuracy, and I was starting to get better with my lightweight though my blocking game was getting much better when I didn't have an extra two hundred and forty pounds on me. I moved much quicker to the point that I was sometimes moving too fast to dig the ball out and overshot it.

Still, time passed, and the game was over with our team losing, and I was annoyed that we lost in the end. Mrs. Grendier called an end to the practice and called the girls to clean up. We all ran around the gym, everyone looking sweaty. Soon though, with all the girls working together, we cleaned up and started to head to the locker rooms. All the girls were covered in sweat, and I felt large sweat stains even under my breasts. It was fantastic to work out, and I made sure to grab my weights before heading to the teacher's locker room before, following Mrs. Grendier's previous orders and joining the team in the Women's locker room.

I moved in, and some of the girls were still stripping since I wasn't too far behind them. Many of the girls were talking all around, and the atmosphere was quite happy. Some were talking about their plans for the rest of the night, and I heard some complaining about homework that they got from their teachers.

I moved and found an empty spot, and I started to strip. It felt good getting out of my sweaty clothes. I took off everything and began to pack them into my separate compartment for my gym outfit before grabbing my stuff to shower. I sighed as I moved as a lot of the ladies were now peeking at my junk. I noticed a distinct stare from Alex as she paused to stare at it. I could see her normally serious-looking face crack a little, and I couldn't help but look at her with a smirk before moving into the showers.

Inside the showers, I noticed Sarah instantly blushing as she gazed upon my naked body with my cock hanging out for all to see. I was trying to control myself from getting hard, but keeping myself back with all the stares from women was starting to get hard. I took a spot in the shower stall, and I began to clean up. I took my time, and I felt the presence of someone else as I washed.

I looked up and saw two hard gazes as the other girls were taking glances. Still, I ignored their stares and washed myself off properly. I started to frown, though, as I felt a little off suddenly. I wondered if I maybe went a little too hard on myself today.

It didn't matter, and I finished up while letting the girls sneak peeks at my body. Soon more girls came in, and some of the shier girls left when I heard a question that made me smirk. "So, Does a cock feel good?" A girl I didn't know asked.

"What?" I asked, turning to the girl. I realized it was the blonde that I almost hit with the ball in the face when she tried to bump my spike today.

"Yeah, I don't feel like I can ask the guys this. But you got a pretty long and big dick. I can't help but ask how it feels to have one." The girl asked, and I looked her over. This girl was just about the same height as me, with short blonde hair and at max B cup breasts.

"Well," I said, feeling slightly off-put, "How does it feel for you to masturbate?" I asked her back.

"Well, Like a shock goes up, and it feels good." The girl replied, much to my surprise.

I shrugged then and replied, "Well, Honestly, it takes time for it to feel good. Masturbating takes me a while, and it is like a long build-up before I release where it feels good." I moved forward to her, "Although, I think that is an incredibly personal question. Next time ask if you can ask such a thing, nameless girl." I finished before walking out of the showers.

I moved and started to put on the uniform leaving the girl that I talked to blushing. It seemed that she understood that she shouldn't have asked something like that as I moved back to where I left my stuff. I started to put on my School uniform since I didn't want to put back on my drenched gym outfit. As I finished up, I picked up my phone and noticed the texts, and I knew I had delayed too long. I looked at them and pulled up my Girlfriend's text first.

Crystal: Hey, I know that you are not coming over tonight, but I will be missing you!

There was a link under the text to a video she sent me, and I knew I wanted to hit it. I was in a locker room full of women, though, and I held myself off. I knew my little Minx, and I decided instead to hit reply.

Angela: I Have been busy and never in a spot where I could see your video today. I am looking forward to watching it later, though :D I am missing you too. I will see you tomorrow at Samantha's. P.S. If something does happen, I will make sure to record it tonight.

I sent it off, and I knew Crystal knew what I was talking about. She instantly replied, though.

Crystal: I am looking forward to it.

This time it came attached with a picture of her with her legs spread and spreading her pussy lips. Her grin told me all I needed, and my eyebrow twitched as I felt turned on. My little Minx was still as good-looking as I met her two weeks ago.

I closed the picture and looked at the text I had gotten with much more meaning from Hilda.

Hilda: I am hoping to see you again soon. Please have a contract ready, Mistress, as I would like to get that dealt with immediately before you play with me. I look forward to seeing you soon, Mistress.

It was simple and straight to the point. I was thinking Friday at this point, if not Saturday. I think I had Wednesday open too. I wasn't sure, though, and I realized that I was starting to mix things up. I had too much on my plate and needed to start taking notes on these things. I wondered if I should start keeping a journal or ask Samantha if she had something to help her with these things. I also needed to take some time for Grace and Debbie since they were two sexy ladies I wanted to have some fun with.

I started to smirk as I thought about the fact that maybe I should get a secretary to book my playtime with. She might even be some fun to play with when I had some 'openings.'

I looked back at my phone and read the messages now coming from Jake with a sadistic smile.

Sissy: Mistress, I would like to go to the bathroom.

Sissy: Mistress, Please, I beg you, I need to go to the bathroom. Please release me.

Sissy: Mistress, Please, I have practice, and I need to go to the bathroom. Please Release Me. I really need to go.

I smirked, turned on the App, and pressed the release on the Buttplug with a sadistic smirk. Then I sent a text to him.

Angela: You may go now, Sissy. I better see it back inside you on my side within the hour. Enjoy!

I shook my head with my grin and put my stuff away. I realized that my bag couldn't fit the vest, though, and I loosely put it on instead, feeling the weight settle as I put on my backpack. The weight was a lot, but I took my leave as I left the locker room. I smiled when I saw Alex stop by me with an expectant look. I shook my head, though, and Alex nodded. "Come by tomorrow morning," I told her instead.

"I will see you then," Alex said with a smile and departed.

It was strange seeing her serious face that I noticed she showed everyone else when she was so warm with me. But Alex was my little Sweety, and I would look at her that way. I waited not for much longer, and Sarah came out in her School uniform. I looked at her feeling the weight I was holding, and I knew I was in for a long walk with this weight. It seemed that I would need to put away my backpack weight for the time being when I got home. Still, it was manageable, and Sarah smiled as she saw me waiting for her.

"Ready to go?" I asked her,

Sarah nodded, and I started to follow her towards the exit of the school. Sarah was oddly silent as we moved through the school towards the exit. She was blushing as we left, and I turned to her as soon as we exited.

"Am I escorting you to my house Sarah or yours?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow as we stood just outside the school entrance. I watched, and I waited for her reply as the weight of my backpack settled even more on my shoulders.


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